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Chapter 348: Win and Praise

 Cheng Yun wears a large round-top hat with red tassels, a pair of small sapphire glasses made of corundum under the brim, a Hetian jade pipe in his mouth, a blue satin robe with dark patterns, and a southwestern gemstone necklace hanging around his neck.

Riding a tall and strong gray-haired Hequ horse, he walked on the official road in the Hehuang Valley holding a ledger and reading it.

Wear a big hat, but it’s not cold; wear glasses, but don’t look; smoke a pipe, but don’t light it.

The whole person has broken away from pragmatism.

The reason for this appearance is because Liu Chengyun discovered for the first time in his life that it is good to have money.

Chengyun is not someone who has never seen money. As the great steward of the Lions, he has handled more wealth than most people in the world have in several lifetimes.

One hundred thousand taels of cattle and sheep, he bought and sold; ten thousand taels of gold, he took out and put into the warehouse; three hundred thousand taels of silver, he handled it all, and Liu Chengzong had never seen that money.

But the money does not belong to Chengcheng itself and cannot be touched, and Chengcheng has no intention of touching it.

Only this time, as the new factory was about to be completed, Shicheng and I issued silver rewards to the craftsmen for their inventions. Chengyun was awarded a reward of 500 taels for inventing the lion ticket to prevent counterfeiting.

He is rich!

Everyone in Xining knows that the cloth used to make lion tickets is woven with a special weaving process, supplemented by dyeing and printing. These are royal skills that almost no one can imitate among the people.

But even if the palace in the east imitates the lion ticket, and the weaving process is exactly the same, it will still be seen through by the Juerwan Market, and if you count each one, you will be seen through as many times as you come.

In the Juerwan market, only the three orphans raised by Chengyun can check the authenticity. No one knows why, but the authenticity of the three dolls can be verified by hiding in the dark room.

Even Wang Kun, the father-in-law of the carrier, didn't know the principle. He only knew that when exchanging large amounts of money over fifty taels, he had to give the ticket to a veteran, and the veteran gave it to the doll. It only took a moment to know the authenticity.

Wang Kun was worried that the veteran and the doll would be bribed. Chengyun smiled and said: "The veteran doesn't know anything, he only knows to protect the doll; the doll doesn't know anything, only knows the method. What's the use of buying them off, let alone..."
"What kind of wealth can be better than being with me, Liu Chengyun? Then he can only go to my second brother."

In fact, the second level of anti-counterfeiting for carriers is very simple. The lion tickets are cloth tickets. The carrier has mixed wool into the cotton raw material of the cotton thread. There is nothing visible on the outside, but when the cloth tickets are smoked on the fire, there will be a smell of burnt wool.


No, it’s fake.

Real anti-counterfeiting is common sense in transportation. People who often deal with wool do not have the ability to let top weavers make fabrics; people who have the ability to dispatch top weavers do not have wool in their minds.

After receiving the reward from the Marshal's Office, four years after the uprising, Cheng Yu's deposits finally exceeded three digits, which made him very happy.

She was extremely extravagant and spent a total of forty-eight taels to buy an outfit in Juerwan. The remaining four hundred and fifty taels were given to her mother-in-law and aunt in Juerwan so that she could be filial to her father-in-law and second uncle and aunt in Juerwan.


After finishing all this, Chengyun took the two taels of pocket money he had received and got down to business.

The main thing is to transform the post into a town and build a framework to convey information to every corner in the Hehuang Valley based on the Baojia system.

This was the mission given to him by his second brother. Putting on the newly purchased clothes, Chengyun enthusiastically gathered an army of 2,500 people and set off eastward from Xining.

He recruited 1,200 infantrymen from Wang Wenxiu's Infantry Battalion from Xincheng, 1,100 bannermen from Xining Guards, and 200 mine soldiers from Shangtianhou from the Riyue Mountain Iron Works to form five troops.

Recruit the team and lead them to take office.

Since he recruited this man, Chengyun has been planning to divide the troops. He plans to let two infantry commanders lead two banner army commanders, and add forty post soldiers to serve as messengers to form a town garrison.

In this way, from Xining to Shangchuankou, there are five towns and ten shops, each town is responsible for forty miles of the valley, and an express delivery shop is added in the middle. News can be sent back and forth from Xining to Shangchuankou twice in one day.
When any town is attacked, at least a thousand soldiers and horses can be gathered within half a day, and a thousand soldiers and horses are enough to deal with any rebellious landlord regiments and tribal armed forces in Hehuang.

Even if team training is organized in the future, the five towns will continue to send new recruits to the training camp every year.

In fact, Chengyun believed that Hehuang must strengthen his people, so he asked Wang Wenxiu to recruit soldiers. All the sergeants in the training camp could become militia officers. Chengyun had even written a plan.

There are twenty township guards, and the male men of each township practice three days a month, and they train intensively for one month in winter. Learning basic military knowledge is only secondary.

Usually, these young people have the opportunity to contact generals. They can report from another perspective on how the local township officials are performing and whether anyone is monopolizing power for profit. In the future, they can also provide help in transporting baggage during the Eastern Expedition.

