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Chapter 282: Riverside

 Zhang Yuanheng did not stay in Nangqian for long. He wrote a letter asking someone to send it to Xining, informing the officials of the Tea and Horse Department that he would go back next spring, and then set off for Luhuo County to find Liu Chengzong's uncle Cai Zhongpan who was stationed there.

On the day of his departure, messengers from Luhuo County arrived in Nangqian and brought the results of Cai Zhongpan's work.

When he heard the news, Liu Chengzong had just bid farewell to Zhang Yuanheng side by side with Sunday Qiang on the bank of the Zaqu River. He couldn't help but smile when he heard the news, and then laughed.

He thought to himself that his uncle was too eager to make meritorious deeds. He calculated his schedule and found that it had only been less than a month since he arrived in Luhuo County. Even the government office there had just been established. What results could be achieved?

Although he thought so in his heart, he still wanted to see the people sent by his uncle, so he asked someone to prepare tea and food for the envoy, and returned to the manor to have a strong chat about Xining Mansion with Sunday.

Not long after, the messenger came to report after having tea and rice.

The envoy sent by my uncle was Liu Chengzong's old acquaintance, Han Lin, the veteran in Yan'an Prefecture who had no thumb on his left hand.

Han Lin first worked as Liu Chengzong's servant with Guo Zashi, but later, like Guo Zashi, he did not follow Liu Chengzong to fight in northern Shaanxi, but followed Liu Chengzu to protect his family.

Because Han Lin couldn't use a bow, they only had two guns at the time, one was Cao Yao's three-eyed blunderbuss and the other was his uncle's double-barreled hand blunderbuss, so Han Lin failed to catch up with the early opportunity to make contributions to Liu Chengzong.
But despite this, his treatment has always been good. He helped the shipping company when he was in northern Shaanxi, and later he continued to work with Mr. Liu. This time, he was brought here by his uncle and followed him to Luhuo County.

When he saw Liu Chengzong again, Han Lin no longer looked like the Lifu who robbed beggars of money in Yan'an Fucheng. He was well-dressed in armor and his hair was taken care of, and he looked like a serious person.


Seeing his old acquaintance, Liu Chengzong was in a good mood. He asked him to sit down and then smiled and said: "I really didn't expect that my uncle asked you to come over and tell me what good news there is in the east. Can you enter Sichuan?"
Han Lin shook his head and said: "As the commander-in-chief said, there is no way to enter the river. This time Master Cai asked his subordinates to report, mainly to submit the information about Changhexi and Songpanwei to the commander-in-chief."

Changhe refers to the Dadu River, and Changhe West refers to the land including Dajian Road.

Liu Chengzong expected that Cai Zhongpan could get information about Changhe West, but what surprised him was Songpan Wei: "Luhuo is so far away from Songpan, with Jinchuan Tusi in between, how did you get the information there?"

Han Lin sighed. Judging from his demeanor, Liu Chengzong felt that these sources of information were not very good.

When he spoke, it was true: "As soon as we arrived in Luhuo County, Chieftain Jinchuan sent an envoy to bring money, grain, gold, silver, Sichuan brocade and other items to give gifts."

As he spoke, he looked down at the manor and said, "Mr. Cai asked me to bring all the gifts to the Marshal, but one hundred and twenty taels of silver were used by us. I will explain to the Marshal later."
Liu Chengzong nodded and signaled Han Lin to continue.

"After Jinchuan Chieftain sent the gift, he invited Mr. Cai to his territory as a guest."

"Jinchuan Chieftain is the leader of the local wizard. His tribe lives in the mountains, and houses and fortresses are built on the mountains. The local people build watchtowers to guard against beasts and observe mountain torrents. Over time, there is a trend of competing with each other in terms of watchtowers."

"In the mountains where the terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack, you will see towering stone forts and watchtowers, ranging from a hundred steps close to less than a mile far away. The lowest ones are three or four stories, and the highest ones are seven or eight stories. There are thousands of tribesmen and banquets.

