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Chapter 738 Wireless Telegraphy

Su Shu had breakfast leisurely at home, ignoring the rising waves of ridicule outside.

As the Mei Hongyun project team went silent, no phased results were announced for more than a month.

Some people who were waiting and watching found that Su Shu had indeed made a mistake in judgment.

Su Shu analyzed with his confidants and found out that among them was the power controlled by his younger brother Su Lei.

They believe that the overall situation has been decided, and if Su and Shu fall directly into the pit, they will naturally add insult to injury.

Su Shu, however, remained calm and watched the actions of these people with cold eyes.

He heard from his mother that when his father captured Hanzhong, he was still very weak.

My father often used his cursive calligraphy to write one sentence after another on the paper.

"Who is our friend and who is our enemy? This is the primary question."

Su Shu believed that his father's success was closely related to this sentence.

My father criticized Emperor Chongzhen of the former Ming Dynasty more than once for being a pig teammate.

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't figure out who was the loyal minister and who was the traitor?

Most of the people who were most loyal to the Ming Dynasty were executed by Emperor Chongzhen's personal orders.

Su Shu knew that Mei Hongyun's research and development on radio was progressing very smoothly.

He made people give the impression that the project was not going well.

Su Shu just wanted to use small means to determine who could be friends and who had joined the enemy camp.

If he wants to become a prince, he must unite more friends and fight against the enemies who stand opposite him.

These people are now using public opinion to attack his prestige.

Once things turn around, these people will suffer greater backlash.

When Li Xiyue saw Su Shu leisurely drinking tea, she asked worriedly: "Husband, the reputation outside is very bad. They say that my husband spent hundreds of thousands of taels of silver coins, but it was all in vain.

There are some vicious people who say that my husband is a foolish son of the royal family."

When Su Shu heard his wife say this, he responded disdainfully: "These are people who follow what others say and are short-sighted.

There is no need to worry about their public opinion. No matter how much they make a fuss, it has no impact on me at all.

These people have no impression of scientific research at all.

It is common for scientific research to have no results for several years, not to mention that Mr. Mei Hongyun has always produced results, but I stopped him and these results were not made public."

When Li Xiyue heard what her husband said, she felt relieved. As long as her husband had his own arrangements for this matter.

The nervous look on Zhao Qingxue's face gradually disappeared.

She asked with some worry: "Husband, I work in the journal Science and understand the most cutting-edge ideas in the academic world.

Mei Hongyun's radio project first received investment from her husband and caused a great sensation.

Under pressure, Science magazine quickly made a remedy and publicly published Mei Hongyun's paper.

During this period, Mei Hongyun's radio project has not produced results.

Many scholars still believe that radio is nonsense.

Many of these people are big names in academia, and none of them have replicated Mei Hongyun's experiment.

Many people insist that Mei Hongyun's experiment was just an accident.

Many people spoke publicly and predicted that the radio project would not succeed."

Su Shu sighed. He worked in the Ministry of Science and Technology and knew that there were many problems in the academic world.

The fundamental reason is that some old guys are stuck in their ways.

Their knowledge has been stereotyped and they are unable to absorb new knowledge.

These people also occupy resources and prevent new people from emerging.

After Su Shu took control of the Ministry of Science and Technology, he must promote anti-corruption work in academia.

Corruption is a problem that definitely does not only occur in the officialdom.

As long as you hold power and want to cash in on your power, corruption will definitely be involved.

What Su Shu learned was that the corruption in the academic world was shocking.

An experiment that could be completed with two to thirty thousand taels of silver coins actually cost hundreds of thousands of taels of silver coins.

This is also the gradual shift of scientific research centers to higher education institutions such as Huaxia University.

Because the teachers here are all officials, even if it involves corruption, it can be dealt with through the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Institutions of higher learning such as Huaxia University behave relatively clean precisely because they have dual supervision from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and students.

Su Shu saw the worried eyes of his wife Zhao Qingxue, and he said confidently: "Qingxue, don't worry!

The radio project is bound to succeed, it's just the darkness before dawn.

It's not easy to deal with these yelling people now.

When the project succeeds, these people's good days will be over."

Su Shu was sipping tea. He was not reading the more violent newspapers now.

These people made the wrong calculation, they really thought he had a good temper.

Huang Caiwei walked in excitedly holding a telegram that had just been translated.

"Husband, I passed by the telegraph room and found a telegram from Mei Hongyun.

After waiting for the telegram to be translated, it was sent over immediately.

Mei Hongyun’s radio project achieved a major breakthrough.”

