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Four hundred and twentieth chapters who give up on me

 Watching the welcoming team ten miles out of the city from a distance, and hearing the interpreter beside Zhou Zhouqiang saying that Liu Chengzong had come out of the city to greet them, Subhadi was heartbroken.

He and Babu looked at each other, and both of them saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Although no one said anything, their expressions clearly showed their thoughts: Why did he come out to pick us up? There are so many people, why don't you kowtow?<


When Liu Chengzong saw them from a distance, he was very happy and started riding ahead. When the two sides were more than a hundred steps apart, he reined in his horses and watched them slowly advance.

All the people in the tribute team dismounted and walked. Liu Chengzong also got off his horse. He saw an old man and a young man wearing jeweled cymbals and narrow-sleeved leather jackets. They approached and led everyone to walk slower and slower. They were a few steps away from each other.

The old man and the young man were stunned for several breaths.

Then the leading elder Boli bowed his head, and the two of them knelt on their left knees at the same time and kowtowed three times.

Subadi said: "The grandson of Dayan Khan, the great-great-grandson of Gessen Zhazha Lai'er, the grandson of Ashhai, the son of Laihuer, the leader of the Khalkha alliance, the right-wing eldest son Jijin Subadi,

Kowtow and see the profuse sweat."

Babu, who knelt down on one knee and kowtowed, took a secret look at Suba for the first time, and quickly signed up: "The son of Shuolei from the left wing of Khalkha Chechnya, Bole Jijin Babu, kowtow to the Great Khan."

Liu Chengzong stood opposite and received the salute. He bowed his hands and returned the salute. He quickly stepped forward to help Subati get up, and asked Babu to get up as well.

At this moment, he could still hear Batur Hutaiji whispering behind him: "What's a cow? It's only a catty. Go and sign up quickly, you are also a catty."

Even Ruitutaiji didn't care to talk to him.

The relationship between Batur Hutaiji and the right wing of Khalkha is not very good. The father of the right-wing Subadi once conquered and ruled the Oirat, and specially sent Subadi's uncle Ubas to be Hutaiji to establish Hetuohite.

Ministry, specializes in supervising Oirat.

Later, Ubash was killed, and Oirat gradually broke away from the control of the right wing of Khalkha and began to rise. This is nothing more than the past ten years.

However, a few years ago the Jin Kingdom rose in the east and faced a greater threat. Khalkha took the initiative to shake hands with Oirat and make peace, and the two sides no longer had an open war.

But this does not prevent Batur Hutaiji from being unhappy with his past sect leader.

Liu Chengzong did not take this seriously. As long as there is no real conflict of interest between Oirat and Khalkha, simply who dislikes the other will not cause a war.

He smiled at Subadi and said: "Brother should have sent someone to tell me a long time ago. Suddenly I heard that you led the team here in person, but it made me confused. It's freezing outside. Let's go to the city to warm up. Please."

Dai Daozi was translating next to him, saying to himself that the commander-in-chief could really be a brother to everyone. Subhadi looked ten years older than Mr. Liu.

Subadi didn't have much to say. Liu Chengzong would come out to greet him, which made him feel quite flattered. He couldn't be stupidly thinking about seniority with Liu Chengzong outside the new city, not to mention that the purpose of others coming here was not to let others know.

Liu Shizi calls uncle.

Therefore, as soon as you come, you will be at ease, and the guests will do as they please.

The followers in the envoy's team were picked up by officials from the Shuai Mansion and placed outside the city. The fur horn bows, BMWs and white camels carried by the team were put into the treasury. Subadi, Babu and others followed Liu Chengzong into the Yamen of the Shuai Mansion.<


After the guest of honor was seated in the main hall, Subadi said: "Since the Khan ascended to heaven, our department has heard that the tribes of Outer La and Chahar have supported you as Dunta Khan. We and the Khanate in the north have no relationship with the Khan."

The resentment is just that the country is in chaos and there is no communication with each other. Now I am here to express my congratulations to the Great Khan from the Ten Thousand Households of Khalkha. I specially present nine white horses to wish the Great Khan good luck and good luck."

