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Chapter 351 Rope

 Blood watered the river valley, and the blade of the Yanyue Sword passed through the front of each military formation and struck at Wang Chengen.

No one launched a charge. The assault of the infantry formation was the spearmen taking long strides and advancing slowly under the cover of the sword and shield men, like two shouting giants, bumping into each other while marching slowly.

Before the collision, the first thing that sounded was the three-eyed muskets of the Lintao frontier army. Although they suffered a heavy blow when the enemy troops marched, and hundreds of people in horizontal formations had already retreated, they were still able to organize orderly firearms before the confrontation.


But this is not a threat. Liu Chengzong established a training camp. The biggest feature is that it has a complete Ming army infantry, cavalry and artillery unit, and grassroots officers. They can skillfully use the Ming army's tactics and discover targeted tactics.

The ability of several battalions to form a large formation is almost zero, which means that the Marshal's Mansion also has the shortcomings of the Ming Army's inability to fight big battles; but the Ming Army's excellent performance in small-scale wars has been strengthened in the Marshal's Mansion.<


Their tactics are the same, they just changed the timing and method of using tactics.

The Ming army cavalry launches an attack at 200 steps, and the Marshal's cavalry waits for him at 150 steps. If he charges at 30 steps, he will not only have the strength to collide with you, but also have the horsepower to pursue you.

It takes a stick of incense to transform the infantry column of the Ming Army into a horizontal formation, but it only takes two-thirds of the time for the infantry column of the Marshal's Mansion to transform into a horizontal formation. The extra time can give you two more rounds.

Even the shield, the Marshal's Mansion's skinned shield, has a thin iron sheet added to the front, and the acceptance criterion is that it can defend against a three-eyed gun at twenty steps.

Pieces of gunpowder smoke rang out in front of the formation, followed by the sound of piercing the air. Short spears pierced through the gunpowder smoke and drove into the Lintao army's phalanx.

The sword and shield hand threw out the two short spears he carried in the shortest possible time, and then quickly engaged the spearman with the waist knife in hand.

The two armies finally came into close combat. People used the same horizontal formations, the same weapons, and even the same tactics to fight together.

Lintao's swordsman and shieldman wanted to roll under the spear and quickly approached, and then collided with the swordsman and shieldman from the opposite side who also wanted to roll in. Both sides stabbed each other with their sabers, and also used their shields to block the incoming sabers.

Wang Chengen, who was watching the battle from behind, clenched his fists tightly. He discovered the characteristics of the enemy. Everything he did was listed in the drill, but the way it was done did not follow the drill.

Three years ago, at the foot of Luanzhou City, the Donglu Tatars led by Gushan Erzhen Turg gave him this feeling. The Donglu Tatars pushed the northern chariot out from the south gate and used the chariot method to

Fight them.

The only difference is that the wooden boards of Ming army chariots are six inches thick to block the Mongolian arrows; while the wooden boards of Donglu chariots are six inches thick to block their cannons.

On the ever-changing battlefield, Wang Chengen, the leader of the Lintao border army, had a thought flashing through his mind for no reason. If this Western bandit, which was targeting the Ming army, fought against the Donglu band, which was targeting the Ming army, what would happen on the battlefield?
However, before he could continue to delve into this idea, the battle situation on the front line had already interrupted his fantasy. The two sides fought for only a moment, and the centurions under his command were retreating one after another in a close encounter.

The enemy troops almost chased the retreating formation and collided with the second echelon's formation.

This was not a big problem in previous wars. In the past, the Lintao soldiers were always better than the bandit soldiers in forming formations and changing formations faster. If his formations were completed first, he would not be dragged away by his opponent.

Moreover, the previous opponents were not as reckless as Wang Wenxiu.

Because Wang Wenxiu did not leave a reserve team, the thirty hundred troops were transformed into two horizontal lines of width. Both sides had the same strength. If Wang Chengen wanted not to be surrounded, he also needed to form two horizontal lines.

