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Chapter 654 Benefit Distribution

In the reception hall of the Fujian navy in Cairo Port, Niu Xiuqing, the governor of Fujian, looked at everyone and made his final statement.

"You are all generals of the Imperial Navy and our navy. After these few days of discussion, you have a clear understanding of the strategic arrangements of Fujian.

Our strategic target this time is the territories of the Ottoman Turkish Empire in Europe.

The first step in the battle plan was to occupy Greece, which was ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

As the birthplace of European civilization, Greece was ruled by Europe's old enemy, the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

The cultural differences between the two places are huge, and the Greeks never considered themselves part of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

As long as we eliminate the Greek region, the power of the Ottoman Turkish Empire and properly appease the Greeks should be able to establish a stable rule there.

If our country establishes a foothold in Greece, it can use Greece as a springboard to continuously harass the hinterland of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

The purpose of this is to allow the Ottoman Turkish troops on the front line to return to support and reduce the pressure on the front line.

When the war was unfavorable, our country took the initiative to open up a second battlefield to break the deadlock of the war.

Our country has the confidence to face the Ottoman Turkish Empire alone.

But for the European countries that are ready to take action, after my country sends troops to Greece, European countries may mistakenly think that we are invading Europe, and they will take excessive reactions.

Facing the Ottoman Turkish Empire, our country must use all its strength to resist it.

Our country can open a second battlefield, but it cannot deal with a two-front war.

His Majesty officially foresaw that this might happen and invited the powerful Imperial Navy into the Mediterranean."

When Chief of Staff Gu Zhonghuang heard what Niu Xiuqing said, he slammed his hand on the table and said excitedly: "Captain Niu, you are using our Imperial Navy as cannon fodder.

Our troops will be used as cannon fodder, and you will eat meat in the rear.

In your mind, what do you think of the Great China Empire, a servant you can call upon at any time?"

Gu Zhonghuang suddenly became angry, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

Niu Xiuqing was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why this general of the Great China Empire was so resistant to their tactics at this moment.

He then realized that at this moment before sending troops, the two countries could not fall out.

The most important thing about their tactics this time is surprise.

Before the Ottoman Empire did not understand the importance of the Suez Canal and could not react, it launched a surprise attack on the Greek area.

Once the two countries broke up, this tactic was leaked, and the Ottoman Empire was prepared.

Only relying on the strength of the Fujian navy, they would have to pay an extremely high price in the future to occupy Greece, which was heavily defended by the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

Niu Xiuqing was extremely angry, but he still showed a kind expression and asked: "Chief of Staff Gu, if you have any concerns, please tell me.

We may have been ill-considered, but we definitely have no intention of using the Imperial Navy as cannon fodder."

Li Pinglang also opened his mouth to smooth things over and said: "Lao Gu, don't be too angry. Governor Niu probably doesn't mean that. If there are any problems, we can discuss it later."

He and Gu Zhonghuang had been discussing secretly for the past few days, and finally decided that one would be a good person and the other a bad person.

The purpose of doing this is to fight for the interests of the Great China Empire. They can't just go to the Mediterranean and lose troops and generals but get no benefits at all.

If they really returned to the empire like this, even Emperor Su He had higher considerations and understood their approach.

The civil servants in the imperial court would also scold them.

The commander built an ironclad ship that cost millions of taels of silver coins, and traveled thousands of miles but brought back nothing.

Li Pinglang did not choose to tell the truth directly, but played a double act with Chief of Staff Gu Zhonghuang.

The purpose of this is to allow room for maneuver after making a request, rather than completely ruining the matter.

Chief of Staff Gu Zhonghuang flicked his arm and said in a cold tone: "Isn't what I said right?

Our Imperial Navy is on another battlefield for you, blocking the pressure from the navies of European countries.

The situation on the battlefield is dangerous, and we don’t know what price we will pay.

Fighting a large-scale naval battle, but getting nothing in the end, is this not cannon fodder, or what?"

Li Pinglang supported from the side and said: "When Chief of Staff Gu said this, I also find it chilling to see what Fujian is doing.

The Imperial Navy assisted the Fujian navy in fighting, and the Fujian country won the war and obtained all of Greece's land and population.

It’s not good for our country to work hard and get nothing, isn’t it?”

Governor Niu Xiuqing looked at the two generals of the Imperial Navy. They sang in harmony and talked about the distribution of spoils.

Before, they did not consider the interests of the Great China Empire.

Niu Xiuqing himself was born in the Royal Army of Dahua. Now think about it, when has the Royal Army of Dahua suffered losses in foreign operations?

