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Chapter 33 Work Injury

 Yang Dingrui’s family members are living a decent life.

On the way back, Liu Chengzong learned that the woman in the carriage was Yang Dingrui's aunt, and that two of the three children were not his children.

There was a boy who was picked up from the door by a servant who heard crying early in the morning; the girl was picked up the next day.

On the third day, there were still cries outside the door, but the family didn't dare to pick it up, so they didn't open the door.

By noon, the crying stopped.

As for the servants, there were two in their family. They were an old woman and her niece. Yang Dingrui’s mother-in-law was not bad. When Yang Dingrui came to pick him up, he left all the remaining food to the two women to look after the house in Ansai City.

It’s just that the mental state of women and babies is not good.

Since the chaos broke out outside the city, Yang Dingrui's wife has not been out of the house. The old servant at home has not told her what is going on outside. She only mentioned Gao Yingxiang intermittently. Gao Yingxiang has left, and she has no idea about the tragic situation outside the city.

It wasn't until she saw the yamen servant holding the token that she followed her out. She saw the shacks of hungry people stretched to the ground inside the sheep and horse wall outside the city. She came over and kept repeating to Yang Dingrui: "They are going to eat me."

The little kid was also frightened. He was Yang Dingrui's son. Only the youngest of the three was old enough to remember. He cried endlessly on the road and howled like a wolf, which made people upset.

After leaving the big city, the road became more and more desolate as we walked. It was normal to not see a single smoke for ten miles by dinner time. I was afraid that the little baby's cry would attract the strongman, but I couldn't stop it.

It could only be that as soon as the little baby cried, Liu Chengzong rode three or five miles farther away to explore the situation.

However, they didn't meet any thieves. On their way back, they met three hungry wild wolves at the mountain pass. They followed them wanderingly. Liu Chengzong and Gao Xian didn't pay attention. They didn't know until they got closer that it was already too late.

A wolf jumped out and bit Guo Zashi on his calf, then ran away.

Wolves generally don't dare to attack people from the front. After all, standing people are very big. They hunt to eat, and eat to stay alive.

This principle applies to humans and animals alike.

There is no need to risk your life for hunting. Usually the wolf will bite the neck or calf of a lone person from behind. It is best to kill with one blow. If not, just bite the calf and slowly follow the person until he becomes weak or dies from blood loss.
However, the wolf who took action was not very lucky, and his escape route happened to pass by Liu Chengzong.

This time he was not accompanied by the thin dog Xiao Zuanfeng who wanted to fight the wild wolf. Liu Chengzong drew his knife on horseback and it was difficult to reach the wolf, so he raised his bow and set an arrow, but it was over before the arrow could be shot.<


The red flag, which had been cut and blown by its owner, raised its hind legs and jumped to hit the wolf's head with a hoof from a negative distance, almost knocking Liu Chengzong off. The horseshoe did a great job.

The remaining two wolves rushed down the mountain. The injured Guo Zashi leaned against the car and pulled out tools, holding an iron hook in one hand and a short knife in the other. His baby was so frightened that he didn't even know how to cry.

Yang Dingrui's mother-in-law, who was holding the child in her arms, reacted quickly and screamed uncontrollably. Yang Dingrui reacted a little slower, took out his sword and prepared to defend himself, and shouted asking about Guo Zashi's injuries and asking him to get in the car.

Fortunately, there were two border soldiers, Liu Chengzong and Gao Xian. Not only were they not afraid, they looked at each other, their eyes gleaming, and for a moment they couldn't tell who was a human and who was a wolf.

The weather is still cold in early spring, and their mandarin duck jackets have been worn for two years. The materials are not reliable in the first place, and they do not keep warm after being worn for a long time.

What bad intentions could the border troops have?

Who doesn’t want to add a layer of fur lining to the jacket?

After all, fully armed humans are the only apex predators in the world.

When the forged arrow was projected through the 70-pound heavy bow, the extremely thick fur became useless. In an instant, it stopped charging and returned to its original shape, howling and fleeing towards the top of the mountain.

