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Chapter 102 Design

 Yatou Mountain.

The broad drying area was surrounded by soldiers.

In the middle, Liu Chengzong stood with his helmet on his head and his armor on his head, leaning on a spear eight feet tall. He raised his hand to hold his helmet up and looked at the sun in the sky with a frown.

It has clearly entered autumn, but the midday sun is still strong and poisonous. It can evaporate the distant mountains into shadows and make people breathless.

He turned his wrist and put down the five-meter-long spear. He held the barrel of the gun with his front hand and the thick tail of the gun with his back hand at his waist. He stamped his foot, which made a loud bang on the hard floor, and said: "Again!"

Opposite him was an infantryman on the right sentry who was a former soldier. He could not use a big gun. He held a seven-foot tassel and nodded: "General, I'm offended!"


Cao Yao, who was sitting on the ground on the sidelines, leaned against the musket on his shoulder, raised his hand and tapped the clay jar with an iron spoon.

The two men advanced slowly, and the two shots intersected.

The soldier suddenly waved his spear to block the spear, and tried to break in, but his strength was not enough and he could not smash the spear away.

Liu Chengzong stepped back half a step, pushed forward with his back hand and stepped forward at the same time. He lightly tapped the tip of the gun on the breastplate on the chest of the soldier, stepped back and put the gun away, and held the long gun to his side again.

Cao Yaodao: "Du Liangcai, an infantryman on the left, is an eighth-class soldier!"

The Mule Battalion’s first appointment of military honors was not rigorous.

As long as the infantry can use ordinary weapons such as spears, boring handles, hooks, sickles, spears, and waist knives, and fight Liu Chengzong back and forth, attacking and defending for five rounds, and fighting twice in a row, they will be awarded the fifth level of military honors.

However, the chance of being unable to touch each other after five rounds of attack and defense is very small, and the winner can basically be determined.

If you win, you will be ranked fourth, if you lose, you will be ranked sixth.

Right now, behind him, stood two soldiers with fourth-level honors.

After the fight, Liu Chengzong took off his helmet and handed it to one of them. While removing the armor, he said: "It's too hot. You brothers will each fight ten games for me. After the fight, we will rest."

Put this aside, on a hot day, wearing heavy armor for two games or ten games can make people exhausted.

But in Yatou Mountain today, it is quite common.

People's weapon skills vary from high to low, but the days of eating are still short, and the body has not returned to normal levels. Most battles are very simple.

Liu Chengzong took off his armor and sat with Cao Yao: "Can you get some water?"

Cao Yao was happy: "There is water, but the drinking water is unclean, and you can easily get plague. Our water is not clean. The general's body is precious, so he can't drink it."

This old thief doesn't speak well.

Liu Chengzong frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. There is military law. Of the seven wells at the foot of the mountain, only two deep wells can bring water. There is no one in the village. I asked old man Qian and he didn't dig a well this spring."

As he said that, Cao Yao winked: "The water we pumped up is full of dirty water and needs to be burned. The coal we brought from Yanshuiguan has run out. I have sent people to collect firewood. It is estimated that there will be no water to drink until the evening."

Liu Chengzong understood that Cao Yao was disgusting with him.

Sure enough, the old thief shook his head and made a "tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk" sound: "The military law has been passed down. The brothers are all obedient and cannot bully the people. Naturally, they cannot loot other people's houses and pick up firewood if they don't have it."

Cao Yao had a rogue look on his face and said with a smile: "Well, Wei Qian'er doesn't think it's nothing. He has never led an army. I asked him to lead people to collect firewood. General, you should be careful. There are obviously two yards."

, but he has to collect firewood under the bright sun to see if his horse team has any resentment."

"Cao is in charge of the team, this is not good."

Gao Xian, who was sitting on the side, said: "It's not good for us if the cavalry team is resentful."

"Why is it so bad? You, Gao Lao San, have other ideas? Someone has to do this. Don't let him go. Okay, you can go collect firewood on the right guard, or you can persuade the person on the left to find out the news. Let the left guard do it.

Let’s go to the sentry, but my soldiers at the artillery sentry won’t go anyway.”

Gao Xian raised his hand: "You..."

Cao Yao saw that it was almost done, stood up, threw the spoon towards Gao Xian, and sneered: "Hey, you just stand and talk without hurting your back. If I ask you to go, you won't go. I am just giving advice to the camp general, no."

Please don’t talk about your Gao Laosan matter."

He motioned Liu Chengzong to come aside, and the two of them chose an unoccupied courtyard, walked in, and sat down against the wall. He then said, "I'm not showing off my seniority. I listen to you on major matters. I haven't let my brothers suffer. I also

You know your own capabilities. It’s okay to be a king of the mountain, but you can’t do big things by yourself. I think you can do big things, so you point me where to go, but just listen to my brother’s advice.”

Cao Yao whispered to Liu Chengzong: "In the forty-seventh year of Wanli, my brother is in charge of the army. Leading troops is not only about fighting. Military law is to restrain soldiers for their own use and cannot rigidly follow the regulations. If you compare yourself with others, you can tear down a house and burn it down."

