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Four hundred and fiftieth chapters spear

 On the day Suzhou Counselor Zhao Zhirui led his troops to the Golden Buddha Temple, the water vapor on the snowy mountains finally evaporated into a light rain and sprinkled on the oasis.

The cold wind at the border has not receded yet, and both sides of the Liusha River are already covered with mist, rain, and apricot blossoms. The impregnable Golden Buddha Temple does not appear to have been severely attacked, but the miners mining gold sand in the Liusha River have disappeared, making the Golden Buddha Temple less lively than before.<


There is no smoke and rain in the south of the Yangtze River here, and even the apricot planted in the border is named Li Guang.

In the light rain, 2,600 Suzhou frontier troops who had marched 80 miles in a hurry stood in a sea of ​​apricot trees and flowers in a desert oasis. The cold clothes and armor on their bodies made them tremble non-stop. The military flags were also wet by the rain.

It drooped heavily on a cloudy day.

Zhao Zhirui realized that he had been cheated.

The generals are the backbone of senior generals in the Ming army and have a complete promotion system.

Generally speaking, county magistrate and garrison are the ideal official positions that normal people can achieve in their civil and military careers, and they depend on ability; but if you go higher up, you may not be able to get there even if you have merit, and you depend on luck.

After all, the most indispensable thing in China is talents. A single Peixian County supported the huge Han Empire. Whoever held a funeral and put five tables on it, those who drove horses, those who slaughtered pigs, those who played funerals, and those who guarded the prison, all

A hawker should eat and drink, but no one would have thought that the silly boy bragging to him would become a military god in troubled times.

What people lack most is the opportunity to exercise.

Zhao Zhirui is a lucky man. In the past ten years, he has received enough training opportunities. He served as a garrison in Shaanxi and served as a guerrilla general on the Xuanda Defense Line in Shanxi. He made many military exploits and finally got the title of Suzhou General.

Senior military position.

As a qualified senior general, he knows how difficult the situation Suzhou is facing right now.

In fact, the news for help from Jiayuguan in the west and the Golden Buddha Temple in the east were sent to Zhao Zhirui at the same time. The reason why he chose to rush to the aid of the Golden Buddha Temple was to avoid the worries of cooperating inside and outside.

He hoped to quickly quell the rebel rebellion in the pass, and then send his troops westward to assist Jiayuguan, so as to avoid the army being blocked in Jiayuguan and facing a dilemma.

When the garrison of the Golden Buddha Temple came out of the city to attack the horses, they rolled their saddles and dismounted their horses and reported: "General, three hours ago the enemy deceived the Red Temple Castle with 200 cavalry, and then they came across the Liusha River with five or six thousand cavalry. They hurriedly lit the beacon fire.

, the enemy troops besieged the fort for half an hour to persuade them to surrender, and then plundered the surrounding area for a while. When it started to rain lightly, they captured the workers mining gold sand and led the army northward."

The bandits are fighting with him on the move. This is the situation that Zhao Zhirui least wants to see: "How are their troops, weapons, formations, and discipline?"

"There are more than a thousand fine cavalry and hundreds of powerful soldiers. The army formation is neat and orderly. The weapons and equipment are all good things. The horse soldiers are carrying water-powered electric guns. The infantry's armor also looks very scary. They are covered in blood.

They are still full of holes, as if they were ripped from the body of a dead person. Discipline... It’s hard to say that it’s a humble job.”

Zhao Zhirui nodded slowly. This was basically what he expected. As early as the day before yesterday, the military situation in the east had been known to him through the Tongbao. It was not a secret that Qinghai rebel puppet general Zhang Tianlin defeated Bai Guangen.

The equipment of Bai Guangen's standard battalion was so good that anyone who saw it would be moved to tears. Who would have thought that before the Liu thief had even stepped down in front of him, he was blown up with rockets and pissed off.

He asked: "Discipline is hard to explain, what do you mean?"

"Their military discipline seems to follow whatever they want. They say their military discipline is good. If they see a wealthy family along the way, they will sneak into it without distinguishing between good and evil. When they leave, they will take everything cleanly. They won't even leave a dough bag for anyone, and they won't be able to take it away.

The water tank will also be smashed."

Guards said, and in front of his eyes was the scene of wealthy families lining up to borrow water tanks from the fort after Zhang Tianlin left. Then he shook his head and said: "But their military discipline is not good, and the places these soldiers march through are not suitable for ordinary people's homes.

On the east bank of the Liusha River, three rebels were stripped naked and beheaded in public, with guilt written on their bodies."


The guard shook his head and said: "They are not deserters. One of them is a general in charge of transportation. He bought ten kilograms of ink and should have been given five taels, but only one tael of silver was given. He was executed for buying by force. The other two were soldiers, and one killed the common people.

The cow and the other robbed a gold earring from the common people, and they were all beheaded in public."

Zhao Zhirui took a step back, frowned for a long time, and was filled with indignation: "They actually give money to buy things, which is deceptive!"