Liu Chengzong nodded slowly. He understood and smiled gently.

The meaning of Subadi's words is very obvious. He said that Khalkha had no grudge against Lin Dan Khan in the past. The implication is that there is no grudge. If you want to inherit Chahar, you can inherit Chahar. We will not object openly.


Don’t even think about inheriting the Mongolian orthodoxy. Even Lin Dan Khan and other tribes in Mobei are reluctant to pay attention to him.

This is basically the same as Liu Shizi’s earlier guess about Khalkha’s attitude, and the attitude is even much better than what he guessed.

But this cannot explain Subhadi's behavior of personally condescending to come.

Liu Chengzong said: "I am very grateful for your kindness. A few months ago, the eldest lady came to me with a letter from Shuolei. I thought Khalkha wanted to have a fight with me."

"Please rest assured, Great Khan, Shuolei has no such intention."

Subhadi said that they didn't mean it, and even if they did, they couldn't say it.

From what I saw and heard along the way, Duntaurus was neither Ming nor Mongolian.

Mongolia means nomadic, and nomadic means that all the people are soldiers, but it is also easy to fight.

When choosing an opponent to relax their guard, prepare in advance to train the horse for two or three months, then scatter the tribesmen in one battle, and plunder the women and children in another battle, and you can paralyze a nomadic kingdom.

Ming Dynasty means farming, and farming means wealth. Although the elite standing army is difficult to fight, the people can easily plunder.

The problem is that this Duntaurus has both a standing army of farmers and nomadic people who are all soldiers. From the sea to the new city, it seems to be as poor as pants. There are only military camps and pastures. There is nothing to rob. The whole

Just a hedgehog.

The soldiers and horses are strong, but I don’t know where the money for raising them comes from. I’m so crazy that I want to have a chance with them.

"In this case, my brother is neither here to fight nor to join me." Liu Chengzong shook his head and asked with his hand: "Then what is the purpose of coming here in person?"

"I came to see the Great Khan. At the same time, since the Great Khan has inherited Lin Dan Khan's tribe, he should avenge Lin Dan Khan..."

Before Subadi finished speaking, Batur Hutaiji almost jumped up from the chair: "Great Khan, take him away and kill him. Then Lin Dan died at the hands of smallpox, who should I ask for revenge?"
Although Lin Dan Hu Duntu did not die at the hands of Batur Hutaiji, he always wanted to kill Lin Dan Khan, so when he heard what Subadi said, he felt that this man from Mobei was a treacherous official who wanted to frame Zhongliang!
Liu Chengzong was not sullen, but said to Subadi: "If Lin Dan Khan has the courage like you and dares to come to me without warning, I will not let him be killed by smallpox. Khan's younger brother Qututaiji will

There, if you want to know how he died and how his tribe came to join me, you can ask him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Subadi looked at Qututaiji, and Qututaiji said: "I came to see the commander, and the commander gave me smallpox; the Khan didn't see the commander, and he didn't get it.

Smallpox, so smallpox took Khan away."

Subadi originally didn't want to ask Lin Dan Khan why he died, but when Qututaiji said this, he looked at Liu Chengzong differently.

Why did I come to see the commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief gave me smallpox?

Subadi pretended to be calm and swallowed slowly. Did Liu Chengzong's smallpox prepare to send away the second Khan King?

"Khan, I'm not, I..."

Subadi said: "What I mean is that it was the Jurchens of the Jin Kingdom who killed the Khan. Without them, the Khan would not have moved westward, and the Khan's court would not have weakened. The Great Khan should avenge the Khan."<



Liu Shizi applauded: "That makes sense!"

Subadi was encouraged, and he continued: "In order to jointly fight against the threat of the Jin Kingdom, all the ministries should jointly swear an oath, clarify the rights and obligations of each ministry and the boundaries of the pasture, and work together to fight against foreign enemies."

