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Chapter 293 Painting

 Liu Chengzong was thousands of miles away in Dajianlu, so naturally he couldn't hear Ren Quan'er's prayer.

But Muya was also talking to him about prayer.

There is an Erlang Temple in Lucheng, which has always been a place of worship for Sichuan people. However, due to the competition for the market on both sides of the Dadu River, not many Han people have arrived in Dajianlu in the past few years. Incense is so scarce that the temple door is incomplete and the main hall collapsed.

Liu Chengzong asked Muya to renovate the Erlang Temple, but Muya obeyed. He summoned the old scholar Yang Wanchun and Ajia from the thirteen families, donated more than a thousand taels, and allocated three main halls, three dormitory halls, and eighteen group sacrificial halls.

The largest Han family Sanjiao nunnery in Lucheng should be built here.

But Mu Ya actually plans to invite Li Bing and Erlang Shen to the worship hall, leaving the main hall as a living shrine for Liu Chengzong. This is very inappropriate.

Just after the New Year, Liu Chengzong returned to being extremely busy.

On the one hand, the cultivated land rented from Muya needs to be cultivated by manpower; on the other hand, a military station needs to be set up on the west side of the grassland to support the Songpan Guards Banner Army.

One of these two things is related to immigration, the other is related to rations. They are both very important, so much so that Liu Chengzong can't even bother to talk to Muya.

She never expected that Muya would find Liu Chengzong herself and have a chat with him about Eternal Life.

Liu Chengzong never believed that there is anything in this world that remains unchanged forever. As time changes and situations change, even the same system may have been a good government a hundred years ago but a bad government a hundred years later.

Dynasties change, but which dynasty can last forever?

But Mu Ya said that he had a way to make Liu Chengzong's power in Kangning Mansion forever.

To be honest, even though Liu Chengzong felt that he was holding back, the look he looked at Mu Ya still looked like he was looking at a fool.

Liu Chengzong said straightforwardly: "Muya, nothing in this world is eternal, and whether my rule in Kangning Mansion is stable or not has nothing to do with Kangning Mansion... it has to do with ourselves!"

He pointed his thumb at his chest and said: "If we do well, we will be stable. If we act in reverse like nobles, the wind will blow and we will fall."

Mu Ya was stunned for a while before she realized what she was saying, nodded and said: "The commander-in-chief is right, but educating the people can make the commander-in-chief's empire more stable."

Liu Chengzong thought that this was nonsense and said: "There are less than 3,000 people in Kangning Mansion who can often speak long sentences. What do you think I am doing with these students? I want to rely on them to teach a group of people who are proficient in Chinese."

Those who speak can let the people have knowledge, and when the time comes, the imperial examination will be held locally."

As the saying goes, those who are good at fighting make the best of the situation, and for Liu Chengzong, the same is true for education.

With the first batch of students, the first imperial examination, and when the scholar becomes an official, the education will naturally spread.

This is what the Ming Dynasty taught in the Hehuang Valley. Only Xi Fanxiu could go to Guangdong to become an official, and the people would naturally follow the imperial court.

However, Liu Chengzong did not expect that Mu Ya paused for a long time before saying with an embarrassed look: "Well... the commander-in-chief misunderstood, the education I am talking about is not about making people increase their knowledge and language, but about giving you a temple to cultivate students."


Liu Chengzong was stunned: "You call this enlightenment?"

What kind of education is Xiu Sheng Temple? In Liu Chengzong's mind, this thing is called flattery. The last person who liked this thing was called Wei Zhongxian. It is difficult to associate it with good things.

But Muya asked a question that seemed irrelevant on the surface very seriously: "Has the Marshal never entered the temple in Kangning Mansion?"

"No." Liu Chengzong shook his head as expected and said: "The temple takes up wealth and people's power. I can't wait to demolish it wherever I go, and what to do in that place."

When Mu Ya heard this, she shook her head helplessly and hummed out the lyrics in a rough voice: "How arrogant this gentleman is! Seeing my brother standing at the doorstep, he was lying down high and couldn't sleep!"

Liu Chengzong recognized that this was a line from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and he laughed and said: "Don't pretend to be Zhang Fei here, don't you just want to say that I am arrogant, yes, I am."

Seeing that he was not angry, Mu Ya just accepted it easily. She felt happy and relaxed.

Naturally, he breathed a sigh of relief because Liu Chengzong was not angry. He had become familiar with Liu Chengzong these days and knew that he was not that hot-tempered and was quite approachable.

What makes me happy is that Liu Chengzong has never been to a temple, which is his strength.

He clapped his hands in front of him and said: "The commander-in-chief knows that although I, Muya, am a chieftain, I have read the Four Books and Five Classics since I was a child. I have worshiped both Buddha and Erlang God. I say that the commander-in-chief is arrogant. I am definitely not standing in the position of a monk."

