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Chapter 640: The Yellow Peril

Margrave Karl Novikov has since returned to Moscow and reported relevant events to the Tsar.

He became a transparent person. The tsar no longer summoned him, and his colleagues also avoided him like a snake or a scorpion.

Marquis Karl Novikov had already noticed that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

After enjoying family happiness for a few days, he immediately evacuated his family members.

He asked his eldest son to take most of his assets and people to seek refuge in St. Petersburg.

The second son and some of his clan members went to Paris, France, and their brothers, uncles and other relatives asked them to go to Vienna, the Holy Roman Empire.

There is a phrase he learned in the Dahua Empire, which can perfectly describe his approach.

Margrave Karl Novikov was confident that the Tsar would not take action against his family.

But he didn't dare to bet. Once he lost the bet, the whole family would disappear.

The eldest son went to St. Petersburg, but something happened to him. The Tsar did not want to harm his family, but still remembered his merits.

His descendants will definitely be rewarded. He guessed the tsar's intention wrongly, and some members of the family survived, so that the entire family would not be implicated.

Margrave Karl Novikov looked at his crying children and grandchildren.

His attitude was harsh and he asked his relatives to leave immediately.

There is an undercurrent surging in Moscow now. I don’t know if it is intentional or if the palace’s confidentiality measures are too poor.

The contents of Margrave Karl Novikov's report to the Tsar and all the contents of the Sino-Russian Yiyou Treaty have been circulated.

The Sino-Russian Yiyou Treaty cut flesh from Russia, and both the nobles and the common people suffered losses.

The two groups of people, who were originally in sharp conflict, now share the same hatred due to the emergence of the Sino-Russian Yiyou Treaty.

Under the guidance of thoughtful people, this matter was pointed directly at Marquis Karl Novikov.

He knew that he was doomed and his family would have no chance if they didn't run away.

The Tsar could remain rational and knew that the fault was not with him, but with Russia's inferior strength.

Those small nobles and common people at the bottom do not have this knowledge.

It will inevitably cause great turmoil, and he will bear the brunt.

Especially if some people want to use it as a flood outlet, the chance of causing disaster is 100%.

Margrave Karl Novikov must stay in Moscow. If he wants to escape, no one in the family can escape.

He stayed in Moscow so that his tribe could escape from Moscow and save their lives.

Karl Novikov went to the palace to see the Tsar. It didn't matter whether he saw the Tsar or not, it just proved that he had not left Moscow.

The people of the Marquis Mansion took advantage of the darkness and took all their money with them to leave Moscow, leaving only a few scary people to guard the huge Marquis Mansion.

As Margrave Karl Novikov expected, he did not see the Tsar, and his people were not prevented from leaving Moscow.


In an old tavern, the Russian tycoon Tedal was inviting a group of people whose families had lost their land to drink.

He drank a large jar of wine directly and threw the jar down due to his drunkenness.

"Brothers, in order to defend the country, my eldest brother led one hundred and fifty-seven serfs to join the army.

There was no news from them after they joined the army. It is not known whether they were killed in battle or captured.

None of this matters, but my family’s 20,000 acres of land in Siberia was ceded to the Great China Empire by the state.

This is the hard work of our family for generations, and we must never let this happen."

"Our family has lost 5,000 acres of land, but there are still two mines with rich reserves on it."

"Our family has a little bit of land, but we have a gold mine that was ceded before it even started production."

Tedar saw that the atmosphere was very lively. He raised his right hand and shouted: "The signing of the treaty was a wrong act. We must bring the country back to the right path.

This was a disastrous defeat and a traitorous treaty was signed.

In addition to the frontline generals being useless, there is also the old guy Karl Novikov who is a traitor to the country.

He sold a large area of ​​territory, including Siberia, in exchange for his own glory and wealth.

Execute the traitors of the country and clear the emperor's side."

Tedal shouted demagogic slogans, and these aristocratic children whose interests had been harmed saw someone taking the lead.

The target of the attack was also directed at Karl Novikov, not the Tsar.

They also followed up and shouted: "Kill the traitors of the country and clear the emperor's side."

They shouted slogans and led the serfs at home towards Karl Novikov's mansion.

In the past few days, Moscow has been in a state of turmoil due to the leakage of the contents of the treaty.

The actions of Tedal and others seemed to light a spark.

