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Chapter 238 A straw rope

 The Chinese New Year is still two months away, and the weather in Xining is very cold. Part of the Huangshui River in the Juerwan section has frozen. The first snow this winter has left a very bad impression on Liu Shishi.<


Just before winter came, the Chinese army commander's tent given to him by He Huchen was made of thick felt, which was enough to keep him warm, but could not withstand the first snowfall.

The thick snow collapsed the tent. If Xiao Zhuanfeng hadn't woken him up in the middle of the night, there would have been a good story about a handsome lion naked and fighting in the heavy snow in the Bay of Curtain.

But fortunately, he was used to living under a tent, and the foot-deep snow left a blanket of snow on Juerwan, covering almost all the windows above the ground in the den.

If Liu Shizi hadn't run out in the middle of the night, his troops might have been trapped in their den the next day and couldn't get out.

For two days, the Lion Army soldiers did nothing but shovel snow.

They used the snow to build a snow wall half a person high outside the camp.

As a hero of the Lion Camp, Xiao Zhuanfeng was rewarded with a felt bed, a pair of legless felt coats with buckles, and four fur buckle boots, and he ran around in the snow looking like a human and a dog.

Mr. Meiba was not treated so well. On the day when the heavy snow collapsed the tent, he ran out early and watched Mr. Liu face the upcoming danger in his dream.

When Liu Chengzong ran out wearing a tiger skin, he still looked innocent and meowing.

Grandma was so angry that Mr. Liu fined her three months of salary, and she would not be able to eat dried fish all winter long.

After profound ideological education, Mr. Meiba finally realized his mistake.

But just as the fines did not affect the normal life of Ming officials, the fines did not affect the living standards of General Meiba.

When the soldiers of the Lion Camp went out to clear the snow, Mr. Meibao walked through the streets and alleys of the camp, broke into empty doors, caught mice one by one, and placed them outside the den. He used his hard work to exchange a little bit with the soldiers.


Without Mr. Liu’s dried fish, this guy not only failed to lose weight, but also gained weight visibly.

After this experience of having his tent collapsed by heavy snow, Liu Shizi still did not learn his lesson and still stubbornly lived in the Chinese military tent. However, this time it was reinforced with logs. Even if rocks fell from the sky, his tent would not be crushed.


The main reason is that the Lion Army has a lot of dens, but no one prepared them for him when he was building the dens. The ground is now frozen, and it will not be possible to build the dens for a while.

In the Zhongjun camp, apart from the Zhongjun tent, there were not many choices left for him.

The bungalows are built to accommodate three people. The minimum establishment in the army is three people. In addition, non-staff personnel can also form groups freely to fill the room.

For example, Sanlang and Bailiuxi, Yun Jiaoyue, live in the same house, and he has no share.

There are indeed two places where there are vacancies, but he is unwilling to go.

The two nests are Li Bei and Zuo Guangxian, Wu Panlong and Ma Ke. There is one person missing from the two nests.

Li Bei and Ma Ke were two dangerous men. Liu Chengzong felt that if he slept in the same room with them, he wouldn't be able to sleep for a few days. Sooner or later, one of them would be killed.

What's more, sleeping alone in a large military tent is very spacious.

A few days after the heavy snowfall, Master Chen ran back from Xining and brought back the Sixteen Dharma of Tibet that he and six Xining students translated.

Liu Chengzong believes that law is a very interesting thing.

Looking at a set of laws, one can see the will of the ruler and what has happened in a land.

Just like his military law, there is a special clause that prohibits demolition of door panels and wall tiles of ordinary people. Why is there such a clause?

Of course it's because someone has actually done it.

What is more important is that Liu Shizi established the regulations. The starting point is to ensure the combat effectiveness of soldiers and at the same time protect the people from being harmed by military disasters.

Not harming the weak arbitrarily is of course the bottom line of being a human being, but it is also a way for Liu Shishi to ensure his combat effectiveness.

In the absence of front lines and rear areas in northern Shaanxi, barely creating a stable environment for soldiers will be of great help to their mental health.

Whether it’s military law or law, it can tell what a ruler’s fundamentals are.

In other words, this military law proves that within the scope of his rule, soldiers are subjects subject to the law, but at the same time, it recognizes that houses are the private property of the people and have the right not to be infringed.

In the Chinese military tent, his father Liu Xiangyu and his teacher Yang Dingrui, who were familiar with the Ming Dynasty law, sat side by side with Liu Chengzong around the charcoal stove, studying the sixteen methods translated by Chen Shifo.

Chen Shifo sat across from him and explained to the three of them: "This law can be traced back to the Twenty Laws of the Tubo period. It has been deleted several times. Now from Qinghai Lake to Uzang, the laws used by Xifan are mixed and mixed.