Liu Chengzong nodded again: "Well said!"

But at this time, Subati realized that the atmosphere in the hall seemed a little wrong.

He looked left and right, looking at Batur Hutaiji and Qututaiji, and found that both of them lacked interest in this topic. Xie Erhu looked at him with interest, but he didn't know who Xie Erhu was.


Everyone looked at him and said nothing, which made him feel embarrassed.

This, what does this mean?

In the embarrassing silence, Batur Hutaiji looked at Liu Chengzong, and when the Khan nodded, he shook his head and smiled: "Hey, Hutaiji is still kind-hearted, let me tell you... these things you said

Ah, we're all done."

"The Chahar Tribe, Junggar Tribe, Yongshebu Tribe, Heshuote Tribe, Dulbert Tribe, and Tumote Tribe under the Great Khan have reached an alliance. They all respect the Great Khan's orders and accept the pasture boundaries delineated by the Great Khan.

, unite together to fight..."

Batur Hutaiji paused after saying this, and looked directly at Subadi: "Foreign enemy."

Liu Chengzong, who was sitting in the main seat, shook his head and smiled silently. He found that this Batur Hutai Ji was crazy. After Lin Dan Khan died, he had been quite normal. Only when he saw Subadi, it was like returning to Lin Dan Khan and still alive.


But the feeling is different. When Lin Dan Khan was alive, Batur Hutaiji acted like he really wanted to kill the Khan; but for Subaadi, he didn't have to do anything, but he had to scare him.


Subadi was not afraid of intimidation. He ignored Batur Hutaiji. He just looked at Liu Chengzong and said, "Khalkha is also willing to join the covenant."

"Okay!" Batur Hutaiji stood up and glared: "The Kyrgyz people are my subjects, please return them and the Yenisei River to me!"

Subadi frowned and said: "Those are the subjects of the Hetuohite tribe."

Batur Hutaiji turned around and cupped his fists at Liu Chengzong and said: "The Great Khan and the Tuohite tribe are the tribes on the right wing of Khalkha. If he can't, he, the leader of the alliance, cannot control Khalkha."

Although Liu Chengzong didn't know what the Hetuohite tribe was, he knew very well that Batur Hutaiji was not willing to let Khalkha join the alliance, because once the Junggar tribe drew a boundary with Khalkha, Batur Hutaiji would

Taiji will not be able to conquer the east to obtain furs.

He asked Subadi: "I thought that my brother was the leader of Khalkha. If he couldn't make up his mind for Khalkha, then who did he come for?"

The Hetuohite Tribe was a tribe created during the Khalkha conquest of Oirat. The tribal leader was named Hutaiji and was stationed at Ubusu Lake, with Tangnu Ulianghai as the center.

The significance of creating this tribe is to control Oirat. The first Hutaiji was Subadi's uncle, and today's Ombu Hutaiji is Subadi's cousin.

Although Subadi is the leader of the alliance, in his opinion, Batur Hutaiji is just messing around, because no leader can decide the boundaries of his tribes.

Pastures are like Han people's houses. Even the leader can only take care of his own house. Why should he give away other people's yards?

He frowned and said: "How can there be such a reason? As the leader of the Oirat Alliance, can you decide the pastures of the four tribes?"

He never expected that Batur Hutaiji nodded very proudly and said: "I can."

After saying that, Huitaiji turned to Liu Chengzong and clasped his fists, saying: "Not only can I do it, the boundaries of pastures of all our tribes are determined by the Great Khan. If the Great Khan allows me to give you the Kyrgyz tribe and the Yenisei River,

Then I don’t want it.”

After Batur Hutaiji said this, he deliberately glanced at Liu Chengzong.

The meaning is very obvious: Khan, do you think I’m giving you a face?

In fact, he and Liu Chengzong knew very well that there were no tribal disputes here. The Kyrgyz tribe and the Yenisei River meant fur.

This problem is very easy to solve. Huitaiji wants furs in exchange for guns. In the final analysis, this is just a matter of hundreds of guns a year.

