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Chapter 307: All Living Beings

 Gansu, Gaotai Guards House for Thousand Households, Camel City.

The sunset in the desert is still round, but when the long river dries up, the Camel City becomes even more lonely in the evening.

Strong winds swept through the yellow sand. This was once the capital of Northern Liang and an important town in Hexi. But when the oasis faded and turned into a desert, the abandoned city wall that was more than half submerged became a natural camel circle, where merchants traveling from east to west stayed overnight...<


The sound of camel bells came from the wind and sand. People unloaded goods and set up tents along the base of the city wall. Piles of bonfires were raised. The figure cast on the wall took off the turban that shielded the wind and sand, revealing the purple gold crown tied up in a bun.<


Wang Ziyong touched the traces of swords and arrows on the wind-eroded city wall, and fell into deep thought until the young man ran over and said, "Master, the camels have all rushed into the city, are there no thieves here?"

Wang Ziyong laughed when he heard this, and then said solemnly: "Little Master, in the northwest, the biggest thief king is your brother Lion. Are you still afraid of thieves?"

The young man took off his turban, revealing a face that looked like he was only thirteen or fourteen years old. He scratched his bald little round head, grinned stupidly, sat by the fire, opened the dry and hard sac, and ate a little bit of the water.

It’s sixteen.

Wang Ziyong looked at the children beside him and grinned.

Compared with the mighty Liu Chengzong's westward marching army across the border, it was not so easy for Wang Ziyong to leave northern Shaanxi. Most of the elite soldiers who participated with him in aiding the Liao Dynasty stayed in Yan'an Prefecture and were unwilling to eat sand with him westward.

Starting from Yan'an Mansion, there were hundreds of people with us, and we walked in fear all the way. When we gathered people in Lanzhou, only thirty-two people arrived as promised.

It’s not that he died, there were no dangers on the road, and he even ate well in Pingliang because of the help from Han Xiaowang and Gao Xian, but many people didn’t want to work with him anymore.

Wang Ziyong thought to himself, if thirty-two of his people defected to Liu Chengzong, what status would he get? Not to mention comparing with Zhang Tianlin, he was afraid that he would not even be able to compare with a junior among juniors like Luo Rucai, so he planned to start a career in Lanzhou

, then go join him once you gain momentum.

With great difficulty, more than 600 people were gathered together, and the news leaked out and they were ordered to be suppressed by the army. The Liangzhou Guards were left in silence for a while.

In the end, he felt that he couldn't be stubborn and had to ask Liu Chengzong for some support. However, Wang Ziyong couldn't contact Liu Chengzong and could only find Mr. Liu.

Master Liu's reply was very open. He sent someone to deliver a letter, saying that Xining could support him in arming a thousand troops with swords, guns, swords, halberds, armor and cannons. Wang Ziyong was so frightened that he quickly wrote back and asked Master Liu to stop, what did he want with this?
Today is different from the past. Wang Ziyong himself is not bad, and he is very good at inciting peasants to rebel in northern Shaanxi. During the time when he joined forces with the Lion Battalion, he also saw Liu Chengzong's ability to win the hearts and minds of the people without relying on ghosts and gods.

After traveling thousands of miles to aid the Liao Dynasty as an officer, the experiences he saw and heard greatly enhanced his talents.

Especially the defeat in Lanzhou made Wang Ziyong realize the difference between Gansu and northern Shaanxi. If he wanted to do business in Gansu, the last thing he needed was force. Instead, he had to solve the problem from the heart of the people.

As long as the problem of people's hearts is solved, isn't the armor, guns, artillery and even veterans of the army their reserve barracks?

So his reply to Mr. Liu was that he wanted an educated person who understood military regulations to teach him how to read and write. In addition, he only needed to give ten or twenty men, one hundred and ten taels of silver, and a portrait of Liu Chengzong.


The manpower is mainly composed of doctors, funeral teams, cooks, and tattoo masters. There are not many people, but the skills required are very high, because there are too many and the king cannot support himself.

