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Chapter 422 Don't move if you can run

Soon, with the next court meeting, good news and bad news spread among the bureaucracy of the Ming Dynasty.

The good news is that the famous captive king Hu Duntu was crowned in Qinghai, leaving his teenage son unable to inherit the throne. The Northern Yuan Dynasty, which had been surviving for two hundred years, collapsed.

The bad news is that the Mongolian tribes held a Khuritai Conference to support the new Khan, rebuilt the central Khan's court, and called it Qinghan'er. It seamlessly connected in the northwest and its power continued to increase.

The officials in the imperial court didn't think there was anything wrong with this bad boy. There were so many colorful bad boys on the grassland. It was nothing more than another dynasty change in the characteristics of the grassland.

Until people discovered that this young and foolish boy was Liu Chengzong, who was rampant in northern Shaanxi in his early years.

The imperial court discussed a more critical point, which was to recover the Hetao.

Due to the problem of the Yellow River channel, the Houtao where Bayannur is located has not yet been formed in the Ming Dynasty, so the Hetao people in the Ming Dynasty refer to only the Fengzhoutan area of ​​Hohhot occupied by the Tumut tribe.

Since Chahar attacked Tumote from the west and the Jin Kingdom attacked Chahar from the west, Monan has been in chaos. In Yulin, the two border towns of Ningxia experienced the most intuitive feeling - the Mongols surrendered to the barbarians one after another, asking for surrender.
In fact, as early as this summer, someone in the DPRK and the Central Government had mentioned the recapture of the Loop. The Loop has become an unclaimed land. Obviously, the time has come to regain it.

But specifically, it is one thing that the time has come, and another thing is whether there are objective conditions for recovery.

Everyone knows that northern Shaanxi is poor. As the saying goes, no one in the world is poor in Yanzhou. Thousands of ravines formed by soil erosion in northern Shaanxi have made local agricultural conditions very bad. But after all, Yan'an Prefecture still has many fragmented tributaries of the Yellow River.<


But Ordos to the north of Hengshan Mountain is different. It is very flat there, so flat that there are not even a few rivers. The few rivers that are there are seasonal rivers that cannot support agriculture, and most of the lakes within the territory are not.

Irrigated saltwater lake.

There was drought and little rain there, and the amount of evaporation was astonishing, so the Mu Us Sea that haunted Huang Shengxiao came into being.

It would be easy for the Ming Dynasty to retaliate and occupy Fengzhou Beach.

Nowadays, the descendants are coming in waves, and the guides are enough. Even these surrenders can form a standard battalion to serve as the vanguard army to regain the Hetao.

But after occupying the Hetao, we must be prepared for this isolated overseas enclave to be attacked by the Jin Kingdom. Without support from all sides, this enclave will be gone.

However, if the complex scheme is abandoned, a difficult question will be placed on the desk of Emperor Chongzhen: Where should Jiang Yi be placed?

Chongzhen was twenty-two years old this year. He was puzzled by eight questions and was preparing to ask the selected scholars from all over the world during the imperial examination next year.

It is the scholar-officials who rule the world together, but now the scholar-officials have bad conduct. What should he do if he wants the scholars to become normal?

Donglu was originally a barbarian of the Ming Dynasty, with a small territory and few people, but the rebellion was so huge that even the three Han Dynasties were captured. Why?

Heavy troops are stationed in Jizhen, Guanning, Laiden, Tianjin and other places to prevent the Eastern invaders. The Eastern invaders cannot be destroyed, the troops cannot be withdrawn and the pay cannot be reduced. Is there any way to destroy the Eastern invaders as soon as possible and restore the territory?

Rogue bandits are spreading, the court is short of money and food, and officials always hope to reduce it. The people are the foundation of the country, but is there any way to care for the people and support the army at the same time?

The salt farming method used to be a good way to increase military expenditures, but it has been tried many times but never worked. Grain and war horses are urgently needed materials for the army, but they are always in arrears. How to solve the problem?

