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Chapter 214 Little Baozi

 Liu Chengzong discovered that people’s identities are indeed very interesting.

Same thing, if he was really a general of the imperial court, he might not even be able to enter Pingliang City.

And now, the Yan'an giant bandit has stayed in his loyal Han Dynasty for eight days.

In the Guanlan Pavilion in the middle of Liuhu Lake, King Zhu Danyang of Han tugged on the hem of his coarse cloth shirt and sighed sadly.

Spotting Liu Chengzong reading next to him, he raised his head and glanced at him. He quickly stuffed a handful of fried noodles into his mouth and drank five sips of water.

The King of Han has scolded himself more than 18,000 times in the past few days. Why did he invite Liu Chengzong into the city if he was so good? It made him nervous every day.

Liu Chengzong looked down at the "Taishi Water Method" in Prince Han's Mansion and asked without raising his head: "Can't you get used to it?"

King Han was stunned for a moment and quickly shook his head: "You have to eat...ahem, you are used to it."

Although Zhu Danyang was a few years older than Liu Chengzong, Liu Shizi felt that this prince was just a big boy.

Things have been normal these days. When he first returned to Pingliang City, King Han was very strange.

When the granary was robbed, he was angry; when the bank was robbed, he was angry; when his palace was burned down, he was so sad that he cried for several days.

After asking, I found out that he grew up in the East Palace, and the old King Han was gone when he couldn't remember. At that time, he was too young to be in charge. The affairs of the palace were submitted to the Han Dynasty's concubine Dong, and King Gaochun was asked to take charge of the affairs of the vassal.


No one has lived in the palace for more than ten years, and the furnishings inside have not changed. To King Han, the word father means this large and empty palace.

Now that the palace has been destroyed, the only memories left are gone.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, I have found that this little Han King is not a particularly bad person and is very smart, but all the wisdom in his mind has been used to defraud relatives of money.

I still have psychological problems.

I have no friends of the same age with similar status, and there are only three kinds of people around me.

Either he was an official of the royal palace who played with him like a dog; or he was an ordinary person who he couldn't see when he walked past; or he was a local official who he couldn't afford to offend.

I have never been out of Xiaoqiang very much in my life, so when I come into contact with others, I am either condescending or acting according to the prevailing situation, and I cannot get along with others normally.

But this person is doing fine as usual. Now that their memorial has been sent to the court, Liu Chengzong did not let them ask for an official position. He just reported the matter of the Wei vassal truthfully and attached a written notice written by Yang Dingrui.

There is nothing new in the memorial. They are all principles that all the rebels in the Lion Camp understand, but the emperor may not understand.

It's just that the drought in Qin has made it impossible to feed so many hungry people, and there is not enough food to feed so many hungry troops, so that people can't live anymore and are begging for food everywhere. If they are placed in the interior, they will still beg for food everywhere if there is insufficient food. Now the court has no food.

, it’s still a robbery no matter where you are, it’s better to go out and grab it.

"If you're not used to it, don't eat it."

Liu Chengzong raised his head and glanced at King Han: "You don't want to eat the royal palace's food, but you come here to eat my army rations."

It was just an ordinary sentence, but it made King Han think for a long time. He looked at Fan Sanlang, who was mainly engaged in viewing and part-time as a guard outside Guanlan Pavilion, and then asked very seriously: "General, isn't rebellion particularly interesting?"

Liu Chengzong: "Huh?"

Is this what a feudal king should say?

"Xiao Wang has been with you for three days."

King Han raised his hand and pointed out three fingers: "In three days, you will watch the camp exercises three times in the martial arts field, twice in the morning and once in the afternoon; you will give food to the people twice. In addition, it is the seventh day of the Pingliang Prefecture. You can read in your free time, and you can also do it in the evening.

It's quite interesting to perform and sing with your soldiers."

"Xiao Wang feels that the general is a person who can accomplish things."

King Han licked his lips and said, "If Your Majesty doesn't give you an official title, why don't you give me one?"

Liu Chengzong smiled and pointed at the coarse cloth clothes on King Han's body and the fried noodles in his hand, and said: "So you are trying it first, can you get used to eating and dressing?"

King Han nodded excitedly: "I think it's okay. Coarse clothes are just fine. The food is not very good, but I heard that you often eat donkey meat roasted on fire. It should be better than this."

Liu Chengzong adjusted his sitting posture, closed the book, and looked up at King Han for a long time.

