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Chapter 407 Boundaries

 Liu Chengzong realized that the Rakshasa expedition traveled to Siberia through rivers, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

Marshal Fu almost lives in Qinghai in a semi-nomadic way. He understands what nomadism is, and nomadism is explosion.

Nomadic people are on the edge of helpless destruction, choosing a deviant way of survival, at the expense of difficult survival, using production methods with lower requirements on the land environment, in exchange for a wide range of cavalry, and offsetting demographic disadvantages in local wars.

Difficult survival involves many aspects, such as medical care, fertility, education, commerce, inheritance, production, and disaster resistance. These are also the pursuits of nomadic forces, but the limited innate environment and special production methods limit their achievements.

This causes the nomadic force to be unstable, with a short interval between expansion and contraction, a large scope, and a negative population growth year by year. It may suddenly become stronger, or it may not happen for a generation without knowing what happened.


Therefore, nomadism is an explosion, and this way of survival is always related to war. Either the outward explosion is successful, seizing land through war, and replenishing the population; or the inward self-destruction is successful, seizing land through internal strife, and reducing the population.

If any kind of explosion fails, the tribe will be gone.

The greatness of Genghis Khan is that he created a common consciousness for countless gunpowder barrels waiting to explode in the Gobi, grasslands, and deserts - Mongolia.

The history of Nomads has since opened a new chapter. They no longer have to worry about being destroyed in one explosion. Their base is large enough to withstand countless explosions. As long as there are a few few successes, it means that everything can continue.
At this moment, the overall decline of the nomadic forces has begun to decline. One of the reasons is that compared with bows and arrows, firearms are more powerful and have a greater fatality rate, which increases the cost of the nomadic forces' outward explosion.

Liu Chengzong could see that Oirat was a Mongolian alliance that was very good at thinking and learning. They did their best to increase their ability to explode outwards under the premise of limited costs.

This is reflected in the fact that the Oirat tribes have a large number of cavalry who are not equipped with armor, bows and arrows, and only wear fur hats, fur jackets, cloth boots, spears, war horses and courage. This is especially true for the Heshuote tribe.

In addition, there are many soldiers who use muskets without armor. This kind of cavalry who only use spears and infantry who only use muskets can account for 60% of the Oirat coalition army.

This kind of equipment tends to go all out, using the impact of the spear cavalry, the armor-breaking ability of the musket, and their lives to offset the defensive capabilities of medium-armor and even heavy-armor soldiers.

It’s a literal loss of money.

Liu Chengzong appreciated the courage to spend money on reform, and the intelligence from Junggar made him realize that the Rakshasa expedition at this time was like a fly in the soup pot for Oirat, and the medicine will not kill the disgusting people.

This is good news for the Marshal's Mansion.

On July 14, the sixth year of Chongzhen, Liu Chengzong took Batur Hutaiji from Nanshan Fort to the south bank of Qinghai Lake, and took a car and boat to the Qinghai Navy Yamen.

Long before they docked, Captain Huaiyuan Zhou Qiang of the Navy Yamen got the news and hurriedly changed into a military uniform and went to the shore to greet them.

In fact, until Batur Hutaiji docked, my head was buzzing. When I saw the huge warehouses and docks of the Navy Yamen, I was shocked and a little stupid.

Qinghai Lake has an unprecedentedly prosperous fishing industry, as well as an unprecedented shipbuilding industry. Large ships similar to the size of Tsarist Russia's Zika ships are constantly coming and going everywhere. On the north and south shores, there are hundreds of small fishing boats casting nets for fishing.
The strange shape of the sailing ship is actually the only thing that Batur Hutaiji can barely understand here.

As long as you see the exceptionally strong Mongolian sailor in the lower cabin, it is easy to understand the principle of this big guy moving at sea.

But he couldn't figure out why.

Why did the Generalissimo build so many ships in Qinghai Lake?

The Grand Marshal actually built dozens of war ships in an inner lake completely controlled by the Marshal's Mansion.

It was definitely a warship, and there were even guns mounted on it.

This lake is indeed very big, almost as big as the Zaisan Lake that they can see near Lake Balkhash, but it has no enemies and cannot get out.

In the view of Batur Hutaiji, this kind of behavior is almost equivalent to... being full.

Dai Daozi said: "These ships are used to transport salt. For the same distance, the cost of using ships is lower than that of horses and mules."

Batur Hutaiji has it written all over his face that you, an unreasonable Anda, actually lied to me.

He believed that shipping costs were low, but he did not believe that it was used to transport salt.

Salt is not uncommon but it is very important to the Mongols. There are many salt ponds and salt lakes within the control of Oirat, but this thing... it is not necessary to build so many large ships to transport it.

Dai Daozi noticed Huetaiji's eyes and was stunned. Then he realized the cultural differences and asked: "How is salt sold in your place?"


