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Chapter 167 Yanzhou

 Nanheyuan, Yanchuan County.

The people on the dry farming terraces leaned on their farm tools and looked into the distance. Not far away, on the plateau a hundred paces away, countless arrow and musket targets were set up, and the servants and cavalry of the Lion Camp were practicing.

The sound of the horn sounded.

Han Shiyou climbed on his mount, led the two horses forward and accelerated forward. He performed the movements of hiding on the horse, kicking on the left, hiding on the right, and changing horses.

Then when the war horse galloped across a line painted with ashes on the bottom of the pot, he flew up to pick up an arrow, opened his bow and shot it far away towards the target in front of him, which was an archery target standing at the end of the plateau, sixty paces away.

The arrow was still flying in the air. He opened the bow again to the left and fired an arrow toward the target twenty steps away. With the sound of the arrow hitting the target, he changed the bow to his right hand and opened the bow again to the right.

A ten-step target.

Complete these three arrows in sequence, put the bow back into the bag, slow down the horse, climb on another horse, straighten the spear to the left, pick up the helmet on the target, stab with the right again, and pierce the chest of the target with the spear.<


Finally, he took out his saber, held it horizontally to his side, and cut the last straw target into two pieces.

Then he galloped the last ten steps and took out the arrow that hit the red heart two inches from the target at the end of the plateau.

The series of tactical moves were dazzling, and the servant cavalry behind them cheered loudly.

The farmers on the dry farming terraces all looked as if they were seeing gods descending from heaven.

A father lectured his son: "Did you see that you just want to join the lion camp after learning some spear and stick dancing? What kind of skills do you have?"

The son, who was shirtless and strong, raised his neck and stared from ear to ear. He looked down at the shovel in his hand and turned more energetically.

As the saying goes, summer begins in the furrow. The mild summer heat at the end of May has passed. The people in northern Shaanxi are suffering. They must plow the wheat fields several times before the millet turns yellow, and grab the moisture before and after the white dew.


After the wheat is planted, there is no rest time to cut millet, harvest millet, pick beans, pick cotton, pull black beans, pour sesame seeds, and dry, grind, beat, and winnow some crops.

After the autumn harvest, we have to continue plowing and preparing the fields until the beginning of winter.

Even in winter, not many people can really rest. They still have to cut firewood or dig coal in the mountains to earn enough for their families for half a year.

But this is not Guanzhong, and there is no way to maintain harvests despite droughts and floods. A cold spell at the wrong time, or a drought that makes it difficult to maintain moisture, can wipe out their hard-earned livelihood for half a year.

But no matter how hard it is, farmers still have to work hard, even if they only need to harvest dozens of kilograms of grain from one acre of land.

The drill of the right team of servants on another mountain plateau is not so interesting to watch.

But they don’t have enough skills there, so they can use their momentum to make up for it.

The fifty cavalrymen were divided into five teams, and each team galloped forward. Their target was a large square pile of wheat straw, with a foot-high wooden board fixed at chest level in the middle.

The horse team completed a hundred paces in front of the wheat straw pile to speed up, gallop, and slow down. The horses' hooves pressed against the eight-step gray line to turn. Everyone stretched their arms, held the Franco handgun and fired at the target.

A row of faint smoke rose, and they turned and ran back. On the way, they reconnected the match rope that had been knocked off by the gunpowder, took off the musket and reinstalled it.

Then the other team repeated this action. When the whole team finished shooting, Zhong Bao counted carefully in front of the target, and then shouted: "Thirty-eight shots!"

Then the whole team checked the shot guns. Some people must have missed, but it was difficult to distinguish the missed ones.

There must also be someone whose gun didn't fire. This was easy to tell, so they were taken out for training. After the training, they were formed into small teams to go horse racing and shoot.

The remaining people cleaned the barrels of their guns, put away their guns, and practiced running on horseback.

In the past, they were not necessarily all skilled cavalry with bows and horses.

Lion Liu will be selected into the servant team for various reasons.

For example, if you are injured in this battle, the injury is not serious, but it will affect your combat effectiveness for a short period of time. Others will continue to fight in the next battle. If you are afraid that he will die, you will first put him in the servant team.

After he recovers from his injury, if this person still wants to stay with the Lions, then he will stay in the supporting team.

Therefore, some people’s riding skills were gained by riding mules, and these people are all on the right team.

There are even people like Fan Sanlang.

Fan Sanlang has not slept in bed for two months. Ever since she was stationed in Yanchuan from Lion Camp, she slept on the back of a different mule every night.

This is a special training for the Lion Camp. Each post will select some people to watch the night every day. The night watch team will be divided into two teams. One team rides mules on the mountain road, and the other team rides mules to follow them to sleep.

Others slept on the back of a mule for five days, but Fan Sanlang was arranged by Liu Shishi to sleep on the back of a mule every day.