Su Shu read the telegram leisurely, thinking it was Mei Hongyun's daily report.

Regarding the radio project team, Mei Hongyun will send a telegram whenever there is a breakthrough.

Both Su and Shu have become accustomed to telegrams from Mei Hongyun, sometimes five or six telegrams being sent a day.

The telegraph machine at home was one that Mei Hongyun assembled by himself when he was studying telegraph machines.

This telegraph machine refers to the connection to the civilian telegraph network.

Unlike the telegraph machine in his father's hands, he could give direct orders to the army and local governors.

After Su Shu read the content, he immediately stood up, looked up to the sky and laughed: "It's successful, the project is successful."

He quickly put on his clothes and immediately took a car to Mei Hongyun's laboratory.

The telegram sent by Mei Hongyun was very brief.

[Wireless telegram successful]

Wireless telegraphy was the use of electromagnetic waves that he had in mind.

Wireless telegraphy was really developed, and information could be understood over long distances without the need to lay wires.

This is of great significance to remote areas.

This was just the spread of the telegraph.

In the military field, wireless telegraphy plays a greater role.

When a general commanding from the front line rushes hundreds of miles into the enemy's territory, he cannot communicate with the rear in time through wired telegrams.

After wireless telegraphy comes off the line, this kind of thing will not happen.

Generals on the front line can communicate with the rear in real time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The emperor and the governor-general can issue orders via telegraph to any army with a telegraph machine.

The generals don't have to worry about the emperor's suspicion, they can go to war with confidence.

For the Army, wireless telegraphy was just the icing on the cake.

Before there was wireless telegraphy, they could also transmit information through wired telegraphy and messengers.

For the navy, wireless telegraphy was a device that subverted the navy's tradition.

Navy ships can be commanded through radio signals.

The flagship no longer needs to use troublesome means such as semaphores to command other ships.

The most critical point is that the navy is drifting overseas and can communicate with the shore in a timely manner through radio.

Su Shu traveled with the navy for two years. Their navy also had orders from their father, Emperor Tequ, and could handle many things on their own.

But they couldn't do some things without their father's permission.

Radio is now difficult to use in the Navy, and the range is probably out of reach.

But if one day, the navy can contact the shore anywhere in the ocean, then the navy has really taken off.

Su Shu's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car horn.

They had arrived at Huaxia University. Su Shu got off the car and approached Huaxia University. He rode his bicycle to the experimental building.

Su Shu wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally rushed to the laboratory building.

He saw many telegraph machines placed in the open space in front of the laboratory building.

The only difference between it and the telegraph one in the telegraph office is that there are no long wires connected to it.

Instead, it is connected to a copper wire more than 20 meters long.

This copper wire runs from the roof of the laboratory building along the wall.

Su Shu knew something about wireless telegraphy and knew that this was an antenna.

He saw many people in the radio project team testing telegraph machines.

Su Shu walked up to Mei Hongyun and asked, "Mr. Mei, you sent a telegram. The wireless telegram was successful."

Mei Hongyun's handsome face showed an expression of relief.

He held Su Shu's hand and said excitedly: "Thank you Mr. Su for trusting me unconditionally and spending huge sums of money to invest in this project.

Now I can deliver the mission, the wireless telegram was successful."

When Su Shu heard the definite news from Mei Hongyun, he was completely relieved that the information he received was not a mistake.

He looked at the telegraph machine placed at his feet. This was the starting point of his fame.

This project will not only bring him fame, but also huge wealth.

Su Shu has a huge amount of money in his hands, so he can solve some problems with money. There are too few problems in the world that cannot be solved with money.

He quickly asked: "Mr. Mei, how is the performance of wireless telegraphy?

Can it cover an area as big as two or three counties?"

Su Shu looked at the telegraph machine. This kind of telegraph machine only needs to cover one area, and multiple telegraph machines can be relayed step by step.

That would form a telegraph network with a wireless main city.

Mei Hongyun said proudly: "Mr. Su, think big and try your best to think big."

When Su Shu saw what Mei Hongyun said, the effect of radio was far beyond his imagination.

He said excitedly: "The coverage of radio can reach a whole province."

This distance is already the largest distance he can think of.

He couldn't imagine how far radio could travel.

Mei Hongyun did not give in, but said excitedly: "Mr. Su, before the experiment, I couldn't believe that the propagation distance of wireless telegraphy could easily reach thousands of kilometers.

When I verified the propagation distance of wireless telegraphy before, I placed a telegraph machine every ten kilometers from Beijing to the south all the way to Hangzhou.

