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Chapter 424 School Horse

 For all of Mongolia, the sixth year of Chongzhen was the worst year.

The Great Khan of all Mongolia died in Qinghai, all Eastern Mongolia was attached to the Jin Kingdom, and Mongolia surrendered to China. Of the three independent Mongolian parts, only the crumbling Khalkha Mongolia remained.

Duntaurus is China.

The Khalkhas are not an old tribe. Their ancestors can only be traced back to the Jiajing period, when they were founded by the eleventh son of Dayan Khan, Gessen Zhazhaer.

He was nomadic in the north of Hanhai, and his first name was Khalkha. His seven sons were the seven tribes of Khalkha, among which the eldest son, second son, and youngest son were on the right wing; the third son, the fourth son, the fifth son, and the sixth son were on the left wing.

There were no Khans in the original Khalkhas. They were ten thousand households in Khalkhas under the leadership of the Khan Court.

Wei Zhengnuonuo, the third son of the left wing, and Abadai, the third son of the left wing, had a son. At that time, the Khan's court was in decline, and Anda became the Khan.

Abadai personally went to the Tumote tribe of Ada Khan and presented tens of thousands of mink skins, tents, coins, silk, livestock, etc. to the Great Monk III of the Yellow Sect. He was given the title of Khan and became the first Khan of Khalkha.

Abadai then took over the left wing of Khalkha and made his brother Laihuer the khan of the right wing.

So far, there is a khan on the left and right wings of Khalkha, both from the third eldest brother Wei Zheng Nuonuohe's line.

In the 15th year of Wanli, a battle broke out between the right wing of Khalkha and the Oirat at Kuboker near Hangai Mountain, and Laihuer died in the hands of the Oirat.

Nine years later, in the 24th year of Wanli, the left and right wings of Khalkha held a huritai on the banks of the Tarni River and elected Subadi as Zhasak Tuhan.

After that, Subadi raised an army to avenge his father, conquered Oirat, and set up Huitaiji to manage Oirat. Later, the four Oirat forces joined forces to repel Oirat in the third year of Tianqi, and got rid of control.

The two sides have been at war and at peace, and the situation has continued to this day. This is the origin of Zasak Tuhan on the right wing of Khalkha.

While the right wing maintains its power, the left wing is closer to the Khan's court. Every time Lin Dan Khan makes trouble in Monan, the scattered tribesmen will defect to the left wing.

This was originally a good thing for the left wing, but due to the uneven distribution of the spoils, several internal strifes occurred. For example, in the past, the fifth-ranked noble on the left wing was the loser in the internal strife. He was expelled by the left wing, fled his hometown, and was finally buried.

Bajiao City is called Chuoketu Taiji.

Another example is Chechen Khan Shuolei.

The left wing of Khalkha is the third, fourth, fifth and sixth among the seven sons.

The third child was the later Abadai Khan; the fourth child was named Amindulal, who was also the fourth uncle of Abadai Khan.

According to Mongolian tradition, Abadai's lineage became the Khan and became the leader of the left and right wings. However, Amindu Lale was particularly lucky. His fifth brother Dalai had no sons. According to tradition, after the death of the fifth brother, all subjects returned to the throne.


Amin had two sons, but the eldest son had no sons, and the second son, Moluo, only had an only son. In other words, other families were blessed with many sons, and their tribes and wealth were spread more and more apart through inheritance.

Only Amindu Lal's branch has completed the primitive accumulation of wealth through two generations of single inheritance.

This only son is Shuolei.

If people in the Golden Family are all born with golden keys in their mouths, then when Shuolei was born, he not only had the golden keys left to him by his grandfather and father in his mouth, but he even held the golden keys left to him by his fifth grandfather and uncle in his hands.

The golden bowl.

This golden key and this bowl are so terrifying, it’s like a gift from God.

The entire Khalkha can mobilize 150,000 troops, 70,000 on the right wing, 40,000 on the left wing, and 40,000 on the main base. If the left and right wings want to fight, the Khan must first pull a bunch of Mongolian Taiji, Noyan nobles and feudal lords to form a coalition, and then go out to fight.

Let’s open a Huli station first.

You can fight with the wind, and you can save your strength when the wind is against you. After all, you still have to live in your own tribe after the war, and the mountains are high and the emperor is far away when you go back, and the lords may not be able to find them. This leads to the feudal nobles sometimes fighting against the Khan in the war.

Interests are not unified.

Lin Danhan rebelled against his relatives, was abandoned by the nobles, and ended up leading 40,000 troops to die in Qinghai.

Shuolei is different. His subordinates are all directly governed tribes. They are all led by Zaisang, Darhan, and Batuer. They are all Mongolian troops capable of fighting tough battles wherever they are directed.

After all, these people are useless on the battlefield, and Shuolei can kill people directly as the master. Even if he runs away, won't he still be Shuolei's direct tribe when he goes home? Where can he run?

There are a total of four original stocks in Left Wing, and Shuolei inherited two shares, which is only one percent difference in controlling the shares.