It wasn't until King Han felt guilty and his eyes averted when he saw him that Liu Chengzong said: "Don't be afraid, big things will not happen. I will lead my troops westward and I will not kill you to vent my anger."

When someone saw through his mind, King Han smiled sheepishly, and then asked: "If I don't agree with you, will you lead your troops and leave without harming my relatives in the vassal country?"

Liu Chengzong nodded and sighed in his heart.

This King of Han is very smart, especially when it comes to issues of life and death, and has the ability to draw inferences from one instance to other cases.

It's a pity that he is a prince. If he is a lieutenant with average conditions in Lumi, he has studied hard since childhood and passed the imperial examination.


Hearing him say that he would not harm the clan, King Han was a little disappointed. He shook his head and said, "I knew it..."

Liu Chengzong was amused: "Why, how many more clan members do you want me to harm?"

King Han nodded, then shook his head, and sat comfortably. He sighed and said with a smile: "It's hard to say, you don't understand our Han Dynasty. Looking at other vassals, our ancestors have done a lot of ridiculous things. Our Han Dynasty has done a lot of ridiculous things."

A feudal lord is so poor that he has to torment himself."

Liu Chengzong sneered: "You can't lie to me. My people will help you calculate your losses. I know the accounts very well."

"Your vassal country ordered people to rob and burn more than 400,000 stones of rice and grain, and took away more than 300,000 taels of gold and silver. This is not counting all kinds of utensils. It is enough to support the people of Pingliang Mansion for several years. Is this called poverty?"
After hearing this, King Han quickly waved his hands and shook his head, saying: "That much rice and grain belongs to all the princes and generals in the city, not just me. If you think about it, if there are so many princes, they will share the grain equally, and each family will not have much food."


"Especially in my palace, I can't collect enough rent. I have to pay grain to the court every year, and I use the stored grain to make some loans. I have to pay more for less. Prince Lumi has never paid enough."

"I have been in charge of the country for almost twenty years now." As he spoke, he pointed his thumb at himself and said: "Prince, the prince of Lumi Wanshi, I have saved less than 100,000 shi of rice and grain.

Is tens of thousands of taels of silver too much?"

Liu Chengzong blinked: "You mean, the prince of the clan is poor like you?"

"Of course!"

King Han looked like you were a small witch but a big witch: "Among the vassal countries in the world, I am the only one who is poorer than Prince Qing of Yinchuan and Prince Su of Lanzhou. During the years when I was in charge of the country, I traded things and things, and my income and expenditure were just okay.

The past few years have been worse than the last.”

"So you don't know the situation of my vassal country. Looking at it, it's so glamorous. Sometimes I really envy the people outside. I wish I could just leave, but I'm afraid of starving to death. I'll tell you what characters the vassal country has produced in the past. You can

Got it."

King Han raised his hand and said with his fingers: "In the Chenghua year, one of our internal officials thought that the vassal country was poor and could not bear the hardship and ran away. However, he could not do anything else with his professional skills. He entered the Forbidden City and became a eunuch. Later, he was

Find it out and send it back to my ancestors for disposal."

"My ancestors thought, this ghost place is so poor that I want to run away. It's not surprising that the internal officials ran away, so there is no way to deal with it and let it go."

"King Yin of the Han Dynasty fell ill and died. Before his death, he was afraid that he would have no heirs, so he cut off his title as a county king. He took a wild baby from outside to succeed him. Later, the news was leaked and he was blackmailed by his relatives for half his life. In the end, the country was wiped out."

"During the Jiajing year, King Jianning was so poor. Oh, this man was disgraced. He had no money and relied on pawning things to survive. Guess what he ended up pawning? He pawned all the titles and gold titles. He was discovered by the court and was demoted to a concubine.

People and countries are eliminated."

"There are also generals and lieutenants who masked their faces and went out to be bandits, robbing their own relatives' caravans. These are all things they can do... The most egregious thing was in the Jiajing Dynasty, because King Xiangling wanted to occupy the monks of Kongtong Mountain.

The monks were anxious to dedicate their fields to the Prince's Mansion. King Xiangling united more than 260 clan members to go to the emperor to sue the Prince's Mansion."

King Han raised his thumb and said: "It is said that we annexed Yamada Market, killed innocent people, and recruited rogues and profiteers to hide the matter. In other words, they accuse us of wanting to rebel."

