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Chapter 938 The power of capital (2)

When Li Fangyuan made up his mind, he heard many people discussing the matter in the cubicle.

The walls of the Gold Coin Restaurant are thick and the sound insulation is very good, but it still cannot block the excited loud voices of the businessmen.

Li Fangyuan heard that many people were considering buying shares of Ruiguo Development Company.

He has realized that the stock of Ruiguo Development Company is very popular, and he may miss this opportunity if he buys it late.

Zhou Fushou waited for a moment, but he didn't hear the response from his friend Li Fangyuan.

He also thought that Li Fangyuan was worried about the risks of investing in Ruiguo Development Company.

In his heart, he wanted his friend Li Fangyuan to invest in Ruiguo Development Company with him.

This will allow him to have a trustworthy ally in Switzerland and not have to fight alone.

Zhou Fushou continued to persuade: "Brother Li, we basically don't have to worry about the stock value of Ruiguo Development Company falling sharply.

Swiss Development Company shares are secured by Swiss taxes and territory.

As the second son of His Majesty the Emperor, King Sulei of Rui will not be destroyed by other vassal states due to war.

At least in the short term, there is no need to worry about this kind of problem occurring in Switzerland.

No matter how stupid and incompetent King Rui is, the country of Rui will be on the verge of bankruptcy.

Switzerland is unable to collect any tax revenue, and the country has reached the point of war.

The value of the Swiss Development Company's shares can also be supported by the Swiss territory.

For ten taels of silver coins per acre of land, even if it is forest land, we have ways to realize the value of the land.

We don’t have to worry about King Rui’s wanton squandering of the funds raised by Ruiguo Development Company.

This fund is supervised by Hua Xia Bank and is earmarked for special use.

Behind Hua Xia Bank is the royal family of the empire.

This is equivalent to His Majesty the Emperor supervising King Rui's use of this fund.

I think even if King Rui is foolish and unscrupulous, his subordinates will stop him from doing so."

Li Fangyuan nodded in approval and said: "Brother Zhou, the stock value of Ruiguo Development Company is indeed very strong.

As long as the imperial family and the Swiss royal family do not directly confiscate the Swiss Development Company.

I can't think of any circumstances that would cause the stock of Swiss Development Corporation to plummet.

I am also planning to buy 100,000 shares of Swiss Development Company shares, and am now considering whether to immigrate to Switzerland."

Zhou Fushou heard that his friend Li Fangyuan promised to buy stocks.

He said happily: "Brother Li, you don't have to be too anxious.

It will take quite some time for the Swiss Parliament to be perfected.

Brother Li can definitely inspect the situation in Switzerland first. If you are satisfied with this country, it will not be too late to immigrate."

When Li Fangyuan heard his friend's words, he nodded and said: "It's really not urgent, it's really not urgent."

The waiter of the Gold Coin Restaurant shouted in the corridor.

"Dear guests, the stock trading market will open in ten minutes. Please be ready."

When Li Fangyuan and Zhou Fushou heard the news, they immediately walked out of the Gold Coin Restaurant and headed to the stock exchange across the street.

They are all major customers of the stock exchange and do not need to line up to enter the trading hall that receives ordinary shareholders.

Led by the stock exchange's full-time traders, they went to the VIP private room on the second floor of the stock exchange.

Zhou Fushou was sitting on the sofa, eating the cut fruit plate, and ordered: "Brother Li and I each purchased 100,000 shares of Ruiguo Development Company's stock.

This is my bank deposit receipt. After you check it, immediately buy the shares of Ruiguo Development Company."

The traders heard about this big deal worth two million taels of silver.

His commission for this transaction was as high as two thousand taels of silver coins, which was equivalent to several years of his salary.

The trader immediately took over the deposit certificates from the two big clients.

He first checked the authenticity of the deposit certificate with the bank's staff stationed at the stock exchange.

For verification of large-denomination certificates of deposit, you can directly call the bank's specialist over the phone. There is no need to wait in line, and the verification can be completed quickly.

The trader confirmed the authenticity of the deposit certificate and found out that the two big clients really wanted to buy 200,000 shares of Swiss Development Company stock.

He immediately signed a stock entrustment sale contract, then found his supervisor to complete the stock delivery and create stock certificates.

In the stock trading floor, there are many investors with certain assets who are staring at the listed price of the stock.

Many senior investors turn their attention to the area of ​​new stock issuance from time to time.

Zhou Xile saw that her friend Lu Wenmei, like many investors, had set her sights on the new stock issuance area.

He reminded: "Lao Lu, you haven't developed a long memory yet.

