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Chapter 641: The War Is Over

November 25, 4342 (AD 1645).

Snowflakes are already falling on the banks of the Ural River, and winter has begun here.

After several months of hard work, the Fourth Army also built a small city on the east bank of the Ural River.

The fortress-shaped city with reinforced concrete structure is a powerful fort.

Yu Tianyou, commander of the Fourth Army, and Fu Xiucheng, chief of staff of the Fourth Army, patrolled the city wall.

Yu Tianyou said: "Chief of Staff, you are a cultural person, give this newly built city a name.

The troops to change defenses are about to arrive, and we will evacuate immediately without any regrets."

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng looked at the flowing river in the distance, and he was ready to give a simple and unpretentious name.

"This city is located on the banks of the Ural River. It is called Wuhe. It is simple and easy to understand and there is no ambiguity."

If Fu Xiucheng still wants to stay in the army, he can show his talents.

But he has decided that after returning to Beijing to receive the reward, he will give up martial arts and become a civil servant.

After the Sino-Russian War, looking at the entire Great China Empire, except for the southwest, there is no expansion direction for the army.

Even if there is a small-scale war, it will be a division-level war. As the commander of an army, he will rarely have the opportunity to go to the battlefield.

Even if he is promoted to a higher level in the line of duty, he will have to spend the rest of his life in the military, trying to gain qualifications.

He is only in his forties, in his prime, and he does not want to start providing for old age at this stage.

Fu Xiucheng knew that his career in the military would not last long. He was usually responsible for handling paperwork in the military. It would be easier for him to become a civilian official.

The lower-ranking officers of the Dahua Empire can become civil servants by applying to the Grand Governor, and the senior officers applying to His Majesty the Emperor.

Fu Xiucheng's status was that the lowest he could become a civil servant was a second- or third-grade civil servant.

Whether he can become the governor of a province, become the chief envoy of a province, or participate in politics, there is still no problem at all.

When generals in the army chat, they can all see the changes in the empire's environment.

Except for a few opponents, all the territory around the empire is occupied by the empire.

Nowadays, except for the navy, which can go to fight all over the world, the army basically does not engage in much war.

Zhang Wansi, an officer in the cavalry, also saw this situation.

When the Sino-Russian War ceased, the Qi Soldiers and Lions withdrew from the battlefield. They swept through the newly occupied Central Asia and made all tribes surrender to the empire.

Even if the cavalry division has such a weak merit, they will snatch it away.

These people just want to have more military merits and have a higher status when they return to Beijing and are rewarded by His Majesty the Emperor.

Commander Yu Tianyou was thinking about the name Wuhe, he frowned and said: "Chief of Staff, I think the name Wuhe is inappropriate.

The first time I heard this name, I was connected with the crowd.

This is not an insinuation that we are a rabble, so we can’t laugh at ourselves.”

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.

"Okay, okay. Don't think too much. After all the names are associated, there are still a few place names that can be used in the empire.

If the commander thinks it’s inappropriate, then think of a new one.”

Yu Tianyou's face turned red. If he could name it himself, what else could he say?

Just as he was looking for an excuse to escape from the city wall, he saw someone from the Russian army crossing the river.

Yu Tianyou was very surprised by this situation. Are there any Russian soldiers who are not afraid of death?

The two countries have carried out a phased ceasefire, with the occupied areas of each party as the boundary, and the two armies will no longer engage in large-scale wars.

However, small-scale infiltration operations have never stopped.

Yu Tianyou's response was very simple, that is, as soon as the Russian army crossed the river, the Royal Army of Great China began to counterattack on a large scale, using long-range firearms to defeat the wishful thinking Russian army.

After several trials and a heavy price paid by the Russian army, they no longer dared to cross the river at will.

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng saw Commander Yu Tianyou's surprised expression and followed his gaze to the Ural River ahead.

Only three small boats were seen ahead, rowing desperately towards their side.

When Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng saw this situation, he smiled and said: "Commander Yu, this is a stress reaction you took out of your spare time.

The Russian army was frightened by us, how dare they launch a surprise attack on our army.

Our army respects every opponent and remains vigilant at all times.

But being too vigilant is not a good thing."

Commander Yu Tianyou smiled awkwardly at the side.

He admired his acting skills. Through this exaggerated performance, he brought the topic to another side. He didn't want to give this city a name.

This city is really famous because of a rubbish name, so he will definitely become a foil.

Fu Xiucheng held up his telescope and looked at the performance of the Russian ships. He guessed: "This should be an envoy sent by the Russian Tsar.

Ordinary Russian envoys don’t have such great arrogance.”

Yu Tianyou asked in surprise: "Is this a formal signing of the treaty between the two countries?

