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Chapter 617: Mika’s physical body joins the fight!

Chapter 619: Mika’s physical body joins the fight!

It is impossible for g2 not to be aware of the fact that Sakura girl disappeared from the middle.

But knowing that the fox might gank doesn't mean they can retreat back without any worries.

The whole g2 team is already lagging behind significantly economically.

In this case, top laner Expect, as the only person in the team who has the lead in matchup development, is not willing to give up the advantage accumulated in the previous ten minutes easily. The duo Zven and Mithy are also impossible because of this point imposed by the Fox.

Due to the pressure, I gave the bottom tower to the policewoman before fifteen minutes, allowing edg to push the rhythm quickly.

Well, they all have reasons why they have to face Sakura girl to gank...

And Mei Xia’s goal this time is still the G2 bottom lane.

"Aren't the G2 duo still leaving? Do you still want to defend the bottom lane and the first tower? Mika and the factory director came over to gank!" Seeing the movements of the heroes on both sides, Zeyuan said he couldn't understand.

"Although G2 also has jungler Cuishen counter-crouching, they should be able to guess EDG's gank," remember to add, "But they are three against four, do they have any chance of winning?!"

At this time, the female police officer had already sent her troops into the defense tower, and two animal traps restricted her movement. Nami decisively activated her ultimate move [Rush Waves] outside the tower.

"Rumble and teleport. If Rambo can land a big move, there's a good chance." I remember seeing the bright light on the defense tower and shouting hurriedly, "But the teleport is over at this time, hey! Gem Knight activates his ultimate move

, can you hold on until Rambo teleports to the ground?"

It takes 5 seconds for Gem Knight's ultimate move to take effect, followed by another 5 seconds of group invincibility.

It can be said that as long as mithy holds on until the energy of [Cosmic Glory] drops, he can wait until Rambo tp lands, and when Rambo lands and hands over r [constant temperature burning], he has the ability to instantly reverse the occupation.

It's just this fleeting 5 seconds.

For Miatsu, whose hand speed and reaction were close to the script, it was quite long and enough for her to perform a lot of operations.

The ultimate move [Soul Assault] goes through the wall and reaches the defense tower!

In order to save the remaining blood Gem Knight to the death, g2 used all available skills when he launched his ultimate move.

Cuishen gave Tarik some bushes to hide in, and then summoned Xiao Ju to block the knife for him with his ultimate move. At the same time, Han Bing also used [W] to slow down the fox that passed through the wall.

But none of these could stop Mika from rushing forward. The moment she landed, she dodged her hand and passed through the Emerald God and rushed towards the Gem Knight who was hiding in the grass.

Blind view of red love heart through the grass.

The charm works!

She immediately qwa hung up and set it on fire.

Taric, who was only half-healthy, could no longer hold on and fell down before the invincibility time of his ultimate move took effect.

"Mithy's ultimate move didn't come out! Mika hit the fox too decisively and too quickly!" Zeyuan cheered loudly, "Cui Shen became so angry that he wanted to use the Q skill to imprison the fox. Mika used the second level of the ultimate move, but escaped control again.

!The third stage of the ultimate move increases the hatred of the defense tower to the limit!"

"The factory director also used his ultimate move to rush into the defense tower! Hey! Rambo TP, the cancellation was still interrupted!" Because it was EDG who had already succeeded in escaping the tower, Rambo might die too if he teleported down, so

I remember that I couldn’t figure out for a while whether g2’s top laner canceled it on his own initiative or was interrupted by Galio.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Meixia was walking at the back of her teammates, always ready to use her skills to compensate for damage to her teammates. Zven, the 2ad player from G Team who knew he couldn't escape, used his ultimate move to bypass Olaf who was widening and aim at Fox who was walking behind.

It's just that when Mika faced Ashe's ultimate move from a long distance away, she had enough time to move. She just used the nine-tailed fox to twist her back and easily dodge the magic crystal arrow.

"The ice is empty!!" Zeyuan was shocked, "The gem is empty, the ice is empty, how to fight the bottom lane of G2?"

"The factory director chopped off the head of Han Bing and continued to chase Cuishen, Gui Gui, and the policewoman shot him in the head with half blood! Kill another person!" I remember being extremely excited. "The bottom tower can be pushed down, hey, ah p

It's too late now, the defense tower can't be defended, does he want to steal the fox with residual blood?"

"The director, iboy, and meiko held the fox tightly beside them, not giving Jess a chance to pick up the head remotely! Haha! What kind of formation is this, is it Mika and her three knights!"

Seeing that Meixia's whole body was protected by her teammates.

Perkz waited for several seconds and reluctantly launched a long-range EQ combo, but it still hit Olaf. The pain was quite painful, but it was not life-threatening.

