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Chapter 543 Mika’s fist

 After the edg semi-finals, iboy, who had five kills in the second game and four double kills in the third game, and two MVPs in the three games, was interviewed on the spot.

Meixia followed her teammates and left the field.

I pushed open the door to the lounge and was about to pack my belongings. I stuffed the regular season mvp certificate I had just received into my bag when I saw the factory manager next to me sitting leisurely on a chair. It seemed that he had not packed his things and left in the club minibus.


She moved her little face curiously.

It turned out that I was watching lck live broadcast.

The final match between skt and kt next door is held on the same day. The match on edg starts at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the match on old teammate paw starts at four o'clock.

After three games on edg's side, they have at least completed the first game...

"How's it going? Did kt win?!" Meixia asked from behind the factory director.

Although according to the history of another world, SKT will participate in this year's MSI, so there is a high probability that the old teammates will lose, but I have even changed the results of the World Championship, and maybe a miracle will happen there.

"Aha, you scared me!" The factory director turned around and recounted the situation, "The first game is about to end. KT lost the team battle. Deft sent a wave, and they are about to be waved..."

He didn't have much sympathy.

Although the relationship between the team members is still there, seeing deft, an old teammate who abandoned him, is in trouble is like seeing his ex-girlfriend having a bad life, and they always feel a little gloating.

"Ah, we promised before the game that we would meet on the world stage! You just got it right, Hyukyu-senpai..." Mika clenched her fists and cheered silently.

Beating up former teammates on the world stage seems to be more interesting than simply defeating faker.

You can also create an inequality such that edg>kt>skt.

"That's right!" The factory director looked at his teammates who were packing their belongings and thought about what they had to do, and said to coach Abu, "Coach, I won't go back with the team today. I will watch the next bo5 game here!


Hearing this, Meixia also joined in the fun and quickly raised her hand, "I, I also want to watch the game live!"

"Be safe and come back early in the evening." Abu simply warned and agreed to the request.

After all, he is one of the top star players in lpl, so he should have some privileges.

Meixia and the factory manager stayed behind the Super Brand Plaza, where they could use their mobile phones to watch the game next door, and sit in the empty seats at the back of the auditorium to watch the next Bo5 game.

Before the second game of lckbo5 started, the lpl teams rng and we arrived at the venue.

Although the factory director during this period had no grudge against the previous generation of We, the relationship with the previous generation of We had not yet been resolved, and indeed it was not yet to the point where we could stay together and chat.

So Meixia and the factory director just said hello to us.

They were more familiar with RNG, so the two sneaked into each other's lounge before the game.

"Hey, Factory Director Mika, you are trying to spy on our tactics, get out, haha!

"Little Fatty Uzi pretended to drive the factory director and Mixia out.

"What does stealing mean? I'm leading Mika to teach you my experience, okay? Let the world champion teach you what you don't know!" The factory director unceremoniously used his status as a world champion to attract hatred.

"Ichao, Mingkai, you are so ruthless! It would be great to have an S crown, right?" Uzi shook his head and smiled.

RNG mid laner Xiaohu was somewhat interested at this time. He briefly watched the last bo5 game on the way here.

However, he still said in a joking tone, "If we ask you, how dare you say it? For example, in the last game when you gave Mika time, did you win the training lineup for sure, or do you really have this system?"

"Guess..." the factory director said with a playful smile.

However, Meixia did reveal it honestly, "The mid lane time is indeed an experiment. The main reason is that the next few versions are likely to be the Xianglu soft assist version. The mid laner may also move to the Xianglu mid lane!"

Sakura girl's sincere tone.

Not only the rng player coach was stunned for a moment, but even the factory director covered his forehead and regretted it.

How dare you tell the secrets of the team to the outside world!

"Ahem, that's it, just practice casually." The factory director hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

But Mixia has revealed enough information!

[Incense burner soft version]

[Incense burner mid-order]

Just these two pieces of information have already subverted their common sense.

You must know that in the current professional league, except for a few players who love the incense burner, almost all supports are still in the redemption version. Including edg, it was only in the last game of bo5 that Meiko was stripped of the incense burner due to the team's lack of output.

