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One hundred and seventieth chapters moved huhi

 The team battle in Meixia is over. After taking down a wave of troops in the middle and returning to the city, I finally bought the Central Asian Hourglass and completed the three-piece set.

When he went out, he repeated his old trick and pinched out a big jade spiral pill from the middle of the high ground.

But this time, the director learned from the previous episode and locked the camera on the Dragon King early.

"So big!" The commentator remembered watching the star core grow bigger and bigger and couldn't help but sigh, "Mika's skill direction is to push the Rasengan to the high ground from the middle!"

Ruofeng nodded, "Edg should be trying to use the Dragon King Rasengan and the big dragon buff to push to the high ground! The factory director and deft are already pushing the second tower in the middle!"

Accompanied by the screams of the Chinese home audience, Meixia's Rasengan spun all the way from the front door to the high ground in the middle of clg, and the size of the huge star core also increased to the size of the entire screen.

The river is almost twice as big!

All members of clg are still frightened by the terrifying damage caused by the Dragon King, and are completely afraid to respond to his sharp edge.

The Tsar, who was trying to clear the troops with sand soldiers, immediately fled to the side. Lucian, who was standing under the highland tower, quickly e-slided backwards, only to find that his escape was only along the trajectory of the Dragon King's q skill, and hurriedly went to the left to receive the flash.


Even the auxiliary Bronn, who had a shield next to him that could destroy the projectiles, did not dare to stand in front and set up a shield. He was afraid that his fragile body would be stunned and he would be set on fire to death.

Mika's Otama Rasengan exploded behind the crystal in the middle and did not stun any enemies.

But the teammates behind him took advantage of the enemy's retreat to quickly pull out the highland defense towers and remove the crystals, and climbed to the clg high ground without a single soldier!

With half a minute left for the Baron buff, Mei Xia and her teammates moved to the bottom lane again, leaving Mouse Bobby standing in the middle to push the lane, and ready to push the wall e to the bottom lane to start a team fight.

Instead of guarding the high ground on the lower road, clg poured all its unwillingness and annoyance onto Poppy, who was jumping left and right from the side.

Although Poppy is slightly nerfed in this version, he still has the smoothness in the three-piece suit of blue shield, sunfire, and green armor. His ultimate move can knock Braum away from the shield, and then activate W to resist damage and successfully support his teammates.

Miha took the lead, using her R skill, Star String Gao Luo Gao Luo Ka, to spit out at the back row of clg, knocking out half of the health of the Tsar and Varus in one go.

Then meiko Niutou flashed wq to start the team, keeping Lucian.

Meixia and Q skills compensated for the control and melted it instantly.

deft uses his big mouth and spits out thick phlegm to kill the tsar.

First eliminate the clg back row.

The remaining Dashu and Bronn chased all the way to the front of the Incisor Tower and killed them. In the end, only Leopard Girl, who was jungler xmithier, jumped back into the spring in embarrassment to save her life.

Zero for four!

edg bulldozed the main castle all the way!

Summer didn't need to take off his headphones to hear the cheers of the entire Chinese audience. The feeling of playing at home was so wonderful.

"Nice, a perfect start. Let's go, don't forget to shake hands!" The factory director showed the demeanor of an e-sports veteran, quickly packed up his keyboard and mouse and walked ahead.

Meixia followed leisurely and crossed the center stage.

When the clg mid laner shook hands with the director earlier, his eyes didn't seem very friendly. "Clearlove, the team leader of edg, you actually thought of letting mika steal my proudest hero, the dragon king, and also designed such an insidious first-level invasion for her.

Tactics, I’m afraid I will never forget this game!”

"Yeah, yeah!" The factory director only understood one-fifth of the words, "Captain", "Proud", and "Never Forget". These words were probably the fans praising him. He shook hands modestly, "Three q oil, three

q oil!"

It was Mixia's turn to go up and shake hands, but Huhi's fiery eyes softened.

Although edg's contempt and mika's behavior of robbing Dragon King Thor under the guidance of clerlove and edg's coaching staff made him angry, mika's operational level in the game far exceeded imagination. Regarding the talent of the island nation's talented mid laner, no matter what Huhi felt in his heart

Unwilling to agree, he could only be convinced after being beaten violently by the Dragon King.

He held Mika's hand and said, "Mika, your Thor is very good, and I would say it is much better than your assassin. But I will prove in the following games that my Thor is not weak either!


Miha graduated from college in her previous life with a Level 6 certificate, so she probably understood what Huhi meant.