"The first tower has been destroyed!" I remember the slight Taiwanese accent, and the bottom lane defense tower exploded. "Policewoman Nami can switch to the lane soon - eh?"

Only then did several commentators notice that on the top lane, mouse's Galio was killed once unknowingly.

"Oh, Rambo just resurrected, he must have been killed when he interrupted Galio's teleportation!" Zeyuan guessed.

The footage will be played back on the road.

As expected, mouse Galio entered the defense tower and interrupted Rambo's teleportation, then took down the defense tower, and then suffered from the harpoon deceleration and constant temperature burning for a long time. The frankness of this version of Galio has been weakened.

, before he could get his first big item, he was chased all the way from the g2 tower to the edg tower by the big-masked Rambo, and was killed.

The already gloomy g2 fans in the stadium cheered with joy. At least g2 got the kill and once again eliminated the chance of being blocked by edg.

It's just that edg's quick push operation started the moment the tower on the bottom lane fell. Two minutes later, they pushed back and dropped the tower on g2 on the top lane, and then pushed the tower on the middle lane.

By 18 minutes, the edg economic snowball had rolled up to 6,000.

Although the economic accumulation is slightly slower than in the first game, the scary thing is that in the early stages of the two games, edg broke through in the middle and quickly pushed the policewoman Nami's system in the bottom lane.

In other words, g2 spent the first game paying tuition and switched to the blue side in the second game, but they still haven't cracked the original tactical system of edg!

Off the court, the g2 coach could hardly see any comeback points. He began to bite his pen, looking for the weaknesses of the edg lineup and what he needed to learn from, and prepared for the third game's BP.

The players on the court are still holding on.

With only Rambo left without collapse, g2 pinned all their hopes on the top lane. At 22 minutes, they finally used Zven's extremely exquisite but never hit Mika's magic crystal arrow to ambush the team in the upper half of the jungle until they were unable to line up.


Then mouse [Dulang Shield] taunted the three of them, and e [Righteous Punch] was about to distance themselves, but perkz Jess flashed a hammer to interrupt the movement and hammered it back to the original position, and was surrounded by all g2.

After scraping for nearly ten seconds, g2 finally eliminated Galio.

Then under the command of perkz, they wanted to use the baron to force the team.

But Mixia was not fooled at all.

With the development of everyone in G2, they may not be able to rush down the baron even if they are given a minute. I can just wait for Galio to resurrect, and there is [Hero Appearance] for long-distance support, so there is no need to risk going to the baron pit.

After letting the five people in G2 waste more than ten seconds in the upper half of their wild area, she walked over and used q to explore her vision, and then moved to avoid the q [deep roots and enemies] emitted by the green grass, teasing the opponent while revealing the ambush conspiracy.


Then two minutes later, g2 wanted to repeat the same trick, ambush in the red buff grass, and the green god controlled Galio, and the ice and gems connected with the control one after another.

But this time, Galio is not alone.

The mouse relies on the damage reduction of Durang's shield to resist all control and damage, and then uses [Justice Punch] to counterattack and fly to the Gem Knight.

Meixia enters the field from the middle!

"The fox's ultimate move came into play! Charm forced Ice Flash, but Gem Knight received Charm! Nami's ultimate move passed the knockback, and Gem's ultimate move was invincible, but he was alone and still had residual health."

"Mika's second-stage ultimate move continues to pursue, and the third-stage ultimate move! Galio activates the maximum!" The commentator was extremely surprised by the cooperation that appeared on the screen.

Galio, who was originally the first to be attacked by G2, turned around and launched his ultimate attack after being rescued!

And Mika seemed to trust her own operation and the cooperation of her teammates so much that she rushed towards the ice alone without fear of death!

Risky operations always bring rich rewards! Meixia landed two big moves with qwa, knocking the ice down to half health. Then Galio landed and knocked away the ice and the Cuishen next to him, and another q [Justice Gangfeng]

】Complete the kill.

Finally, Olaf, who was using his ultimate move, also rushed over and killed the Green God together.

Zero for three.

In 25 minutes, Baron won!

The next step is to get rid of the two highlands of G2, and buy the golden body from Meixia Equipment, which can make it easier to start a physical group.

At the moment when the high ground in the bottom lane was broken, she took the lead again and entered the scene with three ultimate moves. At the same time, Galio, who led the lane in the middle lane, [Hero Appearance]!!

Killing the G2 duo without any hindrance, Meixia's golden body ended, and she led her teammates to continue attacking the incisor tower.

And perkz burst out with blood, flashed qe in the form of a hammer, and cut off the fox's head, but he himself was shot in the head by the policewoman.

The last 26 minutes came early.

Mixia Fox was resurrected and leisurely changed her equipment into six more orchid rings in the spring. Just opposite the spring, the crystal of the G2 main base exploded!


This chapter has been completed!
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