When I looked at the contents of the treaty, I was a little worried that the Russian tsar would not be able to come up with it and would be angry to death.

I really didn’t expect that the Russian Czar gritted his teeth and signed such a harsh treaty.”

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng said with a smile: "Russia will definitely sign the contract. Their strength is too weak to stop our army's attack.

The Russian Tsar signed a treaty, and Russia still had hope of continuing to live.

The Russian tsar did not sign a treaty, even this year, for logistical reasons, allowing Russia to survive for a while.

When the simple highway was built, a large number of military warehouses were built along the way.

At that time, Russia will fall."

When Commander Yu Tianyou heard what Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng said, he suddenly realized: "I can understand what the Chief of Staff said.

Russia is the Russia of the Romanov family.

The first task of the Russian Tsar was to ensure the Romanov family's rule over Russia.

As long as they can continue to rule Russia, these people can bear some price."

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng nodded and said: "Yes, that's it.

The officials in the Ministry of Rites were very capable. They estimated the bottom line that Russia would bear and designed the treaty.

As long as the Russian Tsar and the people around him are not stupid, they will definitely sign this treaty."

While the two of them were talking, they had already descended from the city wall and soon reached the city gate.

After waiting for a while, the soldiers standing guard outside the city gate reported that the Russian Tsar's envoy requested to enter the city.

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng asked the soldiers to bring this man to the city.

Soon a little old man with blond hair and blue eyes walked into Wuhe City with his bodyguard and translator.

He looked at the huge artillery placed at the head of Wuhecheng City, and there were artillery firing holes everywhere on the city wall.

As an official who knew the war well, his head was buzzing when he saw this well-defended city.

With the current strength of the Russian army, it is impossible to capture the city without more than ten or two hundred thousand people attacking the city.

The only effective way to siege a city is to send a large army to besiege the city and consume the reserves in the city through siege.

He quickly came back to his senses, his attitude was more respectful, and he said in fluent Russian: "I am the Tsar's special envoy. I accept the Tsar's will and send the original treaty to your country."

The Russian translator translated his words in somewhat strange Chinese.

Yu Tianyou and Fu Xiucheng looked at each other and they guessed that they were right. This man was indeed the envoy sent by the Russian Czar.

They invited the envoy to the drawing room to discuss the matter.

The three briefly discussed a few words, and then the tsar's envoy took out the original treaty that had been signed and sealed by the Russian tsar Alexey Mikhailovich.

Fu Xiucheng took the treaty and carefully checked the contents, signatures and seals of the treaty.

He confirmed that this was the original copy of the treaty, stored it solemnly, smiled and said to the tsarist envoy: "From now on, the war between our two countries officially ends.

Our army will wait for your country to redeem the prisoners in Wuhe City and Zhenxi Fort.

Wuhe City is here, and Zhenxi Fort is the largest pass in the Ural Mountains."

After hearing what the translator said, the Tsarist envoy was deeply moved.

The war finally ended, and Russia paid a heavy price for this war.

Nearly 100,000 people died, and all the land in the east was lost.

This battle completely shattered Russia's pride, and every Russian soldier would feel a flash of fear in his heart when he thought of the Great China Empire.

The war between the two countries has officially ended before the next war between the two countries in the future.

Russia must work hard to improve its internal strength and enhance its own strength.

Otherwise, the fate awaiting Russia can only be destruction.

The special envoy of the Russian Tsar handed the original treaty to the Chinese Empire.

He also brought an order from the Russian Czar, informing the troops on the front line to maintain the status quo, the war was over, and not to challenge the Chinese Empire again.

Yu Tianyou led people to see off the Russian Czar's envoy. He saw Fu Xiucheng sending telegrams to the capital, Tumu Mansion, and Zhenxi Fort.

Inform these three places that the Russian Czar has officially signed the treaty and the war is over.

Yu Tianyou said in surprise: "Chief of Staff, are you doing this too abruptly? The Ministry of Rites and His Majesty the Emperor have not yet confirmed the treaty, so you should first confirm the authenticity of the treaty."

When Fu Xiucheng heard this, he smiled and said: "Even if this is a blank piece of paper, as long as we recognize this treaty, it will be a real treaty.

If we don't recognize it, it's not even as good as a piece of toilet paper.

Only the weak must abide by the rules set by the strong.

This treaty is beneficial to the empire, even if it is graffitied by a child, the empire will recognize the authenticity of this treaty."

When Commander Yu Tianyou heard what Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng said, he was speechless.

He is just a soldier who directs wars, and is not suitable to get involved in such tortuous matters.

News of the signing of the treaty quickly spread in Wuhe City.

