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Chapter 62 Choice

 Mika got the first blood and went out with double Dolan rings and blood bottles. The opposite Rookie had the same equipment as her.

Returning to the middle lane, the fox lacks displacement skills from level 3 to level 5. Although Meixia still has the confidence to suppress the enchantress, but since she does not have the confidence to escape perfectly after being caught, it is not coquettish to continue to press the lane with high pressure.

It's a waste.

She controlled the push line and slowly used flat A to finish the attack.

Meixia lowered the initiative in consuming and exchanging blood, but Rookie also failed to become an active party.

The fox's e skill can interrupt the witch's W in the air without causing damage, so as long as the fox can interrupt the witch's offensive w 100%, he will be invincible in the blood exchange.

Rookie understands this, and knows that with Mika's previously revealed laning strength and proficiency with foxes, it will be very easy for her to interrupt Enchantress W, so Rookie does not dare to use W first, but tries to get close enough.

Find an opportunity to lock the fox with e.

The opportunity was not found.

Summertime always stays within the safe range.

As a result, the line fell into a short but long confrontation.

Mixia Fox is holding on to her charm and waiting for Rookie's w to disappear, while Rookie is holding her w tightly and waiting for the fox to take the lead...

Mixia's sneak attack on Q was dodged by Rookie, who was concentrating on her position, while Enchantress' E phantom chain couldn't find a chance to make a move...

Commentator Miller commented, "It feels like the intensity of the battles in the middle has suddenly dropped. It should be because they used flash in the last wave of battles. They were afraid that they would be ganked by the jungler if they used their life-saving skills. But Mika is actually so cautious.

On the one hand, haha, I really didn’t expect it.”

Wa Wa explained for a moment, "Hey! This is like a duel between two samurai. The emphasis is on killing with one sword. Whoever strikes first may expose the opponent to a flaw, so they all focus on the duel field in the middle! A detailed analysis of the psychological battle inside is thrilling.


The barrage started to pop up.

"As expected of a doll, it can be blown up..."

"Goryeo Swordsman vs. Japanese Samurai"

"It's clearly the coal diggers from the northwest vs. the jk girls from the island country"

When it reaches nearly six minutes of development, the mid laners of both sides are about to be promoted to level six. Mika has lost less experience than Enchantress before, so she can grab level six.

After reaching level six, both the enchantress and the fox will increase their displacement skills, and the battle in the middle will become fierce.

Mingkai knew this, but implementing Abu's policy was the first priority. He continued to send signals to Meixia to be careful, and then prepared to control Kindred to arrest people in the bottom lane.

Unlike Mingkai, ig jungler Kid is preparing to make a comeback after making up for the lost economic level due to death!

Kid gritted his teeth and said, "Rookie, don't worry, I made a mistake last time. I will definitely help you catch Mika to death this time!"

Rookie is more hesitant. It's not that he doesn't welcome kid to catch him. He has a good relationship with kid and won't break up the middle and jungle because the jungler gives away kills. It's just that the fox has been promoted to level six and is really difficult to catch...

Just when he didn't know how to answer, he heard the voice of zzitai on the road, "Wait for me! Wait for me! Hehe! I have one more teleportation point than the troll!"

zzitai has been playing solo on the road and just played korol teleport. He has a lot of tricks and immediately thought of using the extra teleport to do things in other lanes!

Rookie tentatively agreed, "Then let's catch him again?"

"Catch, catch, catch!" Kid shouted excitedly, thinking that this time he would let Rookie take a good look at the results of his hard training as a jungler.

Deciding to launch an offensive against Mika, Rookie was the first to take action. In the second stage of WR, he stepped on his face to trick the fox into e charm. In this way, although his health dropped sharply, the fox who had used e would not be able to interrupt Poppy for at least ten seconds.

of cut-in.

Then the male gun came to the intersection on the right, Bobby returned to the city through the grass, and then released the TP on the artificial eye near the river on the left!

