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Chapter 23 Security Mechanic

I'm afraid that for Team Cao, any place in the world that is known to the government, even in a remote place like Black Dragon King Temple Mountain, is not safe.

For Liu Chengzong, going home meant that he could eat two full meals a day and live a peaceful life for a short period of time.

It's hard to say whether this is the right time to live a stable life, but Liu Chengzong thought that he needed a stable life, not to mention he knew very well that there was not much time left to live a stable life.

They didn't even wait until Wang Zuogao's rebels were defeated by the imperial government's counter-rebellion army, because Cao Yao.

Cao Yao lived in Guandi Temple for less than half a month and found a suitable place to stay. On February 17th, Cao Yao's team transported five carts filled with grain and placed axes and shovels. Five days later, another five carts were left.

Afterwards, they paid homage to Mr. Guan, said goodbye to Mr. Liu and the Liu brothers, and everyone set off.

They also abducted eight people from Team Liu.

He transported fifty shi of grain away and left more than 30 shi of grain in the cave dwelling arranged by Liu Chengzong for Cao's sister-in-law, just in case of an accident.

Judging from the food taken away, Liu Chengzong believed that Cao Yao was very tight on time - the food taken away was only enough for them to eat until April.

In other words, before April comes, Cao Yao has to lead people to collect food, regardless of whether he is robbing rich households or making enemies with bandits.

No one is idle during these days.

Chief Gao Xian and Tian Shoujing led people to escort Liu Chengyun to Yan'an Fucheng twice. On the one hand, they entrusted his father-in-law, Yan'an litigant Wang Kun, to buy iron materials on his behalf. On the other hand, they wanted to beat Bai Yingzi to get it.

Try to sell calligraphy, paintings, antiques and other items and exchange them for silver grain.

But neither of these things is easy to do. The place where wrought iron is produced in Yan'an Prefecture is called Yanchang County, which is more than a hundred miles southeast of the Black Dragon King Temple Mountain.

I had no choice but to go there for the second time and buy spearheads and arrow shafts from the market in the name of Heilongmiaoshan Security Troopers. These items were quite expensive. The blacksmiths in Yan'an Fucheng were no longer willing to accept copper coins and silver. They had to use grain to make weapons.

In fact, the price of blacksmith's work materials is not expensive, but in the context of economic collapse, the daily wages of three or four cents of silver are not enough for the craftsmen to have a full meal in the face of high food prices. At this time, as long as there is work, as long as

If you can get one meal from a day's work, craftsmen will rush to work.

The second thing about selling trophies is also a problem for litigator Wang Kun. Antiques from prosperous times and gold from troubled times. It is not easy to find buyers for these goods. If you want to sell them, you can only find businessmen who are going to the south. This is a matter of luck.

Chengyun's father-in-law, Wang Kun, was also a legend in Yan'an Prefecture. He was a scholar. Because his family's land and shops were occupied by relatives, and he failed to pass the exam, he had to fight a lawsuit for ten years and endured three county magistrates and two magistrates.

Resolve the lawsuit.

In the past ten years, he has been strengthening his ability to write lawsuits in order to win lawsuits. Later, when he had family trouble, he simply became a litigator in Yan'an Prefecture.

A profession that is not recognized by the court, usually litigators have official status.

For example, Song Shijie, a lawyer in Xinyang from the Zhengde period to the early Jiajing period, used his identity as a clerk in the execution room of the Yamen to write petitions on his behalf.

The profession of litigator does not exist in officialdom and law, but the people have such needs, which leads to an unspoken change: to recognize the godfather.

If you want to ask Wang Kun to be a lawyer, write a lawsuit, and represent you in litigation, you should first recognize him as your godfather, and then the godfather will take action to submit the complaint to the Yamen. There is nothing the Yamen can do if they don't recognize it. After all, they are family members.

Therefore, Mr. Wang Liang had a wide network of contacts and had a large number of sons and daughters in Yan'an Mansion. They were rich and poor from all walks of life, and his life was much more comfortable than that of Liu Juren.

It is perfect for Mr. Wang to do the reselling of war profits.