"I have seen people using the Thirteen Methods outside, some using the Mongolian My Answer Method, and some using the old method of the Northern Yuan Dynasty."

After a brief introduction, Master Chen said to the three of them: "The provisions of each law are similar. The law sent by Lazun has sixteen articles. The commander-in-chief will read it first. If there is anything unclear, I will explain it."

Liu Chengzong nodded and looked at it from the front with his father and teacher.

The opening chapter of "Sixteen Methods" uses a very large space to introduce what happened in Uzang in recent decades, mainly the story of the war brought by the Mongols, and the story of the Zangba Khan family killing their ferocious enemies and creating great achievements.

Especially now, Zangba Khan’s father has been like a god since he was a child. At the age of twenty-five, he led eight armies to attack hostile forces.

When the Mongols occupied the entire territory of Tibet, Zangba Khan led his army to resist. He defeated the Mongols like a god coming down from the earth, and recovered the four hills of Weizang and the three hills of Duokang.

As for the current Zangba Khan, he is the incarnation of a god, like the sun shining on the world. If the incarnation of the god does not get the throne, it will bring war.

Liu Xiangyu watched, and after reading a few words, he turned to look at Yang Dingrui. The two of them basically laughed while watching.

Liu Chengzong had already inquired about many things that had happened in Qinghai-Tibet and other places in recent decades. His expression was quite serious and he said to the two of them: "Except for the divine right of kings, the things are basically true."

But when he saw the end of the introduction to his family, Liu Chengzong didn't hold back, not because the writing was outrageous, but because it was so real.

The above describes in detail the locations of Zangba Khan's four most important fortresses, and also explains clearly how they fought through the first heroic tiger method.

The best policy is to prevent the petals of the lotus from falling off on the outside, to prevent the lark's nest from being damaged internally, and to not disturb the birds to take their eggs, which is to defeat the enemy without fighting.

The central strategy is to divide the fiefdoms and attack in the east and west, but casting spells and poisoning are not allowed, and at the same time, the terrain must be observed to gather intelligence.

The next best option is to rectify military affairs, appoint officers, manage baggage, and conduct battles.

Wherever you do what you do, everything is written down clearly... To put it simply, even a leader who doesn't know anything about military affairs can get pretty much the same thing if he gets a copy of the law and compares it one by one.

While watching, Liu Chengzong said to the two men: "Their army is divided into three wings: left, center and right. They use military flags as the forerunner, drums as signals, and trumpets and shin trumpets."

"The troops on each wing are arranged in formation, with gunmen in front on the left, archers in front on the right, those in the middle holding spears, halberds and axes, followed by those holding chains, and then a mixture of horses and infantry."

After saying that, Liu Chengzong raised his head and asked Chen Shifo: "They border with India, do they have blunderbuss?"

Master Chen doesn’t know.

His father Liu Xiangyu said: "If you write the art of war into the law, there won't be many people there who know how to fight."

Yang Dingrui said: "This is a law for local leaders. There are not many literate people there."

Liu Chengzong has been looking down carefully, gradually understanding the customs there.

But Bai Yan said that if he used this, Lazun would give him the Haibei land.

He didn't understand what Lazun's intention was. Except for the frequent corporal punishments such as gouging out the eyes, cutting off the knees, cutting off the tongue, chopping off the limbs, throwing off a cliff, and massacre, there was nothing new in this law.

Until he saw the price of his life.

The price of life is based on the status of the deceased, and is further subdivided into upper, middle and lower classes, and the person is divided into nine classes in total.

There are nine levels from top to bottom. The highest level is worth the same weight in gold as the body, and the lowest level is a straw rope for tramps, women, blacksmiths, butchers, and beggars.

Slaves are not among them.

In the law of indemnity for injury, a lower-class person cuts off the hands and stamps the feet of a superior person; the master injures a servant without compensation; when a noble is injured, the person who injures the person must pay a quarter of his life value.

Small nobles can use oaths to distinguish right from wrong when it comes to unclear matters, but golden geese, crows, black snakes, and bitches cannot swear oaths.

The golden goose is a monk, the crow is a poor man, the black snake is a wizard, and the bitch is a woman. They need to use boiled oil to grab rocks or boiled mud to grab rocks to distinguish right from wrong.

This made Liu Chengzong feel very familiar. It is obvious that the customary law here is greatly influenced by India.

He asked Master Chen: "As for the price of life, are other laws like this?"

Master Chen replied respectfully: "The Thirteen Dharmas used by the Yellow Sect are basically the same. The difference is that after a person dies, he has to pay an additional fee for Buddhist services on top of the life price. This amount of sixteen Dharma is included in the life price.


