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Chapter 397 Concurrency

 Outside Bajiao City.

One mile outside the west gate, Batur Huntai Gil's horse was circling, watching Liu Chengzong leading more than ten guards, fearlessly walking into the Bajiao City, with a shocked look as if he had seen a god.

The leader of Junggar put down his arrogance and almost couldn't help but feel like worshiping him. He said to Dai Daozi: "Anda, I know why you said that the generalissimo is a very special person. He is really not afraid of death!"

Bajiao City has become an epidemic area.

Inside the dilapidated sheep and horse wall on the bank of the moat, corpses covered with tents and animal skins were neatly displayed, one next to the other from the left and right of the city gate to the end of the field of vision, close to the base of the city wall. The stench was almost visible to the naked eye.


There was smallpox in that city.

It is smallpox that the father avoids his sick son, the elder brother avoids the sick younger brother, the wife avoids the sick husband, the leader avoids the sick tribesmen, and doctors and monks are unable to cure it!

But Huitaiji saw that Liu Chengzong showed no fear at all. He just covered his face with a scarf and walked into the city with his head held high.

Unexpectedly, Dai Daozi sneered, raised his finger and pointed at the city gate and said: "Look at Chahar's Zitu Taiji, he looks like a normal person. Why don't you know?"

"That's his brother, Dahan. He dares to go in and serve him. I admire him." Batur Hutaiji said matter-of-factly: "The generalissimo and Hu Duntu are not related to each other. How can we take such a big risk?"

He is in danger, what does a dying man do?"

"It's not because Hu Duntu is his brother. When you entered Qinghai, I followed the handsome man to fight in Hehuang. He was the envoy sent by Chahar to the Marshal's Mansion, and the handsome master gave him smallpox."

In Batur Hutaiji's expression as if he had been struck by lightning, Dai Daozi said lightly: "We all have smallpox."

"No, no, it's not right."

Batur Hutaiji had a don't lie to me expression on his face: "I have seen people with smallpox whose faces were pockmarked, but none of you have."

Dai Daozi pointed to the right side of his face: "Look at this pit, it's smallpox."

Batur Hutaiji couldn't see anything. After searching Dai Daozi's face carefully for a long time, he finally saw a small pit that was almost invisible under the cheekbone on his right cheek. He curled his lips in disgust.

He said categorically: "This is not smallpox. I always had pimples when I was fifteen or sixteen. It's not the same thing."

Dai Daozi opened his mouth, but was choked to the point of being speechless.

How should he prove that he had smallpox?

He shook his head and said: "Believe it or not, the Marshal's Mansion has defeated smallpox, including Cantu. Everyone they enter the city will not get smallpox, and we can vaccinate them."


Huitaiji looked suspicious. Due to language reasons, the words sounded to his ears like planting diseases in the ground. He asked: "What kind of witchcraft is that?"

"It's not witchcraft, it's people accepting the cultivation of minor diseases with weakened toxicity. People will only get smallpox once, and if they get a small one, they won't get a big one."

Huetaiji probably understood, and asked: "How was that done?"

Dai Daozi knew the principle of smallpox vaccine.

Smallpox scabs that are less diseased are manually selected and stored to further reduce their toxicity.

After that, Yang Yaoyi, the pox general, gave the seeds to monkeys, rabbits, Tutaiji, and cattle. Finally, he came up with a universal vaccine that is less toxic and safer. The vaccination effect is very good in Hehuang.


But knowing this does not mean that he will tell Batur Hutaiji.

He just shook his head and said: "I don't know, I'm not doing this. The handsome man has a professional acne doctor. When the handsome man is finished with Chahar's affairs..."

Dai Daozi sighed as he spoke and looked at Bajiao City worriedly: "Before you make an oath, go and ask the commander-in-chief, maybe you can make Junggar not afraid of smallpox."

He estimated that the matter this time would be very difficult. Not only Chahar, but also the seven or eight newly-organized battalions, and the more than 20,000 Ming troops surrendered by the commander-in-chief were still not immune to smallpox.

I’ll be very busy later.

Batur Hutaiji turned around and looked at each other with the nobles in his tribe. They were all doubtful of this miraculous skill, but they were also extremely eager.

Who doesn’t wish they could be immune to a disease that is so scary to others?

Liu Chengzong frowned deeply when he revisited his old place.

The situation inside the city is no better than outside the city. It’s time for dinner. Looking around, among the stacks of neat military tents, almost every bonfire is sitting with Chahar veterans suffering from pox.

Of course, it's not just Chahar. Several of the 400 Han army gunners under Mo Yujing's command were also infected. However, these old Ming army gunners were not infected because of the Chahar people.

The defense zones of the Bajiao City garrison are divided into different areas, and Mo Yujing's gunners are protected by the Mongolian soldiers under Ahai Daiqing's command. The real ones who are infected are the soldiers of the Khalkha Battalion under Ahai Daiqing's command.

