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Chapter 334: Marching Westward

 Mo and Jing made the situation very embarrassing.

As he entered the Hehuang Valley, he once again directed his swords, bows, guns and cannons at the rebellious people and deserted soldiers. The veteran who had followed him to fight in Shaanxi for more than a year, his combat effectiveness plummeted.

Civilians hate war, but the people who hate war the most are soldiers. Especially when there is no reward for killing people, no merit, no possibility of promotion, and even no trophies, soldiers are the most war-weary people in the world.

This is Mo Yujing's dilemma. The Lutang camp soldiers he led were all good fighters who had narrowly escaped death. However, they had killed too many people and had too many relatives and friends killed. Everyone's spirit was more or less different.

Something went wrong.

Some soldiers have trouble with themselves. Not only do they not want to kill people anymore, but they are also unwilling to do anything. When there are no orders, they are irritable and like zombies. When they receive orders, they will no longer carry out the orders as firmly as in the past.

Another group of soldiers have trouble with others. They are willing to continue killing people. They even want to kill everyone they see. When marching, they want to kill hungry people and refugees passing by for fun. If the army is not allowed to make way for the people, big problems will arise.

However, those who were willing to kill stayed in Lutang Camp. Most of the people Mo Yujing brought with him were not willing to kill. Not everyone was sick, only a few dozen were half-crazy, but the war-weariness affected the entire army.


Fortunately, there were no supervisors, otherwise the jokes made by this army during the quelling of the chaos would have killed Mo Yujing eight times if they were sent to the court.

In the battle to retake the ancient Shan Fort, Mo and Jing fought for two full days. For such a big castle, his fourteen small Fran machine guns fired seven full rounds. Hundreds of shells were fired, but none of them hit.


The cannon holes blasted seven rows of holes into the wall below the battlements.

In the end, Gushan Fort was recaptured, because the rebels in the fort thought that these officers and soldiers were too incompetent, so more than 400 people fought their way out of the fort!

At the critical moment of life and death, artillery did not perform anymore. One round of iron bullets and one round of scattering. The rapid fire was so accurate that it killed no. 100 people. The rebels fled in all directions, and the veterans were sluggish again.

They didn't even pretend to stumble, they just stood there, pulled out their knives and shouted twice, then sat down and sighed. It wasn't until Mo Yujing gave the order to pursue that everyone formed into small groups and swayed

After driving them out for 200 steps, the thieves had already climbed a mountain.

Mo Yujing also had no temper. On the one hand, the soldiers did not violate the military laws and regulations. They did things that were not written in the military laws and regulations. On the other hand, he himself was tired of war. It was only his duty to lead the army to quell the chaos.

All his enthusiasm as a general was wasted when he moved to northern Shaanxi... He joined the war at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

If only two years in the morning, at the beginning of the great uprising in troubled times, the wealthy families in northern Shaanxi were still singing and dancing, and villages in various places could still retain some life-saving rations. At that time, there was robbery everywhere, let alone the government and the army who were willing to suppress bandits. Even Liu

Lions have the motivation to suppress bandits.

If we change the place, the situation in Shanxi and Guanzhong at this time is similar to that in northern Shaanxi two or three years ago. Of course, soldiers will be tired of fighting after a year of fighting, and they will have mental problems, but it will not be so serious.

It just so happens that at this time in northern Shaanxi, there is nowhere to rob. The rebels who stayed in northern Shaanxi are all popular in attacking cities, and Wangzhuang is almost gone. If 50% of the people in the past could survive without rebellion, now Mo Yu

When Beijing led his army into the battlefield in northern Shaanxi, there were only two people left here who could survive without rebellion.

The key is that the remaining 20% ​​of people are either high-ranking officials or people who have served high-ranking officials for generations, let alone ordinary soldiers. Even Mo Yujing can't empathize with the little King Han squatting in Pingliang City.<


People's thinking has been changed by drought and war. Earlier, when they heard that rebels were going to Pingliang, people were worried, and the surrounding armies rushed back to Pingliang for help.

But now when I hear that there are rebels going to Pingliang, the first thought of the generals and soldiers is not to worry about the safety of King Qiantui of Han, but to feel regret.

I regret that I didn’t take the initiative and snatch away the Lumi from Prince Han’s Mansion this year.

After sighing for a while, he started his troops and rushed to Pingliang to watch the battle from a distance. His thoughts were the same as when Liu Shishi watched Bai Yingzi besieging Tuwei.

Therefore, after capturing the ancient Shan Fort, Mo and Jing did not dare to push the soldiers too hastily, so they stationed troops in the fort for repairs. At the same time, they sent people to spread letters widely and recruit chieftains from Huangzhong to come to help fight and quell the chaos.

Before his letter was delivered, urgent news came from the west that Nianbo Qianhu Station had been attacked by Liu Chengzong. The fleeing soldiers said that Liu Chengzong did not use the title of Qinghai Propaganda Envoy, but called himself the Qinghai Grand Marshal and supported the troops.

