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Chapter 228 Liu Chengzong’s status

 The Lion Battalion moves in and Xining City is in chaos.

A few sentry commanders were actually talking about capturing the city outside.

Cao Yao had wanted to enter the city for a long time, but Liu Shifei left him outside the city, saying that if something happened inside the city, he would let him set up a big baby cannon to hit the gate tower.

In essence, imagining a battle is just like walking peacefully and suddenly shooting a fadeaway jumper. It is their amateur entertainment activity.

Of course, it is very likely that the defenders on the city are just like them, pretending to be a city defense battle.

But then the sound of gunfire in the city interrupted everything.

Before the defenders knew what was happening, Tang soldiers from the Lion Battalion galloped through the streets and shouted to the gatekeepers: "Hurry up and stop the horses, the angel has been assassinated!"

Xining's soldiers had never seen an angel once in their lives. They were stunned and didn't know whether to obey or not.

The hundreds of households in the city didn't know whether they should be obedient or not. They held on to the battlements and saw the cavalry marshalling not far away. The cavalrymen put their sabers on their shoulders and dragged their horse cannons around in a circle outside the city. Their swords were shining brightly and their helmets were shining brightly.


Baihu took off his helmet and clutched his hair, thinking wildly about the consequences of his actions.

First of all, no matter what happens in the city, it has nothing to do with the Lion Camp stationed outside the city.

If we really take action, as long as there is still a city gate in hand, there will be countless native soldiers to help, and Xining City should be able to defend it.

However, the Lion Camp outside the city has completed its mobilization before entering the city. Although there are no siege equipment, if the cry of killing starts, the east gate will surely be lost if attacked from inside and outside.

This is a battle that must be won, but he himself is one of the costs of victory. The chance of him surviving until the native soldiers come to help is very slim.

If you want to survive temporarily, you have to open the city gate, but if the thieves who open the city gate intend to attack the city, they may not be able to survive.

After doing the calculations, Baihu cursed: "Damn it, it's my turn to be so unlucky... What if the angel is really assassinated?"

As if they had received an amnesty, the flag troops defending the city rushed to hold off their horses.

Everyone has a steelyard in their mind, but the Banner Army does not worry as much as Baihu. Anyway, they are acting according to orders. If Baihu allows them to defend, they will die; if Baihu gets out of the way and resists the horse, they may die; in case the angel is really assassinated.

, they will not be held responsible for anything.

Groups of cavalry formed four lines and two lines outside the city gate, marched proudly through the barbican city, and then dispersed into four lines as they marched, entering Xining City.

The front team quickly dispersed on horseback, occupying various street intersections, announcing that they were to capture the thieves who assassinated the angels, and advised the soldiers and civilians not to act rashly, as martial law would be lifted soon.

This is not the first time they have done this, they are very skilled.

The brass lion cannon was pulled by the war horse and squeaked through the barbican. The polished barrel made hundreds of households in the barbican drool.

Exquisite skills, strict orders, and excellent armor.

Looking at the Lion Soldiers, all of them had their chins raised, they were either young or in their prime, eager to look at them with their nostrils, walking towards the city as proudly as if they had won a battle.

Looking back at the banner troops under his command, they range in age from tying up their hair to gray hair, and they wear all kinds of clothes. On average, there are sixteen people wearing a suit of armor, and they all hang their heads and feel ashamed.

Baihu rubbed his head and sighed, and wanted to put on his helmet, but he accidentally touched the hole on his Miantong that had no armor and was bitten by a rat. He was so angry that he wanted to smash the helmet off.

After thinking about it for a while, I was reluctant to part with it, and I didn't dare to let it go. In the end, I had to wear it honestly.

It's not that they are so poor that they don't have armor. For a military town, armor is very cheap.

His helmet was piled up in a warehouse in Xining City until it became moldy and was eaten by rats. The armor in the warehouse was enough for each of them to wear.

But no one was wearing it. It was too hot and too tired. Even he deliberately removed the armor leaves from his collar before wearing it.

