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Chapter 194 White Willow Stream Clouds Meet the Moon

 Bailiuxi is riding a horse on the way to Heshui County.

Vast teams lined up along the narrow paths along the mountain ridge, with ragged soldiers leading horses and mules.

As one of the thieves in Qingyang Prefecture, Bailiuxi is no different from other leaders. He has more and more subordinates, sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker, and his momentum also fluctuates.

The only difference is that she is a woman.

Bailiuxi is a native of Huan County in the north of Qingyang Prefecture. She was born in Lehu, but she can't compose music and play the piano. She has been dancing with swords and guns since elementary school, and is good at playing Yang Paifeng. She only started to learn fighting the year before last, and she was preparing to play Sun Erniang when she was 20 years old.


As a result, before it was too late, thieves rebelled all over the place. Seeing that her livelihood was becoming a problem, the old lady who often played the role of Mrs. She wanted to find a safe place for her to mediate, so that she would not lose her reputation.

I really found one, and the official planned to buy her as a concubine.

This family, at its best, has the highest level of knowledge in transporting salt from the fourth grade. They want an official position, a position, a status, and money.

Only, the person who transported the salt from Sipin knew that he was the buyer’s son.

Mr. Tongzhi looked down upon this matter and did not intend to pay him; here, Tongzhi’s father insisted on asking the class leader to send him over.

Things are in trouble.

Later, the old man sent his servants to pick them up and beat up all the people in the troupe. They neither wanted to let the servants take away Bailiuxi, nor did they dare to fight with the servants. The men stood outside and stood firm.

Get beaten.

Everyone was beaten until their noses were bruised, their faces were swollen and their heads were bleeding.

In the end, the old team leader went to stop him, but was kicked in the heart and lost his breath in the blink of an eye.

Bai Liuxi and Wusheng Wudan were drawing swords and wielding spears... To be honest, they were not very powerful.

Even though they have played with weapons for a lifetime, most people have never fought with anyone in their lives.

And when it comes to martial arts, they are all very skilled, but the martial arts they practice are different from Liu Chengzong's.

Liu Chengzong's kind of martial arts, the purpose of long-term training is to hit the target accurately and kill people.

The purpose of long-term training in the martial arts of people like Bailiuxi is to avoid and hit inaccurately.

One is sitting on the ground with his splits constantly shaking, and the other is doing the splits quickly and urgently with his spear, but the goal is not to hit, but to see the excitement of missing.

Therefore, the fight was more awkward. Others greeted them at their vital points, while they ran towards them to hide and attack.

Those who used swords and guns were not easy to use, but Bailiuxi used a stick and beat four or five people until they howled like ghosts.

For a moment, he was too heavy-handed and killed someone.

Later, she led the troupe to bury the old troupe leader and let the grass fall in the mountains of Huanxian County.

Bai Liuxi can be the leader not because she can fight, nor because she is young and good-looking, but because she can find food.

In their profession, especially in Shaanxi, the most popular repertoire is Yang Jia Jiang, and as a Xiao Dan, it is easy to attract the likes of those dignitaries, and they often accompany the old leader as a guest after the performance.

Over time, she got to know the cellars where grain was stored in many wealthy households, and she would secretly dig it out every once in a while. Since there were so many people there, even if she was discovered, those independent households would not be able to stop them, so she would run away after sharing the grain.
She has always been smart and never tells others the location of the grain cellar. Even if she explores the road, she only asks a few Wusheng Wudan to find out the truth with her, and only lets others intervene when she is doing something.

But even so, by this year, food is getting less and less.

Not only were all the grain cellars they knew to be robbed, but also due to years of drought, they couldn't rob much of the grain stored in large households, and the remaining forts were not something they, the little thieves and thieves, could rob.

When order just breaks down, everyone doesn't know where to go. If you can suggest a direction, you can take advantage of the situation and become the leader.

But as order has collapsed for a long time, if we want to stabilize the people below, it is no longer enough to just propose directions.

This matter is difficult for anyone, but as a woman in this era, it is even more difficult.

The men left and dispersed, but the ones who stayed wanted to do something more intense.

Bailiuxi Luocao has been working hard to learn culture for more than a year, mainly relying on the storytellers in the team.

The old storyteller knew some words and could teach her simple ones, but his job mainly relied on his knowledge and memorization. If he talked too much, he would memorize the entire book.

The bad thing is that this old man has only memorized one book.

Water Margin.

This made Bai Liuxi dare not set up camp on the mountain. She originally had thousands of people, but when they dispersed, there were still seven or eight hundred people.

Wang Lun of Liangshan was a man with three heroes and seven hundred or eight hundred young men. She was twelve martial arts students and Wu Dan, and she was a man of seven or eight hundred hungry people.

Bai Liuxi thought to herself, how smart she is. Counting the days, Lin Chong is about to go up the mountain, and Chao Gai is about to arrive.

She can't be on the mountain. She, the female version of Wang Lun, a scholar in white, will be attacked by Lin Chong if she stays on the mountain.

I have been thinking about this all day when the Liu brothers came.