Over there."

"But under the rule of the Marshal, there were hundreds of thousands of people, and at least 20,000 of them went to the temple, and they went there often. The Marshal never went to the temple once. It was like he had taken over the Central Plains but never knew what the Four Books and Five Classics were.


Liu Chengzong waved his hand and said: "But the remaining people have never entered a temple in their lives."

Mu Ya took a deep breath: "Commander, what they lack is not just experience in entering the temple, writing, using weapons, and arithmetic... there are many inexperienced things."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly and said to Mu Ya: "You want to ask me why I didn't use the old nobles?"

"No." Muya shook her head, raised her thumb and put it between the two of them, looked at Liu Chengzong very seriously and said: "I want to ask the commander-in-chief whether Kangning Mansion is familiar with the customs of the people and proficient in Shaanxi, Sichuan and Xifan.

Dialect, an official who wants to educate the people?"

"Do you still know such a person?"

Muya raised her fists: "That's right."

Oh, the co-author is looking for me to be an official.

Liu Shishi laughed and said: "Don't you want Changhexi?"

"I want it, so I asked the marshal if I can work as an official in Nangqian, and I can keep Changhexi." Mu Ya said it very easily, but her expression was pitiful: "I can give it to the marshal.

Kang Ning has been a big help. Really, long-term peace and stability depend on me."

Muya didn't just say it casually, he really wanted to be an official in the Qinghai Marshal's Mansion.

Because he found Liu Chengzong very strange.

How to describe it?

It can be said that Muya can understand everything that the Qinghai Marshal's Mansion has done so far.

In his eyes, attacking King Baili, attacking King Lin Cong, expelling Baili, Lin Cong's nobles, and even expelling a group of Nangqian nobles, Mu Ya can understand, this is the same as the imperial court's attack on Bozhou Yang Yinglong and dismantling the nobles.

Bozhou is Zunyi Prefecture in Sichuan, just like Pingyue Prefecture in Guizhou. It was changed to the native land to concentrate power.

It is normal to restore freedom to slaves and abolish corporal punishment. Most of the Qinghai Marshal's Mansion is Han, and it is normal to follow Han laws.

As for cultivating fields and so on, it is not surprising.

But these were not the reasons that made him want to be an official. It was during the conversation that he discovered that Liu Chengzong's starting point for doing things was different from what he imagined.

This guy didn't conscript the Kangning Mansion and build an army of slaves to conquer the east and west. He actually wanted to teach the slaves to be ordinary people who worked hard but had enough to eat.

It's strange, so strange that Muya has been worrying in her heart lately: You can't do what you want to do if you are so arrogant!

Liu Chengzong was very cautious about this official's proposal. He asked: "If there is a vacancy in Kangning Prefecture as governor, what are you going to do?"

"Actually, I don't have to do it. When I have time, I will take the commander to the temple, and the commander will understand."

Mu Ya smiled, raised her hand and tapped her temples, and told Liu Chengzong: "The Marshal is a scholar from northern Shaanxi. I will tell you a few things that the Marshal must know. The Four Books and Five Classics, novels, opera troupes, storytellers, etc.


Comic strips are a general term. Those with more words and less pictures that only draw characters in the novel are called Xiuxiang; those with one picture in each chapter are called Quantu; and those with multiple clean illustrations attached to each chapter are called Huihuitu, both of which were from the Song Dynasty.

Entertainment advancements brought about by the spread of printing.

Liu Chengzong asked: "What happened to these things?"

"What I said is not necessarily correct. After listening to it, Commander-in-Chief, I thought that people's morality did not come from the law. Before I knew the laws of the Ming Dynasty, I already knew that Guan Yun traveled thousands of miles alone and knew that the traitor was named Qin Hui.

The thief’s name is Dong Zhuo.”

Muya suddenly became happy as she spoke, and added in her heart, I looked for the Three Kingdoms again the day before yesterday. Dong Zhuo is just like you. His father is a small official. When he was young, he could shoot left and right very fiercely. You should be careful to keep in shape.

"In addition, there are archways, country squires, and folk tales. There are so many ways to teach morality to the people in Han Dynasty."

Muya spread her hands: "Where is our Barbarian family? The land is sparsely populated, with high mountains and deep valleys. If you want to visit relatives, you have to ride five days of horseback. As soon as the barbarian family leaders come to collect food, they go to war. Life is not easy. The people no longer have restraint. Then,

All that's left is murder and robbery."

"Why do I say that the commander-in-chief is arrogant if he doesn't go to the temple? Many things can only be understood when you go there. There are all paintings there, just like a riddle. The Han people know loyalty when they see Guan Yu. How do the people living in the mountains know? In our case

How can we cultivate good roots in a place like this?"