The time has come to regain the Hetao, but the Donglu also want to swallow up the Mongolian heritage and are eyeing it. Moreover, the wild land in Ordos is difficult to supply. What should we do about this matter?

Rogue bandits are powerful in the north, pirates are harassing in the south, and floods and droughts occur frequently. Is there any way to deal with it?

In the Tang and Song dynasties, civil and military officials were not separated, and Emperor Taizu did not limit his appointment of talents to civil and military officials. Why now, when I come to my country, military attachés can no longer serve as civil servants? How should this matter be resolved?

If these eight issues can be properly resolved, Chongzhen believes that things in the world will turn around.

Yang He, the Minister of Rites, entered the palace several times in a few days. He believed that Emperor Chongzhen's suggestion of using the Hetao to lure Liu Chengzong into fighting against the Eastern captives needed to be considered in the long term.

"Why are you all like this?"

Chongzhen frowned, raised his hand and patted a pile of memorials on the table: "I want to restore the Hetao, but the officials in the government and the public have said that it is inappropriate and cannot be restored. No, this is the memorial."

With that said, he handed out a memorandum and said: "Sun Chuanting, a doctor in the civil service department who is a country squire at home, sent it from Daizhou. He even felt that it was inappropriate to arrange for the surrender of the barbarians."

Yang He glanced at it, and saw that the Shanxi squire's memorial said that the imperial officers and soldiers were unable to have enough to eat, and the common people were hungry and paid food to the imperial court, not to support the Tatars outside the Piston.

It makes sense.

Yang He was a good old man and helped to speak: "Your Majesty, Daizhou has been ravaged by bandits in recent years, and his hometown has become a battlefield. It is inevitable that the words of the squire are full of injustice."

"This veteran Dr. Sun has heard in the past that he seems to have written that the Holy Lord would be willing to shed his blood and tears if he was waiting at the table. Such a poem is very talented, and he is also willing to serve the country."

Chongzhen did not answer. He glanced sideways at the memorial. These things could not explain anything. He just said: "Do you also think it is inappropriate to let Liu Chengzong enter the river?"


Yang He shook his head seriously, organized his words a little, and said: "I believe that if His Majesty opens his mouth, Liu Chengzong will definitely march to Hetao and Fengzhou Beach, and he will definitely fight the Jin army."

Chongzhen nodded, right, then Liu Chengzong read the books of sages and drank the water of the Yellow River, so he could drive away tigers and devour wolves, so why worry!

Unexpectedly, Yang He sighed immediately afterwards: "Your Majesty wanted to use Fengzhou Beach, which is not in my hands, to lure Liu Chengzong to fight the Jin army in case Liaodong, Shanxi and Shanxi are attacked on both sides. But Your Majesty, after all, he is

Rebel leader."

"Based on my understanding of Liu Chengzong, he will march to Fengzhou Beach, but he will never march to Fengzhou Beach from outside Gansu as your Majesty thinks."

Chongzhen was confused: "Then where will he march from?"

Yang He didn't dare to say that to be honest, the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty were still unable to control Liu Chengzong. Where did the emperor get the confidence to control Liu Chengzong?

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Yang He was probably the person who knew Liu Chengzong best among the civil servants of the imperial court. He had dealt with Liu Chengzong and knew that this man was very domineering, disrespectful to the court, and considerate of the people.

Therefore, he did not doubt Liu Chengzong's character at all. When the Marshal's Mansion entered Fengzhou Beach, they would definitely fight against the Jin Kingdom.

Since the beginning of the war, the Jin Kingdom has robbed no less than a million Han people. How many slaves does the Jin Kingdom have now? Less than 200,000.

Where are the rest? Fill the gap.

Based on this alone, Yang He could conclude that Liu Chengzong would fight to the death with the Kingdom of Jin once he entered Fengzhou Beach.

