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Chapter 451 Rocket, Rocket!

 Bai Guangen chased fiercely.

He was a little thief and pawn who hung his head on his belt and fought with the army to become a small leader. He also pledged all his wealth to become a traitor. He has the official position of Supervisor and General, and he relies on his extraordinary ability.

Be bold.

At best, he is decisive and brave; at worst, he is a gambler.

At first, he advanced his troops slowly and in a moderate manner because he did not know where the enemy was or how many there were.

At this time, guerrilla Li Yun had spent his life to find out the enemy's situation for him. Bai Guangen was no longer worried and issued two orders very decisively.

The first was to send someone to tell Hong Chengchou that Liu Chengzong's army was likely to come over the mountain; the second order was to order the entire army to divide into three formations.

The 1,300 remaining infantry of the guerrilla general Li Yun were used as the second formation to escort the chariots; the 2,500 infantry of Superintendent Biao were used as the third formation as the main force; the 1,300 horsemen were the vanguard, led by Bai Guangen himself.

Take the lead and go straight to the king for his own use.

Bai Guangen didn't have many cavalry, but Wang himself didn't have much confidence and didn't dare to engage in the battle. He turned around and ran desperately, and while running, he was thinking in his heart that his life might be at stake this time.

Because he is very familiar with this kind of tactics, which is a common tactics used by the Ming army in the northwest.

Although Wang Ziyong was not a traditional general with a formal background, he basically learned the art of warfare by surviving a beating.

In the past, when he started an uprising in Ningxia, he was beaten to pieces by the army using such tactics. He even knew what would happen if he stopped.

As long as it is overtaken, this cavalry will completely stick to him and entangle him, not letting him eat, not letting him drink, not letting him sleep, not letting him dismount and fight, and will not fight with him until the back.

The two formations completed the encirclement, and by that time there was no chance for a head-on fight. They could only lose in the fight and then be defeated along the way.

This is a prosperous battle method of using more to defeat fewer, and using the strong to defeat the weak. It is a combat skill honed by the Ming Army and the Mongols in the northwest. It requires very little talent for the generals and high quality for the soldiers. What they compete for is the cavalry.

Toughness, equipment and quality.

As for Bai Guangen's elite cavalry, some are veterans from when Hong Chengchou was in charge of Yansui Town, and the other part are old thieves who surrendered with him and were recruited later, all of whom are very resilient.

Wang Ziyong did not dare to fight with Bai Guangen, so he could only run away, as if he was seeing a natural enemy, cursing at the same time: "Look at the Taoist master looking for someone to kill him, and send you all to heaven!"

But in fact, he didn't know where he should run. The tens of thousands of people in Gansu Province could not save him at this time, and Zhang Tianlin... all the weapons and equipment Zhang Tianlin needed were on them.

Therefore, we can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor and flee in the direction of Liyuan Fort.

There were the Little Sixteen Masters from the Sanjie Society, as well as hundreds of soldiers from the Liyuan Fort who had been incited to mutiny.

Zhang Tianlin, who Wang Ziyong considers to be a killer, is furious.

The pass on the Qilian Mountains froze him to death. After finally coming down from the mountain, he found out that Wang Ziyong had gone to fight with weapons, which made him tremble with anger.

Zhang Tianlin regards this mission to cross the Qilian Mountains as an opportunity to prove herself.

As the saying goes, it is better to be the mouth of a chicken than the queen of an ox. Like Wang Ziyong, he rebelled earlier than Liu Chengzong, but the difference between him and Wang Ziyong is that Wang Ziyong has no military background.

And Guo Tianxing Zhang Wu was born in a serious border army management team, and he was a soldier in Yuhe Fort. He was Liu Chengzu's predecessor in the team management position.

That's a cavalry unit.

All the tough battles after the joint venture were fought by the Lion Battalion of Liu Chengzong's headquarters. Zhang Tianlin's headquarters kept following Liu Chengzu on the sidelines. It was not until they entered Qinghai that he followed the army on the southern expedition, but never got the opportunity to lead the army alone.

