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Chapter 737 Investment Ridicule

When Su Shu saw this experimental phenomenon, he immediately decided to invest heavily in supporting Mei Hongyun's project.

Su Shu was very familiar with this way of delivering messages.

The physics teacher asked them to do experiments in class to understand the process of information transmission through electrical signals.

Cable telegraphs were built based on this principle.

Mei Hongyun's current equipment is very crude, and the distance for transmitting information is also very short.

But it proves the point that telegraphs don't have to be sent over wires.

You only need to set up such devices in two places, and telegrams can be transmitted without the need for wires.

By eliminating the cost of telegraph lines, the price of telegraphs will drop dramatically.

The convenience of communication can make the empire's rule over border areas more stable.

In the previous dynasties, due to backward communication and transportation methods, remote areas could only rule big cities, while other places were ruled by clans and chieftains.

This situation is most typical in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Guangdong and Guangxi.

The empire's transportation was developed, especially the railways that had been extended to Southeast Asia, and the telegraph was responsible for real-time communication between the center and local areas.

The empire's rule over border provinces is more stable, and even overseas provinces can easily learn about the empire's situation.

This kind of radio transmits information more conveniently, and the cost of the equipment is not higher than the cost of laying lines.

It will become more convenient for remote areas and overseas provinces to receive news from the empire.

This can also enhance the cohesion between overseas provinces and the hub.

Under the leadership of Su Shu, this project will definitely be praised by his father.

My sister Su Rong's sweetheart, Mei Hongyun, is really a genius.

Su Shu no longer worries about her sister. She has a really good eye for seeing people.

When Mei Hongyun heard what Su Shu said, he simply couldn't believe it. He widened his eyes and asked, "Mr. Su, is what you said true?"

He saw that Mr. Su, who was younger than himself, could become a sixth-rank official at this age.

This person's surname is Su, so he is probably a relative of the emperor.

People of this age often say big things that they cannot do just to save face.

Mei Hongyun has been hiding in the laboratory studying radio.

He didn't care at all who the eldest prince was. He seldom read newspapers and did not recognize Su Shu as the eldest prince.

When Su Shu heard Mei Hongyun say this, he knew that his sister had hidden her identity when she was dating Mei Hongyun.

Mei Hongyun didn't know anything about his identity, so he could ask such a question.

A sixth-grade member of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wailang, would definitely not be able to promise scientific research funding as high as hundreds of thousands of taels of silver coins.

But with his status, it is simply impossible to allocate hundreds of thousands of taels of scientific research funds.

Su Shu cannot dominate the Ministry of Science and Technology, and must obey the arrangements of superior officials.

But as the eldest prince of the empire, he has hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in his small treasury.

The main source is the reward from my father, as well as the harvest from traveling around the world with the battleship Tarzan.

If he is short of money, he can easily get a low-interest loan of hundreds of thousands of silver coins from the bank in his capacity.

Principal Xu Qinqing said with a smile: "I expected it to be true. Mr. Su is here to see Mei Hongyun's radio project.

Mr. Su is a very wealthy man. He is willing to invest in radio projects and can provide enough funds without relying on funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology."

Su Shu nodded and said: "I do have this idea, I will first apply for funds through the Ministry of Science and Technology.

If there is no breakthrough, I will also invest funds in this project."

After Mei Hongyun heard Su Shu's thoughts, he immediately burst into tears and had the mentality of a scholar dying for his confidant.

He left Academician Liu Dongliang's laboratory and has been frustrated.

Most people think that the project abandoned by Academician Liu Dongliang must be a worthless project.

Mei Hongyun also thought about raising funds by himself, but he tried all means to raise funds, so he could only rely on the income from his patented Weibo to maintain the operation of the project.

He finally waited until the day came, and said confidently: "Mr. Su, I already have some ideas in my mind about the application of radio.

As long as the radio project is successful, it will earn you at least one million taels of silver coins. You will definitely not lose money by investing in my project."

Su Shu looked at Xu Qinqing and said, "Let Principal Xu be my witness. I have decided on this project."

Mei Hongyun looked at Principal Xu Qinqing. She had high prestige in Huaxia University and her credibility was very guaranteed.

He felt relieved when he saw Principal Xu Qinqing nodding with a smile.

Mei Hongyun patted his chest and promised: "Mr. Su, as long as the funds for the project are in place, the speed of the project's progress will definitely shock Mr. Su.