"Fortunately, the emperor checked and found that Jin Chanzi." King Han raised his hand and pointed outside: "I'm not in a hurry to let you kill him outside the city. They are both ordinary people. That is my brother, my brother."
Liu Chengzong paused, looked at King Han and said, "It seems that no one has talked to you for a long time. Your brother should be the king of the county. How come he has become a commoner?"

The King of Han smiled and then said: "I was still young at that time, and he was a concubine. His mother wanted to bribe the then Magistrate Fan. My mother and concubine were so frightened that they quickly went to bribe Magistrate Fan. Fan was named as the dynasty. Who could be bribed on both sides?

It was not confiscated, and I succeeded to the throne as the crown prince."

"Now I am the king, and he has robbed a lot of money and food, and he is also the king." King Han smiled miserably: "It's good."

Liu Chengzong once thought Jin Chanzi was Luo Rucai, but later he discovered that the black donkey knight was Jin Chanzi.

And he is still the second generation Jin Chanzi.

He is not very interested in the grudges in the palace of King Han, but the good hope that King Han has for his brother is probably in vain. Jin Chanzi has been busy chasing him and hasn't grabbed much wealth.

That man led his troops to Ningzhou, was beaten by Lian Guoshi, and fled into the mountains.

Seeing that Liu Chengzong was silent, King Han turned the topic aside: "Can you tell me what you are planning to do with your troops in Qinghai?"

"We can do farming, fishing, nomadic herding, hunting, building forts and fighting. We can do whatever the Han people can do; we can do whatever the pirates can do in order to survive."

In fact, Liu Chengzong felt that he was similar to the leader of a nomadic tribe. Nomads only lived for water and grass, while nomads lived for soldiers and food.

Liu Chengzong's words sincerely feeling that his future was uncertain sounded like a brave adventure to King Han's ears. He rubbed his hands and asked: "General, when you have established a foothold outside the wall, I will report to the emperor and transfer it to him."

How's it going?"

Forgive me for refusing!

Liu Chengzong raised his hand to stop: "No, your Han Dynasty earns 110,000 shi every year. My two battalions of troops, not counting war horses, can't eat so much in a year."

King Han banged the wooden bowl of fried noodles and said, "I don't have much to eat. Let them all stay here to fend for themselves. I will take the princess to your place."

"Shut up!"

Liu Chengzong was very puzzled. He stretched out his arms and said: "Pingliang is such a good place and such a big city. If you come with me to live in the open air, not to mention that I am not familiar with the place, I might have to live in Qinghai Lake with Xining as your back."

Build a small fort, I think you are tired of living a good life."

"General, I trust you with all my heart. If this city can be attacked once, it can be attacked a second time."

King Han asked, "You saved me this time, but who can save me next time? What's more, you are recruiting the rebels. When you get to a place far away from Emperor Gao that day, you will not restrict me. I may be poor, but

I feel comfortable and safe, and I don’t think you will harm me... not to mention!"

As he spoke, he raised his head: "It is our tradition of Han Dynasty to ask for transfer of title and leave Pingliang. We should not be trying to quell the chaos. From the time when the first generation asked for transfer to the present day, there are no good people in the fourth ancestor's family and we are not allowed to leave.


Silly boy, your ancestors did not ask for transfer to a poorer place like you.

Liu Chengzong smiled and said: "You still know that I am a rebel. If there is another rebellion in the future, then you will not fall immediately."

"What happened to the rebels? The Fourth Ancestor is also in trouble. I think back then, if our ancestors of the Han Dynasty had been able to establish a vassal state, they would not have been able to rise up just to support our group of Donglu, and they would have been impoverished to death."

The King of Han didn't care about this. He sat up straight and even deliberately leaned forward: "Is it difficult to rebel again? Support me!"

Liu Chengzong waved his hands one after another: "Just stay calm and stay in Pingliang. Don't cause trouble for me. Your ancestors still supported King Xiao Ming. In the end, you would have drowned in the river. There are so many ways to survive. If you don't take it, you have to choose one to seek death."

The road."

King Han was so anxious that he slapped his legs: "Don't, Pingliang is a dead end. The city wall is quite high, but it's useless. If it is said to be breached, it will be breached."

Liu Chengzong finally figured it out. This King of Han had a great desire to survive. Maybe he could guide him properly, which would be a good thing for the people of Pingliang Mansion in the future.

