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Chapter 288: Fight to the end

 Entering Summoner's Rift, Meixia bought the door-gear Doran Ring and blood bottle.

Jhin, the Destiny Master, is a new hero released at the beginning of the season. It will be available for use in the mid-season version. Deft also tried it a few times in the game.

However, due to the passive nature of changing bullets, there was no continuous output for more than half a second after shooting four bullets.

With such characteristics that are so different from regular ADCs, there are not many players in the LPL who are determined to practice hard. And it is the same weird skill mechanism that makes the few players who practice new heroes actually practice them.

Meixia originally thought that in the mage version of the summer competition, adcs would disappear from the environment in the later stage and functional adcs would shine. As a representative of functional adcs, Jhin would quickly stand out!

But the fact is that S6's LPL creativity is too low. Everyone would rather follow the functional adc Ice that deft dug out before, or play the old ez and Sivir, and no team is willing to create a system around Jhin.

Jhin's only few appearances in the summer split were just average...

No wonder the lpl teams in recent years have been completely helpless against the lck lineup system in the world championships.

And her purpose in this game is not only to defeat kryst4l, but also to let the LPL team regain this new hero!

At this time on the court, since neither Delevingne nor Jhin is a regular player, the commentator can only judge the bottom lane situation based on his own understanding.

"Can Jhin keep up with Draven in terms of laning strength?" Although joker was asking a question, his tone clearly did not think that Jhin, who needed to change bullets, would be an opponent of Draven who was recognized to have extremely high damage.

Zeyuan tried his best to analyze objectively, "Ignoring the proficiency of both bottom laners and the tacit understanding of the duo, Jhin's hands should be longer than Draven's, and he has the control to cooperate with his teammates in ganking. The lane should not be particularly dangerous.

But as we all know, bottom lane battles mainly rely on support, and Trolls are definitely not as good as Thresh in early laning..."

Both of them said it euphemistically.

According to the understanding of most people.

Take the other two current German anchors Vincent and Jacklove, who are famous for Levin, and their official assistants are also Thresh! It is obvious that Draven Thresh is a highly confrontational combination in the bottom lane!

As for Jhin and Troll, both horizontally and vertically are auxiliary combinations for control.

As the commentary said, EDG's assisting the troll at level 1 is indeed of little use.

However, the situation of the opposite SS is similar. Although the combination of Thresh and Draven is very strong at the first level, the Excavator is not a strong hero in the first level group.

So when going out on both sides, they lined up to look at various rivers, and there was no intention of a first-level group.

The real battle in the bottom lane starts from the time it goes online!

kryst4l knows very well the importance of seizing line rights at the first level——

Many players who don't know much about Draven will think that Draven's fierceness is due to the player's personality and the fact that the ax player loses blood very easily.

In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, LPL's Jinjiao and North American sneaky are all famous for Draven, but their playing style of playing other ADs is not fierce.

The real reason why Draven needs to seize the line is because of Draven's passiveness in receiving the axe. Once he is pressed, his path will be clearly exposed to the opponent's eyes by the point of impact of the axe, making him easily consumed.

Blood, and even if you avoid the consumption with superb operations, you will still feel very awkward and even lose the ax due to the restriction of movement. On the contrary, after taking control of the line, Draven will use the cover of the minions to catch the ax without being easily


The reason for the fierce laning style is that once you back down, your weaknesses will be exposed!

So before the soldiers arrived, veteran Draven players kryst4l and jiezou went online from the river in advance.

But as soon as the two of them emerged from the triangle grass, they could see Jhin and the troll on the other side of the river.

Meixia chose the time to go online earlier than them!

At this time, one party would normally retreat, but neither mika nor kryst4l made any move to close their legs.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer, Zeyuan quickly explained, "We met on the lower road, and the two sides are going to fight!"

Thresh launched his Q towards the gap between the troll and Jhin, and Meixia accurately saw its movement forward, but did not make any dodge movements.


The commentary joker shouted in surprise, "Wow?! Thresh hooked! He actually hit Jhin!"

No one expected that Mika, who is known for her positioning, could be hooked by Thresh so easily!

Jiezou, who hit the skill with his skill, thought it was his own hero's successful operation. He immediately held down Q, and there was another crash. Thresh activated the second stage of Q and flew to Jhin's side to ignite it. At the same time, Draven activated Q [Rotating Flying Ax].

He walked closer and struck Jhin with a knife.

Two hits knocked out nearly 200 HP of Jhin.

However, Mika didn't dodge. She counterattacked Thresh with her backhand, qa. At the same time, the troll beside her also secretly activated her E skill. She just hung on to ignite Thresh and then used normal attacks to deal damage.

So just when kryst4l was about to catch the second flying axe, Meiko suddenly pressed Troll e [Ice Pillar] under Meika's warning! The icicles rising into the sky knocked Draven away.

And it covers the impact point of the throwing ax!

Draven has lost his core damage skill!

The exchange of fire continues.

Bang! Bang! Meixia fired twice more, and the fourth bullet hit critically. One shot knocked out nearly 200 HP of Thresh! Then he used the acceleration given by his passive to distance himself from Draven, who was slowed down by the icicle!

Level 1 Jhin has 655 health points, which is over fifty more than Thresh.

At this point in the confrontation, Troll e and Draven q offset each other.

Thresh's Q damage alone is obviously not as good as Jhin's [Man Dance Grenade] and passive damage bonus!

So instead, Mixia, who was in the back, gained the advantage. As long as the pistol [Whisper] was successfully loaded, she could get Thresh's head first!

Thresh could only be forced to cross-flash to distance himself.

Meixia waited until the bullets were successfully loaded, then flashed to catch up and released QA!

kryst4l was forced to provide healing to her teammates, and she also provided healing acceleration, finishing with one shot to kill Thresh!

【first drop of blood!】

The commentators and the audience were stunned. Is Jhin so fierce at level 1? It seems like he is just a hero with no continuous output!

The battle on the field is not over yet. After killing Thresh, Meixia still has close to 200 health points. Normally, Draven can take four basic attacks before he dies.

And she backhanded Draven with two more basic attacks.

When your blood volume is less than 100, passive reloading is triggered again, and you gain acceleration at the same time! Take a lame step backwards and quickly distance yourself!

kryst4l could only grit his teeth and flash, and cut off the head of the remaining blood ember with two flat a.

But after killing everyone, he was already exposed to the troll's attack range.

Meiko controls the hero to hold up the hammer and walk straight from the river intersection to catch up to the front of the SS tower. He flashes and kills Draven with two blows!

The first-level battle in the bottom lane lasted from one minute and ten seconds to one minute and thirty seconds! It ended with EDG trading one for two, while Mika got the first blood bounty.

Moreover, only the troll gets the experience of the first two soldiers in the first wave.

Mixia can eat the experience and money of the third and fourth minions, but kryst4l, the last one who died, can only eat it starting from the fifth minion.

In the first-level battle against the bottom lane, Jhin and Troll, who were not optimistic, defeated Draven and Thresh, the strongest combination in the line!


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