When performing martial arts in the mountains, it is intended to be a deterrent."

Liu Chengzong frowned: "Is my uncle okay?"

Han Lin hurriedly shook his head and said: "It's okay. The chieftain performed his martial arts and Master Cai drank his wine, but it didn't cause any embarrassment. The chieftain of Jinchuan wanted to draw a line with us and pay tribute to the commander every year. This is the tribute bill.


As he said this, he took out a list and handed it over. Liu Chengzong glanced at it and saw that the handwriting on it was very familiar and belonged to his uncle.

Every year, there are fifty taels of gold, five hundred taels of silver, fifty horses, two hundred loads of tea, two hundred pieces of Sichuan brocade, ten strong men, and ten beauties.

Compared with the Jinchuan chieftain's territory, these tributes are not much. Today, between the Marshal's Mansion in Qinghai and Sichuan and Songpanwei in the Ming Dynasty, there are only Changhexi and Jinchuan, one in the south and one in the north.

Liu Chengzong read the tribute list and said to Han Lin: "Do they have requirements?"

Tributes alone are not enough.

Han Lin nodded and said: "Yes, the chieftain of Jinchuan hopes that the tributes will continue, and that Han people will not enter Jinchuan, and Jinchuan will not enter Han territory."

Liu Chengzong understood in an instant that this was right.

If he sincerely surrenders, there is no need to use force to intimidate him, and there is no mention of handing over the seal and edict given to him by the Ming Dynasty, nor does he ask Liu Chengzong to issue the seal and edict, which means that he is just sending some tribute, not surrender.

To put it bluntly, this means...don't come over!

"That is to say, my uncle went to visit us and came back safely with gifts. Chieftain Jinchuan wants to set a boundary with us so that we don't interfere with each other?"

When Liu Chengzong finished speaking, Han Lin smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean."

"Jinchuan chieftain wants to avoid war." Liu Chengzong said noncommittally: "Then you go on to say, where is the intelligence on Changhe West?"

"Well..." Han Lin was in trouble and said: "Commander, I'd better go on to talk about Songpan Wei. The matter of Songpan Wei is connected with Jinchuan."

Liu Chengzong actually didn't care much about Songpanwei. That direction was very safe. If the Tea Horse Road leading from Dajian Road to Sichuan was difficult to walk, with many places where cars couldn't pass, then the Songpan side was even harder to walk, as the mountains, rivers and grasslands were all naturally dangerous.<


He was unable to form an army to launch an expedition there, and Songpan Wei's army was unable to come over. The most important thing was that both sides did not have enough motivation to fight a battle in the grassland.

Therefore, compared to the Ming army, he paid more attention to Jinchuan and Changhexi, the two big chieftains who had jurisdiction over countless small chieftains.

However, Han Lin's words were a bit difficult for him to understand: "Songpan Wei, how could he be connected with the Jinchuan Chieftain's matter?"

"The one hundred and twenty taels was when Mr. Cai saw the Han people farming in Jinchuan and asked if they were Songpan Wei's banner troops, so he bought them back." Faced with Liu Chengzong's puzzled and surprised expression, Han Lin nodded heavily and said: "

Yes, it’s Songpan Wei’s flag army.”

It is understandable that the banner army farmed the land, but the banner army of Songpan Wei did not farm in Songpan and went to Jinchuan to farm. Liu Chengzong became interested and said: "Tell me more, what is going on?"

He thought that the main task of the Songpan Guards was to build the city wall, and the co-author also had the business of farming land for others?

Han Lin lowered his head. He was also a Ming soldier in the past, and his face was full of cowardice. He took out the map from his luggage and said: "Commander, please look, this is Songpan Wei, bordering Jinchuan Tusi to the southwest."

What was unfolded in front of Liu Chengzong was a sketch, using thick and light lines to draw the road. From the perspective of the Ming Dynasty, Songpanwei was a dead end. There were two mountain roads heading northwest from Sichuan. The final intersection of the mountain roads was the Songpanwei station.