But the question is what happened before Liu Chengzong entered Fengzhou Beach?

He felt that according to Liu Shishi's unreasonable character, as long as Emperor Chongzhen dared to give him an imperial edict to mobilize troops to Fengzhou Beach, Liu Shishi would not be able to march non-stop to Fengzhou Beach.

Yang He conservatively estimated that Liu Shihui personally led the elite from Xining, passed through Xi'an to Henan, passed through Xuzhou and entered southern Zhili. During this process, he could not ask, but he was on his way to Hohhot because of the imperial edict.

Yang He sighed: "He will swagger through the city with the imperial edict, hijacking officials, generals, civilians and soldiers along the way. Not to mention Gansu and Ningxia will definitely not go around."

Lord Chongzhen had the pearl of wisdom in hand: "Then wear it. I heard that when I entered Qinghai, I often passed through Gansu and Ningxia."

Oops, Yang He is so worried. How should he explain to the emperor that some of Liu Chengzong's actions made him look like a saint in the eyes of the border troops.

Nanda crossed Gansu and Ningxia, and the border troops were well prepared. After all, Nanda's Mongolian soldiers not only refused to pay them food, but might even steal their money, food and wives if they had the chance.

Liu Chengzong crossed Gansu and Ningxia. Not to mention the frontier troops in Gansu and Ningxia won Liang Jingcong, even the frontier troops in Yulin Town were eagerly looking forward to it!

Because Liu Chengzong will really give them food and salary, and maybe even give them wives.

"Your Majesty, if Liu Chengzong led his army through Yulin, Ningxia, Gansu and reached the Yellow River, Daizhou is not far from the Yellow River. How would a country squire like Sun Chuanting still be alive?"

Chongzhen looked puzzled, why can't he live?

Yang He said: "He was in Xining, and all the 170 local gentry in Lintao Prefecture were defeated by him. He took away 500,000 shi of grain, and he broke in..."

Before Yang He finished speaking, Chongzhen looked at him with something wrong.

The emperor's tone was calm: "One hundred and seventy families, five hundred thousand stone grain, when did it happen?"

Yang He was startled and quickly lowered his head. He was not careful about what he said. How could he say this? But since he said it, he could only tell the truth: "Back to your majesty, it was when the Qinghai Marshal's Mansion annexed Hehuang."

, the officers and soldiers were stationed in Lanzhou to protect the vassal state, and the soldiers of Marshal Gu's Mansion went out to plunder Lintao in four directions, and plundered a lot of food and pay."

Chongzhen just came back to his senses at this time. Liu Xiangyu said in the letter that Hehuang had a good harvest this year, and the harvest would only bring 720,000 shi. No matter how much they taxed, even if they could collect half of it, it would only be 360,000 shi.<


You robbed 170 houses in Lintao and got 500,000 stone grain?

Chongzhen was almost furious. He held the table with both hands and gasped for breath for a long time. Then he looked up at Yang He and asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

Yang He's heart suddenly trembled, wouldn't the emperor also want to imitate Liu Shishi and confiscate his family?

Although he did think that confiscation of homes might be useful, the harm would be great. He shook his head and said, "I don't know, what is your Majesty talking about?"

Fortunately, Chongzhen had different thoughts from him.

"In the second year, the courtiers wanted to donate their salaries to support the government, but I did not allow them to do so. I thought that the ministers would sincerely serve the country, promote the pros and cons, and the court would benefit from it, so there was no need to donate their salaries to help."

"Three years ago, the court officials proposed that Chinese and foreign officials of the seventh rank or above should donate their salaries to support them. I still had the same idea in my heart, and I still did not allow them to donate their salaries."

Chongzhen was not a fool. He knew where his power came from. He was just dissatisfied, with a complicated expression on his face: "I am not mean to the officials and gentry. Why don't people do good things? If these five hundred thousand

The supply of grains and grains to the army can last for 50,000 troops to garrison Lanzhou for a year. Can Liu Chengzong still be able to rob them?"