Tens of thousands of people have captured Nianbo and are heading east.

For a time, the garrison of Gushanbao was in chaos, and Mo Yujing led his troops to leave Gushanbao in a hurry.

He couldn't be more clear that his army seemed a bit reluctant to quell the chaos. If he fought against Liu Chengzong, he might end up surrendering to the bandits.

He may not defend the ancient Shan Fort, but he must not leave these 700 elite soldiers to Liu Chengzong... What if these soldiers are not unwilling to kill, but just unwilling to kill for the court?

As a leader, does he dare to think about this issue carefully?

The most annoying thing is that Mo Yujing only received the news from Nianbo Qianhu Station asking for help the day after receiving the news that Nianbo Qianhu Station was captured.

Before the siege started, Nianbo Qianhu sent people to the east to ask for help, and went directly to Lanzhou. Only then did he learn that Xining Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mo Yujing had led his army to take up his post, so he turned back to look for him.

The timeline is chaotic for him. Nianbo was captured first and then besieged.

Mo Yujing always thought that the chaos in Hehuang was already chaotic because of the bandits who could not afford food. However, he did not expect that when he ran out of the valley of Gu Shanbao, Hehuang would really become chaotic.

He originally wanted to retreat to the river valley and rely on the local wealthy families to hold on and wait for reinforcements, but there were not many wealthy families in the area.

Soldiers, dealers, scholars and merchants, people packed their families' belongings and goods into small carts, blocked the official road and fled in a hurry to the east, and the strings of carriages made deep ruts in the farmland.

The deserters who had lost the battle in the west blocked the road with knives, mounted other people's horses, carried other people's bags, hugged other people's wives and drove away with whips. Everything was in chaos.

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Knowing that the Mudlegs had raised an army, the landlords in Hehuang did not panic. However, knowing that Liu Chengzong was marching eastward, everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly packed up the luggage they had prepared two years ago and fled.

In the three days since the news spread throughout Hehuang, the words that were repeated most often were probably 'I knew this day would come,' and I was already prepared for it.

Thanks to Liu Shizi, the lives of wealthy families in Hehuang have become much more frugal in the past two years. The luxurious furnishings in many houses can be moved and sold. Some people have moved their furniture to their houses in Lanzhou early.<


When Liu Chengzong came, people didn't have time to know what he was doing. When everyone realized, he ran to the west of Xining like a gust of wind.

As the saying goes, if a person has no long-term worries, he must have immediate worries. The consensus in the Hehuang Valley is that Liu Chengzong will come out sooner or later.

Insightful people have come to this conclusion. The argument is that Hehuang has no danger to defend. There are many places that can be said to be easy to defend but difficult to attack, but they all require a large number of off-duty soldiers. Hehuang also has 8,000 battalions guarding various places.

Among them are the Zhenhai Camp and Fuqiang Fort. Before the battle started, these five thousand soldiers were already eating the Liu family's food. What a fart.

The common people came to this conclusion with a simpler argument. There is no place to farm on the sea, and the generalissimo is sitting there, what is he going to eat?

But for ordinary people, even if they know that Liu Chengzong will fight out, it doesn't mean anything. If the gentlemen run east, it is at best a trip to Lanzhou.

The kindhearted people exempted the tenants from paying the land rent during the trip and gave the long-term workers a big house to live in. For those who are not exempt from the land rent, it is considered their duty to ask the tenants to pay the rent when they return.

Anyway, the master has the land deed, so as long as Hehuang does not fall, he will still be the master when he comes back; even if it does, he will still be the master when the court comes back.

The situation is different for ordinary people. Tenants cannot get land when they go to Lanzhou. Farmers and small traders leave their land and abandon their homes and businesses.

Five acres of land plus a chicken coop and pig pen are only worth a few taels of silver. For some people, making it into foil is lighter than the wind.

But for more people, a few taels of silver is more important than life, and it is worth taking a chance and tying yourself to the land for a gamble.

What if the thief didn't hit your home? What if the Marshal's Mansion didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately?

In Mo Yujing's heart, the gentry cannot run away.

Because they are people who can run, they cannot run. As local leaders, the backbone of the people, and landowners who hold the land in their hands, they are usually respected by others, but in times of war, they must stay in the place and lead the people.

Under normal circumstances, they make the decisions for the people whether to fight or surrender; to organize the people whether to run or to flee; even if they want to escape and seek refuge, they have to lead the people to escape.

Even if the enemy is cruel and greedy, it is still the responsibility and obligation of the gentry and the wise to stay in the place after surrender.

With them at the front, the people will not suffer too much. Otherwise, if they run away, will the people be left to vent their anger at the cruel and greedy enemy?

But Liu Chengzong is different, Liu Chengzong is too scary.

It is difficult for the gentry in Hehuang to regard him as a normal political power. Instead, they regard him either as a bandit who killed the rich and gave to the poor in the past, or as a Tubo Zampu of Han descent who also serves as the Mongolian Khan version of Nurhachi.<


In short, he is the kind of person who does not leave a way for the rich and gentry to survive.