The soldiers of the Fourth Army all knew that the signing of the treaty meant the end of the war.

All were celebrating the news of the end of the war.

The army also began to kill pigs and sheep to make a big meal for the soldiers.

For a soldier, a state of war is completely different from a state of peace.

After they had eaten enough, they went into their tents and fell asleep. Many of them had not had a good night's sleep since the beginning of the war.

The Fourth Army's celebration continued until the army that changed defenses arrived at Wuhe City.

Yu Tianyou and Fu Xiucheng handed over all the work, and they took the Fourth Army back to the country.

There were many wounded soldiers in the army, and those with minor injuries marched in the company of their comrades.

Only seriously injured and disabled soldiers were eligible to ride in the few carriages.

But these people are already lucky. Some soldiers are holding a wooden box in their hands. This is the ashes of the fallen soldier, and they want to give the ashes to his family.

Fu Xiucheng looked at the somewhat sad atmosphere in the army, and sighed in his heart that one general had accomplished so much that thousands of bones were withered.

The proportion of casualties was not high, but the absolute number was a bit high. This was still the case when the Great China Empire had the upper hand.


Ma Xianglin was waiting for the imperial court's transfer order in Zhenxi Fort.

Zhenxi Fort was originally a solid fortress. It has been simply renovated. The fortress and surrounding mountain forts were replaced with artillery made by the Great China Empire.

The ability of Zhenxi Fort is no longer the same as before.

Ma Xianglin was confident that he could block any Russian attack with only Zhenxi Fort.

He accepted the defense of the Ural Mountains because he wanted to build it into a natural Great Wall.

Let the Ural Mountains form an impenetrable line of defense and permanently block the Russian army in the area west of the Ural Mountains.

Ma Xianglin basked in the sun and said helplessly: "The Russian army is too useless and they don't dare to attack Zhenxi Fort. Now the 19th Army doesn't even have a chance to train."

He now somewhat dislikes the existence of wired telegraphy, which allows the General Staff to understand the situation on the front line in real time.

The autonomy of frontline generals will inevitably be affected.

When war breaks out, the General Staff will not interfere with the command of frontline generals.

But one war has ended. Whether to start another war, frontline generals must obey the dispatch of the General Staff.

Ma Xianglin saw his own soldiers coming over carrying a stack of telegrams.

He immediately asked: "Is this a telegram from the General Staff to mobilize troops?"

The chief of staff went to stabilize the situation in the rear and was not at Zhenxi Fort. There was a gap in communication between Ma Xianglin and the general staff.

"Commander Ma, this telegram was sent from you from Central Asia. They told our army that the Russian Czar has officially signed a treaty and the war between the two countries is over."

When Ma Xianglin heard that the war was over, he immediately stood up, grabbed the newspaper, and read the contents of the newspaper carefully.

"I haven't had all the fun yet. Why is the war over? It's too fast."

Ma Xianglin knew that the troops coming to change defenses were already on the way.

He also imagined that he would lead the army to continue to attack thousands of miles and fight all the way to Moscow, the capital of Russia.

He did not expect that Russia would surrender so quickly.

At the end of the war, the 19th Army, as an army that has made great contributions, will inevitably go to the capital to receive rewards from His Majesty the Emperor.

The 19th Army withdrew from the battlefield and it would not be easy to return to the battlefield.

Ma Xianglin was extremely depressed and did not want to withdraw his troops now, but he could only organize everything, wait for the army to change defenses, and immediately lead his troops back to the capital.


At the residence of Cai Gong Wu Jie in Tumu Mansion, he received a telegram from Fu Xiucheng and stood there laughing.

"Okay, that's great.

The Russian Czar signed a contract, which was really pleasant news.

The Royal Army of Great China has used its greatest capabilities to occupy a large number of strategic locations.

As long as the time is right, we can continue to attack Russia at any time."

Cai Gong Wu Jie was very happy. After the war, he would be able to return to Beijing and receive a reward from His Majesty the Emperor.

The Duke goes one step further, and this is the King.

Wu Jie has accumulated enough merits and will definitely be crowned king this time and go overseas to establish his own country.

He thought back on the Sino-Russian War and wondered if he had done anything wrong.

If he really makes a major mistake and is criticized by his political opponents, his road to becoming king will be more bumpy.

After Wu Jie recalled it, he was sure that his performance was very good.

There is no need for strange tactics in this war, just steady and steady tactics.

The speed of victory will not be too fast, but it will be the least likely to overturn.

Wu Jie was sure that he had not made any mistakes, and he was completely relieved.

He soon received an order from Emperor Su He to return to the capital with his meritorious officials, and the defense of the northwest region would be taken over by other armies. (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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