Last month, I purchased shares of Yangzhou Hemei Oil Co., Ltd.

A stock priced at 600 cents per share would lose as much as 600 cents per share three days later and no one would care about it.

Buying new stocks without inside information is one step from heaven to hell.

Many people with small assets have lost their families and lives just because they bet on the issuance of new stocks."

Lu Wenmei said firmly: "I made a mistake last time. Who knew that a company as big as Hemei would cheat in order to go public.

All the board members of Hemei were caught, which also relieved my anger.

The focus of this new share issuance is Ruiguo Development Company.

The fate of this company is related to the country of Switzerland, and I am optimistic about the development of the country.

Behind the Ruiguo Development Company, there is still a faint hint of the royal family of the empire.

I believe that the royal family of the empire will never let the Swiss Development Company collapse.

If you can buy this stock, you will definitely make a lot of money."

When Zhou Xile heard this analysis from his friend, he recalled that stocks related to the imperial family would basically make people money.

He relaxed and said, "I'm not as gambling as you are, Lao Lu.

If you think this stock will definitely rise, then I will risk my life to accompany you and buy a hundred shares to see how it goes."

Lu Wenmei said confidently: "Old Zhou, I believe there will be absolutely no problem with me.

I am going to spend most of my net worth to buy 2,000 shares of it.

If this transaction is really a loss, then I can only obey my father’s instructions, be a loser in this company, and never trade stocks again.”

They were discussing, and a crisp electric bell rang in the hall.

This is the moment when the stock trading floor officially operates.

Many investors came to traders holding stock certificates and sold their stocks.

They either took banknotes and silver coins to buy the stocks they liked.

Zhou Xile and Lu Wenmei went to the place where new shares were issued to buy shares of Ruiguo Development Company.

They looked at the long, slow-moving queue in front of them.

Zhou Xile said in surprise: "The stock of Ruiguo Development Company is so popular, so many people lined up in advance to buy it."

The queue was slow, but no one left.

Zhou Xile finally reached the front and bought one hundred shares.

He got a stack of stock certificates stamped with steel stamps.

Just these colorful pieces of paper cost him one thousand taels of silver coins, which was almost equivalent to a month's profit of his restaurant.

Lu Wenmei is planning to purchase 2,000 shares of stock.

The trader said in surprise: "Sir, there are only 1,600 shares left. You can only buy 1,600 shares."

Lu Wenmei didn't dare to waste any time and immediately asked the trader to place an order.

Stock transactions cannot be counted instantaneously, and every trader has a quota for stock sales in his hands.

Lu Wenmei knew that she would be able to buy the remaining shares.

But when he saw that the stock was so hot, his speculation was completely invalid, and he wanted to make a profit as soon as possible.

Lu Wenmei held the stock certificate and said with emotion: "The stocks of Ruiguo Development Company have been sold out so quickly.

I don’t know whether the stock quota in the hands of this trader has been completely consumed, or whether all the stocks of Ruiguo Development Company have been sold out.”

Zhou Xile patted Lu Wenmei on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "Lao Lu, don't be too anxious and think about good things.

The value of the shares issued by Ruiguo Development Company was as high as 50 million taels of silver coins.

This is fifty million taels of silver coins, not fifty million copper coins.

Fifty million taels of silver coins is such a huge amount, how could it be consumed all in such a short period of time?

If this is true, the stock price of Swiss Development Company will definitely rise.

The more its price rises, those of us who hold shares will generally not sell our shares."

Lu Wenmei sighed and said: "The whole stud feeling is too stressful.

I can only hope that the price of this stock goes up.

Even if it is sideways, you can accept it, but don't plummet.

Now that I think about it, there is still some conflict.

The most likely trend for this stock is to trade sideways first, and then it will rise sharply when there is good news in Switzerland."


King Rui Su Lei kept walking around the palace with his hands behind his back.

Today is the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the day when the stock of Ruiguo Development Company was officially listed.

Whether the stock of Ruiguo Development Company can be sold normally will affect the speed of Ruiguo's rise.

King Sule of Rui had a large amount of silver coins in his hands, so he could purchase various supplies and hire a large number of people.

Speed ​​up the establishment of order in Switzerland so that Switzerland can collect taxes as quickly as possible and maintain its own development.

King Rui Su Lei muttered: "Ten million, as long as ten million taels of silver coins, I am satisfied."

He could really raise 10 million taels of silver coins through the Ruiguo Development Company, which would have solved Ruiguo's important initial funding.

For the gap in remaining funds, he can turn to his father and mother.