Invest in my project, Mr. Su will be able to get benefits soon."

Su Shu encouraged: "Mr. Mei, I am optimistic about your project. If you do a good job in this project, Mr. Mei will definitely gain more."

He turned to look at Xu Qinqing and said, "Principal Xu, I came to Huaxia University to disturb you.

Now that I have accomplished my goal, we should return to the Ministry of Science and Technology."

Xu Qinqing said with a smile: "Master Su, if you have time, come to Huaxia University more often.

We at Hua Xia University have many horses waiting for Bole to discover them."

"Principal Xu is not afraid of my interruption. I will come often in the near future." Su Shu responded with a smile.

Huaxia University has many of the empire's top talents. If he wants to do things well, he must have talented people to help him.

Su Shu will next select many outstanding talents at Huaxia University and recruit them under his command.

After saying goodbye, he left Huaxia University with officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Su Shu just crossed the road and was about to return to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

He saw a woman wearing red and blue clothes waiting for him.

This person is my sister Su Rong's personal maid.

Su Shu saw that the maid had been waiting here. He knew what his sister Su Rong wanted to know.

He walked over and said to the maid: "Go back and tell sister that I have solved the problems Mei Hongyun encountered, so that sister does not have to worry."

When the maid heard the reply, she beamed with joy and immediately went back to report the good news to the eldest princess Su Rong.

When Su Shu returned to the Ministry of Science and Technology, he immediately reported on the two projects he had inspected.

These two projects were reviewed by Su Shu, the project ratings were still top-notch, and the project funds were fully funded.

Finally, if this project passes the review of Tian Jiapeng, the Minister of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology will officially allocate funds to the project.

Urea projects and internal combustion engines are projects with great prospects.

Of course, this project is entirely reported to Huaxia University.

No knowledgeable member of the Ministry of Science and Technology will stop these two projects.

Su Shu has now figured out that the credit he can get from these two projects is very small.

But he was very happy. After these two projects were successful, the empire would inevitably become stronger.

Only the radio project was considered nonsense by most people.

He promoted the success of this project, that is, he has a keen eye to identify talents.

As a prince who aspires to be crown prince, Su Shu can obtain this evaluation, which will be very helpful for his future development.

Su Shu was writing furiously in his office position and quickly finished several reports.

Two normal project review reports were delivered to Tian Jiapeng, Minister of Science and Technology.

There is also a report introducing the radio project, asking the Ministry of Science and Technology to invest.

This report will definitely be rejected. The Ministry of Science and Technology has no extra funds to invest in a scientific research project with unclear prospects.

But Su Shu must do this, otherwise the wireless project will succeed.

There will inevitably be people who accuse him of embezzling the empire's assets. This project should belong to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Su Shu was taught by his mother, and he knew that at this time, it was more important to make fewer mistakes than to make more meritorious deeds.

Three days later, the reports in the Su-Shu Report came to fruition.

After expert review by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the urea project and the internal combustion engine project were all reviewed and approved by Tian Jiapeng, Minister of Science and Technology.

Both projects at Huaxia University have received tens of thousands of yuan in funding to carry out preliminary research work.

After the project achieves phased results, the Ministry of Science and Technology will also decide the amount of investment based on the project results.

The radio project hosted by Mei Hongyun was directly rejected by the Ministry of Science and Technology, as Su Shu expected.

Minister Tian Jiapeng cannot see this project at all, it is in the scholar review stage.

Because Academician Liu Dongliang is not optimistic about this project, it will affect the attitudes of many people, coupled with the high scientific research funds.

It is normal for the project to be rejected.

After Su Shu got the exact news, he immediately used his own small treasury to invest in Mei Hongyun's radio project.


Su Shu heard bad rumors circulating among the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Some people are spreading rumors privately, saying that he used funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology to invest in projects that Academician Liu Dongliang is not optimistic about.

In fact, he did not do it for the success of the project, but through collusion between government and businessmen to embezzle the scientific research funds of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Su Shu knew that someone was using rumors to ruin his reputation.

His identity was different, and the Ministry of Science and Technology responded quickly.

Immediately publish an announcement in the newspaper stating that the Ministry of Science and Technology has not invested a penny in the radio project.

Many newspaper reporters also used various methods to dig into the situation of the radio project.

They reported on the radio project one-sidedly based on the information they had.