It immediately aroused everyone's emotions, and many people joined Tedal's team.

There are also some people who directly push open the door of wealthy households, enter their homes, burn, kill and loot.

In the city of Moscow, the army that maintained order in the city immediately dispatched to attack the gangsters who took advantage of the chaos to cause trouble.

For the people like Tedal, they seemed to be invisible.

Many big nobles in the city could see that the Tsar wanted to cause trouble for the small and medium-sized nobles whose interests had been harmed.

While letting them vent their anger, they also held the handle of these people.

If you try to cause trouble later, you will definitely be severely punished.

Tedar and others could not understand this kind of thing, so they wanted to vent their anger.

Let the tsar see their power, and the direction of the country's progress must be in accordance with their ideas.

The crowd gathered more and more, and soon reached tens of thousands, arriving in front of Karl Novikov's mansion.

Tedar led his men to kick open the closed door.

He shouted at the door: "Karl Novikov, you old guy, get out of here.

If you don't come out, I will lead people to burn your mansion down."

Marquis Karl Novikov did not expect that what awaited him would not be attacked by his political enemies and imprisoned by the Tsar.

Instead, it was a few young boys who led a group of people to cause trouble for him.

He has been in the officialdom for decades, but in the end he fell into the hands of these young men.

Marquis Karl Novikov put on the ceremonial uniform belonging to the marquis, and holding a civilized stick, he came to the gate.

Even if one person faced ten thousand people, he showed no fear on his face and asked calmly: "Who is making a noise in front of my house?"

Tedar saw that this old man was very powerful, and his momentum became weaker unconsciously.

He pointed his finger at Karl Novikov and asked: "You are the Karl Novikov who was responsible for signing the treaty."

Karl Novikov nodded and admitted: "Yes, that's me."

He also wanted to explain why he signed this treaty and why the country had no choice but to do so.

He didn't say anything. He only heard Tedar shouting: "This is the old guy. Let's follow me to punish the traitors in the country. We must not let this old guy harm the country again."

After Tedal finished speaking, he stepped forward and punched Karl Novikov immediately, knocking him back a few steps.

His demonstration effect made the crowd completely excited.

The crowd shouted, "Death to the traitors," and punched and kicked Karl Novikov.

Some people still couldn't understand their hatred and set the mansion on fire.

It was only then that the troops to maintain order arrived belatedly.

When Tedar and others saw this situation, they did not dare to attack the armed troops and immediately dispersed.

The riots in Moscow were quickly suppressed by the army.

Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich stepped in to appease the nobles whose interests had been harmed.

In order to maintain the rule of the Romanov dynasty, the Tsar promised many benefits to these nobles.

At the same time, he passed all responsibility for signing the treaty to Margrave Karl Novikov to calm the anger of the civilian class.


The riots in Moscow affected Count Andrei von Dillen and Count George Johnson who returned with Margrave Karl Novikov.

They came to Moscow and contacted the forces they had contacted before.

Only then did they realize that France and England had crossed the river and burned bridges, and their relations with Russia had become tense.

Russia still relied on France and England, so it did not completely cut off contacts.

They wanted to return to their respective countries, but noticed the unusual atmosphere in Moscow and decided to stay here.

When Count Andrei von Dillen learned about the situation outside, he said with emotion: "Margrave Karl Novikov is not easy to deal with, but he is really devoted to his country, but he has ended up like this.

We people look at the scenery, but we are just pawns in the hands of the higher-ups.

The things that the two of us have been studying these past few days, and the plans to appear in person, are all thrown into the trash can."

Earl George Johnson thought of the fate of Marquis Karl Novikov and agreed with this statement.

The main thing that the two of them studied during this period was how to make the Great China Empire a common enemy of Europe and strengthen Russia's hatred of the Great China Empire.

Only with hatred in its heart can Russia continue to hold back the Great China Empire even when the war is unfavorable.

It would be great if the armies of the Chinese Empire would not enter the hinterland of Europe before the last Russian was killed.

The two of them sorted out the plans they had come up with in the past few days.

Count Andrei von Dillen pointed to Plan 2 and said: "I think it is still necessary to mobilize public opinion, especially starting from faith. This will have slow results, but it will be long-lasting.

Our confrontation with the Great China Empire may last for hundreds of years, and only the hatred of faith can persist for such a long time."