In the Khalkha camp are soldiers from Tumut. They have already completed their vaccination and have become a wall of separation for the gunners under Mo Yujing.

It is only because some vaccines are improperly stored, or the original purpose is to reduce the toxicity, but the toxicity is reduced, so that a small number of soldiers fail to be vaccinated and are in a state where they think they are immune but are actually not immune, and they become infected.

Since this group of soldiers was far less likely to suffer from smallpox than those in Chahar's army, Mo Yujing's gunners were rarely infected.

Moreover, although the Mongolian soldiers under Ahai Daiqing did not know the principle, they all had the experience of isolation, vaccination, and avoidance of pox in Hehuang. They knew that people with pox should not come into contact, and the scale of the infection was also controlled, without causing more serious consequences.

Bad influence.

But in Liu Chengzong's view, the situation of the Chahar soldiers in Bajiao City is not so good.

Although Rututaiji presided over the evacuation of Chahar soldiers in Bajiao City, it was not properly controlled... When he found out, the situation was already very bad.

Liu Shizi compiled an epidemic book in Hehuang and presided over the previous large-scale vaccination of the entire army. He knew very well about smallpox. There were thousands of Han and Mongolian soldiers in Bajiao City who were infected with smallpox. This level of infection was by no means the beginning of the smallpox epidemic.


What he witnessed with his own eyes were the Chahar soldiers, but what worried him was his army, the more than 20,000 troops under the direct leadership of the Marshal's Office who had not been vaccinated against smallpox.

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On the way to the Chahar camp, Liu Shishi thought about it and asked Qututaiji: "Is it possible that this is the same source as Hehuang smallpox?"

Ruitutaiji didn't know why, and looked confused. He said blankly: "The same source? I...I don't know."

Liu Chengzong stopped and suddenly felt angry.

His conjecture is that as early as when Chahar entered Qinghai, soldiers in the army were already infected, but they did not have acne, or there were only a few people who had acne, so they were not noticed.

Then as the war progresses, smallpox will follow the scattered surrender of Chahar soldiers and become popular among the herdsmen of the Heshuote, Junggar, and Dulbert tribes. At this time, it has already spread to the

In the army of the Marshal's Mansion.

If you are not careful, this will be a major epidemic that will infect tens of thousands of troops and kill thousands of soldiers!

For such an important matter, Tututaiji only gave him such a vague answer, which made him want to draw a knife to kill for no reason. But when he saw Taiji's eyes turned red and his face was confused, he breathed out a little to adjust.


In the end, Liu Chengzong just raised his hands and pressed his shoulders heavily, patted his face hard, and his tone softened, less angry and more blaming: "What the hell is wrong with you, Mi Mi?"

Mushi, thousands of people in Chahar are waiting for your help!"

Unexpectedly, following his words of blame, Guitutaiji started to cry out and collapsed.

Ruitutaiji didn't understand why, one war, one migration, then another war, then another migration, Eastern Mongolia, which once dominated the grassland and was extremely powerful, became dispersed in the middle of the country, and people were at odds with each other.

A failure is not the end, it is just another failure. The proud heavy-armed troops were inadvertently lost.

As the younger brother of the Chahar Emperor, he returned to the Khan's court with nothing in an instant. The only power he had left was the title of General of the Chahar Battalion awarded to him by the Han Marshal's Office.

Seeing that the war situation finally had hope, the smallpox seemed to have eyes, only watching the Chahar people to infect it. Even his brother was infected with smallpox, and he was asked to temporarily lead the Khan's court. The final order was to blockade Chahar from the outside world.

News about Er Khan’s illness.

He was alone in Bajiao City, and despite what Hehuang had seen and heard, smallpox was spreading in the camp.

Ruitu found that nothing he did was right.

Liu Chengzong was also at a loss by his sudden collapse, so he could only persuade him with a few words of gentleness and take him outside the sweat tent where Jiu Bibai was enshrined.

Just then, two Mongolian sergeants with weak legs and feet came out carrying a doctor who looked like a monk. The doctor was covered in acne and scabs, with pustules on his hands, face, and chest. He was in a coma and was breathing rapidly, and he looked like he was about to die.

Liu Chengzong made way for them, then lifted the curtain and took a look. The tent decorated with gold and silver was dark and empty. Mongolian medical equipment was scattered on the floor. Only Hu Han was lying on the couch, looking like he was in a coma.


He turned around and backed out, looking helpless.

The most difficult thing about infectious diseases is not whether doctors can cure them, but that doctors are human beings and can catch diseases. If they can’t even cure themselves, how can they treat others?

He winked at the accompanying doctor, and several doctors and apprentices carrying medicine boxes and tool boxes immediately entered the account for inspection.