Batur Hutaiji was very confused about this word. He said: "Every tribe has a salt person who drives an ox cart and rides a camel to the salt pond, provides milk and tea to the salt pond, and puts ox tail hair and camel mane

Dedicate it to Obo in the salt pond, and then take the salt back to eat."

Dai Daozi expressed his understanding and nodded: "That's okay."

He turned around and went to find Liu Chengzong who was talking to Sunday Qiang. Taking advantage of the break in their conversation, he reported: "Commander, there is no official salt franchise in Wala."

Liu Chengzong was having a forced chat with Sunday about shipbuilding when he suddenly heard this sentence and thought that he shouldn't.

Even if he hadn't before, after experiencing the Yuan Dynasty, didn't the Mongolians still know how to control salt? Then he changed his mind and thought about the taste. Salt and iron are specialties, and they need a settled environment.

If you don't settle down, even if you specialize, it can only be a small tribe and a small tribe.

It cannot achieve the effect of government monopoly.

Liu Chengzong believed that he had to help Oirat achieve settlement, at least semi-settlement, otherwise it would be difficult for the Oirat nobles to quickly make money to purchase ordnance at the Marshal's Mansion.

This is good, moving the Oirat and Rakshasa people to fight on the Ob River to create demand; then teach them to settle down and expand their income; then help them spend money and provide arms.

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In the end, a good result was achieved, taking from the people and using it for the people.

Liu Chengzong wanted to see what kind of monster would be created in Siberia by combining these unrelated things, such as Shuote Lancers, Dzungarian Musketeers, Tumut Sailors, Qinghai Warships, and Gansu Frontier Army.
But at this time, Sunday Qiang had something more attractive to Liu Chengzong. He asked: "You have seen the Zika ship. How could you have seen the Zika ship?"

"Commander, my subordinates have never seen the Zika ship."

Sunday forcefully handed over his hand, and then said: "However, in Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangxi, there is a warship called Centipede that is very similar to what the Marshal said. Its length is six to seven feet, its width is one foot and a half, and its hull is long and narrow, with oars on each side.

Dozens of them, like centipede legs stretching out when shaking, extremely fast, carrying more than a hundred people, cannons hidden in the bow, and buffalo engines on both sides. Is it similar to the ship type the commander mentioned?"

How could Liu Shishi know this? The more he listened to the description, the more he felt like an armed dragon boat.

He knew that he was not an expert, so he might not be able to convey the message clearly, so he turned to Dai Daozi and Huitaiji to talk to Sunday.

He walked aside and asked someone to inform Juerwan, asking Shi Chengwo to bring He Xin and several old craftsmen from the arsenal design over.

Water battles are different from land battles. You can still run away if you lose a land battle. If a water warship is sunk, all the sailors on board will basically be wiped out.

The arms and equipment on the ship are also a top priority. Although the price of the arms does not have to be included in the ship, at least Liu Chengzong must be sure of it.

After he finished his instructions, he turned around and saw Zhou Zhouqiang and Batur Hutaiji having a very happy conversation.

Sunday Qiang is here to describe the appearance of the centipede boat, Dai Daozi is in the middle to translate, and Huitaiji is in charge there. Yes, yes, yes.

After they finished their exchange, Zhou Zhouqiang clasped his fists with a cautious face and said: "Commander, if it is a centipede boat, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with. This boat was captured from the battle with the Francons during the Jiajing period. It was later imitated in Fujian and Guangdong.

Come chase the Japanese pirates."

As he said this, he made preparations to invite Liu Chengzong into the Navy Yamen. On the way into the Yamen, a little far away from Huitaiji, he said: "Commander, Zhou used to build fishing boats in Shandong, and he built some in the Navy Yamen."

The ship... that's just an armed civilian ship. What's more, even if we can build warships, we can't let Mongolia Taiji carry the ship back to Tianshan from Qinghai, right?"

Carry it back?

Zhou Tongzhi has quite an idea.

Liu Chengzong walked into the Navy Yamen and said as he walked: "I plan to build ships in Tianshan."

Sunday Qiang stopped in his tracks, as if he was struck by a bolt of lightning on Tianling Gai. He froze on the spot. After a pause, he quickly stepped forward to meet Liu Chengzong: "Commander, I am from Baoding, you know, right?"

Liu Shizi nodded and looked at Sunday Qiang doubtfully: "I know."

"When a Baoding man goes to the Tianshan Mountains, he is exiled for ten thousand miles!" Zhou Qiang also recited a poem, saying: "Once I go ten thousand miles, I will never return a thousand miles. Where is Yazhou? Where is my life?"

The gate of hell."

Liu Chengzong smiled and said nothing. He just asked Dai Daozi to take Huitai Ji around the naval yamen. Then he took Sunday and forced him into the yamen. After sitting down, he said: "Does Lieutenant Zhou know what my original intention was in setting up the naval yamen in Qinghai?"


Sunday’s strong statement: “Carry salt!”

Liu Shizi laughed: "Since we are transporting salt, why build warships?"

