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Chapter 124 Marco

 Li Bei's flagpole was broken by a cannonball and fell to the ground.

He saw with his own eyes that his own front was blocked by soldiers who had just blocked the front line, and the left wing was broken by the cavalry.

Marco wanted to fill the gap on the left wing, but the left wing collapsed too quickly, and then the right wing made a big splash, and both wings were attacked by the cavalry at the same time.

Soldiers who lost the protection of their formation were unable to fight against the rushing cavalry.

Seeing that the Chinese army was under attack, the soldiers in the front line did not dare to fight anymore. They all shouted "protect the general" and retreated towards the Chinese army.

They really want to protect the general.

But I don’t want to retreat and let them see the truth of being surrounded.

Li Bei tried his best to maintain his formation, but he could only watch helplessly as the right-wing officers and soldiers collapsed under the squeeze of the cavalry until their rear formation was completely crushed.

Fleeing from the military formation.

They ran away, but didn't run far before they came back again.

Just when Li Bei was wondering, he saw a group of cavalry passing around the military formation under the guidance of the marshal's flag from all directions. They surrounded the formation with swords and spears raised to chase and kill the defeated army.

Li Bei's mentality was extremely gloomy, so he tried to boost the morale of his sergeants and gather the scattered troops, but the officers and soldiers still fled in all directions.

But in front of Liu Chengzong, the most outrageous thing in the world is happening.

They collapsed.

Most of the military formations in the field of vision, including the official, army and traitor armies are collapsing.

Two cavalry teams rushed into the enemy's army. The leader was trapped in the formation, and the cavalry soldiers were scattered and lost their formation in the large hollow square formation.

The infantry formation, starting from Li Wanqing, Liu Chengzu, and Luo Rucai, lost their organization one after another and scattered to chase the officers and soldiers, further making it impossible for the two cavalry formations to break away from the chaotic battle.

Liu Chengzong, who was chasing the defeated army, was dumbfounded.

There is no problem in chasing down the defeated army.

But at least there is an organization!

We, a bunch of grass-roots teams, rely on field sieges to break up the enemy's formation. Isn't our purpose to make the officers and soldiers lose their organization, and then use organization to defeat the disorganization?

What's going on if you crack yourself?

However, the various formations of the peasant army were so suppressed in this battle that when they saw the formation of the official army, blood rushed to their brains and they ran around to kill.

Liu Chengzong had never seen this group of quail-like people with such murderous intent.

The leader can't control himself.

Several Liu Guoneng formations were frightened away by the shelling, and Liu Chengzu's two troops, who collided with the officers and soldiers in front of the formations, ran quickly.

They were all troops composed of blood relatives, and they all suffered casualties, so they were particularly ferocious in their revenge.

But there's just one problem... they can't defeat the army.

Anyone who is a soldier knows that skills are very important in small-scale battles. After all, as long as the scale is small enough, one person is disciplined, and it is a perfect combination of discipline and skills.

Except for Yan'an Wei Qianhu, everyone in this world can control themselves.

Yang Yanchang is not good at it, so he is an undisciplined individual.

But in large-scale battles, the battle is about momentum, and discipline is more important. When two formations face off, whoever moves the formation will lose. If you lose and there is cavalry on the opposite side, you will die.

The officers and soldiers ran very decisively at first, but at some point, they discovered that the enemy's formation had also moved. They did not use cavalry to pursue them, and the two groups of cavalry were stuck in their formation.

They couldn't see Liu Chengzong's four sentinel cavalry soldiers behind them either.

All I saw were infantry chasing them.

Good guy, the defeated army started to stand up again, saying hello: "Don't run, turn around and kill them!"

The border troops in groups of three and five turned around and started fighting with their swords raised, one person fighting three, and three fighting a group.

There were only a few people with outstanding martial arts skills, but the officers and soldiers formed a small formation and beat one of them, and the three of them beat them away. They were either chopped down or beaten away.

Even around Liu Chengzu, there were only a few dozen people gathered. Seeing the defeated troops running around in chaos, and the border troops forming formations and attacking, who dared to stop them?

Liu Chengzu could only return Cao Yao to form a formation. Now, the only one among the six leaders who still controls the organizational strength is Wang Ziyong, the weakest combatant. In addition, there are more than a hundred artillerymen under Cao Yao's command at the artillery post.

The artillerymen all took out their knives and lined up.

Liu Chengzu really wanted to raise his hand and slap himself. He realized that he had ignored a particularly serious problem. They were good at everything but never won.

I just want to survive. Soldier training emphasizes discipline and physical strength. I have taught them to escape, but they have not practiced pursuit... Do I still need to practice pursuit?

Liu Chengzu was reflecting on his mistakes in the chaos. When he turned around, the last leader of the Sixth Formation who had the power to form an organization was gone.

Eight frontier soldiers wanted to cross the river and ran westward. Wang Zi's men saw that there were only a few scattered people, so he chased them.

The eight men fired arrows while running, and then shot two of them down. They found that the large group of peasants and soldiers chasing them were frightened.