King Su Lei of Rui waited until it was almost noon when he saw his confidant Ruan Xiuchun approaching the palace with joy from ear to ear.

Seeing Ruan Xiuchun's appearance, he had already surmised that Ruiguo Development Company must have had a good start.

Ruan Xiuchun panted and came to King Rui Su Lei.

He said excitedly: "Your Highness, it's sold out, it's all sold out."

When Rui Wang Sulei heard the news, he couldn't believe it and quickly asked: "The company's stocks have been sold out. This is a stock worth fifty million taels of silver coins."

Ruan Xiuchun nodded and said: "Your Highness, that's right.

The company's shares were snapped up by businessmen, and many businessmen wanted to buy the company's shares.

They got the news a little late, and because the stocks were sold out, they couldn't buy them.

In a short period of time, we have raised fifty million taels of silver coins.

Some well-known businessmen, such as Li Fangyuan, chairman of the board of directors of Nanyang Lee's Sugar Company, and Zhou Fushou, chairman of the board of directors of Longsheng Pharmaceutical.

They spent a lot of money and directly purchased 100,000 shares at the beginning of the stock sale.

After these two merchants took action, they directly inspired the enthusiasm of other merchants."

After hearing the detailed explanation from his confidant Ruan Xiu Chun, Rui Wang Su Lei finally accepted the situation of selling all the company's stocks.

He was immediately overjoyed and now held a huge amount of fifty million taels of silver coins in his hands.

Switzerland can develop at the fastest speed without worrying about the shortage of silver coins.

As long as the empire has products, Rui Wang Sulei can buy them, the only difference is the silver coins.

Now that this shortcoming is resolved, Switzerland will surely be able to rise.

King Su Lei of Rui ordered: "Li Fangyuan and Zhou Fushou, two righteous merchants, please send invitations in person to them to come to the mansion for a banquet tomorrow. I will host a banquet in honor of them.

You also send invitations to the other people who purchased 100,000 shares of stock and invite them to the banquet.

The most important thing is that we immediately placed an order with the relevant company for the product list we discussed a few days ago.

Now that we are not short of money, let these companies increase their production capacity as soon as possible to meet our needs.

I believe that other vassal states will soon adopt similar methods to raise funds.

Before these people react, we purchase supplies from the market to meet Jianguo's needs."

Ruan Xiuchun immediately bowed and said, "Your Highness, please rest assured that I will handle the matters you have asked me to do immediately."

After Rui Wang Su Lei saw Ruan Xiuchun leaving, he couldn't help laughing.

He really didn't expect that he could raise so many silver coins through the stock market.

The situation of Ruiguo Development Company raising 50 million taels of silver coins in a short period of time attracted follow-up reports from major newspapers.

Rumors among the people are also spreading rapidly in the capital, and those who are well-informed have already obtained the specific situation.

The third prince Su Meng is discussing with his mother about the founding of the country?

The palace maid came to report the news about Ruiguo Development Company.

When Ren Fei learned about the relevant situation, he said excitedly: "Su Meng, we must also list Liangguo Development Company immediately.

The funds on the market are limited, and Rui Wang Sulei has raised 50 million taels of silver coins.

How many 50 million dollars are there in the current market?

Whichever company goes public first will eat up the remaining money in the market.

I have already understood from the first station that this method is to eat the grain.

Now only if Yin eats Mao grain, the country will develop and grow."

King Su Meng of Liang heard his mother say this.

As the weakest prince among the princes, he immediately realized that this was an opportunity he could not miss.

King Su Meng of Liang had some regrets. In order to strive for excellence, he revised his father's plan according to the situation of Liang Kingdom.

Only then did he fall behind Ruiwang Sulei and fail to list his development company immediately.

After hearing his mother's analysis, King Su Meng of Liang understood that the most important situation now was to raise funds at all costs.

He bid farewell to his mother and returned to the palace to discuss with his confidants to make his development company go public as soon as possible.

Not only Liang King Su Meng, Qi King Su Ming, and Tang King Su Sheng also received the news.

They also realize that there are limited silver coins on the market and they need to get their development company listed as soon as possible.

After all, raising 50 million taels of silver coins in one day and raising 50 million taels of silver coins in a year is a huge difference between heaven and earth for a vassal king who is waiting for the founding of a country.

While the princes were actively preparing, the other eight princes and kings were a little confused when they learned about this situation.

These people are contacting powerful families in the empire through personal connections, hoping to raise the funds needed to build the country.

They suddenly discovered that there was such an easy way to raise funds.

This chapter has been completed!
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