For this opportunity, he was even willing to let Liu Chengzong send him to Tianshan.

The battle across the Qilian Mountains was the first time Zhang Tianlin led an army to fight alone in the Marshal's Mansion.

Before arriving at Beilu, he made many plans for himself, from defeating the enemy in the field to seizing the city and marching across Gansu to cut off the Hexi Corridor. He never expected that he would have to face the enemy with bare hands before the first step started.

But this matter was indeed too strange for him to use for his own purposes. Zhang Tianlin, who was repairing the eight-character pier, could only be so angry that she was helpless and furious, saying that the three tribulations would be exposed at the wrong time.

If exposed a few days early, the main force of Liu Chengzong's Marshal's Mansion has not yet set off, and the plan can still be changed; exposed a few days late, it will not affect their military operations.

It happened that at this time, the Marshal's Mansion army was already heading towards Jiayuguan. Zhang Tianlin climbed over the Qilian Mountains with her bare hands, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a desperate situation.

Not having weapons, equipment and horses is actually a trivial matter. Zhang Tianlin has been a leader, and he can clearly feel that the real big problem is that in such a desperate situation that anyone with a discerning eye can see, the atmosphere in the camp is not good.

The soldier is desperate and confused about his future. At this time, if he dares to let the army march north with bare hands, the soldier will dare to mutiny.

He summoned his officers to discuss matters in the field, and said: "I can't care about others at this time. Everyone in the military law knows that this will be a dead end, and you can't care about many. I only say one rule, no killing."

The officers who were discussing the matter all heard the implication. Feng Dakui, the commander-in-chief of Qian who once led the cavalry to defeat Dong Xueli's cavalry in the Hehuang Battle, dissuaded him: "General, I'm afraid Huang Fan won't hand over his armor to us. I'm afraid I'll take it by force."

The commander-in-chief will not blame him afterwards..."

Feng Dakui shook his head. There is no need to say what follows. All the generals present are aware of the consequences of violating military laws. To ensure the combat effectiveness of an army, there are only rewards and punishments.

As one of the most elite four direct battalions of the Marshal's Mansion, the lowest rank of the soldiers in the battalion is the first-class military officer. They have the most generous treatment of the Thirteenth Battalion of the Marshal's Mansion, and in contrast, they also enforce the strictest military laws.

The military law of the Marshal's Mansion does not differ between battalions, but its implementation will always vary from person to person.

For example, if you talk casually during the march, although military law does not allow it, if you are a Mongolian soldier in the Tunmu camp, this will not be a problem; if you are a rural soldier in the five towns of Hehuang, you will only be scolded by the superior.

However, in the field camp, if a soldier speaks casually during the march without the permission of the commander, he will be beaten with a military stick; if not, the whole soldier will be beaten.

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That’s enough to speak casually, let alone a blatant robbery.

Soldiers in the Marshal's Mansion generally do not rob, because robbery will lead to death, so robbery is usually accompanied by more serious deserters. The punishment for deserters is that half of the team stays behind, and half of the team goes to catch them. If they are captured, the whole team will be beaten, and the deserters will be beheaded;

The captain was captured and given a demerit, and the entire team was beaten and fined for a year.

Now that Zhang Tianlin has almost blatantly said that she wants to rob him, the officers under his command do not want to die along with him.

Zhang Tianlin, however, was very decisive and said: "We only have one chance to borrow weapons. Huang Fan may not give them to him. If he refuses, he becomes wary of me. If we don't have weapons, we won't be able to grab them."

"Without soldiers and horses, we would never have survived the day when the handsome master broke through Jiayuguan and entered Gansu. I gave the order and you will carry it out. Afterwards, the handsome master will investigate and blame everything on me and it has nothing to do with you."

With his assurance, the generals under his command were a little relieved, and then they each began to think about how to rob the soldiers.

After finally deciding on a plan, Zhang Tianlin warned everyone again: "If you can avoid killing, don't kill. If things go bad, I won't be able to save my head."