Others could fall asleep, but she couldn't. Every day on night watch, she watched others sleeping on the mule, leaning down from the left side, watching him fall off little by little. Hey, suddenly his body straightened up again.

, and then tilt it to the right little by little.

Fan Sanlang was different. She was so sleepy that after squinting for a while, her body began to tilt to the left, and then she really fell.

People give him the nickname Kowtow Saburo.

Last month, her job almost consisted of standing and taking a nap, sitting and taking a nap, eating and taking a nap, wielding a knife and taking a nap, shooting arrows and firing muskets, and falling on the back of a mule.

And it’s a different mule back, because Liu Shishi said that mules also have to sleep and can’t accompany you around the mountains every day.

Everyone needs to sleep, but she is the only one who doesn't.

Fan Sanlang's condition is a little better this month. There is no improvement in his skills, but his body has become accustomed to falling asleep anytime and anywhere.

For example, now.

The people of Wohu Mountain were short of manpower during the summer harvest, so they borrowed some help from the Lion Camp. Now the wheat is ground into flour, and the people happily transported pigs and brought the white flour to the Lion Camp.

When Liu Shizi saw how enthusiastic the people were, he couldn't be stingy. He simply called the whole village over, killed a lame horse, made cakes with white flour, and invited the war auxiliary soldiers who had gone to Crouching Mountain to help and the people to eat them.

A meal.

This is like buying a horse bone with a thousand pieces of gold. There is no need to tell the war auxiliary soldiers that they want to help the people. But if someone does this, Liu Shishi will let him benefit, and people will naturally know what to do in the future.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

During the dinner, Liu Shizi asked Fan Sanlang to go back to the military tent to get him something, but when the meal was finished, he still didn't get it back.

When I returned to the military tent, I saw Fan Sanlang sitting cross-legged on the couch with his back facing out, his helmet on his spine and his head in front of his body. He was curled up into a small ball, snoring gently.



Liu Chengzong raised his hand to scratch his face and couldn't help but smile.

The last time he saw someone sleeping like this was when Shiliu Yi had his head stuck in the stable of Fish River Fort.

He couldn't help but wonder, is it so difficult to sleep on the back of a mule?

How stable the mule is!

Liu Chengzong did not disturb Fan Sanlang's sleep, but simply returned to his tent and went to the various sentries.

He had a plan in his mind to find a place to put Fan Sanlang, so that she would not be a soldier.

Being a soldier is hard, but being a mobile peasant army is even harder.

In the Lion Camp, it was much harder than the peasant army.

When he walked out of the military tent, he happened to meet Wei Qian'er's Tangqi who came to report: "General, the deputy general is back!"

The Sky Monkey came, but Liu Chengzong didn't lead him to the military tent. He just picked a tent and went in. He asked, "How is it? Is there any news from the south?"


The monkey in the sky looked very excited and said: "After Governor Liu caused the illness, the new governor has been appointed. His name is Wang Shunxing. He was formerly the envoy of Zuo, a native of Xutong, Henan, and a Jinshi in the 38th year of Wanli."

"That sum of silver is finally about to arrive. It should be 130,000 taels."

The monkey in the sky raised his index finger and tapped it on the small wooden table: "Guess how I knew this?"

"I wasn't looking for the news, it was the news that found me!"

"The news has found you?" Liu Chengzong asked curiously: "How do you say this?"

The monkey in the sky just smiled and laughed for a while before saying: "General, do you remember that horse, Ma Maocai?"

"You mean Ma Maoguan?" Liu Chengzong was impressed by this name and said: "Ai Mu's subordinates, the team that went to cut off Yang Chengzu's head in the valley?"

"Yes, that's him! Him and his brother-in-law."

Shangtianhou explained one after another: "His brother-in-law was at the top of the city. The turret was bombarded and the soldiers on his hands were killed and injured. Later, he surrendered and found his brother-in-law in the prisoner camp. Both of them received travel expenses and food and were imprisoned."<


"Originally, one was in charge of the team and the other was in charge. When they returned home, they were all beaten up by their officers. My brother-in-law was named Qi Shuangquan and was beaten by the officer. He lay there for a month and almost died."

After the monkey in the sky finished saying this, he stared at Liu Chengzong and said: "They are the ones escorting the silver."

Liu Chengzong burst into laughter and said in disbelief: "The Xi'an Prefecture is sick, but these people were just released and sent to northern Shaanxi?"

After laughing, he thought carefully and asked: "Is there a scam? Is Guanzhong out of troops or something, so we can only send them here?"

"It's really not true. I heard that the soldiers in Guanzhong are unwilling to come to northern Shaanxi. They can't get supplies along the way, and there are no post stations. Therefore, they have always done the hard work of dispatching troops and generals.

Liu Chengzong thought for a while and asked: "How did they find you?"