Liu Chengzong stood outside the tent, took a few breaths of fresh air, closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and then said to Guitu Taiji: "If you contracted smallpox before entering Qinghai, and it has the same source as Hehuang smallpox, then Gansu will

It’s dangerous.”

After his judgment, the source of the smallpox was most likely in Gansu. The Chahar troops contracted the disease when they banged their heads against the border wall, and were brought to Qinghai from the west; the Gansu border troops were dispatched southeast to Hehuang, and then

Bring this disease to the border troops in the five towns.

As a result, smallpox formed a flanking situation for the Marshal's Mansion.

At this moment, Gotutaiji beside him seemed to have finally come to his senses. He suddenly dwarfed and knelt down beside Liu Chengzong, pleading with his face: "Commander, please save my brother, you will definitely be able to save my brother.

Just like saving my life, I will give you whatever you want!"

Gututaiji knew that it was Liu Shizi who saved his life.

If he hadn't been vaccinated with vaccinia in Hehuang, he wouldn't have been able to escape the catastrophe that swept through the Chahar tribe in Bajiao City.

Liu Chengzong couldn't agree to this, so he could only pull him up with strength. Who knew that the guy knelt down again just as he was pulled up, so he had to let the two guards drag Zitu and said to him: "You didn't tell me about the army's dyeing at the beginning."

Smallpox, you know, is easy to prevent when you don't have it."

"At this point, you asked me to save you. I'm not a god. You asked me to kill people. How could the King of Hell accept me as his opponent? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ruitu fell silent and his eyes became sad.

The order given to him by Hu Duntu was to block the news of the Khan's illness.

This order was to be on guard against no one else, but Liu Chengzong in front of him, fearing that he would take the opportunity to swallow up the Chahar Khan Court.

But now, Qututaiji no longer cares about the Chahar Khan Court. What else does the Khan Court have? Tens of thousands of women and children are in the hands of Liu Chengzong, and if they don't come back, how can thousands of sick soldiers be returned?

It can be called the Court of Khan.

If his brother dies, I'm afraid this bit of family wealth will not be saved.

Liu Chengzong didn't care what he was thinking. He just turned around and gave orders to the guards. He ordered people to prepare pen and paper and write a letter to his father in Xining Mansion, asking him to send someone to send Hauge back first. He disappeared.

Then prepare the vaccine, recruit doctors, purchase medicinal materials, and set up a hospital based on the imperial system.

On this basis, we plan to establish hospitals, medicines, and Huimin pharmacies at all levels in the five towns of Zhixiafu, County, and Hehuang within two years. As management physicians, we will treat the people, collect medicinal materials, experiment with prescriptions, and conduct assessments.

Level, institution that accepts tutoring.

Moreover, Liu Shizi knew that the hospital system of the Ming Dynasty would be broken down by the plague at the end of the Ming Dynasty, but to deal with the plague, he could only rely on the doctors of this era to minimize the impact of the plague.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish an infection prevention and epidemic prevention bureau, and in addition to the eleven medical departments, an infection prevention and epidemic prevention department must also be added.

Fortunately, smallpox is a disease that is easier to deal with than the plague, which allows the Marshal's Office to gain experience in epidemic prevention and isolation before facing the plague, so as to cultivate talents with epidemic prevention knowledge.

It's a pity that these talents need to be found from the military.

Finally, he ordered Yang Yao to form a marching army of 1,000-person pox doctors, allocate three teams of 1,000 people to cooperate, divide pox villages in Qinghai Lake, and prepare for the second universal vaccination.

To prevent smallpox from spreading among the troops.

Just as he finished writing the letter, the doctor in the sweat tent also came out. His face was very ugly, and he asked the apprentice to serve him while spraying soju on his hands. He asked eagerly: "How is Tiger Chief?"

The old doctor wiped his hands and said: "Commander, he has been ill for the past few months, and the acne on his body has formed thick scabs, which will fall off in a few days. Smallpox has passed."

When Liu Chengzong heard this, he felt relieved and asked, "Then why are you crying?"

"The smallpox is gone, but when the poisonous gas enters the body, the wind warms the lungs and heats up, turning the carbuncle into pus; the person is unconscious, the complexion is dark purple, the neck is stiff and twitching, and the angles are opisthotonized, which is another sign of plague; and the carbuncle poison is attached to the bone.

, septic influx, the poisonous gas has reached the head and face, and the eyes are almost blind."

The old doctor listed a bunch of symptoms that Liu Chengzong couldn't understand, and finally sighed: "Smallpox is easy to get rid of, all diseases are difficult to cure, and the Mongolian sweat... we don't have much time."


Good afternoon!

When wind warms the lungs and heat turns into pus, it is severe pneumonia; plague is encephalitis; septic influx is septicemia; carbuncle poison attached to the bone is osteomyelitis; there are also blindness, coma, meningitis, bronchitis, otitis media, laryngitis

Inflammation is a complication of smallpox and the main cause of death.

This chapter has been completed!
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