Qiang’s answer on Sunday was fluent: “Suppress the maritime tribes and prepare for Lazun’s sneak attack.”

Liu Chengzong shook his head slowly, fighting a naval battle with the Mongols. It was rare that Sunday Qiang didn't think this was funny.

He sat on the main seat, slightly raising his chin, with a bit of indescribable pride on his face, and talked eloquently: "Historically, when the northern regime went south, it was restricted by the Jianghuai River. I established the Naval Yamen in Qinghai.

Not for Qinghai."

He tapped his hand on the tea table: "But to do our best to train excellent shipwrights and experienced sailors so that they can control the rivers when they intervene in the Central Plains in the future. The purpose of transporting salt is just to find a job for the navy."<


"My navy has never been a salty fish shop, they are real navy."

Sitting in the guest seat, Sunday Qiang wanted to speak again and again. He leaned up and up on the back of the chair, but finally opened his mouth but no words came out.

He remembers it clearly.

Liu Chengzong led his army into Qinghai in the autumn of the third year of Chongzhen. In the first winter after arriving in Qinghai, people crawled into their dens in the ice and snow, like a group of bereaved dogs.

In the spring of the next year, they established the Navy Yamen.

At that time, Liu Chengzong made it very clear that shipbuilding was for the purpose of transporting salt.

Zhou Zhouqiang never regarded the Qinghai Navy Yamen as the real Navy Yamen. He devoted himself to building ships just because 1,700 tons of green salt were transported from Chaka Salt Lake to Xincheng every month.

Green salt is the pillar industry of the Marshal's Mansion. Every load of good green salt entering Hehuang is worth twenty-six taels of silver.

After all, everyone knows that the navy in Qinghai Lake cannot get out. Even if Zhou Qiang builds the best warship, he will not be able to sail out of Qinghai Lake.

But at this moment, Liu Chengzong said that he was planning to build the Navy Yamen, not to fish and transport salt, but to train shipwrights and sailors for competition in the Central Plains.

In fact, Sunday Qiang has some estimates of the future development of the Marshal's Mansion.

Even if Kangning Prefecture is controlled, it will be difficult for the commander's army to enter Sichuan from Yazhou. It is easier to advance from Kangning to the Lhasa Valley, while the eastward expedition will still rely on Xining Prefecture.

They are very likely to seize Lanzhou, occupy Gansu, and further capture Ningxia, Guyuan, Lintao, and Gongchang west of Liupan Mountain.

The final battle line will be set in Pingliang, Qinzhou, and Fengxiang areas, and there will be repeated seesaws.

Because Hanzhong and Guanzhong are important places that the imperial court cannot lose and are easy to defend and difficult to attack. In Zhou Zhouqiang's eyes, this is probably the final appearance of the Marshal's Mansion... In fact, all of what he thinks about can be said to be very far away.

But now Liu Chengzong said that in the first year after entering Qinghai, he had already considered capturing Hanzhong, attacking Huguang with the navy, and sailing across the Jianghuai River.

This is a very magical contradictory feeling, as if Liu Chengzong drew a big pie and slapped Zhou Qiang on the forehead, leaving him speechless.

Liu Chengzong took his time and said: "The Marshal's Office can build warships in Qinghai Lake, and can also train some less experienced sailors in Qinghai Lake, but it will never be possible to fight in Qinghai Lake... so we must

To train for war, you must go outside."

"But Marshal, that's too far."

To be honest, Sunday Qiang felt that for this job, it would be better for him to return to Ningzhou and become the prefect.

"It is indeed far away. My brother will also go there. There are thousands of troops. In addition, we also plan to recruit tenants from Gansu. Therefore, we have three major tasks. One is to train the navy and hone shipbuilding skills; the other is to educate the hundreds of thousands of people in Oirat.

; The third is to attract immigrants from Gansu."

Liu Chengzong shook his head, looked at Sunday and said forcefully: "I don't know who else can do these three things well except you."

Sunday Qiang blinked: "Educate hundreds of thousands of people?"

This war has just ended, and Zhou Qiang feels that this word should not be used to refer to the Wala Tatars.

"Yes, they have to learn the Chinese language."

Liu Chengzong nodded, stood up and said: "The Western Expedition is a very important matter. In the far north near the ice sea, on several large rivers that run from north to south, we will build ships, repair forts, and establish a river defense fleet, and we will camp step by step.

The ultimate goal of exploring local mines is to force the Rakshasa Kingdom to negotiate a peace treaty and delineate its boundaries."

Zhou Qiang's head was buzzing after hearing this. He asked himself that he was a well-informed official in the north, but the north in Liu Chengzong's words was slightly different from the north he knew.

He asked: "Where is the boundary?"

Liu Chengzong shook his head: "Their army can't reach Xining, and our army can't reach their capital, so it's up to you to decide where the border is. Wherever our Jiang defense fleet goes, and where the fortresses are built, it won't matter anymore."

If you can't advance even an inch, the boundary will be determined wherever you go."


Good evening!

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