In other words, he does not have a reserve team.

Then there will be a big problem if the front line retreats.

Wang Chengen hurriedly ordered his general Zhang Tianlu to return from the front line and gather the retreating defeated troops in the rear. At the same time, he ordered He Yongji and other local soldiers to rush to attack the enemy's left flank.

He saw the weakness of the Marshal's Mansion army. Their center army and the three military formations on the two wings were actually out of touch. Although the general's offensive was fierce, he did not have the ability to command the three formations at the same time.

As long as the enemy's left wing is captured, the semi-encirclement can still be completed... To be honest, Wang Cheng'en felt a little like the Jin army fighting the Ming army in Liaodong.

He Yongji's face turned green after receiving the order. He did not dare to attack!

Opposite him is Liu Chengyun. Liu Guoneng has placed a field of stone cannons and mines in front of the battle line. Who dares to charge forward with this thing?

The Chinese army was fighting fiercely, but the right wing of the army had not yet engaged in the battle. It was not even close enough to shoot with a three-eyed musket, so it could only shoot with longbows and crossbows from a distance.

He Yongji offered bounties to local soldiers twice and recruited warriors to form a death squad. They carried a large shield and pulled out the lead. However, as soon as several teams rushed forward, the stone cannon exploded.

Some of the stone cannons exploded, and some of the stones were of better quality, like a big stone sprayer, spraying a piece of loose gravel into the death squad formation.

Two suicide squads were organized, but except for dozens of people lying down in front of the formation, no results were achieved at all.

It’s no longer possible to recruit more people who dare to die.

He Yongji's request to the Chinese army was to dispatch artillery. As long as the artillery passed by, according to the appearance of the army on the opposite side, he could use the artillery to smash them and launch the first attack.

But Wang Chengen's cannons... His cannons are all in front of the formation, and the front of the formation is actually behind Wang Wenxiu's military formation.

Wang Wenxiu's flying geese formation was like a mad dog, biting to death when it caught the slightest opening. The small hundred-man horizontal formations one after another had high morale and pressed forward step by step. They did not dodge or evade in close combat, but the Lintao soldiers did not dare to follow them.

Trade injury for injury.

Because all the weapons of this group were aimed at non-vital points, the Lintao soldiers were very desperate... I spent a long time before the battle to use the limited armor to protect the vital points, so why don't you hit the vital points?

Except for the mistakes, none of the soldiers in the infantry training battalion hit their vital points.

However, the non-vital parts of the Lintao soldiers were almost not protected by armor plates. Each sword hit was accurate and the efficiency of the attack was very high. If they were hit by a sword, they would lose their combat effectiveness.

These are the key points of combat that Liu Chengzong taught his close associates in his early days. They were all frontier soldiers and they knew where the frontier soldiers would choose to protect when their armor was limited.

This made the armor of the Lintao soldiers look like cloth jackets in front of the Marshal's Mansion infantry, which could be worn through with just one poke.

On the contrary, the cotton armor worn by the infantry of the Marshal's Mansion had enough pieces of armor from the battles active in Shanxi and Shaanxi, and it has good protection ability in combat; even the riveted or even forged and welded mail armor that was later made on a large scale, the same

It has pretty good protective power.

This is a situation that only occurs when armaments are depleted. An army wearing light armor can bring a huge morale blow to an army wearing dark armor.

Everyone can see the quality of bright armor, but only you know whether dark armor is good or not.

One military formation after another was defeated. The Marshal's Mansion military formation deep in the gap was not comfortable. It had to face attacks from three sides at the same time. However, the Lintao soldiers who were still maintaining the front line were equally uncomfortable and had to face threats from two or even three sides.
The front lines of the two armies were intertwined, and the people fighting in front of the battle were most testing their will to fight. But at this moment, the sound of rumbling hooves came from their left flank.

It’s Zhong Hu who is covered in blood.