Several deserters were also afraid. They looked at each other and did not dare to run. If they were beaten, they would probably die. What should we do?

The bold ones gritted their teeth and stamped their feet: "If you die, you will die!"

As soon as he drew his knife and ran away, the thousands of people in front ran to the back, and those behind him also ran away without knowing what was going on.

Wang Ziyong, a big man, was picked up by the waist by a strong man who was running away. He stretched out his arms and legs and fluttered around in the crowd.

In the process of pursuit, others led the troops away, leaving behind generals who tried to regroup but were unable to do anything.

Luo Rucai is different.

Originally, his side was playing quite happily, but after a few rounds both sides were a little tired. Gao Yingxiang rushed in just in time, which relieved the pressure on him, so he simply stayed in place to rest.

In the blink of an eye, there was commotion everywhere, and he didn't know what happened. He saw Li Wanqing's troops running back in the distance, and Liu Chengzu's troops disappeared from his sight.

Gao Yingxiang plunged his head into the enemy formation again and did not come out.

Luo Rucai panicked.

His courage only exists when others are counting on him.

No one is counting on him now, and no one is watching him.

He picked up the red satin and tied it with the leather belt around his waist, waved to his followers and said, "Quickly go, it's broken!"

As the roar roared, dozens of good players and dozens of hungry people in the team ran back.

After running a few dozen steps, I looked back and saw that most of the troops were still behind. Many hungry people couldn't run away at all and were standing in formation waiting to die.

Cannons can't make them run, how can Luo Rucai be so virtuous?

Seeing that the remaining troops were about to be killed by the defeated troops who ran out of the army formation, Luo Rucai lowered his head and looked around for a way: "Grandma, what should we do?"

Finally, I was heartbroken and jumped and ran again, running back with the knife high, waving as I ran: "Follow me, we can't run away and let our brothers wait for death!"

He raised his sword to resist the war and fought hand to hand with the officers and soldiers.

Luo Rucai's tribe was once again made elite.

Liu Chengzong looked around. He saw that his offensive and defensive positions were changing in an instant. There were fires everywhere, and he didn't know which one to save first.

But he knows where not to go.

We cannot go to the chaos of the officers and soldiers.

The current general trend is that the scattered officers and soldiers are reorganizing their respective formations during the battle. When they drive away the defeated bandits from each formation, they will eventually encircle the formation.

If you rush in and cannot come out for a while, you will fall into the dilemma of being surrounded.

It is somewhat possible to break through the formation from the outside, but it is even more difficult to break out from the inside.

Liu Chengzong was extremely puzzled: How could I be given such a great responsibility in such an instant?

Several sentry commanders also panicked and rode over to keep up with them.

Wang Wenxiu was bumping on the horse. He was not good at riding, so he specially picked a pony with a docile temperament. But even if he ran like this, he was still frightened: "General, why did everything fail?"

What do you ask me?

How did I know!

If you form a formation and fight against each other, you won't lose; if you chase deserters, you won't win.

Liu Chengzong estimated that he would be embarrassed to mention this to anyone for the rest of his life.

"If you ride it, you both will suffer. Take the infantry down and support the two cavalry teams."

"Commander Feng is going to help Monk Wang. His group of people are planning to drive a few people back to their hometowns or something; Commander Yang, go clear out the defeated troops around; Brother Gao is going to help my brother."

After Liu Chengzong finished speaking, he turned to look at Han Shipan. The two brothers Han Shiyou said: "Follow me, let's look for General Li."

Li Bei is hard to find, but Li Bei's armor is easy to find, and he wears it on Ma Ke.

Since the whole army was surrounded and the array was torn to pieces, Li Bei stopped talking.

Li Bei is a general. He has no soldiers of his own. The one with the most soldiers in the formation is Ma Ke.

Ma Ke asked Li Bei to break out of the encirclement, and Li Bei said that he would cut off the queen for him.

Then Li Bei was pushed down by Ma Ke, and the soldiers took off his general armor. He was then put on Ma Ke's armor and a soldier's iron helmet.

The young President Bai knelt down, kowtowed, and ordered the generals guarding the left and right frontier troops to fight out.

He said: "The general treats his humble duty like a father. Today is the time for his humble duty to repay the general's kindness."

He mounted his horse, thrust his spear toward the left, shouted "Li Bei is here" to attract attention, and charged straight at the invincible cavalry captain.

In one round, Zhang Tianlin's sword was broken, and the broken sword was also pierced into the horse's neck. In two rounds, Zhang Tianlin hid in the stirrup to avoid the spear and was knocked off her helmet.

In the third round, Ma Ke accidentally fell off his horse while using his carbine. Zhang Tianlin lost her weapon and saw that she was surrounded by officers and soldiers. It was difficult for her to rush out on horseback, so she jumped on her horse and ran away.

Marco took the horse and was not satisfied, so he searched for the next target.

There was a very familiar single-sword thief on the right wing, wearing a red coat. Marco wanted to beat him yesterday, so he rushed over to him screaming.