Yang He refused to answer the question.

No one can ask for these 500,000 shi of food, and no one is willing to hand over their savings of more than 3,000 shi.

If the imperial court requires local gentry to donate money and grain, those who can donate a hundred dan are considered loyal to the country. Unless they are robbed, no one can get this grain.

Even if you ransack your home, you won’t be able to get it.

Yang Hexin said that Liu Chengzong sent troops to plunder and move food. Those soldiers knew that the food was also for them to eat... Even so, Yang He felt that there was more or less loss in it.

Everyone has selfish motives.

Is it trustworthy if the imperial court sends people to raid a house and asks local troops to raid it? Can the emperor trust it if he uses the Beijing army or even the Jing army that he trusts to raid the house?

Even for the Jing Army, when they moved money and food, they knew very well that the money and food could not be eaten by them.

Chongzhen was very angry, neither this nor that would work: "Then what does Yang Shangshu think should be done about this matter? How can Liu Chengzong and the Jin Kingdom compete for Fengzhou Beach?"

"It's difficult. Fengzhou Beach is too far away from Xining. Instead of tempting him, it would be better to lure Sanhan'er from Mobei."

In fact, Yang He felt that it was far from a problem. The problem was that in front of Liu Chengzong, across the Qilian Mountains were the two oases in Ganzhou and Liangzhou in Gansu.

We have to fight the same thing. The Houjin Army in Fengzhoutan may not be easier to deal with than the Gansu Army. It is easier to defeat Gansu logistically. Liu Chengzong may not sacrifice his own strength to chase the weak.

But Yang He didn't want to say that it was best not to make any suggestions in front of the emperor.

Otherwise, you were the one who made the suggestions, and you were the one to handle the matter. The Emperor was able to mobilize all the necessary human and material resources for you. If the matter didn’t go well in the end, then who would you blame if not you?

With the development of national affairs today, problems are no longer just a matter of one or two places. They are all connected in series. But with this repair, the problem is solved; but other places are broken again because of this patch.

It's like Lord Chongzhen cleaned up Wei Zhongxian and all the eunuchs, and then found that it couldn't be done without eunuchs, so he should send eunuchs to supervise the army and supervise the government.

The effect is worse than taking care of Wei Zhongxian and then leaving other eunuchs alone.

If a system can still run, it is best not to touch it.

But the emperor wanted to do something, and he couldn't refuse it. Yang He had no choice but to say: "If your majesty has this intention, I think it's better not to say it clearly. I just say that I will reward him with the former city of Chahar, but he will not be able to kill Hu until he is killed."

Come and take it with your mouth."

"If he is willing to come to collect the market reward, he can go to Fengzhou Beach; if he is not willing to come to collect it, then forget it, the court will not suffer any loss, and he will have no excuse to cause trouble. The border troops of the five towns also know to be on guard against him.


Yang He's thoughts are quite complex. To a certain extent, some of his thoughts are actually similar to Chongzhen's.

For example, he wanted the emperor to concentrate on the east and not think about the west, so as not to offend Liu Chengzong and let him come out to kill everyone; but on the other hand, he felt that it didn't matter what the emperor did.

Don't mess with Liu Chengzong, he will come out sooner or later. Yang He knows very well that Liu Chengzong's ambition is to be the emperor.

Just like the Ming Dynasty, it is not afraid of people tossing it. If you toss it, it will fall apart soon; if you don't toss it, it will fall apart sooner or later.

Yang He knew very well that when the Ming Dynasty fell apart, or in what form it fell apart, it was not something he could control.

Thinking of this, he became very sad.

He said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, you should pay more attention to the thieves in the Central Plains. They are much more harmful to the country than the bandits from the East and the West."


Good evening! The child kept fussing last night, and I woke up whenever he fussed. I slept all day long.

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