More than a thousand Nanshan soldiers under his command broke through the native soldiers on the left wing of the official army in the shortest time. After driving the remaining soldiers away from the battlefield, he did not pursue them. Instead, he selected 600 sergeants to mount donkeys and mules again and maneuvered through the huge gap on the left wing of the official army.

, move across the battlefield to the rear of the army.

Compared with Wang Wenxiu, the military staff general in the Marshal's Mansion, and Liu Chengyun, the left-wing military staff general, Zhong Hu has a lower official position and is not an officer.

He and his younger brother Zhong Bao were the ones who defeated Liu Chengzong when the Lion Battalion was reorganized into Shanxi Province in the early days and defeated Liu Chengzong in the Dingbingxun martial arts exercises. They have been Liu Shishi's servants ever since and have never been junior officers. Their first official position was that of sentinel commander.

He has never led troops in any battles, but people know that he is brave and not afraid of death, because this sentry commander was obtained by Zhong Hu when Liu Shizi and Shangtian Monkey joined forces to fight at Liuguo Town, another branch of Li Bei.


People believe in their own strengths, resourceful people believe in their own wisdom, and those who are brave and brave also believe in their own martial arts.

Although the 600 Nanshan soldiers were riding donkeys and mules, and were armed with infantry spears that were only five meters long, this did not delay Zhong Hu from leading them to form a sharp formation of ten horse soldiers in two deep rows at the front and rear, and were closing in on Wang Chengen's rear.

The defeated army general Zhang Tianlu launched an attack.

The Lintao soldiers who had just withdrawn from the front line were being organized into a reserve team by Zhang Tianlu. Before they got acquainted with the new commanders, they were frightened by the roaring donkey and mule teams. Seven to eight hundred people were forced to squeeze together, relying on the instinct of veterans to spontaneously form four groups.

A scattered formation.

Veterans are not afraid of donkeys, unless they are a group of Guanzhong donkeys that have been in battle for a long time.

Sixty Nanshan soldiers, under the leadership of the team leader, formed a cavalry formation and launched the attack as the first batch. During the march, they found that the enemy had formed a formation, so they went back in a circle and broke the infantry spears.

Then he launched another attack, threw the broken spear into the formation after more than ten steps, took out his bow and arrow and wrapped it around the formation to start shooting on horseback.

The second, third, and fourth, more and more donkey and mule cavalry were galloping left and right behind the Lintao army. Some Nanshan soldiers saw an opportunity and stabbed a spear at the enemy formation. If there was no chance, they broke the infantry spear and threw it.

Take out your bow and arrow and shoot.

In fact, on the combat effectiveness of these donkey and mule cavalry, the infantry spears in their hands have a much greater impact than the donkeys and mules under their crotches.

The foot spear is one foot and five feet, which is four meters and ninety-five meters; while the mounted spear is one foot and eight feet, which is five meters and ninety-four meters. This determines that when riding a horse and sprinting with the foot spear, the enemy will hold the foot spear on the ground to block it, and the infantry

The cavalry will be stabbed to death first.

At the same time, the rifle is on the body of the spear and there is no strap on the tail of the spear, which means that Zhong Hu's donkey and mule cavalry cannot take out their bows and arrows to shoot while holding the rifle.

Therefore, once they have no chance of impact, they can only abandon the spear, or break it and throw it out as a disposable weapon.

Fortunately, the spear shafts are very ordinary round rods, so it doesn't hurt to break them. If it is a long weapon such as a knife or ax, the cross-section is oval in order to distinguish the direction, and it is really reluctant to break it.
Wang Chengen looked behind him and frowned. Did Liu Chengzong still have donkey cavalry under his command?

Seeing that he could not find Zhang Tianlu, the general of the reserve team for him to collect the defeated troops, he immediately pointed to Zhong Hu, who was leading the army from the rear, and said to the officer Shi Chongde who had just retired from the front line: "General Shi, the leader of the right wing is right there.