Liu Chengzong, on the other hand, besides training soldiers and studying, was mainly busy with one thing - persuading his father, the leader of the military units, to expand the scale of the security military units.

The name Baoan was given by Liu Xiangyu, which means to protect the environment and the people.

But there were only twenty-four people, and Liu Chengzong felt that it was not enough, very not enough.

Liu Chengzong raised this issue when assisting Liu Xiangyu in compiling his military strategy.

"There are more than a hundred strong men here, and there are also many strong women, but they don't know military skills and are unarmed, so they will inevitably panic when encountering trouble. There are only twenty-four mechanized soldiers and more than twenty frontier troops who are embarrassed by the big task and need to practice..."

He put down his pen and said to Liu Xiangyu: "Father should train all the young men in Xingping from 20 to 50 years old. Even if they only train for two days a month, they will be able to protect themselves in case of trouble."

No one knows what will happen in Shaanxi in the future better than Liu Chengzong. To put it cruelly speaking, in the great changes of dynasties, no matter how big the power is, no matter how many preparations are made, it is just a matter of personnel. In the end, whether one can survive or not is still

Listen to destiny.

"With the addition of you and the machine soldiers, it's not enough."

Liu Xiangyu flipped through the book without raising his head: "The frontier army and its soldiers are useless, but the strong people can be useful? What do you and Chengzu want to do?"

What he was reading was Mao Yuanyi's "Wu Bei Zhi", printed in the first year of Tianqi. Liu Chengzong didn't know where his father got this book from. It has a total of 240 volumes, including reviews on military divisions, strategic examinations, and formation training.

Military resources are composed of five parts, covering all aspects of ancient and modern military techniques.

This is a good book, but it contains many contents and is complex. It is a reference book for generals rather than regulations used by junior officers. It is not that it is inappropriate, but that many of the things in it are simply not used by junior officers.

Liu Xiangyu's purpose was to compile a volume of laws and regulations suitable for grassroots officers to quickly train and lead troops, and present it to the government office, and publish it and distribute it to the gentry in various places, so that they can unite their families and soldiers to defend themselves.

As a junior military officer, it was only fitting that his elder brother assisted his father in compiling this military book. Liu Chengzong, on the other hand, learned more from the process of compiling the book.

But the more he studied, the more Liu Chengzong felt that his father's idea of ​​compiling a book and distributing it everywhere would not work... Once this new military art is published, I am afraid that the people who are easiest to use it to improve their combat effectiveness will not be country soldiers, but traitor soldiers.

What does Liu Chengzong want to do?

To put it further, the most fundamental thing he wanted was to save his life in the next class struggle that originated in Shaanxi. To save his life, in the long run, the choice between the peasant army and the imperial officers and soldiers was inevitable.


He knew who was the final winner on both sides, and he also knew about the rapid collapse of the peasant army after breaking through the city of Beijing, but knowing that all this was of no help in solving the current problem.

The emperor who holds the most power in the world cannot save his life in this struggle, let alone a warrior.

"Father, my son does not want to be a thief, but wants to save the life of the clan and save as many people as possible."

"Save people, haven't you as a father ever saved people?"

Liu Xiangyu shook his head and sighed: "Xingpingli can save dozens or hundreds of people. No matter how many people there are, the soldiers will not be able to eat enough. But how can more than a hundred people alive be a drop in the bucket in northern Shaanxi today?"

"As far as my father knows, there is no wealthy family that does not give out porridge to the victims, but there is also no wealthy family that does not take advantage of this opportunity to use the trick of using their property to save grain to buy up land and grant heavy loans.


"Land is the foundation for a large household. If you don't harvest your land, someone else will do it. Your land will be bought by others in the next disaster year, and the farmers will have no food. The court collects 200,000 yuan in taxes, and the local government levies a million yuan, but cannot hand over 200,000 yuan."

One hundred thousand, since the army has no pay and the people are exhausted, an uprising is inevitable."

"You can rescue three or five people, but the flood victims keep coming. We cannot control the situation. In the end, the whole of northern Shaanxi will be brought down. Fortunately, there is no food in northern Shaanxi, so they will go to Hancheng."

This chapter has been completed!
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