Long before the internal strife of the left wing, Tai Ji like Chok Rabbit, when the Khalkha Left Wing Kulitai Conference established the "Birch Bark Law", the signatures had to be ranked behind the junior Shuo Lei, and Shuo Lei ranked fourth.

The three people ranked in front of Shuolei are the previous left-wingers Mergen Khan Elek, Seyinnoyan Tumenken, and Sonodai Qinghong Taiji, all of whom are one generation higher than Shuolei.

The people who lined up behind Shuolei were all old guys who were a generation above him. Among his peers, the highest-ranking one was Gunbutaiji, the son of the Great Khan, who ranked seventeenth.

This is because Gunbutaiji has the huge influence of Abadai Khan's family, otherwise his status would have to be slightly lower.

When Lin Dan Khan moved westward, he became the first choice target of the Chahar people to defect to him because of his marriage relationship. One percent of the holding came, allowing him to fully exercise all the powers of the left-wing Khan.

At this time, the throne of the Left Khan was vacant. After the death of Mergen Khan Elek, it was time for Gunbu to succeed. However, the succession required the convening of the Left-wing Khuritai, and the convening of the Khuritai Conference required the consent of Huitai Jishuolei.
Shuolei didn't mind convening the khuritai. To put it bluntly, his strength could already ignore whether there was a Khan on the left wing, but the Chahar nobles who had taken refuge with him were not happy. They thought that since Lin Dan Khan had escaped, the hope of preserving the entire Mongolia

Gathered in Shuo Lei.

Since they abandoned Lin Dan Khan, they naturally hoped that the Great Khan would ascend to heaven as soon as possible, and that Shuolei would declare his succession to the throne of Khan by force, command more tribes, and resist the Jin Kingdom's encroachment on Mongolia.

In fact, outside, people have long called Gunbu the Left-wing Khan and Shuolei the Chechen Khan. But in fact, Gunbu has not inherited the throne of Khan until now, and Shuolei's traditional title is actually Dalai Chechenhun.


The Khuritai Congress could not be held smoothly, and Gunbu could not inherit the throne of Khan. Shuolei managed the left wing as Hutai Ji, but his name was not justified, and the right wing did not recognize him, so the right wing Khan King Subadi became

The leader of Khalkha's left and right wings.

In a world where only Gunbu was injured, everyone found that there was nothing wrong with not convening the Khuritai Conference, and Gunbu's succession was so awkward.

So in fact, there were many people in Khalkha who paid tribute to Liu Chengzong. Subadi and Shuolei can explain clearly the matter of the left and right wings.

Even the tribute gift from Khalkha Mongolia to Liu Chengzong was extremely grand - Subadi came in person, bringing with him Babu, Shuolei's second son, who was only fifteen years old.

As the nominal ruler of Mobei Mongolia, Subadi should not appear in this scene where the two forces interact for the first time.

In fact, by sending an envoy at this moment, they have shown the greatest respect to Daiqing Khitan Khan of Duntaurus, which is enough to lay the foundation for friendly coexistence between the two sides.

It's just that this tribute is not just friendly enough for Khalkha.

Just before Subadi set out, the leaders of the three Khalkha tribes received an edict from Duntaurus, who was supported by Oirat and requested the surrender of Mongolia.

Speaking of which, Gun Bu should thank Liu Chengzong. Without this letter, his succession would have been awkward for a long time.

Relying on Oirat's support of the Chinese Khan, Subadi had no choice. He convened the Khuritai Conference, which had been deadlocked for a long time. At the conference, it was proposed that Gunbu should succeed the left-wing Khan. As a compromise, Shuolei was elected as the Chechen Khan by his tribe.


However, in order to follow tradition, Shuolei had to refuse to accept it and submitted the tribe's request to Gunbu, the successor of Left-wing Khan. With Gunbu's approval, he was again called Chechen Khan.

In this way, there will be no problem with the program.

Subadi was willing to do this because he could already foresee that a war was brewing in Monan, a war in which the East and West collided to determine fate.

In Subadi's view, this upcoming war is undoubtedly a comic tragedy, because both sides of the war are Han Chinese and Jurchens on the other, but the fate of the Mongols will ultimately be decided.

As the only remaining independent alliance in Mongolia... Khalkha was originally not an alliance, but Subadi needed an alliance that could support the war, so he was willing to let Gunbu and Shuolei become khans at the same time, maintain the strength advantage of the right wing, and combine the three

The Khans coalesced into a Mongol alliance.

Only by the concerted efforts of the three powerful aristocrats of Khalkha can Khalkha, the only remaining independent alliance in Mongolia, be pushed onto the battlefield as a participant in the war.

Subadi believes that Khalkha cannot hide or escape from this war, and the final battle will definitely begin at Fengzhou Beach.

It is the intersection of China, Jin Kingdom and Khalkha. It has the richest land in Mongolia and the most decent fortifications in Mongolia, Guihua City. This means that whoever occupies Fengzhou Beach can control it.

The whole of Mongolia.

The three Khalkha powerful parties have different views on this matter, but the same thing is that they are unwilling to be controlled by others.