When Mr. Liu read the letter, he didn't know what Wang Ziyong was thinking, but the matter was very easy to handle, which meant that the requirements for intellectuals were a bit high... During the rapid expansion of the Marshal's Mansion, there was a huge shortage of intellectuals who could be sent abroad.

Most of the scholars went to Kangning Mansion.

However, Wang Ziyong was also the leader of the former joint army, so sending a boy over there seemed not to pay enough attention to it.

In the end, Mr. Liu decided to send Shiliu there.

Anyway, what Wang Ziyong wanted was education. In peacetime, even ordinary landowners could not afford a teacher like Liu Xiangyu. Sixteen studied with Liu Xiangyu for three years, and he could even teach the Lion Soldiers at the academy in Juerwan.
Moreover, Shiliu understands military regulations. Except for his young age and being sent out to teach is a trivial matter, the other conditions are very consistent with Wang Ziyong's requirements.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that Shiliu was Liu Chengzong's little follower at first, and later Liu Xiangyu's book boy. Sending such a little boy here reflects Liu Xiangyu's importance more than sending other boys.

It's just that this is a bit too heavy for Wang Ziyong. If this kid dies here, how can he have the dignity to defect to Liu Chengzong?

Waiting for the Sixteenth to bring four guards and a funeral team for weddings and funerals, a group of more than 20 people entered Gansu along Sunan.

Wang Ziyong almost became a sworn sworn disciple to him, but in the end the two of them discussed it, and Shiliu worshiped Wang Ziyong as his teacher, and Wang Ziyong called Shiliu his little master who taught him how to read.

Sixteen pairs of themselves were sent to Gansu, and they were all excited along the way. In Zhuantianmao in northern Shaanxi and Juerwan in Xining, he often heard people talk about Wang Ziyong.

People said that Wang Ziyong was so miraculous that he could always easily pull out a peasant army of thousands of people when needed.

Shiliu also wanted to have such a talent, but when he arrived at Wang Ziyong's place, he was very disappointed... There is no magic trick that can lead to soldiers, and there is no military camp that Shiliu is familiar with. People don't even live together.

Get together when you need to do something.

This makes Xiao Liu not used to it. People living separately will make Shiliu lose his sense of security, just like returning to northern Shaanxi before meeting Liu Chengzong and fleeing from place to place.

After getting to know Liu Chengzong, no matter what he did, he stayed with the army. The army was his home.

Wang Ziyong established a sect in Gansu, named Sanjie Hui.

They use the three-leaf lotus as their symbol. The initiation ceremony involves burning incense and pricking blood in a dark room, bowing three times and nine kowtows to the marshal's statue, and then all men and women address each other as brothers and swear that brothers will help each other in life and death.

Among them, the talented ones will have a three-leaf green lotus tattooed on their palms and a Big Dipper on their back, and will be awarded titles such as Langtou, Land, Judge, and Pioneer.

The rules and regulations were dictated by the king himself, and were written down by Shiliu and mixed into the military law system... However, in Shiliu's view, their sect had nothing to do with fighting or rebellion.

They usually work mainly in the outer suburbs of Ganzhou, helping doormen and widowers in the countryside. They go into the homes of marginalized people who no one cares about and help those in need.

There is no one to bury the dead, and I feel as happy as the New Year.

So until now, there are not many members of the Three Tribulations Association in Gansu. There are quite a few people who use white ash to make a three-leaf lotus outside the earthen house. However, there are only a few local chief ministers and local first-level figures.
This time they passed through Luotuo City and were going to Heiquanyi in the west. According to the head man from the Sanjie Society in Zhenxibao, there was a postman in Heiquanyi who lost his job and his old mother had no money to ask for medicine. She heard that the Sanjie Society

The leader of the association could help bury the practice of salvation, so I approached them.

They were far apart and the news was transmitted very slowly. Wang Ziyong didn't know if he could catch up to save the people, so in addition to bringing a doctor, he could only prepare funeral arrangements according to the other party's requirements.

Shiliu followed the team and set off. After a simple calculation, he finally determined that Wang Ziyong still wanted to rebel.