The carrier was full of confidence, but before they reached the first town, they saw several cavalry soldiers running from the east, with little yellow flags on their backs and hurried expressions.

There are rules in the Marshal's Mansion that no one can stop Tang Qi. Even if Cheng is leading an army, he must move out of the way. When he saw Tang Qi crossing his team and turning back, the leader got off his horse and bowed down and said: "Third Master

, the commander’s letter.”

Cheng Yun happily accepted the letter. He must have been dressed too fancy and Tang Qi didn't recognize him. He smiled and said, "Oh, it's the marshal who's looking for me."

I opened the letter and just read the beginning, and the look on my face was already awe-inspiring.

Xining Guard Qianhu Feng Rui, who was accompanying him, noticed a change in his expression and nervously asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

Chengyun didn't say anything, looked around, pulled Feng Ru aside and said: "Brother Feng, the second brother said that the Lintao border army and the Hezhou native soldiers had over 10,000 troops, marching westward from the south of the Yellow River, either to attack Xining Prefecture, or

We must encircle him from behind the commander's army."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and save the commander!"

Feng Rui stared at him, his posture frightened Cheng Yunguang so much that he wanted to give him two children to try, so he stretched out his hand and said: "No, brother Feng, wait a moment, let me... think about it carefully."

Suddenly he heard that most of the army was attacking him, Chengyun was frightened and became a little confused.

Even now, he still has the official title of General of the Transport Battalion. Speaking of which, he is also the number one general in the Marshal's Mansion, and he has been on the front line of the battlefield for a long time.

But he has always been responsible for how to move the army, and has never been responsible for where to move the army.

In the past, there were either Liu Chengzong, Liu Chengzu, or even Cao Yao around him. They were all people who could make big decisions. He didn't need to worry about this kind of thing at all.

In the panic at this time, he instinctively wanted to ask someone who knew the soldiers around him for advice, but Feng Lun's voice quickly saved the commander, and Cheng Yun forced himself to calm down.

‘Feng Rui is too impulsive to ask him.’

He was thinking hard here when soldiers came to report that Tang Qi had run west again. They had other missions.

Chengyun just responded in a hurry, and then stammered to himself: "First...if my eldest and second brothers were here, what would they do? Yes, we must first send out knives, and if we don't have Tangqi, we must send out detectives."

Riding a Tanma, right? First know where the enemy is."

"Then... after we found out where to report, we reported to Xining. We retreated and returned to Xining."

"Go back to Xining?" Feng Ru asked, somewhat unbelievably: "He doesn't care about the commander anymore?"

"My eldest brother and second brother have an army of thirty thousand. Even if the army and the army are encircled, there may not be anything we can do. What if the army attacks Xining?"

Cheng Yun's ideas became smoother and smoother, and his tone became more and more firm: "Even if 2,500 of us kill them, we can only water the house with urine and cannot put out the fire... Back to Xining, my second uncle and second aunt, the soldiers and their families

All in Xining."

As he spoke, Cheng Yun's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands confidently and said, "I know what I should do in this battle."

He figured it out.

Whether it is to march eastward to support the main force or to defend Xining, he said it doesn't matter. It depends on the reconnaissance cavalry to detect the enemy's movements. If the enemy attacks Xining, they will defend Xining; if the enemy attacks the main force, they will pursue and support from behind.

However, the general's talents are insufficient, and Chengyun believes that he cannot take on the important task, so he wants to hand over the troops to the general Wang Wenxiu and let Wang Wenxiu command the battle.

Chengyun knows his own weight very well, he will do what he can do, and he should not do anything recklessly if he cannot do it.

He calculated that his commanding power, which was greater than zero and less than one, was not going to hold back the soldiers on the battlefield. It was enough for him to play some role outside the battlefield.

Cheng gently hit the heart of his right hand with his left fist: "It's decided, let's go back to Xining!"

Feng Ru was persuaded by the reason why Liu Xiangyu and Mrs. Cai were in Xining, so he stopped persuading him and quickly followed Cheng Yun and led his army back to Xining.

He agreed with Cheng Yun's words. The prince and his wife were in Xining, and the families of many generals and soldiers were also in Xining. Their property and even the military pay that had not been paid out were also in Xining - that city cannot be lost.

When the shipment returned to Xining, the city of Xining had already been under martial law under the control of Liu Xiangyu, with all the markets closed and every house closed.

It was not until 2,500 soldiers were stationed in the city that the martial law in the city was slightly lifted. This martial law was mainly targeted at the chieftain families living in Xining. Before the transportation came back, there were only 370 soldiers and 80 government officials in Xining City.<


However, even if Chengyun came back with his troops, the government still issued a wartime proclamation to the city, issuing orders such as no climbing, making noise, lighting cannons, lighting fires, hanging clothes, etc. Anyone who violated the rules would be executed immediately.

As soon as Feng Ru entered the city, he was given the task of digging pits and burying water tanks on all sides of the city wall so that he could monitor the enemy's tunnel excavations during wartime. He also built watchtowers one foot higher than the city wall at the northeast and southeast corners.