How can the sergeant be convinced when people go to the river to collect firewood under the sun?"

It makes perfect sense.

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly. He felt uncomfortable when this happened to him.

Seeing him nodding, Cao Yao was very happy and said with emotion: "Your family is really interesting. You are upright and upright, and your brother is resolute and brave. They are all rigid and refuse to listen to advice. It's great that you can listen. Your brother

He is good at everything, but he just doesn't know how to adapt. He is obviously a captain and believes in the requirements in the military manual more than the general. I am not surprised at all that he taught you to make these decisions."

"I'm different from your brother. When it comes to leading the troops, the leader is just an old woman. I feel comfortable serving the troops in peacetime, but the soldiers can make me comfortable during the war. Even if I lose the battle, they will remember to protect me and run away, because there is no one else in the world."

People can treat them like I do."

For a moment, Liu Chengzong felt a little complicated.

When someone points out one's mistakes to one's face, even if one avoids others and does not rebel, it is already a very rare quality for human beings.

Not to mention willingly accepting it.

It is easier to make people feel more comfortable than to readily accept that the ministers and officials dare to face the sin of others and be sent to the army for seven years with a hundred disciples.

But Liu Chengzong was actually more happy.

He seemed to see a new door glowing and slowly opening towards him.

The last time he felt like this, it was Liu Chengzu who taught him the skills of marching and garrisoning.

"In this way, I was really impatient when I used the military law of the border army. I just didn't want the sergeants to develop the habit of plundering and invade all directions, but I didn't think carefully about such things."

Liu Chengzong first admitted his mistake, and then said: "But I can't admit it, and I can't change it now."

Cao Yao also nodded, raised his finger and pointed at his temple, saying: "I can't admit it. I don't mean anything else. I'm just telling you to think twice before you act in the future... But if you don't change it now, what are you going to do?"

Liu Chengzong sat on the ground leaning against the earth wall, thinking carefully about this matter.

After a moment, he turned around and said to Cao Yao with a very confident tone: "Brother Cao, you have set a trap for me."

They would encounter such a problem, but it was Cao Yao's decision to assign Wei Qian'er's cavalry to collect firewood, not Liu Chengzong's decision.

He estimated that before Wei Qian'er led the cavalry to monitor the river beach, Cao Yao mentioned the lack of firewood. He didn't know what language he used to motivate the general, so Wei Qian'er went to do it.

The impact of this incident should not be that bad, and the sergeant's resentment may not rise to dissatisfaction with Liu Chengzong himself.

It will probably end when they are dissatisfied with team leader Wei Qian'er.


Cao Yao admitted it openly and waved his hand: "But you can't blame me, I am thinking about the team wholeheartedly! I find that my general has a bookish attitude of talking about military affairs. As a subordinate, how can Cao not dissuade him?"

The old thief shook his head and sang in the last sentence: "If you, the Liu family, can't listen to a few words, you will shed tears in front of the coffin."

"Don't let me wipe the shit out of your ejaculation."

Seeing his admission, Liu Chengzong felt very relaxed and said with a smile: "Tell me, you must have a way to solve this problem, otherwise I will blame you even if I solve it, or the solution is not clever. If you hide the firewood, then

But that’s too stupid.”

"Hey, let's see what you said I've become."

Cao Yao was also very relaxed: "It's true that there is no firewood, and there are still two meals left to cook. The water can be easily solved, but I still want to hear what the general can do first."

Cao Yao said, think twice before you act.

Liu Chengzong really started to think twice.

This incident is not a big one, but it is likely to have a profound impact on the team due to the solution he chose.

With Cao Yao, Liu Chengzong could admit his mistakes and then correct them.

This is person to person. Cao Yao is a good big brother. What he says is right. If you should listen, you must listen.

But the mistake he admitted was that he had insufficient experience, had never encountered such a thing, and did not think carefully before conveying the general law to the entire battalion.

Rather than strictly enforcing military law, it is wrong in itself.

If he went out and had his house burned down or even changed the law, not only would the soldiers who went to collect firewood not be grateful to him, but the soldiers at other posts would think that the general's determination to enforce military law was nothing more than that.

This complicates this very simple matter.

Liu Chengzong spread his hands and said: "I still use the old method my brother taught me, leading by example. I will herd horses and collect firewood with them. When everyone is familiar with yesterday's military law, next time I change the camp and find an uninhabited village, and collect firewood in an organized way.

If you really can’t find one, just pick up the house before someone gets angry. Alternative, is this what you want to teach me, Brother Cao?”

Cao Yao was amused by his solution: "Bad things turned you into good things. I didn't mean to cause trouble for you. I can solve the problem with water. You know, your sister-in-law comes from a wealthy family in Beizhili. Her family builds wells."

When doing so, put tiles and charcoal at the bottom of the well so that the water that comes up will be clean."