I originally wanted to report the relevant information by wire.

I never thought that by adjusting the antenna to the south to transmit the signal, the telegraph machine as far away as Hangzhou could directly receive the signal."

Su Shu heard that wireless telegrams could be transmitted thousands of kilometers away. This transmission distance simply exceeded his imagination.

He asked in surprise: "The earth is a curved surface. Even if there is no obstruction between the two antennas, the signal can go straight forward.

Because of the curved surface of the earth, it is impossible for it to receive signals thousands of kilometers away."

Su Shu raised his doubts. He followed the fleet around the earth and knew that the earth was a sphere.

The spherical curved surface will definitely affect the transmission of signals. How can it be possible for radio signals to be transmitted so far.

Mei Hongyun said: "I initially had the same idea as Mr. Su, but the telegraph machine in Hangzhou did receive accurate information.

The telegraph machine in Hangzhou replied that it had received the message.

This message was not relayed by any telegraph machine.

I didn't quite understand it at first, but then I figured it out after many experiments.

The clouds in our sky are like a big cover.

When the signal touches the clouds, it will be directly reflected, but the signal will become attenuated.

Clouds reflect multiple times and can reflect signals thousands of kilometers away."

Su Shu heard the clouds and the signal refraction, and he heard the clouds and fog.

But he knew one thing, wireless telegraphy was used over long distances.

Wireless telegraphy can travel thousands of kilometers. There is no problem for the navy to use it over such a long distance.

We only need to set up some radio transfer stations on some islands.

In the important signal blank sea area, there are several communication ships equipped with radio equipment to patrol.

This will allow the navy to experience the convenience of communication. The navy can get in touch with the center in real time anywhere on the earth.

When Su Shu looked at such an excellent wireless telegraph machine, he couldn't believe it, fearing that it was fake.

He looked at Mei Hongyun and asked: "Mr. Mei, can I test the effect of wireless telegraphy?

I want to send a message to the experimenter in Hangzhou via wireless telegraph.

He is going to the telegraph office in Hangzhou to deliver the message back."

Su Shu plus the verification of the telegram by the telegraph office can ensure that the information was indeed received in Hangzhou.

Because the wired telegraph machines have codes, and the switching machines will have their own codes.

In this way, we can know whether this telegram was sent from Hangzhou.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! When Mei Hongyun heard about this test, he readily agreed. This is a good opportunity to hone the team.

He immediately agreed: "Master Su, you can verify it at will. Our true gold is not afraid of fire."

Su Shu immediately ordered the experimenter to send him one tael of West Lake Longjing tea.

Now is the time for harvesting West Lake Longjing tea, and the price of West Lake Longjing tea is different every day.

There is no way to prepare an answer to this question in advance.

Because the distance is too far, it is impossible to notify people in Hangzhou without using wired telegraph. Using wired telegraphy, Su and Shu can trace traces of its use.

In this way, it can be easily tested whether wireless telegraphy is as magical as Mei Hongyun said.

Mei Hongyun ordered the experimenters to send telegrams according to Su Shu's requirements.

Su Shu also asked the guard to take his token to the Telegraph Administration Bureau to check the relevant information.

He didn't have to wait long to get the definite result.

Hangzhou did receive the wireless telegram sent from the capital, and the reply was also very accurate.

Su Shu knew that he was paranoid, but the wireless telegraphy project was too important and must be foolproof.

He then asked his guards to lead the teams to Luoyang and Liaoyang respectively.

They can take the train and arrive there in the evening.

Su Shu asked his cronies to send telegrams to verify the authenticity of the wireless telegraph machine.

While they were waiting, Mei Hongyun said with a smile: "Mr. Su, wireless telegraphy has been successfully developed, but we are still far from exploring the corner of radio.

Now that telephones are about to become popular, people realize that electricity can carry sound.

Radio can also carry sound, just like having a wireless microphone connected to multiple wireless speakers.

As long as Mr. Su invests funds and gives me a little more time to develop this project, I will definitely be able to develop it."

Seeing Mei Hongyun's confident look, Su Shu agreed: "After this project is over, you should take a break first.

I will definitely invest more silver coins in Mr. Mei’s next project.”

When Mei Hongyun heard Mr. Su's cheerful words, he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

In the evening, Su Shu quickly waited for a telegram from his relatives using a wireless telegraph machine.

Only then did he confirm that wireless telegraphy was authentic and that this technology would change this era.

This chapter has been completed!
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