Having more soldiers is sometimes not a good thing. Everyone feels that they can relax a little, since there are others they can rely on anyway.

There really was a moment when hundreds of households felt that the king was at the bottom of the city and the thieves were at the top of the city, and that they themselves were the abominable little minions in the storybook.

When Wei Qian'er blocked the martial arts arena located in the southwest of the city, the commanders who had gathered there to wait for the angel to confer Liu Chengzu's duties suddenly fell into chaos.

More than 400 hereditary military officers, local officials, and monks whispered to each other, and rushed to the more than 20 chairs placed at the front of the team.

Those are the seats for several rank-and-file commanders and fourteen hereditary commanders.

Everyone looked panicked, but only two people could still sit on the chairs, namely Li Tianyu from Xibo's house and Qi Guoping from Dongqi's house.

The former is the most powerful chieftain in Xining, with more than 20,000 tribesmen; the latter's father is Qi Bingzhong, the chief military officer of Gansu who died in the Liaodong battlefield, with more than 4,000 tribesmen, and a hereditary commander.

The chieftains in Xining lead their own clansmen.

The two men were sitting in the middle, and people were talking to them for advice.

Li Tianyu was very calm: "Why are you panicking? Let him take over the city defense. We have more than 100,000 clan members together. How can he kill us all?"

Qi Guoping said: "Then, the city defense will be given to him?"

"What does he want to tell us by showing off his power in such a big way? He is like a dragon crossing the river. He has told us, the land tigers, to lie down, so just lie down."

Li Tianyu didn't care about this, and said to everyone: "When we came up, we were suppressed so that we could go to Qinghai. Do you think this is a bad thing?"

"It would be a bad thing if he came quietly and talked nicely to us. Why is it a bad thing? You can go and do it yourself."

Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Others don’t know what Liu Chengzong does, but Li Tianyu knows.

He knew that He Huchen, the commander-in-chief of Ningxia, led his troops into Yan'an. He was beaten all over the ground and only a few teeth were found on his body. Even the bones and flesh were chewed clean. Even the remaining defeated soldiers were not brought back, leaving only a piece of skin.

He also knew that after Liu Chengzong left Pingliang, the King of Han, Yang He, the Governor of the Three Borders, and Hong Chengchou, the Governor of Yansui, all said that the Guan Ning Army that had entered the Pass to suppress the rebellion had mutinied. Cao Wenzhao and Liu Chengzong stopped it in time, but fortunately it did not affect the Han Dynasty.

Several people were fined with salaries, and Cao Wenzhao ordered them to be transferred to Yaozhou for rest and recuperation.

If you don't mutiny early, you won't mutiny later. In two months, people traveled 4,000 miles without mutinying, but Liu Chengzong mutinied when he saw it.

If there is something fishy about this matter, who is Liu Chengzong?

But if there was nothing fishy about this matter, who would Liu Chengzong be?

No matter how you think about it, it’s scary. So many people have never bothered with this guy... Li Tianyu estimated that even if they tied the chieftains together, they wouldn’t be enough to deal with this god of plague.

So what he fears most is that Liu Chengzong respects their group of chieftains, which means that recruiting bandits into Qinghai to expand territory is just a pretense. He wants to take root in Xining.

Xining City is so big, and all walks of life are controlled by them, just like the salt, river gold, silver mines, copper mountains, iron mountains, jade, pastoral areas and even fish in the river in Qinghai, they can occupy everything no matter how big or small.

There is a master.

For more than two hundred years, the fourteen chieftain families in Xining have long been tired of fighting and have a mature set of profit distribution rules to carve up the city.

Suddenly a Shaanxi Poshu came to command a large army and wanted to take root in Xining, so these things had to be divided again.

To re-divide, it would be a fool to attack all 14 families, and it would be a coward to unite with him to carve up the 13 families.

It would be wise to gather up a few small chieftains and devour the big chieftains like them.

Li Tianyu doesn't know whether Liu Chengzong is smart or not.

