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Chapter 236: Step Camp

 Bank of Huangshui River, Juerwan Valley.

Liu Chengzong led his staff and entourage to stand on the westernmost pier of Xining Guard, and said to Wang Wenxiu beside him: "Let's get started."

The flags are fluttering, and the drums of the Buying Civil War are beating.

The well-equipped soldiers led the lightly-armed auxiliary troops and ran out of their dens. Under the leadership of the officers, they carried their weapons and assembled in column and ran towards the outside of the camp.

It took a short time to form his usual hollow square formation outside the camp.

Chen Shifo stood in the back row, looking eagerly at the military formation, observing Liu Chengzong's army.

Anyway, when it comes to military affairs, he, a lama graduate, doesn’t know much about it, so he thinks it’s very dangerous.

Master Buddha sighed in his heart, the eldest brother's vision of holding a thigh is really amazing, but he doesn't have a good business mind, so he has to work hard in the warehouse building in the city.

He had already inquired about it. The Lion Army's military discipline is very strict and they are not allowed to disturb the people. However, as long as it is consensual, sex between men and women is not prohibited, and the soldiers also have rotational holidays.

He told his eldest brother that there were more than 10,000 singles who should spend all their capital and borrow money to open a row of brothels in the west of the city, and they were guaranteed to make a lot of money.

But the eldest brother didn't listen, and said what to do if the troops were suddenly pulled away. Why were they pulled away? They were training troops. When the war drums sounded, countless ferocious spirits emerged from the dungeons. It was so scary.
But Liu Chengzong could see the way. Overall, the soldiers were not very skilled in forming a line and were a bit slower than in the past.

He turned around and asked: "Is there a problem with the construction of the camp, or is there too many new recruits in the team, and the combat effectiveness has dropped?"

Wang Wenxiu knew what he was asking, and explained beside him: "There are many veterans in the team, so it is very convenient to lead auxiliary troops in formation, but this period of training and running is a little more tiring than in northern Shaanxi."

"I asked the locals and they said it's the same from the east. You'll get used to it after a while, so I asked them to gather slowly first and mainly practice the new camp formation. Remember that the rules are correct, which is more important than speed."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly. When Wang Wenxiu said this, he understood the altitude sickness.

Altitude sickness is mainly caused by a rapid increase in altitude, and the body is not used to it. They marched very fast here, but it was much slower than marching thousands of miles a day, so there was no widespread reaction.

Only Xining is higher than northern Shaanxi and has less oxygen, so soldiers are more likely to feel tired during strenuous exercise.

During these days, he could indeed feel that this reorganization was very effective. It at least allowed the three military camp generals to think about military issues from a clearer perspective and look like generals.

Wang Wenxiu introduced: "Now there are six sentry posts in each battalion, one on each side of the front, rear, left, and right. There are two posts in the front and back of the formation, connected end to end on all sides."

Liu Chengzong took a brief look at the military formation, then picked up a telescope and observed carefully. Wang Wenxiu's formation was thinner than their previous formations.

It's a bit like Xu Lun's new Polu formation during the Jiajing period, with a hundred steps square.

There are one hundred soldiers, each of whom forms two columns. Each captain stands in the line with a small flag on his back, forming a large horizontal column of six people, with a width of about a hundred people on all sides.

The four generals each led their troops and stood in one corner of the military formation, forming a reinforcement for the four corners of the military formation.

Liu Chengzong saw that the soldiers in each line were holding the same weapons, so he asked: "You have redistributed the weapons of the twelve people in the department?"

"Yes, our team focuses on combat soldiers. There are two columns of twelve people, divided into four groups: left front, right front, left rear, and right rear, each with three people."

Wang Wenxiu introduced: "The brave commander on the left front is the commander, the commander on the right is the commander, the commander on the left rear is the commander on the right, the first row of auxiliary soldiers holds spears, the second row of auxiliary soldiers holds swords, shields and javelins, the third row of brave commanders and commanders hold

For battle bows, the fourth platoon of auxiliary soldiers holds fire blunderbuss, the fifth platoon of auxiliary soldiers holds three-eyed blunderbuss, and the sixth platoon of fire chiefs and chief commanders hold bird blunderbuss."

After that, Wang Wenxiu said: "Just like the captain's flag, this is just an idea. The number of flags is insufficient and we are still working on it; the firearms are not so standard. The firearms in the fourth, fifth and sixth rows are all a mixture of fire guns, three-eyes, and bird guns.

There are too many three eyes, but not enough blunderbuss."

Liu Chengzong nodded: "Half of the firearms are very good. I will think of a way to use the guns. When the weapons bureau is completed, one to three will be matched with a carrying gun."

Wang Wenxiu asked: "Raise the gun?"

"Yes." Liu Chengzong nodded: "The two of them used the big bird cannon. I see that you have a ball cannon in your team. Is it used by the captain?"

"I thought that each team would have 60 people, and there would be one branch of Yongzhu or Tiger Crouching, but the number is not enough at the moment, so we can only have one for each hundred, with about 120 people per branch."