But things were different to Subadi's ears. He looked back at the stunned Babu, his shocked eyes wandering between Liu Chengzong and Huitaiji, thinking why?

The boundaries of pastureland are the power of every great khan, but the great khans who have always been able to show their skills in dividing pastureland are the most fair and wise people.

Because tribes are the private property of Mongolian nobles, only directly administered tribes are the property that Khan can divide by himself.

This is equivalent to private land and official land. Officials cannot devour other people's private lands without authorization, and the Great Khan cannot command other people's tribes.

Not to mention how Batur Hutaiji can freely divide the private property of others in the alliance, how can Liu Chengzong command Batur Hutaiji!

Suba's third view collapsed.

Liu Chengzong knew very well what was going on here, so he looked at Subadi with a very sympathetic expression.

This is like a pair of neighbors fighting over a three-foot courtyard wall. Both parties used various methods such as negotiation and force. After several lifetimes of fighting with no result, they suddenly stood up and said a few words to one of the neighbors.

, then the neighbors will stop fighting.

Is this realistic?

This is unrealistic and too fantasy for Subhadi.

But what he didn't know was that this man had the ability to make money and gave his neighbor a pile of money.

Liu Chengzong spread his hands and said: "Brother must also know that everything in this world has a price. I can ask Huitai Ji to give up the Yenisei River, but there is still a price. You have no intention of joining me, why should I pay such a price?"

The price?"

Suba was speechless for the first time.

This has nothing to do with his adaptability. Liu Chengzong can make Oirat give up the dispute with just one sentence. This matter is beyond his cognition.

Within the scope of his current knowledge, Subadi could not think of the arms trade between the Marshal's Mansion and Oirat. He could only think in one direction - Oirat was severely beaten by Liu Chengzong in this war, until he could not give birth.

Only with a little bit of resistance can I be so impressed that I can accept all orders.

Liu Chengzong didn't care about Subadi's conjecture. He really wanted to annex Khalkha, but it couldn't be in the form of an alliance. Mongolia in the form of an alliance was too weak.

He said to Subadi: "Since the words have reached this point, and my brother has come in person, he must have made some assumptions about the situation. You know in your heart that Mongolia is unprecedentedly weak, and an independent Khalkha cannot stop me.

Jurchens cannot live in the Kingdom of Jin."

"I know that for you, everything in the world is empty, only honor is immortal. For any leader who aspires to be a leader, admitting that he is someone else's subject is a stain that will be difficult to wash away for life."

Liu Chengzong stood up, paced in the hall, looked at Subadi and said: "But now all the Mongols in Modong are with the Jurchens, and the Mongols in Mobei are all with the Han people. The war will come sooner or later, and Mobei will not stay out of it."

"Huang Taiji of the Jin Kingdom is actually the British lord, and his people are also brave and good at fighting. Rather than being forced to accept a humiliating position after defeat, it is better to choose the lord as soon as possible."

Liu Chengzong's words not only made Subadi and Babu stupid, but also Batur Hutaiji and Qututaiji.

Only Xie Erhu was extremely calm. He knew that Liu Chengzong had always regarded the Kingdom of Jin as his biggest imaginary enemy, and there must be more to come.

Sure enough, I heard Liu Shishi say: "However, their tribe is small and the territory is small. With 200,000 Jurchens, they overwhelm two million Mongolians. Are the Mongols so unworthy of the Jurchens' fear? If you are afraid, won't they teach you to wait?

Constraining each other and harming each other, taking away your real power and controlling your death?"

"And we, the Han people, are tens of thousands of people, and Mongolia is just a drop in the ocean, so why should we be afraid? Only those who are not afraid can be tolerated. With the current situation in Monan, on both sides, Liu and Huang Taiji can live and die with the Mongols."<


"The great cause will be achieved tomorrow, and you all want to enjoy and profit together..." Liu Chengzong looked around the Mongolian nobles in the hall and asked: "Who can replace me, the Han?"


Good evening!

This chapter has been completed!
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