It's a pity that this thief is not a hero at all when he hides behind the shield wall. Before Marco can get over, a row of thieves dressed like troupers behind the shield wall are holding bows and firing arrows.

The war spear in Ma Ke's palm danced so hard that water couldn't splash into it, and he stuck three feather arrows in his body and hit the horse before running away.

He saw another target, a tall and strong man fighting on foot, swinging his sword wide open and closed. The three frontier soldiers couldn't get close, and once again shouted "Li Bei is here" and rushed over.

Gao Yingxiang swung away the three border soldiers beside him with one knife, and saw through it at a glance that this was a fake.

He had never met Li Bei, but he also knew that Li Bei was not the youngest general in the Ming Dynasty. This young general was about the same age as Liu Shizi.

If you were Li Bei, your grandfather would still be called Zhu Youjian.

This is a scapegoat. Whatever the scapegoat does, Gao Yingxiang drags the knife and leaves.

Unexpectedly, Ma Ke didn't tell him to leave, but stepped forward and stabbed him with his spear.

Seeing that Gao Yingxiang couldn't escape, he was not afraid to pick up the knife and chop. The weapon hit one place, but unexpectedly the pole under the knife grid was grabbed by this gangster, and he jumped forward with the help of his horse power.


The blade came out of his hand, leaving Gao Yingxiang stunned.

I just want your life, but you actually want my knife?

Without the weapon in his hand, Gao Yingxiang ran away. Fortunately, several subordinates were nearby and stepped forward to stop Ma Ke, thus keeping the leader safe.

Ma Ke saw that there was no benefit in finding Li Bei, so he put the sword on his shoulder and the spear under his right arm, and rode all the way to find Li Bei.

This guy was charging left and right, with almost no enemy at his disposal. After a while, he found Li Bei, who was fighting fiercely.

Cao Yao didn't know that the person fighting him was Li Bei. He was just here to steal the cannon.

With Liu Chengzong's cavalry holding down the formation, the situation of the Chinese army was improving, but the front line of the official army also gathered a lot of soldiers.

He was worried that the shelling of the infantry formation would happen again, so he decided to bring people over to take away all the artillery and gunpowder abandoned by the army on the front line.

In this way, even if the advantage of defeat is lost and the two sides fight again, they will still be able to fight.

However, as soon as he pushed the two artillery carts, his sneaky move was discovered by the army, and he then led the artillery to attack Li Bei, who gathered dozens of border troops.

The state of the officers and soldiers at this meeting is very strange. It is said that they were defeated, but they are still in formation.

It can be said that they are not defeated, but their fighting will is very low.

It's easy to muster up courage when fighting a smooth battle, but when you encounter a tough situation, you immediately regain the fear of being breached on the spot.

Cao Yao's artillery was so tough that it sprayed out the shells with a volley of cannons, and the newly reassembled formation of officers and soldiers dispersed again.

The artillerymen lined up their guns, waiting for the order.

Cao Yao shouted: "Surrender, we are all frontier troops, we will not die if we surrender."

At this moment, a broken spear came through the air with a buzzing whirling sound, and was stuck in the artillery array. Then several cavalry galloped over, and several people broke into the formation, and then there were people holding Guan Dao.

He galloped over, pulled Li Bei onto the horse, urged the horse and ran away.

Liu Chengzong was getting closer and closer to the enemy's position. He saw the commander of the army being taken away by a border soldier wearing general armor.

He immediately guessed who was thrown on the horse, and immediately ordered: "Quick, catch up with them, don't let them run away!"

Li Bei on the horse was breathing heavily and said to Ma Ke: "You are still young. Don't let this matter hold you back. It's enough to go back and report the war situation truthfully."

Ma Keman said nonchalantly: "It's okay, General. I'm humble enough to protect you and fight you out."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were already thieves on both sides, but more came down now, leaving them faintly on the battlefield littered with corpses.

I have to run desperately in front, and chase desperately from behind.

Li Bei said: "With only one horse, none of us can run away. Remember, if the officer asks about the war and has something bad for you, blame it on me. Take care."

"I'll grab another one..."

Before Ma Ke could finish his words, he felt a hard push on his back, his mount's hooves became brisk, and there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground behind him.

Looking back, Li Bei had already fallen to the ground and rolled several times.

Marco turned his horse's head, and he was surrounded by cavalry rushing towards him. He held his sword and tried to rush forward many times, but he saw more and more enemies gathering around him.

In the end, I just shouted.

"General! Take care!"

Li Bei stood in the crowd and surrendered.

Without the burden of carrying a burden, Marco's horse ran very fast, and it didn't take long to break through the dangerous zone of the river valley.

Liu Chengzong was looking at the map in the Chinese military tent in the official camp. Li Bei was quickly captured by Yang Yao and presented to him.

Liu Chengzong smiled and said: "General Li, I've heard of his name for a long time!"

Li Bei said nothing.

On the hill at the end of the river valley, there was a miserable figure, squatting in a place where others could not find it and crying.

This chapter has been completed!
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