Mu Ya waved her hands and said: "We also have our riddles. When you see the snakes, pigeons, and pigs painted on the wall, you know greed, anger, and ignorance. When you see the trident, you know they are the three kinds of wisdom."

Liu Chengzong did not comment on this, slowly shook his head and said: "They say they are compassionate, but that's not what I saw."

"Commander, Confucius also praised integrity and devotion to public service. Some Han officials are greedy for money and bend the law without blinking an eye?"

Muya said very seriously: "It's one thing that you admire, but at the same time, those who hold the power of life and death also need more restraints. Without restraints, things will naturally become chaotic. The barbarian family has not been able to restrain the leaders and people from all over the country for many years."

The king of the monks."

"The commander-in-chief is a powerful man. He has the ability to persuade people and the desire to make immeasurable merit. I am willing to lend a helping hand to the commander-in-chief."

Liu Chengzong was already a little impatient. Muya said a lot, but he still didn't know how Muya planned to help him and how he was going to achieve his long-term wish for long-term peace and stability in Kangning Mansion.

He asked: "Then what exactly are you going to do?"


Muya still looked serious: "The commander-in-chief wants to establish private schools, social studies, and county schools in various places so that people can become educated, become officials, and have a bright future. I think this method is a fundamental solution, but the results are too slow, at least for the next few years.

It’s a matter of one generation. If it doesn’t take five or six years, it’s hard to see results. So what should we do in these five or six years? Fight a war?”

"I don't think the commander-in-chief plans to spend his whole life in this place. My method is fast and will not delay the commander-in-chief's teaching of knowledge."

Muya rubbed his hands, his eyes were bright and fanatical, and said: "Eight hundred years ago, Padmasambhava entered Tubo, subduing the ghosts and gods with evil knowledge and evil views along the way, and teaching Buddhism... Now the commander-in-chief sends troops to sweep away evil knowledge and evil views, and expel them

Isn’t it true that people who have done many evil things can subdue demons?”

Liu Chengzong's eyes lit up. He did not seriously understand the thoughts of the common people in this land, but this was not entirely out of arrogance.

Because most of his understanding of Fan came from Chen Shifo, a monk from Xining, and everything he saw and heard was not out of touch with the Han.

Until he went deep into Nangqian, Master Chen did not go that far into Fandi. Everything was an unprecedented experience for everyone.

Based on this understanding, Liu Chengzong came up with the idea of ​​regulating temples and legalizing scriptures.

Muya's suggestion was basically consistent with his thoughts, and was more down-to-earth, like painting.

Liu Chengzong followed Mu Ya's idea and said: "Not only do you draw it, but you also need someone to make up a story and go around as an ascetic to promote the merits of the Marshal's Mansion in subduing demons and eliminating demons."

"That's right!"

Mu Ya applauded: "Let those nobles follow suit. This can also be used as a touchstone. It will be clear at a glance who is of the same mind and who is not of the same mind. If they are not of the same mind, just find a way to deal with it without starting a war."

"He is a man of one heart, Marshal, and I am also a fan. Everyone has good and bad qualities, so don't kill them all. The Marshal's Mansion also uses the resources of the nobles."

Muya persuaded: "It is a great merit for the Marshal's Mansion to rehabilitate slaves, but the knowledge and talents of the common people cannot keep up in a short period of time, and dozens of Han scholars alone cannot do it."

Seeing his worried look, Liu Chengzong burst out laughing: "When will I kill all the nobles? There are now seven counties in Kangning Prefecture. The magistrate of Ma Kang is the Gama monk from Nangqian, and the magistrate of Lincong is the one who used to work at the Baiza Saltworks.


"And I also plan to appoint the old nobles to the other five magistrates. Of course, they must be obedient."

Liu Chengzong has long been aware of the problem Mu Ya mentioned, and he doesn’t need anyone else to remind him about it.

It's just that his thoughts on this matter were different from Mu Ya's. He was more inclined to Cao Yao's idea. In the beginning, when the people's rebellious mentality was the strongest, all county chiefs appointed locals.

As for the future, Liu Chengzong still planned to appoint Fanmin as his official, but most of them would have to be slaves.

It is true that many slaves are lacking in resources, but it is not their fault that they are lacking in resources.

It is true that many nobles have real talents and knowledge, but in this land, every bit of this real talent and knowledge is filled with blood and tears.

As long as those people in Basang learn something in the next few years, he will be more willing to appoint those people as his junior officers.

Hearing what Liu Chengzong said, Mu Ya breathed a sigh of relief, clasped her fists and smiled: "Then, Marshal, just wait for my good news. I will find a suitable candidate before April and come up with a copy of the Marshal's Conquer Demons."

The pictures of the people being safe will let the people in Kangning Mansion know the achievements of the generalissimo next year!"

This chapter has been completed!
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