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Chapter 37 Grab food

 Nailing horseshoes was called hanging palms in ancient China.

Horses are animals that have actually mastered the special skill of running with their toenails. In the wild state, the wear and growth of their hoofnails reach a natural balance. However, when they are used by humans, they violate the laws of nature. Regardless of whether they are carrying people or carrying goods, their hoofs will be damaged.

The nail wear increases, so horseshoes need to be nailed.

Cao Yao left several horses to Cao's sister-in-law. If she doesn't go out on weekdays, the horseshoes will still grow. Without wear and tear, the previously nailed shoes will loosen, which is inevitable.

The reason why it is called hanging shoe is because not only the horseshoe will be hung on the horse's hoof, but most places will also choose to hang the horse during the process of nailing the horseshoe to avoid kicking people.

Whether horseshoeing is painful or not depends on the skill. It is similar to a manicure, but it will definitely hurt if you lift the nail cap during a manicure.

However, whether the horse will kick someone during the shoeing process does not depend on whether it hurts or not. The key depends on the character and whether the horse is used to turning hoofs.

People have human tempers, and horses also have horse tempers.

Ever since Liu Chengzong started learning riding skills, he has seen a lot of horses over the years. Some horses are easy-going and don't get angry no matter how hard you try them; some horses have a violent temper and will kick when someone approaches.

There are also some who have bad tempers. They usually seem to have a gentle temperament and are easily manipulated by others. But when they let down their guard, they suddenly kick their buttocks and make people lie down for ten and a half months.

Liu Chengzong borrowed a war horse from his sister-in-law Cao. He was so stubborn that he refused to go to the horseshoe post. Liu Chengzong could only take the risk of turning the hoof up from the side and clamping it between his legs to trim it.

Of course, to do such dangerous work, a little bit of ancestral quantum superstition is essential. The newly adopted pig butcher Guo Zashi was invited to the stable and moved the horse to sit on one side.

The real name of the pig butcher is Guo Ruqi. According to what he said, wherever he walked, if there were dogs, they would either bark incessantly or stay dumbfounded. They never behaved normally.

Liu Chengzong had another memory. Although he could not explain it, he felt that people who killed too many pigs had different smells, and dogs could smell them with their noses.

This kind of 'special function' may be the same as the master who learned the decapitation knife from him. The old executioner in Mizhi County has an even more powerful 'special function'.

Let alone a beast, no one dares to talk to him.

While Liu Chengzong quickly cleaned the dirt in the middle of the horse's hoof with a hoof trimmer, he explained to the two of them: "Unless it is absolutely necessary, you cannot reshoe Matthew's hooves like this. If it must be done like this... give me the shoe."

As he said that, he took the shoe and hoof nail from Shiliu's hand and said without stopping, "Be quick, it can be repaired with one knife without two. A big animal is very strong. You don't know when it will kick you."
I don’t know why, but at the same time as he said this, Liu Chengzong’s mind flashed with the image of the horse suddenly closing its legs and jumping up, kicking him on the butt.

If this happened, it might have greater educational significance for Guo Ruqi and Shiliu.

Fortunately, this sleek, black-coated war horse didn't buckle, and even felt comfortable wearing the horseshoe. It narrowed its eyes and looked full of enjoyment.

Maybe this is just a pedicure for it.

With the good cooperation of the war horses, Liu Chengzong did this very well. He quickly and skillfully used the hoof trimmer to scrape off the dirt in the middle of the hoof, thinned the excess hoof armor, used a small hammer to nail the horseshoe, and then nailed the iron from the outside of the horse's hoof.

The nails were bent and three horseshoes were quickly repaired.

Cutting off the hoof armor is a technical job. If the thickness of the hoof armor of the four horses' hooves is different, the horse will easily become lame and unable to be used after walking for a long time. Liu Chengzong is very skilled in doing this and is almost considered a semi-professional.

At least it’s more reliable than the blacksmith who works part-time as a horseshoe master in the village.

After repairing the three horse hooves, Liu Chengzong had just turned over the last hoof of the horse when the sound of galloping horse hooves could be heard in the village.

His face suddenly became serious, and he instinctively grabbed the leather belt and waist knife hanging on the horse stop, and winked at Shiliu: "Let's see who it is."

Before Shiliu could run from the stable to the screen wall at the door, the sound of horse hooves outside the house had stopped, and then a call came: "Sixteen, come and bring some people to move some benches, and I'm going to scoop a ladle of water. I'm dying of thirst!"

It’s my elder brother Liu Chengzu.

Only then did Liu Chengzong feel relieved, put his belt back, wiped his hands and walked out of the stable. Listening to the sound of armor plates clashing outside the door, he saw the familiar veterans of the border army filing in from the left and right sides of the screen wall, filling the originally empty courtyard.

It all seems crowded.

Cao Yao took two sips of water from the water bag and handed it to others. He walked forward with a grin and said, "Lion, brother is back again!"

As he spoke, he paused, raised his eyebrows at the stable and said, "Did you get the horse here?"

"Brother Cao, I was repairing the horseshoe when I heard your voices. I guess you know that there were thieves in the north. I plan to go there to see the situation. Hongqi won't be able to run away if something happens."

Cao Yao nodded after hearing this, waved his hand and said: "Don't go, those thieves are still in Laomiao Village, let's prepare for war in the next few days."

"Fuck you, grandma, I just opened a new kiln in the mountains, and his children are passing by one after another. I watched the old temple village and dare not get involved. There are too many thieves."

"These people are old thieves, they have many horses, donkeys and mules."

Cao Yao was really uncomfortable. He led his men to Xingping in the Black Dragon King Temple Mountain, but he didn't live a comfortable life for a few days.

Knowing that all his brothers had been thieves, with unclean hands and feet, and not gentle tempers, he was afraid that conflicts between the army and the people would affect his relationship with his ancestors, so he took them away and started a new business.

Living in the mountains to the north is definitely not as good as staying in Xingping. In the past, digging cave dwellings and building camps were all dirty and tiring work. We also had to send people to contact the surrounding villages. Rich households could blackmail them for anything they could. It was not good.

I thought it would be enough to barter for some daily necessities.

At least I can get through life.

A group of living bandits have been camping for more than ten days, and they are so tired that they can't open their eyes all day long. What is the reason for this? Isn't it just that they want to protect the people from all over the country and live in this troubled world?

He is a villain, but bandits have bandit rules. Even if he is a wolf, if he wants to survive, he must make sure there are sheep around him. Even if it is more than ten miles away, he can't care about it even if it dies like a mountain of corpses. The villages around him can't mess up.

As long as there is no chaos around them, people like him can survive.

It's great now, even this little bit of luck is gone.

Wang Zuogao suffered a small defeat at the hands of the government troops in Yaozhou, and a total of three hundred people were killed. The thousands of troops he had gathered in the past fled in all directions. Bandits after bands of bandits, more than a dozen people robbed the teahouse on the official road today.

Tomorrow dozens of people will attack the surrounding villages.

The day after tomorrow, hundreds of well-equipped thieves dared to rush into the old temple village, kill all the men, and wrap up the young girls and wives to commit mischief.

After they left, all that was left to Cao Yao was no man's land, so what was the point of him staying here?

"These gangsters don't want to stay in Yan'an Mansion for long. They should do this after massacring the old temple village. We met the thieves when we came here today... You and Mr. Liu should discuss whether you should stay here and hide, or go out and hide.


***The author has something to say***

Good morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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