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Chapter 261 Monster

 The fog in the mountains has not yet cleared, and the cold morning wind blows on the weather-beaten faces of the plateau warriors.

The mount's mail chest swayed with the pace, beating rhythmically on the Hequ horse's strong chest, and the continuous sound was like a formation-breaking music.

In the Danba Manor in front of him, thousands of fugitive slaves who had been crushed by cavalry on both sides were disintegrating, trampling on each other like headless flies in the scattered tents.

Close at hand, there is only a human wall jumping out of the smoke.

The narrow human wall formed a dense front, and the mantis' arm acted as a chariot, blocking their only way to enter the manor.

The cavalryman did not slow down. He yelled something to his comrades on the left and right, and the comrades would move around to prepare for an attack. Then he stood up slightly on the horse and pulled off the wolfskin shawl that was blown up by the wind to cover his left and right comrades.

Swinging horse head.

He loosened the reins and lowered his cheeks, letting the curved helmet brim cover half of his face. His buttocks were off the saddle and his body leaned forward. One hand grasped the horse's mane through the wolf skin, and the other hand grasped the spear decorated with spiral patterns.

He was ready to make a desperate collision and launched an attack on the horizontal formation.

This is a duel between cavalry and infantry about courage. In this duel, the one who flinches will die, and he will always be the victor.

Thirty steps later, the infantrymen with their backs to the trench did not move.

The scenery on both sides recedes rapidly.

Twenty steps, no movement.

Ten steps and still not moving!

Without enough time to turn the horse's head, the cavalryman suddenly grabbed the mane of the war horse and leaned back. The pain caused the war horse's head to fall back, and raised its front hooves high, while its hind hooves were still plowing forward on the grass. In a hurry, he only saw the distance of the horse.

The military formation nearby has moved.

A smile appeared on the nervous face of the cavalry. No cavalry would not make a collision posture when attacking, but no cavalry really wanted to collide with the infantry line.

It’s just that the smile has solidified before I can even laugh out loud.

The infantry facing the cavalry charge moved, but instead of breaking up, the front row of infantry suddenly took two steps forward and held their spears diagonally.

In the flash of lightning, the cavalry on horseback had no time to react. Only one thought flashed through their minds: How dare they?

With this question in mind, I watched the mount slide towards the sharp spearhead. The heavy war horse easily pushed the spear tail that was stepped on by the soldiers deeply into the ground, broke several long poles, and then fell to the ground with the cavalry.

More cavalrymen wanted to give up the direct collision and instead circle the formation on the two wings with the tips of their spears, but they did not expect that the enemy's line suddenly moved forward, changing the distance between them.

Infantry spears were thrown out one after another. Some of them were able to hit the horses, and some missed and fell in front of the cavalry, knocking off the riders who had no time to dodge. With the sound of the long poles being broken, the warriors in cotton armor dropped the broken spears and drew them out.

They jumped into formation and attacked the Duokang cavalry who fell off their horses.

They were like a group of monsters, holding the distance between the two sides firmly in their hands, as if they knew at what distance the Duokang cavalry would turn their horses. There was no need to aim, they just easily handed out the spears to that place, and the horses would start to slow down.

Hit the tip of the spear.

In the blink of an eye, an impact turned into a collision, and the pole smashed the horse to death. The riders who fell off the horse could not survive alone. They were chopped or smashed by the lion soldiers with short weapons, and died violently.

There were only two horses, relying on their mounts and courage to collide with the front line. Even if the horses were stabbed to death, their huge bodies still relied on inertia to rush forward several steps, and the infantry on both sides could only dodge.

The two cavalrymen who broke through were so skilled that they dodged the thrusting spears and invariably chose to leap from their horses, hoping to jump to the back of the formation and destabilize the Lion Army.

But behind the Lion Soldiers is not the flat ground, but the trenches they dug.

The two cavalrymen were like two heavy sacks, which were hit hard in the trench. They only had time to let out a sudden scream before they were stabbed through by the wooden thorns at the bottom of the trench.

When the cavalry from all directions withdrew to regroup, Wailiangzi held the flag beside him and sneered at the corpses left in front of the line: "How dare you charge us?"

For Wailiangzi, the enemy has no idea who he is dealing with.

They had bad luck and ran into the Lions in their heyday.

Wailiangzi was transferred from Tangqi to the training camp this spring and was unable to participate in most of the training at the training camp. At that time, the officers were debating whether the soldiers should be allowed to have families and whether they should transition to a normal regime.

At this time, the Lion Army is a monster who only focuses on war.

Thousands of low-level officers and tens of thousands of soldiers have no life, no family, no children, no wives and no worries, and they are still accustomed to the idea that a good meal is better than anything else in a drought.

They live in the military camp every day, with enough dry food and meat. They only think about how to deal with the future war. The imaginary enemy includes all the armies from Uzang to Nurgan.