He knew that if Fujian did not give up certain interests, it would be difficult for the Imperial Navy to cooperate willingly.

This war is extremely important to the country of Fujian. After winning, the country of Fujian will completely get rid of its shackles.

Now the Imperial Navy only discusses the distribution of spoils of war.

If they don't even let go of the benefits they haven't obtained, they really can't get the two armies to cooperate closely.

Niu Xiuqing laughed and said: "I didn't think about this matter.

The King of Fujian has already stated that he must ensure the interests of the Great China Empire.

Because I have been thinking so hard these days, I forgot about this matter for a while.

I now want to hear the opinion of Chief of Staff Gu."

Niu Xiuqing did not immediately propose the distribution of interests. He first understood the appetite of the Dahua Empire.

If the conditions proposed by the Dahua Empire are too harsh, they can only report it to the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang and let him handle the matter personally.

They had long discussed what benefits they would gain from this war?

This requires weighing the interests of all parties and asking for the most important things without touching the bottom line of Fujian.

Chief of Staff Gu Zhonghuang pointed to the islands in the Aegean Sea at the southern tip of Greece and said: "In this war, the Imperial Navy has shared so much pressure for your country.

Because of this war, your country will likely annex the territories of the Ottoman Turkish Empire in Europe.

Our navy has no way to go ashore and compete with your country for these territories.

But as for the Mediterranean, the Great China Empire also wants to maintain a certain degree of power here.

These islands in the Aegean Sea are under the management of the Great China Empire, and troops will be stationed here in the future."

Chief of Staff Gu Zhonghuang drew a circle on the map with a pen.

The Aegean Sea islands far away from mainland Greece, including Crete and Cyprus, are all included in the circle.

The Suez Canal is extremely important, and the Mediterranean is also extremely important.

If the Imperial Navy of Great China wants to control this place, it must establish a naval base.

These islands are located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the Suez Canal.

They are far away from the mainland of Fujian, so they will not let the country of Fujian feel like a chokehold.

The Imperial Navy's acquisition of these islands will intimidate those around the Mediterranean Sea.

Not only the European countries feel the pressure of the Great China Empire, but even the country of Fujian will feel the pressure of the Great China Empire.

As the suzerain state, the Great China Empire would certainly put a certain amount of pressure on the vassal states.

The first generation of vassal states can still rely on emotions to maintain the relationship, but the second and third generation vassal states can only rely on interests and strength to maintain the relationship between the two countries.

Admiral Li Pinglang and Chief of Staff Gu Zhonghuang were preparing for a rainy day.

If they can secure these benefits for the empire this time, they will surely go down in history.

Their family will later receive the gratitude of the Navy.

Li Pinglang looked at Niu Xiuqing, who was deep in thought, and said, "What do Governor Niu think of Chief of Staff Gu's suggestion?"

Although he did not express his attitude directly, this urging question has indirectly expressed his attitude.

When Niu Xiuqing saw the circle on the map, he felt a faint headache.

Does the Dahua Empire want much? Really not much.

Just asking for a few islands is a huge gap in the benefits they get.

However, the geographical location of these islands is extremely important.

If Fujian annexed the territories of the Ottoman Turkish Empire in Europe.

These islands will be in the center of Fujian.

Once there is a conflict between the Min Kingdom and the Great China Empire, the location of these islands will be too dangerous.

But Niu Xiuqing could not object directly. There were no gold or silver mines on these islands, and their value was not great. They were just geographically dangerous.

It is well known to everyone that Sima Zhao is opposed to the Great China Empire's claim for these islands.

Fujian has almost made it clear that it will seek to break away from the vassal states of the Great China Empire.

This was a huge blow to the country of Fujian. Without the continuous import of supplies and people from the Great China Empire,

Fujian is said to be on par with the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

It would be impossible for him to gain a foothold in Egypt.

After Niu Xiuqing refused, he could not provide enough benefits to the Dahua Empire.

This issue is a dead end. They are really using the Imperial Navy as cannon fodder.

Niu Xiuqing said in a kind tone: "As for the Imperial Navy's request, I will report it to the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang.

It is up to the king himself to decide the distribution of interests between the two countries, and I am only the governor-general and am only responsible for military command."

The tactical discussion has ended. The two countries want to discuss more core issues, but due to the distribution of interests, they are temporarily unable to reach an agreement.

Governor Niu Xiuqing could only rush to Cairo City to report the relevant matters to the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang.

The King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang is talking with Prime Minister Hu Qiwen about the Suez Canal, a mobile gold mine.

He said happily: "Our country has the Suez Canal. As long as shipping remains developed, we no longer have to worry about military expenditures.