Further to the west, there is a large swamp stretching for 600 miles, and to the southwest it borders the Jinchuan territory, which is the forefront of the Sichuan Han people's northwest expansion.

But the situation of Songpan Wei is not as good as it seems, because on the picture Han Lin is holding, Songpan Wei is surrounded by densely packed so-and-so and so-and-so groups.

Not only in the north and west, Songpanwei has two roads leading to Sichuan, called Songpan South Road and Songpan East Road. The south road is marked to Maozhou, Chengdu Prefecture, and the east road is marked to Pingwu, Longan Prefecture.

Han Lin explained: "Songpanwei has more than 30 fortresses and gates, most of which are in places where grains are not grown and where boats are not accessible. Every year, more than 45,000 shi of tax and grain are allocated from Chengdu and other places to meet the needs of food.

Food and materials are transported through these two roads."

"It is said that the road that stretches for hundreds of miles is on the cliffs, and some areas are only connected by the Yunzhong Plank Road."

Liu Chengzong listened to Han Lin's description and imagined the hundreds of watchtowers in Jinchuan and the endless plank roads in the clouds in Songpan. He couldn't help but murmur to himself: "I really want to go there and have a look."

He was only absent-minded for a moment, then pointed to the word "Baicao" specially marked between the two roads in Songpan on the map and asked: "Then what does this mean?"

"Oh, that's the Baicao Twenty-Eight Village in Songpan. It used to be the most ferocious. There were chieftains in the surrounding areas who governed the Qiang people, but there was no one to govern the Baicao land, so they slaughtered the merchants without any fuss. However, during the Jiajing period, this matter

That’s it.”

Liu Chengzong asked: "How to solve it?"

"He Qing, the general on the left side of Songpan, was from Chengdu. He originally planned to send 30,000 troops, but later found out that the Baicao area was unfavorable for a large force to deploy, so he sent 9,000 troops deep into the Qiang land. In the battle of Zomaling, they captured 47 forts and destroyed the fortresses.

A house of 4,800 yuan is free from the problem of white grass."

Han Lin shook his head as he spoke: "There are no Baicao Qiang today. Thirty years after that war, foreign tribes invaded Songpan. The local Qiang tribes were worried about being implicated, so more than 8,900 people from the 28 villages invited themselves.

The gangsters changed customs, sold knives, and bought calves. Now they have Han surnames, and they all raise cattle and become rich."

Liu Chengzong sighed in his heart, He Qing had such martial arts, but he had never even heard of this person.

Jiajinglong's prowess in martial arts made him particularly envious of people born at that time. If he had been born at that time, he would have been thinking about becoming a general.

He asked: "Later, why haven't I heard of this General He?"

"Oh, he guarded Songpan for more than 20 years. In the 33rd year of Jiajing, when the Japanese invaders came from the sea, the imperial court transferred the old general and his soldiers to Susong to serve as the deputy commander-in-chief, and the prime minister of Zhejiang and Su, Songhai Defense."<


Han Lin spoke calmly, but Liu Chengzong forced out a curse word from between his teeth: "Damn, I just praised the imperial court in my heart."

Transferring a famous general from Shu who has never seen the sea in his life to the southeast to serve as the Prime Minister of Coastal Defense, is this an order that a primate can give?

"Commander, calm down." Han Lin didn't act as if he hadn't seen Liu Chengzong angry. He said neither salty nor lightly: "This story is not yet time to make people angry. The old general could not make meritorious deeds in the past. He was impeached and dismissed from office. He died.


Liu Chengzong was not angry now. He understood that even if he was born in the reign of Jiajing and Longwan and became a general, even if there was no overall rebellion, he would still have to find a place to separate his rule.

Isn't it expected that we can't make contributions and make a difference? We shouldn't send people there, to Guangdong and Guangxi to fight wild beasts. Mountain warfare is the professional counterpart.