Just for the sake of others, dozens of them set out from Ganzhou with medicinal materials, doctors, funeral teams, and apprentices selected from this group, and crossed the barren fields and the desert that spread for hundreds of miles, and were about to reach Jiuquan.<


Wang Ziyong's funeral team is very famous in Ganzhou. The doctors are proficient in all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, the cooks can skillfully cook dishes for hundreds of people, and the funeral drum team is also very professional and experienced; not to mention that Wang Tianshi can preside over Buddhist ceremonies by himself.

The funeral ceremony of the Dao family.

They were invited by Qianhu to preside over their mother's funeral in Ganzhouwei. They didn't need to leave the coffin, and a funeral ceremony cost forty taels of silver.

But here, as long as someone asks for help from poor people, whether it's for funerals, marriages or medical treatment, they will do whatever they ask for without taking any money.

The carpenters of Zhenxi Fort also made a coffin, which cost so much that no one would do it except those who wanted to rebel.

This time, in addition to carrying out funerals, their mission to the west was to let Shiliu meet their head man in Zhenxi Fort.

He was an old widower in his sixties. He lived in the sand outside Zhenxi Fort. He had three mud houses with simple furnishings. The family was extremely poor and only placed a small clay figure on the stove.<


But the house was particularly lively. When the congregation in Zhenxibao heard that the head of the Gansu Association, Wang Tianshi, was coming, they all rushed to Langtou's house to pay their respects.

This old man is a hard-working man. His ancestors have lived on forty acres of land for generations. But in his father's generation, the desert invaded, and he only had twenty acres left. Then the twenty acres of land were swallowed up by the desert.<


She gave birth to two boys and one girl. The eldest son was bought, the daughter did not survive, and only the younger son served as a soldier in Zhenxi Fort.

When my wife died, it was just in time for the autumn war last year. When my younger son came back, he was also a marginalized person. No one near or near him could lend a helping hand. Wang Ziyong led others to bury him. From then on, the old man joined the Three Tribulations Society and became a brother.

, did not stab Beidou on his back, nor did he stab the blood to make an alliance, but only led the congregation of Zhenxi Fort to worship the marshal.

Who is the marshal? It doesn’t matter if you don’t know.

Zhenxi Fort now has more than fifty congregants, mostly old men, wives and left-behind army remnants, with some bankrupt farmers mixed in. They all joined after Wang Ziyong helped the old man prepare for the funeral.

No one cares about who they are worshiping. Anyway, the purpose of worshiping the marshal is to worship the marshal when King Maitreya of the Ming Dynasty becomes his brother and the old mother Wusheng embraces her.

Wang Ziyong took a doctor to check on the illnesses of the members who came to visit him. He also asked a tattoo artist from the Sixteenth Band to conduct an initiation ceremony for the new members. He went to each house and dipped white ash in front of the door.

Painted a three-leaf lotus, took a few unemployed and landless men to carry the coffin, and drove the camel team on the road.

The unemployed postman of Heiquan Post is named Suokang. His ancestor is a yellow-headed Uighur. He is in his forties. He has spent half his life at the post station to serve the court for a few coins. When Lord Chongzhen came to the throne, he finally no longer had to work for a few coins.

I'm laid off.

Gansu in the Ming Dynasty was a large military camp. If northern Shaanxi was a semi-military society, then Gansu was a very pure military society.

The military society's control over the people is naturally strong, because every household is a soldier, and the people are naturally organized. However, once the soldiers can no longer live, this kind of military management of the people will collapse in an instant.

As society enters a semi-collapse stage, the Han people can still rely on their clans; people from other tribes can still rely on the financial support provided by their own clans.

Only naturalized foreigners like Suokang, whose ancestors had Han names for three generations, lived in areas inhabited by Han people, and did the work of imperial planning passed down from generation to generation.

After losing their jobs, it was difficult for them to return to their nomadic tribes, and they were not tolerated by the local Han clans. They were helpless and became a truly vulnerable group.

Suokang's life was difficult after he lost his job. His family had no land, and he wanted to make a living through martial arts. However, wealthy families in Gansu did not need to hire martial artists to look after their homes.