Every move in the Marshal's Mansion in the past two years has affected people's thoughts. Ever since Liu Chengzong established a government school in Xining, most of the gentry in Hehuang did not dare to plan to share wealth with him.

Of course, there are also those who stay in Hehuang. These people have long sent their smart children to Xining Mansion to study. When they heard that the Marshal's Mansion was entering the army, those who sent them early celebrated with joy, while those who sent them late sighed.

Mo Yujing led the army and approached the mouth of the river in a hurry. Seeing that there were still three miles to go, the official road and the river bank were blocked with water. There were broken and abandoned horse-drawn carriages and donkey carts for a full mile.

Both sides of the Yellow River are crowded with wealthy scholars wearing luxurious fabrics and exquisite decorations. They bring fine horses and beautiful families with young servants and maidservants. Money is no longer money in this place. People waving silver coins are everywhere on the shore, urging and cursing at the river.
The Yellow River boatmen were transporting people back and forth, and even the cowhide rafts and sheepskin rafts were crowded with people. Like driven cattle and sheep, the crowds sometimes waded to the shore, sometimes retreated to the ferry, and occasionally exclaimed.

Either a raft capsized in the river, or someone took the opportunity to rob it on the shore, all kinds of chaos.

When Mo Yujing saw this group of escaping gentry, he became angry. He snatched the three-eyed musket from his subordinates and fired it into the air. He left his men behind to observe the enemy's situation, deployed troops to maintain order, promulgated regulations prohibiting panic and robbery, and at the same time sent

When the two soldiers arrived on the other side, they asked General Lanzhou to recruit civilian ships and move troops across the river.

"First let the banner army soldiers from Lanzhou cross the river, and then transfer all the chieftains from Taozhou, Minzhou and Lintao Gongchang. The mouth of the river cannot be lost!"

Once the river mouth is lost, Liu Chengzong can directly threaten Lanzhou and cut off the connection between Gansu Town and Shaanxi. On the other hand... Mo Yujing thinks that the chieftains in the Huang Valley of the Hehua River are mobilizing their troops and forming a large-scale military force.

The assembly will be completed within half a month.

When the time comes, the officers and soldiers will separate and attack, and they will be able to defeat the Liu thieves.

If the river mouth is lost, the chieftains will not receive support from Lanzhou, and they will fight on their own, making it difficult to win.

But soon, Mo Yujing realized that the problem was not that simple. He actually found several nephews of the chieftain at the Yellow River ferry.

Mo Yujing is also from Xining. As a general who went out to Xining, he has close friendship with many of his fellow native officials. Why are the families of Chieftain Li and Chieftain Qi running away?

After asking carefully, it turned out that those chieftains were actually invited by Liu Chengzong to celebrate the New Year in Juerwan. Mo Yujing felt dizzy after learning the news: "They, what are they doing at the Marshal's Mansion!"

News that one city after another had been torn down and captured, or had been defeated by the wind, kept coming from the west. The chieftain was not in the territory, and even those Tujia people who controlled a large population were in a leaderless situation. Every news brought back by the defeated soldiers

It was like bad news, hitting Mo Yujing's heart hard.

The Hehuang Valley may be lost.

Lanzhou, like Shanhaiguan, will become the front line directly facing the threat of enemy forces.

When the matter reached this stage, it was no longer under Mo Yujing's control. He hurriedly sent people to board the ship again to go to the other side. The general reported urgently that he was patrolling Shaanxi to practice state affairs, and requested to mobilize the five generals from Guanzhong to lead the border army to negotiate for Hehuang.


At this moment, exciting news finally came from the west: the retreating troops from all directions were gathered together, and the chaos of the rout was contained at Shangchuankou.

The only chieftain who did not go to Juerwan, the old chieftain Ye Guoqi, who had served as the deputy general of Changping, led 20 servants and 27 local soldiers to carry the coffin and stationed at Binggou Racecourse. He summoned the chieftains, soldiers and civilians, and swore to defend Hehuang to the death.

, set up a banner with the character "朙".

A group of stragglers who were chased by the Marshal's Army in the Hehuang Valley, scurrying around like head-covered flies, found their backbone again and began to gather at the mouth of Shangchuan River.

Ye Guoqi sent people to convey the news to the mouth of the river, asking Mo Yujing to ask for help from the imperial court, and march westward to take charge of the overall situation at Shangchuankou.

Immediately afterwards, General Lu Yunchang, a chieftain from Liancheng who had lived in Hexi for a long time, led 1,200 local soldiers to the West Datong Fort. They echoed the country's utensils and vowed to guard the Datong River Bridge Horse Station to the death.

Mo Yujing was ecstatic about this, and immediately swore an oath of surrender at the mouth of the river to boost the morale of the soldiers. They also held up the dilapidated and fluttering "Zhao" banner and led 700 veterans to march westward.

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