Liu Chengzong nodded, there was nothing he could do about this situation.

For a long time, the only weapons that Lion Camp could independently manufacture were arrow shafts.

The biggest source of equipment is captured, and the production of other weapons depends on fate, so for them it is one thing to equip them with what they want, but another thing to actually equip them.

Fortunately, this dilemma is over.

When the camp began to change formations, Liu Chengzong mentally considered all the resources around him that could be used for him.

He had seen Chieftain Chen's native horse soldiers, all carrying blunderbuss.

Spending money while cheating, a dozen chieftains should be able to make hundreds of muskets every month, or just let them forge the pipes, and supervise the quality of the harvest. You can do the musket making and polishing the pipes yourself.

There is also the Ordnance Bureau of Xining Guard. We can't let them idle. We have to talk to the big brother about this matter.

As for the Ordnance Bureau of the Lion Army, it will be more difficult to carry guns. If there are 300 guns to carry after this winter, fighting will be much more comfortable.

Thinking about it from his position, it is still difficult to make individual firearms, but the pressure on raw materials is less.

Casting cannons is easier, but consumes too much raw materials.

Although clay molding takes time, it is actually just preparation time. When it comes to continuous production, that time can be ignored.

The most exciting time for the changes in battalion drills has arrived. The sergeants on all sides fired at each level under the command of the officer. First they fired arrows, then small cannons, then fire blunderbuss, three-eyed blunderbuss, and bird blunderbuss.

Immediately, the military formation separated and formed a horizontal formation. The front guard and headquarters did not move, and the left and right sides spread out from the back to the sides. The formation changed from column to horizontal formation, with supplements at the left and right of the front guard, and rear troops on the left.

Together with the two headquarters of the Chinese army, a two-level horizontal team with four in the front and two in the back is formed.

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Wang Wenxiu said: "On the front left is General Zuo Qian Luo Rucai, in the front right is General Yang Chengzu of You Qian, and behind is General Zhong Qian Li Lao Jie. They can be three stacks. If there are cavalry at this time, they can cover or support the two wings."
Liu Chengzong couldn't help but smile when Wang Wenxiu announced the names of the three Bu Ying Qian generals.

The infantry and battalion generals are very particular about recruiting troops, and must require that one-third of the soldiers under their command should be composed of border troops. However, for generals at the level of commander-in-chief and general-general, they are not so particular.

Wang Wenxiu only has one requirement: fight tough battles and be strong-willed, nothing else matters.

So he was matched with these three people.

They have all fought tough battles, and sometimes they fought badly. They are all very strong-willed, but these three people have never led any good soldiers in their lives.

They were all peasant army generals.

Liu Chengzong actually appointed Luo Rucai and Yang Chengzu as Qianzong, which had a large degree of reward factors.

These two men made great achievements in instigating the Pingliang rebellion and raised a large amount of money and food for the team. His original intention was to give these two people the authority of semi-independent leaders in the future and continue to lead the team by themselves.

After all, from the bottom of his heart, Liu Shizi still doesn’t think highly of these two bad fighting masters.

He was deeply impressed by the two men's ability to lead troops and fight. Either the troops were blown up by themselves in the winter, or Yang Chengzu was picked out from among the dead, and Luo Rucai was stabbed in the butt and escaped without a trace.

But Wang Wenxiu didn't see it that way and convinced him.

He followed Liu Chengzong and basically played the entire game as the infantry sentry commander. The biggest feeling was that every time he won a battle, he was indispensable, but he was never the opportunity to break the formation.

He only needs to hold the battle line, artillery and cavalry, and one of them will be able to break the formation.

Therefore, Wang Wenxiu's theory is that the victory of the battle depends on the horse and artillery; but whether the battle can be won depends on the infantry.

In Wang Wenxiu's view, peasant army generals who have fought many bad battles have advantages.

Just Luo Rucai, Yang Chengzu, and Li Laozhen, each of them has the experience of being beaten to the point of losing his armor and losing his armor.

As long as there is still strength left to fight, the morale of the soldiers may not be able to bear it, but for their spirit, does it matter if more than half of them are killed or injured?

Those bad battles they fought, if placed in the regular army and only escaped with their own lives, the officer's career would basically be over.

But they are different. Bad wars are caused by insufficient military knowledge. Inadequate knowledge can be learned, but the experience of tragic battles must be poured out with blood and human lives.

Liu Chengzong looked at the military formation. After a short period of practice, the three thousand soldiers in the infantry camp seemed to be just fine. He turned to Wang Wenxiu and said, "These three people are not bad."

Wang Wenxiu nodded and said: "They are happy to be incorporated into the training camp as general officers."

While talking, the infantry battalion that had transformed into a large horizontal formation practiced various battalion drills in the river valley, such as marching and shooting, moving forward quickly, outflanking in horizontal formation, changing from horizontal formation to column, retreating and outflanking, etc.