He then asked with a smile: "Do you want to know why it was breached? Do you want to know how to prevent it from being breached? Help me do a few things, and then listen to me. I have a way to make it impregnable."

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King Han was overjoyed and nodded one after another and asked: "What do you want? As long as I can do it, I will do it for you."

Liu Chengzong smiled with satisfaction and said: "I looked at the accounts of the palace. Your income is mainly four yuan. One is Lumi. Most of these Lumi grains come from Pingliang County, Zhenyuan and Jingzhou in Pingliang Prefecture.

Huating, Lingtai."

"The second is the tax on the land that is owned by the tenants for farming, and the interest on the silver grain; the third is the official residence shops opened in the east city of Pingliang; the fourth is selling tea horses from east to west, which has not been very popular in recent years."<


Liu Chengzong asked: "Don't you realize that, except for the caravan, all the money you earn is poor people's money? The more you earn, the poorer the people will be, and the more hatred and resentment they will have towards you."

The King of Han was very puzzled: "No, there is rent in the land, there is interest on the borrowed money, and the people have to pay for the food. Isn't this a natural law?"

"You are right, this is the law of nature, but if people cannot survive, they must rebel. If rebellion kills people, who should be killed? Whoever has the money and food to kill is also the law of nature."

"This has nothing to do with good or bad. It's just that the world is turned upside down. Heaven treats everyone equally. Heaven wants you to die. If you are a poor person and follow heaven's principles, you will starve to death. If you are a rich person and follow heaven's principles, you will be killed. Do you want to live? It is against heaven."<


King Han looked ugly and clapped his hands and said: "I wanted to make money from the rich, and I almost made it... It's all Jin Chanzi's fault for coming too early. If he comes later, I tell you, General."<


He raised four fingers: "If we break the city for an hour, I can run away with 40,000 taels of money earned from the clan."

Liu Chengzong didn't know the key and didn't care. Anyway, the money had been sent to Zhenyuan, so he waved his hand and said: "If you want to live, you must first have the support of the people. If you want the support of the people, reduce rent and interest. The local people will not resent you.

Only then can you live.”

"Secondly, this city is too big. It has a circumference of nine miles. There is one person per step on the city wall, and it requires five thousand defenders. The city wall is a permanent military formation. How can you possibly defend it if your military formation is so loose?"


King Han was dumbfounded when he heard the military common sense, and suddenly realized: "Is this so? It turns out that the bigger and stronger the city is, the better. I always thought that if it was strong and tall, it would be impregnable."

It happened that Guanlan Pavilion had paper and pen, Liu Chengzong put the book aside, thinking that Han Fan had so much wealth, food and grass. It happened that the King of Han also had this awareness of the crisis, so he helped him along the way and let him survive.

It is not easy for a prince to survive the next ten years of war these days.

He took out paper and pen, sat back and said: "Send some people to form a few caravans, carry tea to Xining, help me take some people out to collect information from the front station, and see what the situation is like near Qinghai Lake now, and the pastoralists stationed around it.

They are all those tribes, and there are those chieftains and generals in Xining."

Liu Chengzong said, and King Han nodded: "What's so difficult about this? It's very simple."

"I haven't finished yet. In addition, I'll buy the tea vendor over there, set up a warehouse, buy farm tools, wood, iron ingots, cotton clothes and other items along the way, and bribe the officials on my behalf. I can give you money."<


King Han was a bit embarrassed about this matter.

He was so courageous that he even thought about following Liu Chengzong to the west. Even if he died in the west ten or eight years later, he would still have a great adventure and his life would not be boring.

It would be even more exciting if Liu Chengzong could support him and give him a taste of rebellion.

Even before Liu Shizi noticed it, he gained a little fan of the prince.

But the premise is that Liu Chengzong's army can protect him.

The King of Han was used to the sergeants of the Pingliang Guards, and once thought that all the imperial troops were like that.

In fact, the soldiers of Pingliang Guard are not bad. They have to go to autumn defense every year or be transferred to other places, so they have a group of soldiers who are worthy of fighting. However, they live in poverty all year round, and the mental outlook of this army is very poor.

Moreover, when suppressing the local people, the soldiers did not have much fighting spirit. The more moderate ones would shoot cannons, cannons and crossbows into the sky, while the radical ones would directly rebel.

Uncles and uncles are shouting for death below the city. How can the defenders on the city not look forward and backward?