Su Shu was in the office, wearing a red robe leisurely.

He saw the door of the office being pushed open, and his sister Su Rong walked in angrily with several newspapers in her hands.

She slapped the newspaper on the table and said angrily: "Brother, these newspapers are laughing at you.

They say you are the most prodigal prince in the royal family, and you have a great personality."

Su Rong took out an unknown tabloid.

"Especially this newspaper, he compared you to Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty and Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was so pleased with his achievements that he built the Grand Canal, which led to an empty treasury. He also imposed forced labor, which led to continuous rebellions among the people.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty liked granite and did not hesitate to purchase granite from all over the country, which was a waste of money and food.

They said that my brother likes radios, and throwing hundreds of thousands of silver coins into this rubbish project shows how short-sighted my brother is."

After Su Rong finished speaking, she slapped the table hard with her hands.

"These newspapers have gone too far to deceive people. I will go to my father now and ask him to seek justice for you."

Su Shu said calmly: "Sister, you don't have to be angry.

These are just tricks used by competitors.

I know who came up with these unflattering little tricks.

As long as the radio project succeeds, public opinion will reverse in an instant.

Now the ridicule of these people will turn into my fame.

Sister, Mei Hongyun is in charge of the radio project, you should also believe in his ability."

Su Rong looked at Su Shu and said in disbelief: "Brother, you actually believe in Mei Lang more than me.

Mei Lang is indeed a genius, but he cannot produce convincing results in a short period of time.

As long as these people slander my brother, as the rumors spread, even if it is finally confirmed that it is a rumor, many people will not believe it."

After Su Rong finished speaking, her eyes lit up and she said: "The person who caused the trouble is Su Lei.

I just don’t think he’s very smart.”

Su Shu shook his head and said: "It can't be Su Lei. He may indeed stumble me, but he will never use such low-end methods.

Defamation through newspapers is too low-level.

Su Lei is just a bit dull, he is by no means stupid.

I would not do such a thing that would harm others and not benefit myself.

Sister, I speculate that the people who did this are the ones who hope to make a lot of money from cable telegraphy.

If radio is really successfully developed, wireless telegraphy will inevitably emerge.

The interests of these businessmen who focused heavily on cable telegraphy were harmed.

They ignored their own identities and slandered me.

In consideration of my reputation, I stopped investing in radio.

My father said that if the enemy strongly opposes something, it proves that you are doing the right thing."

When Su Rong heard Su Shu explain the reason, his worried expression relaxed.

The two important men in her life were both related to the radio project.

She is really afraid that this project will fail and these two projects will be implicated.

Su Rong clenched her fists and said in her heart: "Don't let me know who is stirring up trouble.

Even if it’s that boy Su Lei, I will beat him into a pig’s head.”

Su Shu saw the change in his sister Su Rong's expression and comforted her again: "Sister, don't worry!

I learned about Mr. Mei's work.

My capital investment was in place, and Mr. Mei immediately pulled together a team and started building radio transmitting towers and receiving towers.

Mr. Mei has already made plans for various parameters of the radio.

After funds and equipment were in place, the radio project progressed rapidly.

The speed of progress of this project simply shocked me.

I expect that in a few months, this project will achieve important results.

For major projects like radio, results could only be achieved in years.

Mr. Mei’s ability exceeds that of many people.”

After Su Shu gave a brief introduction, Su Rong immediately smiled.

She was attracted by Mei Hongyun's talent and temperament before, but she didn't understand radio at all.

This was the first time Su Rong saw her younger brother paying so much attention to a person.

She felt even more proud that Mei Lang's performance was far beyond her imagination.

Su Shu glanced at the newspaper reports on the table.

The ridicule these people made at him would soon be slapped in the face by the facts.

Su Shu was worried before that what if the Mei Hongyun project failed after he invested hundreds of thousands of silver coins?

Successful scientific research projects are rare, and most projects will fail.

But a project that fails doesn't just eliminate a wrong answer.

It sometimes also verifies the feasibility of some new theories and new technologies.

When Su Shu was laughed at at first, he was worried that if something went wrong, he would be laughed at by these people for a long time.

With the funds arriving, Mei Hongyun formed a research team.

Their research and development of radios was extremely fast, and the results were produced one after another.

Su Shu had already seen the dawn of victory, so he was not afraid of all rumors and ridicule, and only regarded them as clowns.

This chapter has been completed!
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