They are not the Liu brothers from Yan'an Prefecture, but the Liu brothers from Qingyang Prefecture, Liu Wu, Liu Daojiang, and Liu Liu, Liu Daohai.

These two brothers are the local tigers of Qingyang Prefecture. Last year, they joined forces with the Korean and Korean Prime Ministers who had launched an army in the early years. They fought with tens of thousands of soldiers in Huanxian County and fought with the army, leaving numerous corpses everywhere.

Now he led his troops to the north again. Bai Liuxi was so frightened that he quickly led his troops to flee into the mountains, avoiding the leaders.

If a male leader led the team, it wouldn't be like this, and they might join forces happily, but her team has a mixed mix of men and women, and she also takes in many famous Huadan women from Huan County and Qingyang.

Just like earlier when she wanted to join forces with Han and Chaozai, Han Chaozai's general Tiao Jianhu wanted to take them all away.

This thing is very complicated. First of all, Bailiuxi doesn’t like it.

But after discussing it with the sisters, I have to admit that it makes some sense.

They are a group of helpless women. Although they are familiar with weapons and have some martial arts, they are physically and mentally exhausted just to feed themselves with food rations, not to mention not only having to guard against soldiers, but also against thieves.

Everywhere you look is an enemy.

How long can they last in this situation?

You must find someone to rely on.

Finding support is easier said than done, but also difficult.

If we are in love with each other, it’s okay to run away to the end of the world; if you love me and I love you, we can live together as partners; if you really don’t like it, and you are looking for power, it’s a good thing to be able to catch up with a short-legged tiger.

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Anyway, they are in this industry, and the class leader has long said that sooner or later they will find a high-ranking official to marry, which is much better than living in the world.

But if you are only after power, why bother looking for the bandit Han Chaozai? Why not send yourself to Han Chaozai to clean yourself up? Or go to the north of Yan'an Prefecture and directly join the most powerful Wang Jiayin.

Just at this moment, rumors spread wildly among the thieves in Qingyang Prefecture that Liu Shishi of Yan'an Prefecture led his army to Qingyang, and his general Yang Yao summoned the leaders of the four counties of Qingyang to pay their respects.

Bailiuxi thought this was a good opportunity, so he started moving to Heshui County.

On the way, her general asked: "Sister Bai, who is Liu Shizi?"

Liu Shishi is a first-class powerful person.

There is also a general in Bailiuxi, a martial arts student named Yun Jiao Yue.

These are also women. Since they were young, they were adopted by their old class leader to learn Wudan skills because of their good looks. Bai Liuxi was born fair and tall, so she was given this stage name.

As for Yun Jiaoyue, something went wrong during her growth.

Bailiu River, just hearing the name makes people feel like they are in spring, white and green.

What kind of scenery is it when the clouds meet the moon? It’s dark and translucent.

The two of them clearly ate the same food and practiced the same skills. The longer the clouds and the moon grew, the taller and stronger they grew.

How to describe it?

Before the opera troupe collapsed, Yun Jiaoyue's famous repertoire was the Ancient City Hui, which she learned from the Southern Hui Troupe.

She plays Zhang Fei in it, and the martial artist who plays Guan Yu wears a green futou, which is half a head lower than hers.

A good-looking swordsman with a handsome appearance, but because his body was too tall and his complexion was a little dark, he became a martial arts student.

Hearing Yun Jiaoyue's question, Bai Liuxi shook his head.

They say they are meeting Liu Shishi, but in fact everyone in the team knows that when they have to make a choice, they must find a reliable leader to rely on.

When one cannot control one's own destiny, everyone feels heavy.

Bailiuxi has been hiding in the mountains for a long time. Even the news that Yang Yao summoned a group of thieves was only heard from others. How did he know what kind of person Liu Shishi was?

However, she still smiled and said as if to comfort herself: "I heard that he is capable of fighting. He should be a man like Yun Jiaoyue."

Yun Jiaoyue was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "If Yun Jiaoyue is really a man, he must be a good man in the world. If my sister has the body of a general, it will not be a loss."

Just joking like this, Bai Liuxi looked sad: "Don't say whether he is worthy or not. Look at the Water Margin. There are two types of men in the world. Those who are greedy for money and lustful have no future. Those who have done some big things are not close to women. I'm afraid

Then take my sweetheart and drink it!"

"It's true. I heard that Wang Jiayin from Yulin didn't marry either." Yun Jiaoyue sighed: "The small bosses all have wives and concubines in groups, while the big boss is alone. It's really strange."

The team of Bailiu River went south along the Huanjiang River. This river is very wide and is also called Malian River, but the people prefer to call it Ma Fool River.

Because this river is very long, stretching from the Great Wall to the south, the water is not good, it can neither be drank nor irrigated, and it is not popular with people. It is cleaner only when it flows to Ningzhou, and it can barely be irrigated.

Moreover, this river has abnormal intentions. It can be waded through normally, but during the summer and autumn rainy seasons, the water surges a thousand times, destroying bridges and inundating the fields of people and livestock.