Zhang Tianlin was also afraid that he would not be able to control the situation. His idea was to use extraordinary measures in extraordinary circumstances. Liu Chengzong would definitely punish him openly afterwards. Not punishing him would not be enough to convince the public, but as long as the battle was fought and no killings were caused, too many people would be convinced.

The negative consequences should not have a great impact on him.

With this decision, Zhang Tianlin immediately cast a fierce look at the five yellow tribes stationed in Bazidun Grassland. They wanted to return to their old business - robbing.

Zhang Tianlin made two preparations. He first met Tahe Zhike on his own. He cajoled and deceived, telling Tahe Zhike that there were 7,000 troops and weapons and equipment being transported over there, and he asked five Huang Fans to temporarily lend them.

He has 600 sets of bows and arrows and 600 horses to prevent the army from coming.

Tahe Zhike didn't want to give it, but he didn't dare not to give it. In the end, he had no choice but to negotiate with him to get 360 horses, 50 sets of armor, 360 bows and 10,000 arrows.

As soon as they discussed it, Zhang Tianlin knew that there was no way to resolve the matter.

Therefore, Tahe Zhike asked his subordinates to bring the things. Zhang Tianlin changed her attitude, armed three centurions, held Tahe Zhike hostage, and took away all the weapons of Huang Fan's fifth division on the condition that no one was hurt.

War horse.

Looking at the more than 800 war horses and the weapons and equipment that can arm a thousand-man team, Zhang Tianlin was very satisfied. She also felt guilty for Tahe Zhike and said: "Zhang made this move because he had no other choice. I hope everyone will do it."

The leader does not remember the faults of villains. When the war is over, if I am still alive, I will definitely give you an explanation."

Tahezhike was surrounded by a group of arrogant soldiers. This honest man showed no expression at Zhang Tianlin's statement. In fact, he scolded the eighteenth generation of Zhang Tianlin's ancestors in his heart.

At first glance, this group of people was specifically engaged in robbery, and they even told me that the five tribes didn’t even have a cooking pot left, so they couldn’t make rice, and they said where is your mother?

Tahe Zhikexin said that it would be better to raise an army with the king himself.

It is true that people are fighting for their lives, Tahezhike said helplessly: "Then I can only hope that General Zhang can survive. If you win, General Zhang will be granted the title of general, and he also hopes to build a temple for us.

Build a temple?

Upon hearing this request, Zhang Tianlin turned to stone, and the group of proud soldiers behind him couldn't help laughing.

Tahe Zhike's request is considered a professional counterpart. People, more or less, have hobbies. For example, Yang Dingrui likes to climb mountains, Ah Liu likes to play games with disabled people most, Yang Yao wants to plant smallpox vaccines on everything he sees, and Li Wanqing likes to catch people.

Little animals, Guo Tianxing Zhang Tianlin has no other hobbies but likes to demolish temples.

Temples are spiritual sustenance for many people, but for the rogue bandits from northern Shaanxi represented by Zhang Tianlin, they don't believe in anything, no matter what they worship.

They don't believe that there are gods in this world. If there really is such a thing, they even want to pull the gods down and beat them up so that they can watch the people of northern Shaanxi eat people.

Zhang Tianlin can't reach the gods with their heads raised, so his joy in life is to demolish temples wherever he goes. If Liu Chengzong asked him to go to Tianshan, nothing would be left in Dunhuang like the Thousand Buddha Cave and Ten Thousand Buddha Gorges.

He had never heard such a strange request in his life. Tahezhike actually wanted him to build a temple.

But as the saying goes, people can eat people with soft lips and short hands. Zhang Tianlin felt guilty for the five Huang Fans. From a certain point of view, looking at the army armed with Huang Fan soldiers, he thought that the red-faced and yellow-bearded leader of the Fan people in front of him was disrespectful to him.

The grace of saving his life made him put away his thoughts of ridicule.

However, he did not agree to this request. He just sighed and said: "You may not know who I am. From north to south, I have demolished temples as many as 100 or 80, but these soldiers and beasts... What do you think?

We have grace."