Looking at his angry eyes when he was talking to the factory director just now, I thought he was going to say harsh words or refuse to admit defeat, but it turned out that he was still a very polite player.

The other person was so friendly, so of course she had to be kind in return.

Mixia immediately smiled and bowed and replied, "Thank you for the compliment. Well, it's just because everyone saw the Dragon King for the first time on the field that I had an unexpected advantage. I hope I can see Huhi's senior Dragon King Thor's wonderful performance in the future!


After the friendly exchange, the interview started immediately.

There are more than a dozen channels for the commentary and broadcast of international events, the most popular of which are the three official channels in Chinese, Korean and English. The interviews are conducted by each of the three major commentary platforms selecting players for simple questions and answers.

Huaguo chose to interview the veteran LPL player at home and the director who is the cornerstone of the EDG team.

Hanwenliu interviews Korean aid deft.

The microphone for the English stream was naturally given to Mika, the most popular person from edg.

The person in charge of the interview was sjokz, a famous English-language female host. She was sitting on the black sofa on the side. Because the seat of the sofa was too low, she could only stretch her legs in high heels forward and overlap them, revealing her wonderful leg curves.


Mika sat on the sofa facing the camera with her legs crossed like a lady. Her narrow shoulders, steel chest and delicate face looked particularly small and delicate against the broad frame of the blonde next to her.

Mi Xiaxin said it was better to sit down for the interview, otherwise the other person's height of 1.8 meters would be on the left and right of her own height of 1.6 meters, which would be a huge blow to her already weathered male soul.

Sjoka is German. Since European and American languages ​​share the same origin, she can interview fluently in English. However, even so, it is difficult to find a translator proficient in Chinese, Japanese and English in LPL, so the competition team saves trouble and money by assigning Chinese to Mei Xia.


"Welcome Miss Mika to our interview booth, then, Miss Mika, can you say hello to all the viewers!"

After being relayed by the male translator, Mika waved and answered, "Hello! I am the edg mid laner Mika!"

sjokz first asked the question that overseas audiences, especially North American audiences, are most interested in, "Okay, so the first question is, as an island native, Mika is participating in a global competition as an LPL player this time. What are your different feelings?"

How did you come up with the idea of ​​going to lpl instead of accepting the invitation from tsm?"

Two questions, but the core is to let Meixia compare the LPL with other regions, so sjokz asked them together.

Mixia answered truthfully, "There's not much difference. If I have to say it, there are many e-sports seniors like Clearlove and Meiko who I admire very much here at EDG, and they all take special care of me, so I feel very good."


As for why I chose to come to LPL for the Spring Split, I have answered it many times, because senior Clearlove is my idol!"

Upon hearing the answer, the Japanese and North American audiences broke their guard one after another.

The otakus in the island country are jealous of the factory director - damn clearlove! Even if you have talent in the game, why can you have such a beautiful and cute female fan like Mika? This is unfair!

The North American audience is upset that TSM failed to retain Mika - Mika actually gave up the olive branch of North America for this irrational reason? Is there a time when US dollar bills are invalid?!

No, it must be that the money provided by TSM is not enough. If I had offered a salary of tens of millions of dollars, I would have been afraid that I would not be able to buy Mika.

A star female player like her deserves such a high salary, and the endorsement fee alone is enough to cover the cost.

In the studio, sjokz nodded and continued to ask, "Okay, then the second question, back to the game, Mika had never chosen Dragon King Sol before taking it out in the first game of MSI, and it was not very suitable for your hero style.

Well, for what reason?"

Mei Xia's emotional intelligence was full and he gave the credit to the coaching staff, "The coach and the senior factory director asked me to practice a hero that can roam, so I practiced it. In the game, it looked very suitable, so I took it."

Huhi, who returned to the lounge, heard it and confirmed again, damn clearlove, it was you who let mika steal my hero!

The audience once again marveled at Mika's gaming talent.

skojz asked again, "Then the last question, Mika performed very well in winning the Dragon King today, winning the game with a record of six bars and zero. How many points can you score for your performance and that of your opponent today?"

Meixia continued to show her emotional intelligence, "My own score is probably a seven. In fact, the support hero is not very suitable for me. The reason why I can perform so well is because no one has encountered the Dragon King in the game. Then, Huhi should be a six. How many of his

The Bokai team was very good, but they just met us, the defending champion edg!"

Huhi off the court was moved.

Although he lost the game, he was recognized by Mika!

This chapter has been completed!
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