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Chapter 703: Traitor deft, don’t let me catch him

"Xiba... Davet, this guy, has become so pretentious in LCK. Who is this guy? Last year, he and Mika kept talking to each other in the game. They gave up and gave assists. They had such a good relationship that they were like a family. But in the end, they transferred after winning the championship.

I didn’t leave any feelings behind when I left, and now I’m going to say something and no matter who it is, I won’t be merciful, pretending that I can’t do it! Just wait, don’t be unlucky enough to be caught by me and Mika tomorrow?!”

After watching kt's post-game interview, the factory director couldn't hold himself any longer and started yelling in the edg training room.

Although I have always shown respect for deft's decision, and the above words were said in a joking manner.

But as the captain of the five people who won the championship, the factory director has always been concerned about the departure of deft and pawn, and even felt a little self-blame and doubt - deft's departure, in his own words, was to try to win the championship without relying on Sakura Girl, but

Could it be that he is also dissatisfied with his delay in clearlove World Championship?

"Is this what Deft is like? What's his relationship with Mika?" iboy had been in the second team of EDG before. He didn't know about Deft's deeds. He just thought that he was the kind of person who was unlikely to lick Sakura Girl.

After all, I can hug Sakura's thigh and don't run away from the edg heartlessly. No matter how I look at it, I don't look like someone who would kneel down and lick Mika.

"Haha!" the factory director replied with a sneer.

Meixia was not as concerned about deft's departure as the factory director. After all, deft's departure from edg was something she had already prepared for.

So he still responded with empathy, "Forget it, senior factory director, senior deft also felt that senior Pawn was too lonely to go back to lck alone, so he went back to accompany him! If we can meet kt, we must

The key is to play the game happily and let them see everyone’s progress in the past six months!”

But what I was thinking about was that it would definitely be interesting if I could kill my former teammates to prove that EDG was always her Mika!

"That makes sense! Training, training!!" The factory director agreed with Mixia's statement and quickly urged everyone to enter the training match.

He doesn't want to be defeated by the lck jungler in the early stage like he did in the group stage again, and if he is defeated by the kt jungler by chance, it will be even worse!

I played with several other LPL teams until late at night and ended the training.

At this time, the coaches of the four teams gathered in Abu's hotel room to discuss the order of the next day's games.

Several teams, rng coach Feng Ge, just transferred from lgd to rng, his coaching career is less than two years, and he is characterized by bp head iron. nb coach Bai Yueya has a three-year coaching career, but from omg this player is a team with wild growth.

Born, he has never been good at catching version heroes. As for WE coach Hongmi, as a coach from LCK, there are quite a lot of communication problems.

Therefore, the leader of the coaching team is still Abramovich, who won the world championship last year and became the championship coach in one fell swoop.

The team's respective BP and tactics are still slightly adjusted based on the actual situation of their own team and combined with Abramovich's guidance, but the order of the finals is entirely decided by Abramovich.

"Tomorrow's finals, I want to let rng play in the first game, what do you think?" The first game is crucial, so Abramovich specially asked everyone for their opinions.

"No problem." Feng Ge didn't think about the order of appearance and just followed the arrangements of the champion coach Abramovich.

"This is about playing cards steadily, right..." Hongmi had many thoughts, and she could see Abu's intention at a glance.

The first game has a great impact on subsequent morale. If you win the first game, you only need to win one more game in the next three games to decide the tiebreaker. And LPL still has an edg who is far ahead, so arranging rng to start is basically the same.

——If rng wins, lpl will at least have a decisive game!

I just want the best performance of rng in the first game without any score interference!

"So, what do you think?" Abu asked.

Hongmi then spoke his thoughts in slow Chinese.

"I think if SKT also adopts a stable formation, there is a high probability that the first game will be KT, which is ranked second in LCK. And RNG just lost to them in the group stage, and there will definitely be psychological pressure when facing the same team again.

I’m afraid I still won’t get any benefits from the promotion!”

"And the first game of the LCK team today is SKT. There is no guarantee that the KKoma finals will not continue to follow the semi-final order. Oh, and the most terrible result is that KKoma put the mvp in the first game and took the risk to catch our former players.

Two, then skt, kt and ssg, I won't tell lies, except that edg can definitely win, we and them nb have basically no chance of winning, and if rng is unprepared and is stolen by mvp and takes first place

The victory of the game, we didn’t even have to play the deciding game..."

After hearing Hongmi's analysis, Baiyueyue nodded in agreement.

"It makes sense! kt's deft can be said to be the most perfect adc in this intercontinental competition. rng is also the most outstanding team in the bottom lane. The team's characteristics are just suppressed by kt, so we need to find ways to avoid it."

When Abu heard this, he was successfully persuaded and immediately changed the order of battle.

"Then... let's start with we, then edg and rng. Let's go to edg first to ensure that even if we lose, we can quickly equalize the score. How about that?"

"Okay, that's it." Hongmi approved the plan for us.

Since we have almost taken the initiative to ask for a fight, Brother Feng and Bai Yueya of course also expressed their agreement one after another.

The order of playing in the lpl finals has been decided.

"Then we will play in the first game, and there is a high probability that we will face kt. How about we discuss the review information of kt's performance in the semi-finals together!" Abu looked at his watch. It was twelve o'clock at night. Regarding the TV

It’s not too late to start competing professionally.

"The LCK team that is the least like LCK has a fast pace, but maybe this is also their shortcoming. The top laner is an enhanced version of mouse, which can be played by tank warriors, the jungler is a replica of the factory director, and the mid laner and AD are edg people.

In terms of the player lineup, only mata is the breakthrough point. If mata is deliberately given an operational hero, it may be able to weaken kt's bottom lane strength, and then if we continue to team up with them, mata's operation may not be able to hold on." Hongmi said bluntly.

draw his observations.

Abu exchanged information, "Actually, even if you are at a disadvantage in the early stage, it doesn't matter if you keep avoiding the battle until later. I am his head coach and I know very well about Pawn's back injury. The further back he is beaten, the more likely he is to perform abnormally due to the injury.


"Well, it's not necessary..." Brother Feng was a little bit reluctant to accept this tactic of keeping patients busy.

"Why is it not necessary! In order to win the intercontinental competition, you can do anything that does not violate the rules of the competition!" Abu said earnestly and seductively.

"Let's return to normal tactics..."

"Okay, okay..."

Unknowingly, the meeting that was originally just to discuss the order of the next day's battle lasted until four o'clock in the night...

In midsummer, the sky lights up very early.

Unconsciously, across the sea, a red light dyed the water surface...

It wasn't until Abu noticed the bright light outside the window that he looked at his watch again and was shocked. "Okay, okay, let's stop talking about this! Go back to bed. Although the coach is not playing games, he can't do BP well when his mind is not clear.


"Damn, it's so late!"

"See you tomorrow at noon."

The coaches dispersed.

Looking at the sky outside the window, coach Abu felt a strong sense of satisfaction.

It turns out that I have silently done so many things for edg behind the scenes! If I can win the championship, it will not be entirely due to mika!

This chapter has been completed!
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