When Liu Chengzong saw his prey hit by an arrow, he clapped his horse and drove it towards Guangshan Bald Ridge, and immediately shot the second arrow.

Gao Xian was more decisive and missed with one arrow. The wolf he was aiming at ran away in panic towards the mountain road and was not discouraged. He also chased after him and kept shooting sharp arrows.

It’s not that the high imaging technique is bad.

Wolves are not like horses. They run fast, are very nimble and like to turn. It is difficult to shoot with a bow and arrow. Liu Chengzong's accuracy depends entirely on the feel of his hand. To put it bluntly, he is blind.

It’s not surprising that anyone can’t shoot accurately. The most reliable way is to use a bone close to your body.

Anyway, they are on horseback. As long as they chase them out, the wolf will always get tired. If they are tired, they can shoot more accurately if they run slower.

However, the two frontier troops were chasing too much, leaving Yang Dingrui here, one head and two big men.

Looking around, he didn't find any other wild beasts. He spent a lot of effort to help Guo Zashi sit on the shaft of the car. Yang Dingrui checked the wound. He happened to have Jinchuang medicine on hand to prevent fighting on the road, so he couldn't help but apply it and bandage it.<


The bandaging was still going on, and the sound of horse hooves could be heard from the mountains in the distance. When the people on the carriage turned their heads, they saw Liu Chengzong with a long smile, holding a big gray hair ball with four legs in one hand, riding on the back of the overwhelmed red flag.

Whistling, pulling the reins and carrying the rolling earth dragon, galloping down the hillside.

On the other side of the mountain pass, Gao Xian looked more tired. He walked back on two legs, holding a war horse and carrying a wolf on the horse. He took one step at a time, leaving a trail of blood on the ground. Suddenly, he felt like he was walking back.

People thought he was injured.

"You haven't picked up the wolf carcasses on the ground for a long time, and there's this little thing weighing about forty pounds."

Liu Chengzong did not dismount. He first placed the trophies on the carriage, stepped on the stirrup with his left foot, and with his right foot off the pedal, he scooped up the fallen arrows on the ground, just like he used to pick up fallen arrows on the training battlefield at Yuhe Fort, removing the earliest red flags on the ground.

He picked up the wolf that was kicked to death and threw it heavily on the carriage.

This move is called taking arrows immediately, and it is the most difficult move for cavalry to replenish arrows in combat.

In addition, there are two other types, namely the bow tip to retrieve arrows and the bow string to retrieve arrows. The bow tip is used to retrieve arrows that fall on the ground, while the bow string can twist arrows stuck on the ground. This is a skill that cavalry must master.<


The horseback warriors revered in the ancient East were always all-round cavalry. At least in the training exercises of the Ming Dynasty's frontier army, the cavalry was not only able to charge with a spear holding a five-foot long spear, but was also required to use bows and arrows to deal with the enemy on the undulating horseback.

In the end, you have to take out the bone, saber, whip, and ax from the horse's butt to open the door for the opponent's Tianling.

I wish I could ride and shoot, charge, duel, and melee.

When Liu Chengzong came back, Yang Dingrui had bandaged the wound on Guo Zashi's leg that was bitten by a wolf.

The resigned Confucian scholar with good medical skills was relieved and smiled: "I'm lucky. The thick clothes didn't hurt my muscles and bones, but I bit a skin wound. I gave it some medicine."

"Just go back and rest for a while. Your groom can save his leg."

Seeing Liu Chengzong coming, Guo Zashi struggled to get off the carriage, but Liu Chengzong stopped him and said: "No need to get down, just sit on top and let your baby sit on my horse. The two horses are hungry and can't carry the load."

Move so many people."

He got off the horse, took off his six-petal iron helmet, and looked at Guo Zashi's bright red calf wrapped in white cloth and Gao Xian, who came not far away to lead the horse, and scratched his head worriedly.

A new helper got a work-related injury on the first day he came to work... This is not a good sign.

***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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