"Li Laojiao from Yanzhou is a leader with more than 3,000 subordinates. He is very familiar with Liu Liuliuqi and Hao Lin'an from Qingyang. The brother-in-law Ma Maoguan came to him and asked Li Laohao to find you, so he came to find me.


The monkey in the sky analyzed: "I think if this is a scam by the government, then it should be a scam directly. That guy is not at all uneasy."

"Originally, there were people like Feishan Tiger and Big Red Wolf in Yanzhou. They were far away from each other anyway, let alone grabbing territory. Now Feishan Tiger asked Chen Qindai to knock him to death, and Little Red Wolf took the avoidance card and was placed there without knowing it.


"He is the only one left in the big city of Yanzhou. If you rob this today and rob that tomorrow, even if the government wants to cheat, they have to kill him first so that they won't come to you through him."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly, agreeing with Sky Monkey's analysis, and asked: "Now, what are they going to do?"

"How to do it...nothing, how to do it, the Lion Camp does three things, collect the money, build gold locks, and settle these people."

"A golden lock?"

Jinsuo Pass is located in the south of Yijun County and the northernmost part of Yaozhou. After passing that pass, you will reach Guanzhong.

Liu Chengzong didn't quite understand: "What are you doing at Jinsuoguan?"

"Their family members are all south of Jinsuoguan and cannot enter northern Shaanxi. We need to go to Tongguan County to help them bring their family members to the north. Then we will give them some money and go to Yaozhou to collect grain.


Liu Chengzong was not that enthusiastic about entering Yaozhou to collect grain.

Because his uncle had been in Miyuan, he had some knowledge of the situation there.

To be honest, he doesn't want to leave the drought-stricken area, but would rather follow the drought and move forward.

He has his own code of conduct.

If there is no drought in a place, and the people may say they are being exploited or oppressed, but they are not desperate enough to eat the soil, then as long as his people are not in a desperate situation, he will not be willing to lead troops in and disrupt the situation.

The peaceful life of others.

Not because of morality, but because there is no place for him in such a land.

The people will naturally unite around the gentry, just like Black Dragon Mountain.

Of course, he can use the name of justice to do work for the people, plunder the wealthy gentry who are crazy about annexing land, and distribute the land to the people.

But it’s easy to divide the land, but what happens after it’s done?

After the division was completed, when he left, on the Guanzhong Plain, what could the people who had lost the power to rely on protect their land?

When these people die, their deaths will tell other people on the Guanzhong Plain, believing that the Lion Camp will die, but those who follow the government can survive.

He won’t even think about entering Guanzhong.

Only in Yan'an Prefecture, protected by drought and mountains, could the Lion Battalion defeat generals one after another and use force to protect the people who believed in him.

At least in these places, even if he is defeated, the government has no way to find fault with the people, and can only reluctantly gather together to try to collect some taxes.

But under this code of conduct, his power is increasingly stretched.

If he wants to enter Shanxi and the army enters Yan'an Prefecture again, he will lead his troops back to fight the army decisively.

When his sphere of influence extends to Yanzhou, then when the official army enters Yanzhou, he will go to Yanzhou to fight with the official army.

In fact, he was very worried that the officers and soldiers would find out that he had such characteristics. If he had such characteristics, he would be attacked by the officers and soldiers, and he would be rescued and left to wait for work.

Liu Chengzong didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he asked: "How many people are there?"

"Five hundred."

The monkey in the sky said: "There are a total of 500 people in the silver transportation team and 20 silver transportation vehicles. Ma Maoguan has united 46 people. We will unite more people after passing the Golden Suo Pass. It is estimated that there will be more than a hundred people."

"The family members of the forty-six people secretly entered Tongguan County after the Silver Team passed the Jinsuo Pass. There are probably more than 700 family members."

"This is a good thing. The drought in northern Shaanxi is not that severe this year. They came here just in time to plant wheat. How much do they want to share?"

The monkey in the sky paused and said: "Mao Guan said that there are forty-six of them, and each of them wants five hundred taels."

Liu Chengzong smiled and said: "Isn't this a dream?"

"Their family members want me to attack Jinsuoguan and resettle them after they are picked up. The government troops want me to fight them. They don't have to do anything and they will take away 23,000 taels."

"After passing the Golden Suo Pass, they incited some more rebels, and finally took away forty to fifty thousand taels..." Liu Chengzong raised his hand and pointed outside: "Can you ask the brothers in the Lion Camp if they agree?"

"We defeated them and only needed to spend two hundred taels on the prisoners as travel expenses. In fact, I was not even prepared to pay travel expenses to these people."

"If you can contact them again, tell Ma Maoguan that there is no need to instigate others to rebel. Ask him to keep the news secret, and give him ten thousand taels after the incident is completed."

Liu Chengzong stared at the monkey in the sky and said: "In the name of Ai Mu's defeat of the servants, I robbed these twenty carts of silver and put gold juice on the knife."

This chapter has been completed!
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