He waved his hand, unwilling to say more on this matter, and said: "According to what you said, Songpan Wei's situation should be pretty good. How could the Banner Army be reduced to farming for Fanzi Tusi?"

"Commander, that battle happened a hundred years ago. What kind of battle can lead to peace for a hundred years?" Han Lin shook his head and said: "Since Bozhou used troops, many chieftains have seen the decline of the imperial court's national power and have rebelled.

"Especially before and after the earthquake, the forts and gates built by General He were destroyed by the earthquake. The soldiers were exhausted from building the fortifications. The Fanqiang occupied dangerous passes. Local officials were worried about causing trouble. They gradually ignored the occasional looting and only called the soldiers.

After receiving the army rations, I bought some wine and cloth, which is called reward."

"When the chieftain's Fanqiang passed by the military fort, he asked the garrison for reward money, money for dismounting, money for mounting, money for quenching thirst, money for crossing the fort, money for hot clothes, money for strength, money for side hands... there are too many to count. When the fields need to be plowed, they need some guard money.

The army went to plow the fields, and after the plowing was completed, they were sent back to guard."

After saying this, Han Lin fixedly looked at Liu Chengzong, raised his fists and said: "Commander, the Songpan Guards are having a hard time making a living. They have become a lone army surrounded by Panqiang. If they plan well, they can take them all."<


Liu Chengzong raised his hand and slapped it on the table: "How dare you line up to stop Zhang Tianlin after you're like this! You're a coward and an insult to your ancestors!"

What he was scolding was not the banner army, but those civil and military officers who wanted more and less than less.

Liu Chengzong leaned back in his chair, raised his hand and tapped his forehead lightly with his knuckles. He gestured to Han Lin with his other hand and said, "I have to think about this carefully. Go on, Changhe West."

He can recruit Songpan's flag army, but he can't keep Songpan's guards.

It was difficult for the Ming Dynasty to transport grain to Songpan Wei. It had to walk three to four hundred miles of mountain roads, but beyond the mountains was Sichuan, which could afford it.

If he wants to transport grain to Songpan, he has to go around the grassland, which is at least 800 miles away, and this side of the grassland is still Kangning Prefecture, which cannot be self-sufficient in food.

When it came to Changhe West, Han Lin finally lost his depressed look on his face, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Commander, Changhe West is much better than these two places. Since the Tatars occupied Qinghai, the imperial court has ordered Tibetans to travel back and forth.

, all took the south road, so they were extremely prosperous."

"There are forty or fifty manors along the way, called Guozhuang. Among them, thirteen of the larger ones are called Duoji's Gusa, which means a large manor with stone slabs. The owners of the Guozhuang are all Tubai under Chieftain Mingzheng.

The household belongs to the housekeeper."

Han Lin smiled and explained to Liu Chengzong word by word, and then said: "The last thing they want to do is fight with the commander-in-chief. In seven days..."

Han Lin raised his hand and gestured with an exaggerated expression: "I sent people to Luhuo eight times just to ask the commander what he thought of them."

Liu Shizi asked in confusion: "What do you think?"

"Yes, if the commander-in-chief doesn't give orders to Chang Hexi, they won't be able to sleep well."

Han Lin raised his hand and made a three sign and said: "Last year, from the Diaomen Tea Horse Company in Yazhou on the edge of Sichuan, through the chieftain's territory in Shen Village, Luding, across the Hexi River, the official tea entering Tibet amounted to three million jins, and the private trade was even more


"All the Thirteen Guozhuang in Lucheng made profits from business trips, food and lodging. The general stationed 500 soldiers in Luhuotun. The township officials also recruited hundreds of strong men, fast horses and archers. They had no orders for them, just like hanging on the ground.

With the knife on their necks, merchants traveling from Tibet no longer dare to stay with them."

When Liu Chengzong heard this, he raised his hand and patted his forehead, dumbfounded.

Such a big and powerful Toast opened a B&B in the late Ming Dynasty?

This chapter has been completed!
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