Seeing Liu Shizi's mighty master in this situation, King Han only had four words in his mind.

Damn it, sweeping the world!

Anyway, depending on General Liu's character, it doesn't matter where he goes, as long as he doesn't do anything wrong, he probably won't lose anything to him.

However, without the protection of Liu Chengzong, King Han's courage became very small. Why did he say: "It's easy to say anything else. Bribing the border officers. Once the matter is leaked, it will be a big problem for me."

"You help me, I'll help you."

Liu Chengzong spread his hands and said: "I will help you to the extent you can handle the matter. If you help me gain a foothold in Qinghai, I will tell the familiar leader not to embarrass the King of Han."

King Han looked at Liu Chengzong and thought again and again, and finally rubbed his hands and said: "You asked me to reduce rent and interest. What if I don't have money later? I have a big family to support... If you go to Qinghai, can you sell horses to me?


Liu Chengzong smiled and glanced sideways, thinking that he entered the Han Palace to develop business.

"I don't know. I can only get some information first. I don't know what's there. I originally planned to go over there and reclaim the land. I'll see which Khan is lucky enough to rob me. I'll rob him all."

Liu Chengzong raised his hand and said to King Han: "But if His Royal Highness the King of Han is willing to help me, these things will be much easier."

"I'm definitely willing. Who doesn't want Qinghai Cong? But what if the officials over there sue me and are taken to Fengyangguan High Wall?"

Liu Chengzong spread his hands and said nothing.

King Han said again: "I am imprisoned under a high wall, you have to save me!"

"How can I save you? Your clan's high wall is not in Lanzhou, but in Fengyang. I told you that I can save you. Do you believe it?"

King Han thought for a while and realized that this was also the case. He sighed helplessly, made up his mind, and said, "Okay, I will select people to go to Xining later... How can I save my life?"

Liu Shishi was in a good mood when he saw his promise.

Another insurance was given to oneself. Even if Emperor Chongzhen did not agree to grant an official position, the road to the west was nothing more than a war issue. There was a way to buy and sell supplies.

He picked up his pen and drew while saying: "Now that the palace has been burned down, you should just repair the palace. The useless city walls should be demolished. Build a small castle with Liuhu Lake as your back. The best is three hundred steps, and the palace should be as high as possible."

The height of the wall shall not exceed the limit."

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"There are two floors in the fort. The top floor is equipped with a blunderbuss firing platform. There are sharp-angled enemy towers on all sides. The four sides stand facing the wall. Let's see what specifications the Pingliang Guards' cannons have and what their range is. Eight enemy towers and cannons are placed on the edge of the city wall.

Twenty-four, protect yourself."

"It is not a big problem to divert water from Liuhu Lake to build a moat, put some pavilions and pavilions on the other side to prevent the siege weapons from being deployed, store three to five thousand stones of grain in the cellar, dig two wells, and have two to three hundred sergeants guarding the two to three thousand."
"But you have to give people money."

Liu Chengzong raised his finger and pointed at the King of Han: "I heard your long history say that when the war starts, you are not willing to pay thousands of taels to the sergeants. You are really stingy!"

"Then who knew that this city would be destroyed at the first sign of destruction? I originally planned to give them 10,000 yuan."

As the King of Han spoke, he looked at Liu Chengzong's flowing drawings and said in surprise: "General, is this what you drew casually?"

"Whatever? I've been preparing for a long time."

It's just that this kind of castle is not prepared for the Han Palace, and it is smaller.

It was an illegal building he prepared for himself in Qinghai.

The kings and kings happily agreed that before the emperor's reply arrived, Liu Chengzong would choose a site at the Han Palace and complete the design of the entire castle. In exchange, the Han King would send a team to Xining to communicate with Su Fan and the chieftain.

Western Xinjiang officials inside, purchased the necessary supplies for the Lion Camp and stocked them in the warehouse.

Liu Chengzong also selected talents in the Lion Camp, and finally chose Chen Qindai, who was proficient in Mongolian language, to lead the Liangshizhan auxiliary troops and join the westward team of the Han Palace to explore the Qinghai Lake area.

Standing on the west wall of Pingliang City, Liu Chengzong looked at the backs of the marching team, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart.

He still cannot completely trust King Han, but if the relationship between the two parties goes further, perhaps a two thousand-mile intelligence transmission route from Saimen Qianhu to Pingliang King Han's Mansion and then to Xining can be established.

This chapter has been completed!
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