The three training camps carried out crazy drills for half a year. The artillery battalion generals sneaked into the cavalry camp to spy on the enemy. The cavalry battalion generals attacked the infantry camp again and again in camp drills. The officers in the Chinese military camp summarized all the tactics.

Pick out the flaws, strengthen them, and put them into the next camp drill.

On the surface, they have a very high level of education. In fact, even the system of slave aristocrats is more advanced and stable in political system than them, and can produce food ten times and a hundred times better than them.

They only produce guns and armor.

On this planet, at this moment, they have the highest technological level among all barbarian conquerors, and the purest barbarian blood among all civilized ethnic groups.

This state is a morbid and abnormal product of a specific environment.

King Baili's army collided with the tentacles extended by this monster.

The wounded soldiers who were pinned down by the horses were carried to the back of the trench, and 239 Lion Soldiers withstood the enemy's first attack.

Wai Liangzi calmly organized his team, retreated to the inside of the trench, and once again used firearms to form a copper and iron wall that could block everything.

Dan Bidaiben looked at the front line, which was only twenty steps wide in the distance, with doubts on his face.

For Danbei Daiben, it is common for infantry with firm faith to block cavalry attacks. Of course, it is also common for infantry formations without firm faith to collapse under cavalry attacks.

Impact and ramming are two tactics. The impact depends on the enemy timidly breaking up in front of the cavalry, even if the impact is successful; and ramming is another costly tactic. In his long military career, he has only seen three cavalry collisions.

What really puzzled him was why this army composed of Han soldiers still stayed on the battlefield.

He knew that the Han army, like the Mongolian army, were helpers brought by Ga Ma from the north.

But in the final analysis, this was not their war. When Ga Ma's slaves and the Mongolian army were defeated, the Han army consisted of just over 200 people and formed a horizontal formation no more than 20 steps wide, trying to block the attack of thousands of troops.
Can the Gama monk afford such a price?

Or is it that the cost of hiring Han troops to fight is very low?

"Daiben, that flag, the character on it is Liu."


The pronunciation of this word was very strange, but it made Danbei Daiben feel inexplicably familiar. Then he thought of King Mutian in Lijiang, and thought that as far away as the horizon, there was a person with this surname who tormented the emperor to death.

He asked the monk who understood Chinese brought to the nobles: "Do you know Shaanxi?"

The monk shook his head. He learned the Chinese language in Uzang from the Han monks who came to Tibet and had never been to Han.

The Baili nobles' knowledge of the Han Dynasty was limited, limited to Sichuan and Yunnan. They knew that there was King Mutian in Yunnan, who blocked King Baili's southward expansion route, and that there was a Songpan in Sichuan who taught them not to advance eastward.<


"You go see their leader and ask them to retreat. I will not pursue you. If you want property, we can discuss it. Remember to ask where they come from."

The monk just wants to give himself two slaps. What do you owe him? Let them slap him. Now it’s good. It’s time for him to face the challenge.

But Baili is not like other places where monks are not so respected.

The monk trembled as he walked towards the battle line. His mind was filled with thoughts about the eminent Han monk who taught him how to recognize Chinese characters. The eminent monk was kind, elegant and easy-going, so these Han soldiers would not embarrass him.

Looking at the monk's back, Dan Bui organized his army again.

It's best to bribe them away. This is a war about nobles and slaves, and it has nothing to do with these Han people.

If bribery was not possible, he planned to use infantry to attack the Han army from the front and use cavalry to cross the ditch from the side and attack the Han army from the front and back.

Wailiangzi is setting up a firearms defense line. The 240 Han soldiers were separated earlier. Each squadron strengthened the firepower of the slave soldiers against the noble manor, but the scattered firearms could not pose a threat to the regular army.

Now more than 200 Han soldiers have gathered in one place. Counting the captures, they have hundreds of muskets and their firepower is very strong.

Forty firearmsmen each loaded ammunition for three light and heavy muskets, and they were all placed on the position and set up.

He estimated that the enemy's cavalry would no longer dare to attack from the front, and might outflank them from both wings, so the frontal defense was left to the musketeers, while the spearmen mainly defended the rear.

They created time for Basang to gather a small number of fleeing slaves.

Suddenly, a monk who could speak Chinese came to the front and loudly delivered a message to the enemy generals. What a shame... Not to mention how happy I was!

He almost jumped up with joy and waved vigorously: "Come here, monk, come here, monk, come here quickly!"

The monk had never been treated like this before. A group of Han soldiers in armor surrounded him, looking left and right, as if they had seen some rare treasure.

Wailiangzi asked: "What is your name?"

"The young monk is King Baili..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wai Liangzi raising his hand: "Okay, your name is Monk Wang."

When I hear this name, I think I am an old friend of the Lions.