But he knew that cowards would rather starve to death than dare to rebel, and fools could not escape unscathed from encounters with the imperial court's counter-rebellion troops.

So on the surface there are many roads, but as long as Liu Chengzong plans to occupy Xining as his base, one of them must die.

Li Tianyu is not sure of winning, but he doesn’t want to die either.

So when he saw Liu Chengzong's cavalry surrounding the martial arts arena, he was really relieved. They didn't come here to make friends with everyone. They took over the city defense to seize the west gate coming back from Qinghai. This was reassuring.

This guy really wants to enter Qinghai.

Chen Shiwen was also among the noisy and restless crowd. He felt at ease and just pretended to be uneasy.

Even though he had a seat, no one among the official officials or the chieftains of the big chieftain's family would let him go. After finally squeezing into the crowd, no one spoke, and Chieftain Li didn't hear anything he said.

I saw Chief Qi thinking for a long time and asked: "Then what if he is a madman and really kills us all, and we just sit back and wait for death?"

"Why did he kill us? He wanted money, so he tied us all up, and there was nothing we could do to exchange the money for him to run to Qinghai; if he killed us and made hundreds of thousands of enemies, then he wouldn't want Xining anymore. Who would kill us?

Can I sleep peacefully in this city?"

The more Li Tianyu spoke, the more confidence he gained in himself. He steadily picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Even if he wants to kill, he will do it cheerfully. He will pull one by one and hit one by one, and throw out some things for us to kill each other."
"Take a step back and say that he is a madman and plans to massacre the city. How about the four hundred of us compared to congratulating Hu Chen?"

Li Tianyu put down the tea cup and asked everyone to sit back and stand still: "Don't be impatient for a moment. At least you will die a little better."

The speaker has no intention but the listener has intention.

Chen Shiwen's expression at this time was extremely ugly. It was mixed with the anxiety of an uncertain future and the unconcealed need to avenge a great revenge.

He has never seen these omnipotent local emperors look so dejected!

Especially because he was so dejected, it was not the time for him to ask Chieftain Li to let his second brother study in the Li family society, but he didn't get it!

That lamb, that lamb was so damn worth dying!

Regarding whether it was because of Liu Chengzong or Chen Shiwen, Chen Shiwen believed that there was no need to separate the two too much.

He has already worshiped at the top of the mountain. What is this called?

What an honor!

Chen Shiwen was thinking excitedly when he happened to meet Li Tianyu's eyes, which made his hair almost stand up in fright.

Li Tianyu asked: "Commander Chen, what do you think we should do?"

Li Tianyu was very puzzled. Everyone sat back when they should and stood back when they should. Only you, Chieftain Chen, were left standing there with a very strange expression.

I want to laugh but am choked, and want to cry but I’m just a slap away. What are you thinking about?

"I, I'm thinking..." Everyone's eyes turned over and focused on Chen Shiwen's face, which made him extremely embarrassed. He almost used up all his wisdom in his life and held his breath for a moment without any emotion on his face. He said: "Angel

What if we are really attacked?"


Starting from Qi Tusi, people laughed loudly, like a slap in the face, light and slow and continuous.

Chieftain Li smiled brightly: "Commander Chen, you are worrying too much... In this city, besides the thief himself, who else would do something to an angel?"

They were laughing here, and the soldiers at the gate of the martial arts field got out of the way, and two rows of soldiers ran in. Someone sang: "The angel has arrived!"

The lion soldiers that many chieftains imagined did not come in. Only Cao Huachun walked into the martial arts field with a sullen face after the purge of troops. Liu Chengzu strutted half a step behind Cao Huachun.

Behind them are a series of pure troops, holding official uniforms, official seals, edicts and other items.

When all these people entered the martial arts arena, Liu Chengzong appeared outside the martial arts arena with the clatter of horse hooves. He was sitting on his horse with his sword pressed between the two rows of soldiers at the gate.

A group of officials, local officials, monks and officials stood up and saluted quickly, but Cao Huachunli ignored them and walked to the south of the general platform: "General Liu, please take the order."