The commentator said, "Kid is coming to capture the middle again, zzitai handed over the teleport, ig's wave is three guarantees of one in the middle and jungle! And edg only has mika in the middle. Why did the director change his style today and not come for six minutes?

Crossing the middle once? I feel like Mika is quite dangerous..."

Miller is a little confused about the gameplay of ig. The male gun is obviously used to clear the jungle, but the child is still catching it. "Children have to catch Mika? Can the male gun jungler play like this? Six

Not even enough to capture the middle twice in a row..."

Wawa said, "It can't be said that there is a problem. IG relies on Rookie alone. If Kid doesn't protect Rookie, what else can he do? Besides, Mika lacks experience in the middle and looks really easy to catch!"

On the field, ig went to the center field and quickly completed the three-way attack on the fox.

As a prey, Mika knew something was wrong when she saw the enchantress stamping on her face abnormally. Then thinking about Poppy's teleportation ahead, she immediately understood ig's plan.

She was calculating whether to call the jungler for support - she couldn't counterattack with her own skills and damage. If the opponent made a small mistake in coordination, the probability of the fox escaping alive still existed. If she ordered Qian Jue to come to the middle at this time, then

There is a chance to counterattack, but the problem is that Kindred can also hit the bottom lane with a high probability of cooperating with the Bull Head to kill.

Of course, Meixia can command Mingkai to immediately support her and give up the bottom lane.

But what she needs is not teammates who only listen to her own orders and operate rigidly. If she only needs teammates to cooperate with her to win, then dfm, where all members can obey orders, will not stop at the top 16 of the World Championship.

Meixia didn't say anything.

But what is gratifying is that Mingkai of Hedao has made his own choice. His gank action in the bottom lane exposed Mika in the last wave, which put Mika in danger. He was already a little guilty, but now that he sees Mika in danger, how can he care?

Get gank bottom lane!

"Mika, wait for me!" Ming Kai directed Qian Jue to walk towards the middle.

"Hey! I can kill Smecta in the bottom lane!" Deft became anxious and shouted in half-baked Chinese.

But why does Mingkai care about the two people in the bottom lane? If he doesn't help the Sakura girl he found, who else can he help?

Qian Jue is still on the way to support.

Mika was already besieged by IG. First, Poppy appeared on the left and hit her with E. Fortunately, she stood very cautiously and was not knocked headlong into the wall in front of the defense tower on the right.

Then zzitai fired W at the moment Poppy was in e, preventing the fox from escaping with his ultimate move. At the same time, the enchantress and the male gun came to pursue him!

You have to dodge Enchantress's skills. Even if Mika is locked in Poppy's W frame, she still releases her ultimate move.

Bang! The fox hit the boundary with his chest, but he just managed to avoid the Enchantress's e and Poppy's q.

Immediately afterwards, she faced the male gun ewqa's combo moves. She used the deception orb in the smoke bomb to speed up and dodge the male gun's second Q, but she could not avoid the male gun's ultimate move. After eating the ultimate explosive bomb, her health was in danger.

There is nothing wrong with the cooperation of ig's players!

Although Mika is already good enough in turning around and evading a lot of skills, these are of no use in the face of hard attacks.

"Haha! Look at you dancing, you can't escape my Bobby's Wuzhi Mountain!" zzitai said with a smile.

"Nice! Look at this little fox—" Kid couldn't help but ask Rookie for credit.

But just when the fox was about to die.

Qianjue, the factory director, rushed to the scene!

Flash ultimate move!

The sheep spirit's regeneration is activated, and the fox with residual health can take damage without dying!

"Yata!" Mixia escaped from death and cast an admiring look at Mingkai.

It's not because the other party's hero saves the beauty, but because Ming Kai changes his ways, it proves that he at least still has passion in his bones.

Of course, it's different in Mingkai's eyes.

This wave of heroes saved the beauty, and Mika Sakura praised her and looked sideways. Even if she was scolded by Abu after the game, it was still worth it!

This chapter has been completed!
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