The left-wing Khan King Gunbu had no ambitions and believed that the Khalkhas did not need to pay attention to any invitations from the Jin Kingdom and China, nor did they need to pay attention to the affairs of the Chahar Khan Court. The Khalkha Alliance, which had 100,000 troops, could close the door and stay out of the matter.
The right-wing Khan King Subadi has a weak view, believing that they can reach an alliance with Chinese Khan Liu Chengzong on the condition that they do not recognize the Han people's inheritance of the Mongol Khan's legacy, and jointly deal with Hou Jin who has occupied Guihua City.

This is mainly because the right wing of Khalkha is adjacent to Oirat. The Jin Dynasty was able to expedition to Khalkha. Subadi felt that he could not attack the right wing, but Liu Chengzong could really let Oirat attack the right wing of Khalkha.

Because of old and new grudges, Oirat defected to the new master. It can be foreseen that in the next few years, there will be unprecedented unity and expansion in all directions. Where will the expansion go?

Expansion to the right wing of Khalkha.

Subadi is not very afraid of Weilat.

When they fight Oirat, it's not certain who will win, but the current situation no longer allows Khalkha to fight Oirat again.

Originally Subadi wanted to reach an agreement with Batur Hutaiji of Junggar, but now that there is a figure like Liu Chengzong, Subadi thought it would be better to come and talk to Liu Chengzong in person.

If Liu Chengzong can restrain Oirat, then both parties can live in peace and free the right wing from worries.

If Liu Chengzong cannot restrain Oirat, the situation will be better, not a small good, but a big good.

This shows that the Han King Khan has insufficient control. When the time comes, he can join Liu Chengzong in crusading against Oirat, taking the opportunity to annex Oirat's tribe and expand Khalkha's territory.

Chechen Khan Wang Shuolei did not have Subadi's concerns, nor did he look down on Gunbu's irresponsible behavior.

He is the most noble nobleman in Mongolia at this moment and has the most powerful power. He should shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the orthodoxy of the Khanate and complete the feat of revitalizing the Mongol Khanate.

Of course, this is not Lin Dan Khan’s method of reviving oneself after breaking off one’s own arms and then making enemies of the whole world. Shuo Lei advocated being ready to go—he didn’t know what Liu Chengzong’s situation was, but he knew the situation in the Kingdom of Jin.

Compared with the Jin Kingdom, Khalkha has no advantages in all aspects except military strength.

Their iron equipment rate is very high, but the advanced equipment of the Lin Dan Khan era is less than one in ten. Most of the equipment is from the Dayan Khan era, and the relatively backward equipment is from the Yexian Taishi era. I accidentally found a few pieces of Xue Chan Khan and Kublai Khan.

The Jia films produced during the Zhiyuan period are not surprising either.

How can I put it, anyway, heavy equipment was popular back then, and after continuous polishing, it is just right in this era when light equipment is popular.

It may not be a big problem to have Horqin on the left and right wings, but if you want to fight against the Eight Banners Soldiers of the Jin Kingdom, only the directly-administered tribesmen of Shuolei Headquarters have hope.

But his 30,000 people were gone after they defeated the Chechnya.

Therefore, Shuolei must accumulate strength, send envoys to China and Jin, wait for the opportunity, and then lead his army to join the competition.

If there is no opportunity to take advantage of it, try to avoid war and maintain the independent status of the Mongol Khanate. Even if war is unavoidable, try your best to ensure that the war ends and there is still a place in Mobei where Mongolians can walk as Mongols.
With different wishes in mind, Subati and Shuolei's fifteen-year-old son Babu walked into the source of Hehuang and approached the new city carrying gifts.

After entering Qinghai Lake, they saw groups of Mongolian grooms driving their horses past them, which made the uncle and nephew frown.

Without exception, those Hequ horses all had bulging leg muscles, round buttocks, visible ribs, and bright and smooth manes and tails. They were all Mongolian nobles who were familiar with war horses. They recognized clearly that this was obviously a horse.

A batch of war horses that have been adjusted to combat status.

And it’s a war horse tuned using Mongolian methods.

In the era when the Mongol Khanate was strong, the posture of the war horse was adjusted like this.

In early autumn, let the war horses fatten up, then run with people at a fast pace, add fresh grass at night, and store a lot of dry food. After the war horses are strong, they ride up the mountain, put on the vests, sprint slowly, and then climb again, and then shave off the sweat.

Feel, continue to add fresh grass at night.

It lasted for about more than a month, and then only fed grass, and trained at intervals between long-distance running with light armor and rapid driving with heavy armor. No more grass was added at night to reduce the weight of the war horses.

In the end, the war horses will form such a posture that they can ride two horses in the autumn and go out to fight with no disadvantages.

It has been a long time since Khalkha has trained horses like this. The craftsmanship of the ancestors is still there, but the financial resources of the ancestors are gone.

Along the way, Subadi counted hundreds of well-tuned war horses like this, and saw at least six or seven thousand, which made him murmur in his heart.

He said to Babu, the son of Shuolei who was traveling with him: "When you meet the Khitan Khan, I think you should kowtow to him according to their etiquette. Their horses... what do you mean, they are ready to beat anyone who doesn't come?"


Good afternoon!

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