Later, the large horizontal array was transformed into a hollow square array of three thousand headquarters, and then the horizontal array drill was conducted with the thousand headquarters, which was successively reduced to a combined attack of the headquarters and the final five sentry posts of the hundred headquarters.

There are even columns of twelve soldiers attacking in units of tens.

When all the subject drills were over, the army once again returned to the square formation. This time they used baggage donkey carts and formed light cart battalions.

Thirty chariots were deployed on each side, with two chariots connected to each other. Twenty steps outside the formation, three layers of caltrops were sprinkled. The gaps left between the four chariots were filled by infantry, and the firearms troops fired according to the chariots.

Then the soldiers in the position put away the caltrops, and the soldiers attacked from the gap to practice chasing and fighting.

This is the end of the entire camp exercise.

In many subjects, some soldiers are proficient, some are unfamiliar, and some formation changes are inconsistent; there is also a big gap in the many weapons required, and baggage vehicles also need to be modified and designed to adapt to war.

But these are minor issues that can be remedied.

Under ideal conditions, a fully-equipped infantry battalion with 3,600 men would need 1,200 to 1,600 muskets, 100 to 300 rifles, and 60 portable cannons.

Liu Chengzong calculated in his mind that the cost of these equipment was about two thousand six hundred taels, and it would take half a year to build them.

The cost of making waist knives and spears is negligible, but it cannot be counted as armor. Based on a set of four taels of cloth, a set of 2,500 would cost ten thousand taels.

It's not that Liu Chengzong loves money, it's just that he can't turn silver into armor.

The limited manufacturing capacity of the Lion Army craftsmen is already very good if they can make a battalion of firearms in half a year. There is no spare time to knock out armor plates.

Craftsmen, materials, craftsmen and materials are big issues.

"Train them well." Liu Chengzong kept this matter in his mind and said to Wang Wenxiu: "Standardize the infantry training, down to the number of subjects a recruit needs to practice when entering the camp, how many days for each subject or how many days for the total subjects.

Wang Wenxiu answered with clasped fists: "Yes!"

"Besides...it's not easy to train now. Most of our people can ride horses. In the future, the next batch of recruits will have to be taught how to ride horses. As long as they can march on horseback."

Liu Chengzong said: "How about one camp for half a year?"

Wang Wenxiu is a little embarrassed.

Training troops is not difficult, but the difficulty is that he doesn't know who Liu Chengzong will throw into his hands in the future.

A deserter from the frontier army, a deserter from a guard post, a fallen scholar, a rural farmer, a refugee from famine, and an old thieves.

The cost of training these people is different.

Those with a basic foundation can form an army within a month of reorganization.

As for those who have no foundation...Wang Wenxiu feels that the lives of most people in this world are not worth training for half a year.

These northern Shaanxi rebels have the same price in mind as Liu Chengzong. One stone of rice and grain is five taels of silver, and half a year of training is equivalent to thirty taels of silver.

Wang Wenxiu said: "General, I can make them understand the instructions and flags and go to the battlefield in one month."

Liu Chengzong knew that Wang Wenxiu was right.

No matter how long you train, you will still be a new recruit if you don't go to the battlefield. In fact, you will train for a month or two, mix with veterans, march, coordinate, and fight. If you survive the first three months, you will be a veteran.

"I know you're talking about whether it's a good deal or not."

Liu Chengzong shook his head and said: "But there are too few Han people here, so this is not a question of whether it is cost-effective or not."

"When all the Han people die, others will think that your son is a Dazi and my son is a Fanzi. They may be anything in the eyes of others, but they will never be men."

"We really can only stay here in Yongzhen."

This is actually what Liu Chengzong is most worried about.

He shook his head and patted Wang Wenxiu on the shoulder: "That's it, one camp for half a year... Damn it, I have to write a letter to Wang Ziyong."

Wang Ziyong is a double-edged sword. Liu Chengzong has never known how to use it, but this time he needs Wang Ziyong's mobilization ability.

I don’t know how well farming Wang Gao Yingxiang is doing in Shishiwan. If everything goes well, Wang will be asked to hire some people from Shanxi, Shaanxi next year.

Gao Yingxiang provided people with some daily rations, and when the King of Han distributed rice, he would provide some more rations, which would be enough to survive.

Immigration is a difficult task. If the hungry people in northern Shaanxi have enough food to go to Xining, then they are not hungry people.

Liu Chengzong's camp had just ended when he heard Dai Daozi report from a distance: "Commander, Gonpo Dorje from Riyue Mountain has come, and he has brought with him a Mongolian nobleman, who he said is Xiao Lazun's brother."

Xiao Lazun sent people over a little slower than he expected, but when he sent his brother, Liu Chengzong frowned and thought: I didn't ask him for protons either!

Soon, Baiyan Taiji, accompanied by several Mongolian cavalry, went to the outskirts of the camp and was taken to the pier.

Liu Shishi was very happy: "Tell me, what tribute does Lazun plan to pay me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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