——In fact, the current understanding of redemption in professional leagues is not wrong. Later generations of viewers rely on their memory to say that S7 is the incense burner version, but in fact, the auxiliary equipment of the S7 super model is to take turns between the three pieces of redemption incense burner and bird shield.

The auxiliary naked incense burner routine will really become known to everyone at the end of the summer split, when the reputation of the Korean A monster is rising and fakers question it and say it is cheating.

However, the current RNG lags behind the general understanding of redemption. Their support ming itself is a hard support proficient. In addition, seeing the newly released [Stone Contract] talent in version 7.6, it is good for hard support, so the preparations before the game are all

A hero like Thresh Titan, and even his Lulu, the order of outfit is Bird Shield of Redemption, is not interested in the censer at all.

So the rng coaching staff was full of questions.

Why did it suddenly become the incense burner version?

Isn't Mika really trying to confuse people before the game?

But no one really dared to continue asking.

Next, Mei Xia and the factory director watched the second game of LCK next door.

The course of history is indeed difficult to change.

In the second game, kt was still easily defeated by skt.

In the third game, kt placed its treasure on top laner Smeb, choosing Ice Karma for the bottom lane, while the top laner selected Jayce through swing!

However, kt on the edge of the cliff failed to stabilize its mentality and collapsed across the board.

It was already a super model hero that was released by SKT as a poodle jungler, but it was completely beaten by Xiaohua in terms of rhythm.

At 2 minutes, the little peanut man was caught with a gun and forced to use two moves. At this time, Score did not realize the problem. After clearing the jungle area, he did not go to support the top lane, but thought about speed six.

The result was that Little Peanut had not finished grabbing the bottom lane, so he immediately took the explosive fruit to circle the back, and completed a two-for-two with the support.

Here the deft troop line explodes.

Then, faker used a lane to kill General Pawn's Enchantress in the middle lane!

The subsequent game became a happy game for Little Peanut.

In 10 minutes, the male gun qa will kill the poodle with residual health in seconds.

At 14 minutes, the male gunners went on the road and killed three people in a chaotic battle. ea killed one, qa killed another, and only fired the cannon.

At 16 minutes, with the help of Lu Lu, the jungle chased down the poodle who stole f6.

At 18 minutes, there is a red buff on the lower lane that speeds up people. First kill Karma in the river, then single-handedly carry the tower across the first tower to reach the second tower and kill Hanbing and Poodle. Then go back and teleport to the first tower.

Jess the Enchantress.

The game ended at 20 minutes, and the coffin was finally sealed at 29 minutes.

The bullet screens are full of blessings from lck fans to skt.

[This is deft and pawn from lpl back to lck for poverty alleviation? That’s it? 】

[The big devil Faker is back, get ready for revenge! 】

[Little Peanut is invincible! There is a chance in this year’s LCK World Championship! 】

This is still a Chinese stream, and it has a lot of lck fans.

As a surfing expert, Meixia immediately found the Korean forum translation post on Tieba.

[Faker was not defeated by the defeat in last year’s World Championship. That man has returned to his peak form again! 】

[Mika, please clean up and wait for me at msi! Xiba!]

[This year's SKT kicked off Duke and Blank, and is much better than last year. MSI definitely has a chance to win]

[I just watched the LPL game. Mika died four times in one game. She is no longer as powerful as last year]

Meixia, who likes to cause trouble, immediately turned on her mobile phone to take photos and send out personal updates.

[msi, revenge for deft and pawn! Sakura girl clenches her fist.jpg]

Although edg hasn't entered MSI yet, no one cares about Sakura's loan to the LPL champion. After all, she even dared to loan to the world champion.

Immediately under the news, there were a large number of high-like replies.

[Punch me with your little fist!


[No, how about a fist as big as a casserole! Fist.jpg]

[It’s over, skt will lose miserably at MSI this time!]

[Less than half a year after winning the S game, LCK fans are resurrected. Mika-chan, the messenger of justice, must give him a heavy blow! 】

This chapter has been completed!
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