Count George Johnson savored the words of Count Andre von Dillen, and he exclaimed: "It is true that only the hatred of faith can burn into the bone marrow.

Only when we in Europe fight against the Ottoman Turkish Empire will we share the same hatred.

The Crusades were organized several times.

One of the important reasons why England and France supported the German countries in their fight against the Holy Roman Empire was because of differences in beliefs.

Heretics are so abominable, I feel sick just smelling your breath, let alone pagans who don’t believe in God.”

The two reached an agreement and reviewed Plan No. 2.

Count Andrei von Dillen shook his head and said: "Plan No. 2 is still a bit weak. We need to strengthen this plan and implement it in Russia. Only by observing the results and identifying problems can I gain the support of Prime Minister Mazarin."

He thought for a while, and then said with a flash of inspiration in his eyes: "Fear from history can inspire the fear and resistance hidden in people's hearts.

The Huns from the east severely damaged the Germanic and other nomadic peoples in the north of the ancient Roman Empire.

This led to the nomadic people going south and destroying the ancient Roman Empire.

The Turks from the east advanced westward, leading to the demise of the Byzantine Empire.

The iron cavalry of the Mongol Empire destroyed Russia and reached the Rhine River.

All of Europe was in the shadow of the Mongol Empire, which also ruled Russia for decades.

Horrible plagues like the Black Death came with the armies of the Mongol Empire.

We must strengthen these memories so that the Great China Empire can advance westward again to arouse fear in everyone's hearts."

Count Andre von Dillen immediately stood up and said excitedly: "This method is so wonderful, it will definitely arouse everyone in the West to hate the Chinese Empire.

But this story is not conducive to dissemination. We must think of a word that is easy to spread, so that the moment other people hear this word, they will immediately become afraid of the Great China Empire.

We need to think about where to start.

Faith? Faith doesn’t work, what if some Chinese people also believe in God?

Chinese people generally have black hair and eyes, which is different from our race.

They cannot suffer from yellow hair and blue eyes.

The nobles of China have fair skin, but the skin of farmers turns yellow due to sun exposure.

Now European scholars have a saying that we are all noble white people.

The theory of aristocratic blood has gained widespread support in Europe.

The theory of race is a variant of the theory of blood. We are a noble race, and there must be an inferior race.

For example, we slaughtered the indigenous people in the Americas and sold the Africans to the Americas as slaves."

Earl George Johnson praised loudly: "This is a great idea. There is a big difference in appearance between the people of the Chinese Empire and the Native Americans, but their skin colors are similar.

We can call these people the yellow race.

Let the people fear the Great China Empire, but not despair.

I thought of a word that had the virality of yellow peril.”

Count Andre von Dillen and Count George Johnson based on history and the emerging ancestry theory and ethnology in Europe.

Using exaggerated and slanderous writing methods, they wrote a book called "On the Yellow Peril".

This book tells the story of the impact of the yellow race's westward march in history.

He also exaggerated the colonial methods of the Great China Empire.

They mentioned in the book that wherever the Great China Empire went, it would definitely eliminate local beliefs.

If Europe is really conquered by the Chinese Empire, they will slaughter all the believers of God.

The book "The Yellow Peril" is nothing but exaggeration and slander.

It also chronicles the experiences of Andre von Dillen and George Johnson in the Chinese Empire.

In this field, the two of them did not exaggerate or slander, but simply spoke straightforwardly to show the power of the Dahua Empire.

The appearance of this book gave Europeans a clear understanding of the Great China Empire.

The whole of Russia was afraid of the Great China Empire because of its defeat, and was eager to understand the Great China Empire.

The appearance of this book was immediately sought after by Russian nobles and civilians and became a popular book.

The Russian Tsar learned about the contents of the book and believed that the book would be beneficial to the rule of the Romanov dynasty.

The Russians are full of hatred for the Chinese Empire, so they will try their best to resist the Chinese Empire.

The nobles of various European countries were full of hatred for the Chinese Empire and waited until Russia encountered another crisis.

If Russia unites with European countries to fight against the Great China Empire, the difficulty will be reduced exponentially.

The Russian royal family became an important promoter and vigorously promoted this book.

Due to the popularity of this book, Count Andre von Dillen and Count George Johnson became guests of European monarchs.

Every time the Great China Empire achieved remarkable achievements, the sales of the book "The Yellow Peril" would experience a wave of growth. (End of this chapter)

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