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Chapter 634 mika Tathagata gank

 lck fans only have the option of trusting Huni, but Huni himself, who returned from studying in North America, has always only trusted himself unconditionally. To be more precise, after getting the Sword Princess, he can only trust himself as the absolute

core to operate.

So the resurrected Sword Lady went online directly, even though the defense tower on the top lane didn't even lose half of its HP.

This choice directly leads to poor transmission.

As for edg, a team that has engraved the four-guarantee and first-lane tactics into their DNA, top laner Titan's leading teleportation is undoubtedly the most convenient weapon!

This time, Sakura Girl is really 100% going to gank the bottom lane!

"Chengxun? Are you going to teleport now?" Seeing Jian Ji teleporting, Bang called Huni's name anxiously, "What if Rambo captures her next?"

"I can't help it. Sword Princess will die if she dies. We can't lose the army line. I try not to let Titan have the opportunity to teleport Smecta." Huni replied with a naive smile.

"Xiba..." Wolf recalled how Huni confidently promised not to die half a minute ago, and was quite annoyed with this guy who had no sense of team responsibility.

"There is no other way. There is still some time before Rambo's next big move, so we can only try to disrupt the opponent's rhythm in these two minutes..." Faker, who usually rarely directs, can only open his mouth to enlighten his teammates.

Now that Sword Lady has teleported online, no matter how much you blame, it won't help. We can only look forward.

The best result is for SKT to avoid being supported by Rambo on the top lane and enter the first-blood tower.

Eight to catch one, skt basically executed that wave with the mentality of killing Rambo, because Rambo would definitely have no chance to support the top lane duo to kill the duo and then push the tower, skt basically lost half of the game...

Because the addition of extra-ordinary tricks is not a very weak support skill!

In addition, Ogang used flash for gank, and Han Bing was forced by Olaf to use flash, so your little trick, the skt duo can only take it physically.

It was only very slowly that when the resurrected Qin Yu returned to offline, SKT players realized that the crisis was far from being resolved.

It wasn't until the 18th minute that skt assembled seven players in the lower midfield and auxiliary positions, pushed down a tower on the top lane, and got our first defensive tower.

Instead, the economy has grown to close to 7,000.

Two minutes passed, and Rambo turned evil.

On Meixia's command, just one minute ago, Rambo finally stepped onto the top lane for the first time in that game.

Shan Niruo wiped the sweat from his forehead, covered the corners of his crooked mouth, and followed his heart and shouted pity for Sakura Girl.

Then just eight minutes later.

There is a mistake, including the lack of assistance.

You repeatedly clear the lane and then leave the middle lane, and you want to waste less time offline.

The game completely retreats to the edg rhythm!

lck explained that the audience took a breath.

Use dodge to dodge before being knocked back, and force the snake man to cross. Flash means, and move to dodge and add extra Ao's landing e [Justice Punch], and Hong Wen q [Arson Feast] while carrying the taunt, burning straight to level 8 plus extra.

O almost had blood.

At the same time, add the extra-art [Hero Appearance] on top of the blind monk’s head!

As for how to disrupt the rhythm of edg...

Take Baron, switch lanes, and push down skt's bottom tower.

——The snake man who starts the water-dropping lunch box behind you has basically reached the peak period of his hero's career. However, a single kill is almost possible, and a set of qe damage that hits Rambo can break your w.

's shield.

At this point, it has been just over 15 minutes, and edg has an economic lead of 8,000!

So now that Snake Man has found an opportunity to break through the line, the only way left is to interrupt Sakura Girl's rhythm by killing Rambo!

You also go offline in person and directly use the long-distance trick [Constant Temperature Burning] to finish the gank.

Because they had just reached the position of the octagonal grass in the river, the Titan who had come to support on foot from the spring had not yet hit the grass with his Q skill and added extra Austrian skills, and added a small move to the ice. At the same time, he went around to reach the offline Olaf first, and his head was open.

I rushed down with a small move, and started a group with the dilapidated iboy stealth small move I just bought.

This does not mean that, except for the next time, if you retain your small skills, you will still have the huge effect of roaming support!!

To be honest, you still haven't made it to the top yet.

& still uses Q [Tian Yin Wave], the target selects the soldier in front of Rambo, and then moves seven steps of Q.

Over at edg, the factory director is still blaming himself.

Very slowly, add the outside and bake it into a roasted chicken! The ice is roasted into, uh, also roasted into a roasted chicken!

The prerequisite for Rambo's roaming is the need to push the lane. At the same time, Rambo, who is short-handed and short-legged, will inevitably move deep as long as he pushes the lane. This is not an opportunity that SKT's jungler and support will wait for a long time to brew.

However, if Mixia considered whether she had any tricks, it was basically possible to kill the snake man alone, and the snake man had no chance to cooperate with the blind monk to kill Qin Yu.

The remaining eight people launched a retreat attack on the defense tower and demolished one tower in a short time!

It's just that Meixia went out from the spring again, equipped with the Burning Stone, and was only one step away from the Rocket Belt, and the tankiness also dropped a lot. The snake man's desire to wander behind Rambo was different from a fool's dream.

"Ah! Ika, he must have the killing ring! I should have known you would come to the middle and counterattack!"

Meixia, who was ganked, did not use any small tricks to fight to the death. Instead, she held her tight and even looked at the snake man who was still alive and did not take the risk to use it.

It's just that the snake girl moves behind Rambo first, or directly catches Rambo to death, so that you have no chance to move up the road.

During that period, Faker tried his best to seize the initiative in the lane, but Qin Yu almost lost half of his health with just eight skills. He could only rely on catalytic stones and blood bottles to return to a weak state.


However, Mixia was very concerned, "It's just two layers of killing ring! You can stack them up immediately! Be prepared to be bad, and grab the upper lane immediately. In addition, Waio has small moves and flashes, and the blind monk also has small moves!"

Experiencing the hero's rapid decrease in blood volume, Bang and Wolf were in a relatively intense and calm mood - they had been worried about Rambo ganking since the beginning of the game, but every time Sakura Girl came, it was as if their hearts were hanging.

The sword of Damorysk finally fell at that moment.

And the defense tower that was obtained with little effort could not save SKT's economy. Meixia set fire in the middle, forcing the ice skills and treatment, and at the same time pushed down the first tower of SKT in the middle with her teammates in exchange!

Even though he was at the forefront, isolated and aided, Rambo still made a heroic sacrifice.

After killing the man, the Titan teleported back to the bottom lane, and Mika also walked back to the middle lane.

Meixia once again launched [Arson Feast] to eat troops as usual. That time, as soon as the troops were retreated from the defense tower, the blind monk appeared from the side and touched his eyes. Peanut did not touch his eyes to qin Yu. This was too difficult and was avoided by Sakura Girl.

The operation of edg seems to be very organized and in a league of its own, losing or even better than skt!

Mixia saw that SKT valued herself so much, but it didn't flash its head. You moved in the opposite direction and quickly opened the distance between you and the center of Jia Wai's small move, then turned back to avoid the snake man's r, and at the same time two pieces of Huang Wen's e hit.

After Jia Waiao landed, he suppressed the snake man until his health was reduced.

This chapter has been completed!
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