I really didn't expect that most of the problems that I have been worried about have been solved because of this canal.

You must continue to tap the potential of the Suez Canal, especially publicize the existence of the Suez Canal to merchants in the Chinese Empire and European countries.

Let these businessmen know that there is a shortcut to restarting the east-west route.

I believe that as long as they are businessmen, they will take safe shortcuts without paying much price."

Prime Minister Hu Qiwen said with a smile: "Your Majesty, building the Suez Canal will be our most correct choice. This canal revitalizes the overall situation."

They were happily chatting about the situation in the Suez Canal.

The king of Fujian Zhang Yuliang heard the news that Niu Xiuqing asked for an audience.

He immediately let Niu Xiuqing in and couldn't help but ask: "Admiral Niu, are you ready for the war?"

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, chose to establish his country in a desert area like Egypt.

He used Egypt as a springboard to target the decadent Ottoman Turkish Empire.

Others have chosen to target indigenous tribes, such as Zhao, Cao and Wei in North America, as well as Jin and Zheng in Africa.

Only he chose the Ottoman Turkish Empire as his goal, regardless of the danger.

What Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, wanted at that time was to fight hard. If the plan was successful, he would be able to swallow the elephant and annex the territory and population of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

The country of Fujian can really accomplish this great feat, let alone compete with the Great China Empire.

Fujian will also become a regional power and completely get rid of all shackles.

He will also become the founder of a huge empire.

This battle plan will be the most important step in realizing Queen Zhang Yuliang's ambition.

He could see that the Ottoman Turkish Empire was approaching its limit.

Even the Ottoman Turkish Empire did not treat people outside the core ethnic group as human beings.

If he uses these people to fill trenches, he will also accumulate great resentment. With just a slight push, these troops will mutiny.

The key to this step is to capture Greece and threaten the core areas of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

When Niu Xiuqing heard the question from Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, he immediately told the requirements of the Dahua Empire.

After Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, learned about it, he stared at the map and pondered, thinking about the impact on the country of Fujian after distributing benefits.

He sighed and said helplessly: "If we don't agree to the Imperial Navy's request, we will be trapped in Egypt with no chance to break the situation.

This war is extremely important and strategic goals must be achieved.

Now our army is still too weak, so we can only give up some interests."

The King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang was silent for a moment, and said in a trembling voice: "I have agreed to this matter, and Governor Niu will make arrangements."

Niu Xiuqing immediately knelt down to salute, and then quickly exited the room.

He could hear strong unwillingness in the tone of Fujian King Zhang Yuliang.

As a veteran on the battlefield, the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang must know the importance of the Aegean Islands.

But the current situation is such that we cannot agree to the request of the Great China Empire.

Fujian will face the Ottoman Turkish Empire and European countries directly, and the probability of failure is too high.

Once the Fujian state fails, even the city of Cairo may not be able to be defended, and everything will be in vain, let alone several small islands in the Aegean Sea.

Now the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang agrees to the distribution of interests between the two countries.

The most difficult part of preparing for war has been solved.

The state of Fujian is about to send a large army to raid the provinces of the Ottoman Turkish Empire in Eastern Europe.

After the king of Fujian Zhang Yuliang saw Niu Xiuqing leaving, his mood also eased. At this point, he could only take one step at a time.

He punched the map with his fist and said with great confusion: "The Ottoman Turkish Empire army stretched its hips like that before.

Why did they refuse to retreat as if they had eaten chicken blood, and kept our Fujian army waiting for so long?

Although there is a factor of rifles and artillery running out of bullets.

But relying on matchlock guns and bronze cannons, it was not the Ottoman Turkish Empire that could resist.

When the imported flash cap production line is put into production, we will also be able to produce breech-loading guns, and we must give the Ottoman Empire a lesson."

Prime Minister Hu Qiwen bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I know something about the situation on the front line.

We wanted to reach the core area of ​​the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and for the convenience of supplies, we kept marching close to the Mediterranean Sea.

Frontline troops confront Ottoman Turkish troops near Jerusalem.

I heard that Jerusalem is an extraordinary city. It is one of the holy cities.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire will do everything possible to protect the dignity of the holy city."

Prime Minister Hu Qiwen simply explained the status of the holy city that he had heard from hearsay.

The King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang talked about the Holy City, but they still lacked understanding of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

I had never understood the status of the Holy City before, so I just jumped into it.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, said with emotion: "Time! Fate! Luck!

The fundamental reason is that he is not strong enough.

After this war, our country must work hard to improve its internal strength and improve its strength." (End of this chapter)

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