He looked at Tahe Zhike carefully and said: "I think you worship the Buddha and do not demolish the temple to repay your kindness. From now on, every temple I see that remains in the world will be considered your merit."

Before Zhang Tianlin could say anything else, the cavalry soldiers who had just mounted their horses and been assigned to serve as reconnaissance came back to report that a Ming army of more than 500 people was moving this way.

Zhang Tianlin was ready to fight, but she punched the cotton, because the one who came over was not the Ming army, but Master Shiliu of Sanjiehui who had received Huang Fan's call for help.

Sixteen came to break up the fight with the mutinous troops from Liyuanbao, and they were also beaten with meat buns and dogs. As soon as they came over, they were surrounded by Zhang Tianlin's fierce soldiers before they even made contact.

Not only disarming themselves on the spot, the troops then moved towards Liyuan Fort and received all the gains from the Sanjie Society's mutiny at Liyuan Fort.

With swords, guns and armor in hand, and riding a war horse, Zhang Tianlin felt at ease.

Just then Shiliu told him that Wang Ziyong was being pursued by the army in three formations in the north. Zhang Tianlin was overjoyed and immediately ordered the whole battalion to rush north. He also sent out reconnaissance cavalry to find Wang Ziyong's location and told him:

"Hang on to this army, I'll be there soon."

Wang Ziyong ran desperately in the yellow sand everywhere, and finally got a response from Zhang Tianlin. He continued to run twenty miles south. At dusk, he could no longer run, so he turned around and killed Bai Guangen, who was pursuing him.

Go back.

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This is the reason why Wang Ziyong always loses the battle. It is not because of the difference between the strong and the weak, but because the enemy can completely guess what he is thinking about when leading troops to fight.

He gradually slowed down without looking back, and Bai Guangen caught up with him. However, he suddenly turned around and attacked. Bai Guangen knew at a glance that reinforcements from the Marshal's Mansion had arrived, so he did not engage in the battle at all. He turned around and ran back with the 1,300 cavalrymen.


Wang Ziyong didn't understand what was going on. He just wanted to put his hands on his waist and thought that the Taoist master was really powerful. He had never seen such cowardly officers and soldiers.

After chasing after him, before sunset, he saw the second formation of the official army. They were the remaining infantry of the guerrilla general Li Yun whom he had killed, responsible for escorting the chariots and baggage.

Bai Guangen turned around and ran back without even saying hello to them. As a result, the infantrymen were still marching forward hummingly. They were directly exposed in front of Wang Ziyong and were about to be trampled by the cavalry. Then he reluctantly formed a car formation and still

Wang Ziyong led his cavalry into the gap.

But this was Bai Guangen's purpose. He stopped his horse behind the hillside not far away, sent people to contact the more than 2,000 infantrymen of the third formation, and followed the vanguard to the east and west, taking advantage of the lag in the car camp and the king's own cavalry.

, flanked on both sides, blocking Wang Ziyong’s retreat.

By the time Wang Ziyong tried to pull his men out of the car camp, it was already too late. Hundreds of cavalry on the periphery were directly dispersed by Bai Guangen's cavalry. What stood in front of the defeated army was a large horizontal group composed of more than 2,000 infantrymen under Bai Guangen's command.

, and drove them northward with repeated formations.

Seeing such a situation on the battlefield, Bai Guangen, who had just led the cavalry into battle, was sure of victory. He proudly ordered the entire army to go north to kill and defeat the cavalry. He also wanted to drive the defeated troops to Ganzhou to complete the encirclement with Yang Jiamo.

Complete annihilation.

At this moment, he heard an exclamation from his subordinates behind him. He turned his head and saw the breathtaking scenery reflected in the boy's hole accompanying the cavalry.

On top of the endless sand dunes, a series of fireworks rose into the sky. Each fireworks trailed a foot-long trail of flames and gunpowder smoke, drawing countless chaotic trajectories in the still-dark sky, covering the sky in front of him.

The entire horizontal array.

He heard someone shouting hoarsely: "Rocket, Rocket!"

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