Kill him!"

Shi Chongde was the commander of the Lintao Guards, a brave general, and served as the commander-in-chief of the Lintao Biao Barracks. Hearing the words, he clasped his fists in response, led his servants to mount their horses with the Chinese army, and galloped away towards Zhong Hu.

Along the way, the donkey and mule cavalry gave way... The donkey and mule cavalry can maneuver quickly, but they are at a huge disadvantage compared to the serious cavalry, and no one is willing to confront them head-on.

But Zhong Hu is not afraid. He is not even afraid of blocking a gun, let alone competing with others immediately.

Seeing a general rushing out from the middle of the enemy army with twenty or thirty cavalry, Zhong Hu immediately called on the two groups of donkey and mule cavalry on the left and right to fight, and he also charged towards the enemy with his rifle and spear.

Several riders on Shi Chongde's side fired their bows left and right during the attack, but they all ran too fast and missed the target. When hundreds of riders on Zhong Hu's side approached, they threw spears and flew over in a row, and immediately several of the riders fell off their horses.

Then the mule team and the donkey team rushed forward bravely, charging back and forth, while Zhong Hu rushed straight towards the enemy general, shouting: "Horse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was challenged by Shi Chongde in just one round.

Almost at the same time, the donkey cavalry following Zhong Hu also launched a head-on charge at all the rushing servants, and then most of them were picked off the donkeys, with only a few people still riding on the donkeys.

But similarly, Lintao camp commander Shi Chongde and his servants were also dismissed.

Shi Chongde was charging their men, while Zhong Hu was charging their horses. Some cavalrymen reacted incorrectly, but more people were stabbed to death by shorter rifles because of their insistence on stabbing people. Shi Chongde was one of them.<


When he got up from the ground again, the mule cavalry beside him lightly waved his bones and passed by. Even though he was wearing a helmet, he was still beaten to pieces, and his body was twisted and knocked to the ground.

However, Zhong Hu rolled on the ground and got up as if nothing was wrong. He drew out the Yanling Saber from his waist and led the cavalry to continue attacking the enemy's infantry formation.

At the same time, the Lintao Army's hard-fought resistance on the front line finally collapsed due to attacks from the front and rear. The battle lines composed of military formations loosened and collapsed. The large formation composed of two layers of small military formations was finally split open by Wang Wenxiu's Yanyue Sword.
When the first Marshal's Mansion infantry formation broke through the front line and stood out, Lintao Army Wang Chengen's front line collapsed completely, and each military formation involuntarily moved closer to He Yongji's right wing.

He Yongji's 4,000 native soldiers on the right wing, but the 4,000 native soldiers hardly participated in the battle, they only shot arrows at the military formation from a distance. At this time, they had no idea what was going on, and saw General Wang of the Chinese Army.

The army's formation collapsed, and in a blink of an eye they lost their will to fight, and the entire division collapsed eastward.

Wang Chengen was so angry that he cursed in the street and had no choice but to lead his army eastward and fight and then retreat.

Seeing the speed at which his hundred commanders broke through the formation suddenly accelerated, Wang Wenxiu finally saw the dawn of victory waving to him. He immediately ordered the first large horizontal team and the fifteen hundred commanders to take a break, and the second horizontal team behind them went into pursuit.


Wang Wenxiu had someone send an order to the soldiers under Zhong Hu's command: "Let them go back to find the doctor's camp and pull the doctor's camp out, and they must bring ropes!"

He needs a lot of ropes. There are injured Lintao soldiers lying on the ground. Many of them can still be saved, but many of them have lost their fighting spirit and will surrender in the subsequent pursuit.

"These are the Generalissimo's good soldiers. Even if they don't want to surrender and want to take money home, they have to be seen by the Generalissimo! Bring ropes, lots and lots of ropes, hurry!"

This chapter has been completed!
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