Most wealthy families in Gansu have more or less private armed forces, but deserters are running around these days, and his resume is not competitive at all.

Suokang could only try to work as a porter, but he couldn't get the gifts to pay tribute to the industry leaders. Instead, he was discriminated against because of his appearance. Except for a few laid-off postmen like him, he had no friends at all.

In the end, out of desperation, a laid-off postman became a tenant, and he naturally became a day laborer hired by the tenant.

In fact, Suokang used to work as a postman, and he always thought that he had many friends, but when he went to seek medical advice for his old mother, he realized that he actually had very few friends.

Two friends brought 210 Wen and two bowls of rice. The neighbors who lived in the same village were so poor that they could only live hand to mouth and could not provide any help other than caring.

Suokang held two bowls of rice and ran all over Heiquanyi, but could not find a doctor who could help him. He returned home with his two sons who were eating weeds, and found that his old mother had died.

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The old lady didn't die of illness. She couldn't bear to see her son kneel down and kowtow to others in order to keep himself alive, and then fill in the three melons and two dates at home.

So the old lady tied a rope to the window frame while no one was home, tied the other end around her neck, rolled over from the bed, and the person disappeared.

No matter how much Suokang cries, funeral arrangements must be put on the agenda, but the current situation is that the neighbors are afraid that he will borrow money, and they are also afraid that they will not have the money to give, so they dare not even come in.

Just as he was starting to raise money for the funeral again, Wang Ziyong came with a camel team.

The funeral team coming from afar made every household in Heiquanyi feel strange, but Wang Zi used his kind eyes and expressed his guilt for being late. Then he presented Suokang with his monk's ultimatum and asked him what kind of ritual he wanted.

Then he recited the scriptures for seven consecutive days.

At the same time, the doctors they brought also set up stalls in front of Suokang's house to diagnose illnesses and prescribe medicines for the people.

People were grateful, and Suokang even burned incense and kowtowed to the marshal's portrait in the darkroom. He made a blood alliance with the villagers who hoped to get help when they encountered the same difficulties in the future. Together they burned incense and kowtowed to become the marshal's parents and children.

Sun, I will be the head man who will be at Black Spring Station during the Three Tribulations.

When something happened, Wang Ziyong took his people away and chose another road to return to Ganzhou.

Shiliu asked on the road: "Master, we always do this, is it useful for revolts?"

"The imperial court, the army, and even a society all have to employ people. Just like the marshal's office, there are always not enough people; but the government office is different. There are too many people in the government office and too few people are needed, so there are many positions. On the surface, it seems that there are not enough people.

It's useless. In fact, it doesn't let people sit idle...just like the postmen who were abolished."

Wang Ziyong explained: "These people who have been laid off are useless people. The most difficult thing for useless people to solve is life and death, as well as face."

"Unless association can create financial resources, mutual assistance through association cannot solve this problem. You see, everything I do has nothing to do with rebellion, but it will definitely lead to rebellion in the end, because association needs financial resources to solve problems of life, death, and face."<


"Doctors need money, and weddings and funerals also need money. I treat people and become a lifesaver. Others join the Three Tribulations Society and have brothers to share their difficulties. If I accept this benefit, I will call him if anything happens in the future.

Just come."

Shiliu's face was full of doubts: "Why are they not afraid of death when they come just by shouting?"

"Be afraid, it's useless to be afraid. They are all useless people and have no association. When their old father and mother die, who will conduct the funeral? Who will treat the child who is seriously ill? The whole village is a member of the church. What do others think of them? Already

You are such a useless person, how dare you throw away this life-saving straw?"

Wang Ziyong raised his hand to rub Shiliu's head, looked at the disciple named 'Little Master' and said with a smile: "Little Master, I have seen people worshiping Maitreya, and I have also seen people worshiping Mother Wusheng. This time I will change it to

The portrait of the marshal is just to prove one thing."

Sixteen asked: "What's the matter?"

"These useless people who are the first to be thrown away, as long as all sentient beings can still stand with them, they don't care whether they worship King Ming, Maitreya, my mother or the marshal."

After saying that, Wang Ziyong smiled easily: "Because of the great calamity."

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