Liu Xiangyu arranged for the carrier to take people to count the demolishable courtyards in the city, the beams and pillars of the houses, the earth and stone on the walls, and even the trees in the courtyards, and make statistics.

If the siege begins and the defense supplies are insufficient, Liu Xiangyu must make a plan on where to start demolition.

After Cheng Yun had been busy all day, he was called to the government office in the evening. The Tan Ma he sent to the bank of the Yellow River came back. Tan Ma saw the enemy troops all over the mountains and plains camping on the south bank of the Yellow River south of Nianbo. The vanguard was still heading westward towards Sac Station. I'm afraid that

The target is Xining.

In the government office, Liu Xiangyu was not as nervous as Cheng Yun imagined. Instead, he broke off the yellow-noodle steamed bread, took a bite for himself, broke off a piece and gave it to Xiao Zhuanfeng, which was very relaxing.

Seeing Chengyun entering the back house of the Yamen, Liu Xiangyu patted the debris on his hands, sat casually on a stone in the yard, and said: "I asked General Wang that none of us had ever defended the city. He thought that defending the city had little chance of winning. What about field battles...

…General Wang dares to fight, but he only says that he has a better chance of winning than defending the city."

When Cheng Yunxin heard these words, he was the general of the Marshal's Mansion. He was so crazy that he had 3,600 soldiers against a total of more than 10,000 soldiers in a town. With one against three, he said that the chances of winning in a field battle were better than defending a city.

He asked: "What does the second uncle mean?"

Liu Xiangyu was happy: "We have sent out all the best soldiers and generals. Thanks to the lion, General Wang was left behind. However, this battle is difficult. As luck would have it, take your family with you and return to Nangqian. If the war goes against you, you can still have some seeds at home."


"Second uncle, if you don't leave, there will be no morale for the troops pressing down on the border. But if I take my family away, the battle to defend the city will definitely be impossible, and the morale will plummet."

"Besides, it's not like the second brother has never beaten the general soldier. One general soldier won't take over the entire Liu family." Cheng Yun smiled pretending to be relaxed, picked a rock and sat down, saying: "What if General Wang still has reinforcements?"

, how about three thousand more, one against two?"

Liu Xiangyu was stunned for a moment: "There are still reinforcements, you mean... Haixi Haibei?"

Chengyun nodded and said: "I made my own decision and wrote to the two county magistrates Chen and Liu, General Zhong Hu of Nanshan Fort, General Bao Hu of Guide Qianhusuo, and Chieftain Chen of Bajiao City, instructing them to lead all their troops back to Xining."<


"You!" Liu Xiangyu looked at Chengyun, stretched out his hand and paused for a moment before smiling: "You are so bold."

Liu Xiangyu also thought about doing this, but he has been evaluating the development of the situation. It is difficult to make this decision unless it is a last resort.

On the one hand, this means giving up the territory outside Xining and shrinking back, which is still small; more importantly, it will make him, a father, offend his two sons at the same time.

Their family is like a snowball. Everyone is standing in a position that they are not familiar with or that exceeds their talents. They need a lot of study to coordinate their virtues. However, it is not easy to coordinate or even not yet, and their status and power have become more and more important.


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This makes everyone walk on thin ice, and the easiest one is Liu Chengzong who only needs to win and be praised.

As long as he does not fail and his prestige is not frustrated, Liu Shizi will be able to secure his position as generalissimo.

But for others, for example, Liu Xiangyu would rather not be the prefect of Xining now, because the prefect has no power to mobilize soldiers in Xining. Xining has Liu Chengzu, the deputy commander-in-chief, but Liu Chengzu went to war.

If Liu Xiangyu was just an old father without an official position, he could have stood up and replaced him, but he was also the prefect of Xining. He not only killed Liu Chengzu's people, but also changed Liu Chengzong's rules.

In fact, this matter can be easily solved, as long as a letter is sent to Liu Chengzong on the front line, but Liu Xiangyu is an old father, and he threw away all the land his son had conquered before the war started, which made him feel very embarrassed.

"Second uncle, I have thought about it. Even when a lion fights a rabbit, we must go all out. General Wang knows the troops. We will bring back all the troops and fully support General Wang in winning this battle. As long as we win, the ground we let go will not fly."

Liu Xiangyu sighed and nodded slowly. Chengyun breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile: "It's a pity that I can only wear this outfit for one day."

Liu Xiangyu asked: "What's wrong?"

"I have to take them off. The rules are the rules. My second brother is ruthless. If I want to dress up in fancy clothes again, I'm afraid my second brother will beat me."

"No." Liu Xiangyu thought what was going on, shook his head and said with a smile: "However, it makes sense for the imperial court to have one sergeant, two mates, and three general soldiers. We still need to improve the system, and we can't tell you to take off your clothes every time.

After saying that, Liu Xiangyu clapped his hands excitedly: "Okay, now that we have the reinforcements, I will invite General Wang here, and we will figure out how to fight this battle!"

This chapter has been completed!
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