Liu Chengzong did not read this law again. He stood up and walked around in the tent, lifting the heavy felt curtain. The cold air outside the tent poured into the tent, sweeping away the warmth. The snowy mountains in the distance were dazzlingly white.

After a moment of pause, he turned around and said to several people: "I have never been able to figure out why Lazun of the Yellow Sect would give me a copy of Zangba Khan's law. Now I know his intention."

Yang Dingrui was still reading the law very seriously, and said while reading: "This is not written for ordinary people. If several laws are similar, it means that this customary law has been used in the local area for a long time."

"No matter who is in power, the nobles, leaders, and monks must be protected to ensure their superiority."

Master Liu lit his pipe by the fire and asked Liu Chengzong: "What do you think Lazun's intention is?"

Liu Chengzong said: "He wants to turn me into a slave owner."

He shook his head and sat back and said with a smile: "When I didn't read these sixteen laws, I thought it was Lazun who wanted to set a rule for me."

"But now it seems, maybe from Lazun's point of view, it was indeed a gift given to me, a gift that legally enslaved the native people."

As long as he accepts Lazun's canonization, he will put on the cloak of a god. This army can be integrated into the system of sixteen or thirteen laws, and the entire lion army will become the upper third class and the middle third class.

slave owner.

Everyone will gain huge power, take advantage of the piety of others, and squeeze wealth at will.

Every noble, official, and monk in this land who benefits from customary law will protect their power as if they were their own, forming a tight network.

Let the people who are so pious that they sacrifice everything never be able to stand up again.

It can even be said that Lazun pointed out a clear path for him to integrate into this system and do whatever he wants in Haibei. Even if he cannot defeat more powerful foreign enemies in the future, he can still try to use this set of tools to integrate the enemy and make it degrade.

Even if others don't blend in, you can still retreat to Uzang.

Liu Chengzong said nothing, his father just slowly smoked his pipe, and the teacher focused on the legal provisions, trying to find something in them.

Only Master Chen was sitting next to him. He thought about it again and again, and said, "Commander, you don't have to say it so harshly. It's not about slavery...it's quite appropriate, and the people don't think there's anything wrong with it."

Liu Chengzong looked at Master Chen as if he were looking at a monster.

"Commander, don't look at me like that. This thing can't go anywhere, and no one can do anything about it."

Chen Shifo said: "Don't think that if you tell a slave that you want him to be a human being, he will really treat him like a human being and work as a soldier for you. It's impossible... Do you know what the last thing my father did before he died?

Just whip me with a whip."

"He wanted to send all his property to the temple, and I asked him to leave some for his elder brother. The old man was so sick that he couldn't walk, but he had the strength to whip me. Do you know why?"

Master Chen pointed at his heart and smiled miserably: "He has believed it all his life and spent all his property. I said it is useless. If he doesn't slap me, who will I?"

"It was the same with you in the past. The people didn't believe you. He cut off his hands and feet and sent the girl to worship the Buddha. You said this was a lie? He has no way to turn back. He can only say that you go away and don't delay his cultivation. You

If you can save this life, you cannot save the next life. The gods and Buddhas in the sky on the snow-capped mountains can save every life."

Liu Chengzong gave a thumbs up, that’s awesome.

He still wants to keep it simple. Having someone knowledgeable around him really helps a lot.

"You're right, damn, there are specialties in the art industry!" Liu Chengzong was not praising Chen Shifo: "So many people have been pondering the human heart from generation to generation. This human heart is really understood."

Chen Shifo nodded and said: "And we can't just look at the bad things. There are also many good and highly respected monks who build bridges and roads. Moreover, the temple is the only place where some lower-class people in Xifan can change their destiny. They can learn and read in the temple."
Liu Chengzong smiled and said: "I don't agree with this. Maybe it was like this in this land in the past, but now that I'm here, it won't be like this in the future."

"I know that there are many monks who can do good deeds, but the good deeds they do can be done by everyone, but the bad deeds are mostly done by using their status as monks."

"You can also build a social science school to impart knowledge, I can hold imperial examinations to help people change their destiny, and establish government offices to repair bridges and roads... They have their experience, and I also have mine. When I was a bad person, I became a good person.

A little, the emperor can accept me."

Chen Shifo's words did not bring any resistance to Liu Chengzong.

On the contrary, Liu Chengzong became very excited because of these sixteen methods.

"This is really a good place. Anyone who uses this thing is greedy for pleasure and weak."

Liu Chengzong looked back and pointed at the sixteen methods in front of Yang Dingrui, smiling wantonly: "I hope that a place where slaves are not considered human beings and a blacksmith's life is only worth a straw rope can block my army? What a joke!"



"Sixteen Codes", refer to "Selected Collection of Ancient Tibetan Codes·Sixteen Laws and Thirteen Laws" 1994 edition.

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