When Liu Chengzu stood on the general stage, he immediately prostrated himself. Cao Huachun said: "I have been blessed by the Emperor, and the edict says that Liu Chengzu has made meritorious service by returning to the Wei vassal with his brothers. He is awarded the title of General Zhaoyong and is hereditary commander of Xining Wei. I admire this."

Liu Chengzu said "I accept the order" and stood up to accept the order.

I stared at the bunch of chieftains under the general platform, that’s it? Just a fucking minister taking orders?

How have these two brothers changed!

One was riding a horse outside and did not come down from the show from beginning to end; the other got up as soon as he received the decree, and the angel really gave him the decree.

What about three obeisances and nine kowtows?

Where are your greetings to Saint Ann?

Thank you for your grace?

Where is Yongfu’s resignation?

A group of chieftains were made to doubt their lives by Liu Chengzu's order-receiving ceremony, and they were full of doubts about whether their previous way of receiving orders was wrong.

How did they know that Cao Huachun was already extremely satisfied with Liu Chengzu?

This group of people have no experience. If they had seen Liu Shizi snatching the imperial edict, they would naturally describe Liu Chengzu's words of "I accept the edict" as being respectful.

I have already paid my respects, and I have become a vassal. Do you have any more extravagant hopes?

Perhaps in the eyes of these chieftains, the man riding the red-haired horse outside was watching a show, but in the eyes of Eunuch Cao, the bandit leader was clearly there to raid the formation.

If something doesn't go your way, he might rush in and snatch the imperial edict away again!

Moreover, Cao Huachun knew that Liu Chengzong was not going well at this moment, and no one was still happy after being assassinated.

Just now, Liu Chengzong told him that the people in Xining had malicious intentions towards him, and Eunuch Cao could not return to Beijing to serve the emperor. He had to wait until the crisis in Xining was resolved and the mastermind behind the scenes was found before Eunuch Cao could return to the Forbidden City.

Cao Huachun was almost crying with sadness. He thought that I was useless. We had already reached Xining. The Mongolian Tatars would not listen to me anymore. Why did they have to catch a sheep and drag it to death?

To be honest, this is not Cao Huachun's first mission. He has been out of the palace before. At that time, four fat and strong soldiers accompanied him, which could bring him an unparalleled sense of security.

But here?

The emperor sent him 200 Jingjun, but Cao Huachun can guarantee that those 200 Jingjun were more scared than him.

Cao Huachun is not afraid of rebels who seek to be recruited. Nor is Cao Huachun afraid of rebels who have gone through a completely formal recruitment process.

The problem lies in the fact that recruiting rebels is Liu Chengzong's state. The so-called Liu Chengzong's state is a state where he seems to be pacifying but not pacifying, and seems to be rebelling but not rebelling.

Cao Huachun always felt that Liu Chengzong would suddenly storm the city and raise a rebel flag at the next moment, but he did not; but whenever Cao Huachun felt that Liu Chengzong was now very honest, he would make a reckless move within half an hour.

Cao Huachun couldn't stand this kind of stimulation. He planned to find a way to leave Liu Chengzong as soon as possible and simply get everything done at once.

"Just now, General Liu was assassinated in the city. There are still lawless people in this city... Xining Guards." Cao Huachun walked to the front and asked a group of hereditary officials: "How many registered sergeants are there? I can ask you, sir.

It’s the actual amount.”

Li Tianyu looked a little embarrassed and said: "Not counting officers, there are 2,700 households."

"Okay, are you the palm seal?" Cao Huachun was very happy and solved two problems at once: "Commander Liu will dispatch three thousand troops to garrison in the city. You go and vacate the barracks. Since you are the palm seal, you go to see General Liu.

Whatever the general arranges later, you just follow it."

After saying that, Cao Huachun shook his head and walked towards the gate of the martial arts arena with his hands behind his back.

Cao Huachun was very happy. He found another sheep for Liu Chengzong, so he would not be caught and killed!

This chapter has been completed!
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