The greatest role of this river for the people living north of Ningzhou is to wash firewood from the mountains to the downstream river beach, so that when the water recedes, they can collect firewood.

Along the Huanjiang River, passing through the barren fields destroyed by bandits and wars on both sides, we walked to the intersection of the Hulu River more than 20 miles away from Heshui, and the surrounding area became lively.

Yun Jiaoyue climbed to the top of the mountain ridge to look around, and soon ran down the mountain with a spear in hand: "Sister, this is it. On the mountain to the east, there are banners of ten miles of camp all over the place! Hurry up and take a look!"

Yun Jiaoyue didn't know how to describe what she saw.

She had never seen such a scene in her life. At least twenty miles away, she could see a densely packed camp spread out layer by layer on the dry farming terraces in the mountains extending eastwards along the mountain ridge, and it was as far as the eye could see.
Suddenly, it seemed as if I saw a town from a distance, and even said that the town was no longer suitable.

Even during the Wanli period, the entire Qingyang Prefecture only had a population of 150,000 or 60,000 people. Now, after several years of famine and two years of war, the surviving people are scattered across four counties, one state, and vast mountainous areas.

Yun Jiaoyue was very convinced that the army stationed in the mountains in the distance had more people than any other county outside the city.

Bai Liuxi and Yun Jiaoyue stood on the ridge and looked at the Lion Camp, and the Lion Camp was also looking at them.

On the reverse slope of the invisible mountain ridge of Bailiu River, Dai Daozi, the former Ningxia Town Heng Castle Management Team and the current Shishiying Tang Soldier Management Team, led ten Tang soldiers to quickly pass through.

These soldiers, still wearing the uniforms of the frontier soldiers, were running in the mountains with their swords drawn. On the road around the foot of the mountain, a Tang soldier led more than twenty war horses and galloped out of an earthen dragon.

On the ridge five miles away to the east, another team of Tang soldiers had received their flag order and knew that a team of several hundred people had entered the Lion Camp within a radius of 25 miles.

Today, the Lion Camp has thirty-six ponds of soldiers, each with twelve riders, and each pond is staffed by eight Ningxia soldiers and four post soldiers.

Ningxia veteran Dai Daozi was in charge of Sitang.

But in fact, it is difficult to do the pond riding work in the Lion Camp because the team is too big.

Under normal circumstances, they are used to covering the team twenty miles away. At this distance, a 3,000-size standard battalion stationed at outposts can be completely hidden in the mountains.

But their team was too big. They were nominally two battalions, but in fact they had more troops than three battalions, and they carried far more mules and horses than the official army.

In a valley with a wide field of vision and full of rugged mountains and plains, twenty miles cannot cover it at all.

Dai Daozi's subordinates asked as they were running: "In charge of the team, just watch them, but what about the seven or eight hundred people?"


Dai Daozi just pressed the knife and ran away, and said no more.

He didn't know what this group of people were here for. In the past few days, leaders from all walks of life in Qingyang Mansion came here to see his commander-in-chief in an endless stream.

Brothers Liu Daojiang and Liu Daohai sent their generals to come.

Han Chaozai and other traitors such as Tian Jin'an, the local leader in Heshui County, Hu Sanzha from Ningzhou, He Zijie, Wang Mancai and other thieves all came here in person.

However, these leaders responded to Yang Yao's invitation with as few as three or five cavalry, as many as more than ten people, and they just brought some guards.

There is nowhere like Bailiuxi, where seven to eight hundred people came in droves, and they walked on official roads.

Dai Daozi was far away, so he could only see that the group's armor was not in order, and he couldn't tell whether their leader was a man or a woman.

After weighing the military strength of both sides, Dai Daozi finally concluded that with his ten cavalry, he had little chance of winning in a fight with the seven to eight hundred people on the river bank.

But I definitely won’t suffer.

This group of people didn't even have any decent armor, and all they had were civilian weapons. Dai Daozi could think of a slight possibility of winning, but the possibility of losing was also very small. For example... the enemy resisted desperately, and his ten cavalrymen

Tired to death?

Dai Daozi was holding back his energy. Ever since he took the lead in joining the Lion Battalion in the prisoner camp, he had not made any achievements yet, and he was eager to have a battle to show off his abilities.

These seven or eight hundred people are very good.

Running to the mountain road, Dai Daozi's men took the shortcut. The horses ran fast but walked far. They arrived almost at the same time. Twelve Tang soldiers got on their horses and formed three columns of horse soldiers to form a small square formation, heading towards the Bailiu River.

The team is approaching quickly.

The distance of four hundred steps was just a short gallop. The further Dai Daozi walked, the more he felt something was wrong.

At first he thought it was Minzhuang from Heshui County, but when he got to a stone's throw away, he saw that there were many young aunts in the team.

Many of the well-dressed girls in that team were about the same age as his daughter who was killed by Lieutenant Qingfan.

Dai Daozi's eagerness to perform meritorious service also cooled down. He rode half a circle and withdrew his team to a safe distance: "Go and ask me personally, what are they doing here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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