Wai Liangzi got straight to the point: "Monk Wang is here. There are only two roads in front of your baby. I need an interpreter. You stay here and I will ensure that you have enough food and clothing."

To Wailiangzi, having enough food and clothing is the greatest gift in the world and the best promise he can make.

I think back then, the commander-in-chief’s offer of conditions to people could only guarantee their death, but now he can ensure that even one of his soldiers is fed and clothed.

Very proud.

But for Monk Wang, this condition... is either shabby or really weird.

Is there anyone else in the world who makes such a promise?

Monk Wang felt that these Han soldiers were not bad. Although they were not treated well, they looked very simple and easy to talk to.

"No, general, I'm here to make peace with you. Dan Bei asked me to ask you how to withdraw the army. He promised not to pursue. If he wants some goods, he can negotiate. He also wants to know,

Where did you come from, the Han army?"

"Where does it come from?"

Wailiangzi laughed and cursed, completely ignoring the matter of making peace.

Making peace is not the problem, the problem is that if he wants to make peace, he has to send the monk back.

This is a person who understands Chinese!

The most worrying thing about Danba Manor these days is the language barrier. Now that a monk who understands Chinese has been sent, there is no reason to send him back.

"Listen, your baby can't go back, so don't think about those things."

He raised his finger to point at Monk Wang, raised his hand to gesture and said, "If you want to run away, have you seen that gun? One tael of lead bullets will blow your brains out."

Monk Wang looked at the crooked beam, then at the heavy gun mounted on the wall, and finally looked around at the smiling Han soldiers around him, and swallowed slowly.

Bang bang.

A bearded Han soldier came with a belt. This guy had an accent from another place. He stepped forward and said, "You little thing, don't move. I'll tie up your hands and Borogel's. We'll lose."

They won’t make things difficult for you.”

Monk Wang wanted to struggle, but he was pushed to the ground by the bearded man and fell down. He was held down and unable to get up. He could only be tied up tightly and covered with a set of heavy Duokang cavalry armor. Finally,

My head was covered with an iron helmet and I couldn't see anything.

Wailiangzi was very satisfied with Monk Wang's outfit, which ensured that he would not be beaten to death by Liu Ya.

Danbei Daiben, who was on horseback in the distance, was furious as he watched Monk Wang being knocked down.

How could anyone detain the envoy? Damn it, you don’t have martial ethics!

Just as he ordered a large-scale attack, the two armies rode forward and joined forces, but the nobles who stayed behind looked towards the south and screamed.

A burst of black smoke rose from the distance, which was the direction of their food storage camp.

The infantry formed a dense square formation, with those in front holding shields and those behind wearing armor. Under the cover of cavalry on both sides, they opened the way with spears and crossbows and advanced steadily forward.

The gun went off.

A solitary gunshot suddenly sounded in front of the formation.

On the far left side of the Han army's line, a blunderbuss emitted smoke and hit the shield set up by the frontline infantry from a distance.

Ruben, who was leading the troops forward, looked at the flanks of the military formation with some surprise. The infantry continued to advance after a brief shock, and no one fell down.

In less than a breath, the infantryman had just stepped forward when there was another blunder next to the bird cannon. This time it was a heavy cannon. The lead bullet passed through the shield, killing the back-upman and injuring him.

The infantry behind.

Two wounded soldiers fell to the ground, causing a commotion on the flanks of the military formation.

Then came the third cannon, the fourth cannon... lead bullets were fired one after another, and the soldiers fell one after another. For a short time at first, the frightened infantrymen hesitated and were unwilling to move forward.

But forty light and heavy muskets fired in sequence from left to right. When the last musket was fired, the first musket was loaded and continued to fire. The repeated shooting made the front of the battlefield wild and chaotic.

The infantry could no longer maintain a stable formation, and the formation collapsed under the continuous fire. Some soldiers fled to the wings, while more people broke up in the opposite direction, charged towards the trench, and fell on the path of the attack.

The cavalry on both wings stepped through the ditch, only to find that they were still greeted by the hedgehog-like spears of the Han army. All the cavalry unanimously chose to flee to the ditch in the distance to avoid the flying projectiles and arrows.

However, the Mongolian cavalry, which soon lost control, bypassed the manor, came back on the further wings, passed by the Dokang cavalry who were restricted by bullets, and went straight to attack the fleeing infantry.

The fleeing infantrymen just wanted to escape from the shooting range uncontrollably at first.

But after the rout happened, they also had to escape from the pursuit and punishment of noble officers, which meant that they had to flee the battlefield.

It’s time to counterattack.

Wailiangzi rolled up his flag and spear and called for his horse.

A famous Han soldier mounted his mount, formed several cavalry teams of more than ten riders, and rushed towards the Duokang cavalry on both sides of the chaos.

This time, the Dokang cavalry chased the Mongolian cavalry and the situation was reversed. It was their turn to run away on the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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