"When I was weeding in the north, she made me a kind of filter barrel. She drilled holes in the bottom of the barrel, put hay, bamboo charcoal, and stones on the bottom of the barrel, and put a stick in it. The water was filtered and drank, and I never got sick.

I think you can wait until people are a little anxious to collect firewood and take out the filter bucket, which can also win over the hearts of the newly surrendered border troops."

Liu Chengzong felt that this was very familiar. It was basically the same as the method of handling raw water in the wild in another memory of his.

Basically the same, which means reliable.

However, he felt that what Cao Yao said was not what he meant. Taking out this thing would have little significance in winning over the morale of the newly surrendered border troops. The greater significance was probably that Cao Yao did not want to steal his own limelight.

He didn't click through, but said with a smile: "So you're waiting for me here. It's good. Then do what I do first. Take out the filter bucket before boiling the water. You still need to boil the water. There is a shortage of firewood.

It just reminds us that we should find a big business to rob the rich and give to the poor."

"Wait until Rongzi comes back to inquire about the news, but have you found out..." Cao Yao said seriously: "There is something wrong with the composition of our battalion."

"What's the problem?"

Cao Yao looked puzzled: "There are such a large battalion of more than five hundred people, and the leader is often needed to charge into battle on the battlefield. There are more than five hundred people in the battalion, but I am the only one who can give you advice. There is a huge lack of talented people."<


"It can't do anything about it. It's good to be able to fight. Today's martial arts competition has chosen two brothers, Zhong Hu and Zhong Bao. Their martial arts skills are no worse than mine."

Zhong Hu and Zhong Bao are the two fourth-class soldiers in today's competition. They are replacing Liu Chengzong in the field to check the sergeant.

The two are brothers. They have been in the Guards Army for generations. They were soldiers in the Jingbian Camp in the past. They are good at horse, spear, waist and knife skills, and both have good martial arts skills.

Liu Chengzong said: "The people who can be recruited by us are not of high origin. As long as there is a way out, no one is willing to be a thief. If they don't look like thieves, they can be kidnapped. Unless they are like guerrillas."

, I really want to take it with me, otherwise I would not force others to become thieves."

If we talk about other problems, Liu Chengzong probably has a solution, but only talents have no solution at all.

I wanted to kidnap Lu Guerrilla earlier, but it was still a matter of debate whether he could escape from the thief. But who knew that General Lu had dodged dozens of cannonballs and was stabbed to death by a small piece of wood?

As for the others, they surrendered to the border troops in the First Battle of Yanshui Pass and were willing to work with them. They were all soldiers, and none of them had official positions.

With this kind of background, we can only recruit some people with martial arts skills, but not many people who are literate.

Those newly-reigned border soldiers who were promoted to captains had no other advantages. They became captains just because they were literate and could write down other people's names.

There are not many literate people, and even fewer are knowledgeable. There are indeed many such people in this world who are forced to rebel, but compared with the ordinary people who are forced to rebel, the number is still very rare.

This matter can only be done after they return to Yan'an Mansion, reunite with their father and brother, plus Yang Dingrui and Song Shouzhen, and then they can be considered a think tank to discuss the matter.

Cao Yao just said it casually and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Old Cao, I will force myself to be a dog-headed military advisor for you first... Do you think it is appropriate for us to do a big job in Shanxi now?"

"What do you mean by doing something big?"

Cao Yao raised his hand and rubbed it on the ground a few times, rubbing his hands and said: "I asked Old Man Qian about the general geography of this area. I don't know the details. I only know that this is Xizhou, which belongs to Pingyang Prefecture. To the north of Xizhou is Fenzhou.

Xiaoyi County in the prefecture, and the county further north is called Fenyang County, which is the administrative seat of Fenzhou Prefecture."

Liu Chengzong shook his head and said: "It's Fucheng again. There are guards in Fucheng, and it's a big one in Shanxi. It's easy for the two provinces to join forces to suppress us. Then we won't have a day to rest, and we will be on the run all day long."

"I just said this, do you think it's too big? This doesn't look like your courage. There are bigger ones."

Cao Yao pointed to the route he drew on the ground, and said with an excited smile on his face: "This Fenzhou City is where the palace of Prince Qingcheng of the Jin Dynasty is located. I used to be a soldier in Xuanfu, and I have heard of Prince Qingcheng.

The first generation of King Qingcheng gave birth to a hundred children, all of whom were grown. The city was filled with generals who controlled the country and generals who assisted the country. The palace was built like an imperial city. You are not tempted? I wanted to rob it seven or eight years ago.

They got it."

"I can't steal it...it's too dangerous."

Liu Chengzong still shook his head. Just when Cao Yao was gradually disappointed, he said: "But we are here, so we have to explore first. The route of Qingcheng's palace and his farmland. We can't take over the palace now, but we can in the future.

And grab Wangzhuang."

He patted his chest: "We brothers are experts at robbing Wangzhuang!"

***The author has something to say***

Good morning! It’s still two-in-one, don’t wait for the eleven o’clock update.

This chapter has been completed!
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