To compare their feelings, Zhao Zhirui's army also gives money when buying things, and anyone who dares to kill other people's cattle must be put to death. They are local garrison, but it will be different if they invade Qinghai. Who cares about these things when they enter enemy territory?

It is obvious that the purpose of this large-scale attack on the Qinghai Marshal's Mansion is not to rob, but to take root here.

For this alone, he estimated that there would be at least 20,000 troops outside the Pass.

The enemy has a large number of troops outside the pass, which is both a bad thing and a good thing. If there are 10,000 troops, Suzhou may have to fight a protracted war, because the Marshal's Mansion has the ability to provide supplies for 10,000 troops for a long time.

But if the number of troops exceeds 20,000, there is no need to worry that the war will last for a year and a half. The size of the Qinghai Marshal's Mansion is unable to support the huge supplies of a 20,000-strong army for a thousand-mile front.

If you exhaust yourself, you will stop your troops.

Correspondingly, the more troops there are and the shorter the time, the greater the pressure on the Jiayuguan defenders.

While he ordered Tangqi to move to the north, he said to the guards of the Golden Buddha Temple: "Where are those corpses, still hanging on the east side of Liusha River? Hurry up and have them taken down. Is this for the common people to see?"

Looking at the guards who sent troops to bury the corpses on the east bank of the Liusha River, Zhao Zhirui sighed in his heart. With the military discipline of the thieves and his ability to fight flexibly, I'm afraid it would be difficult to deal with them.

He cursed secretly: "Damn these thieves, they came to my defense area to become the king's division."

After that, the frontier troops of the Suzhou Battalion led by Zhao Zhirui turned north and tracked Zhang Tianlin through the defense line of Tangqi and Suzhou defense areas of five miles and one pier, ten miles and one beacon, and thirty miles and one fort.

In fact, things are not as complicated as Zhao Zhirui thought. Zhang Tianlin's military discipline is indeed very good, but his moral level and political awareness are not that high. The execution of soldiers is not for the purpose of demagoguery.

It was simply because those three people violated military orders.

He only has one battalion of troops under his command. If he enters enemy territory, his entire army will be wiped out if he is not careful. He also has the king's own men with him. Those people do not have many professional soldiers. They must strictly implement military orders to ensure that the army is well organized.
Of the three officers and soldiers who were executed, the first one was entirely because of corruption. He needed to write a notice to Gansu and sent someone to purchase pen and ink. He was given five taels and only four taels, which made Zhang Tianlin's liver hurt.

The other two people, the one who snatched the earrings, died not from robbing the common people, but from robbery without permission; the one who killed the cattle did not die from the killing of the cattle.

It was one thing that the military law prohibited the killing of farm cattle, but he was asked to kill such a big cow secretly. He couldn't finish it and didn't dare to tell others, so he stabbed five and a half kilograms of beef from the leg with a knife. He didn't tell Pao Ze

Sharing and wasting food is another matter.

To put it bluntly, the army is in the hands of Liu Chengzong, and all kinds of supplies are available, so it is no problem to be a benevolent and righteous army; Zhang Tianlin knows that she is trapped in the enemy's territory and is not that capable, and has reached a point where she has no choice but to let the army become barbaric in order to complete the mission.

, there is no other way.

But even if it is brutal and barbaric, it must be brutal and barbaric in an organized and disciplined way. It cannot be a disorderly and corrupt military discipline, otherwise the war will not be fought.

Zhang Tianlin was not hiding from Zhao Zhirui, he just saw two beacons in the north asking for help, so he led his troops to volunteer as reinforcements.

They are all frontier soldiers, no one can understand a beacon.

There are two beacon fires in the north. It is obvious that more than 500 and less than 1,000 troops are attacking the fortress. No matter who is attacking the fortress on the northern wall, they are all Zhang Tianlin's friendly troops.

Zhang Tianlin and Wang Ziyong set out on the afternoon of the eighth day of March. They looted and carried away people for two nights and one day. They traveled 120 miles and looted Suzhou Wei's pasture near Xidianzi Fort. They also burned Liangshankou Camp.

, on the afternoon of the tenth day of the lunar month, drove herds of cattle and sheep near the Jinta Temple and Fort asking for help.

Jinta Temple is located outside the border wall in the north of Suzhou.

Inside the border wall is the Liangshankou Camp. Suzhou General Zhao Zhirui led his troops from here all the way south, and then eastward to the Golden Buddha Temple Fort eighty miles away.

Zhang Tianlin went all the way north from the Golden Buddha Temple Fort, and then westward to the Liangshankou Camp. When she saw that the camp was empty, she took what she could take away, set a fire to burn it all, and went north through the side wall to the Golden Pagoda Temple.
This section of the side wall is only a nominal side wall because there are too many gaps along the way. The Great Wall itself crosses Beidahe and Yuanyang Lake, and there are gaps. The west section of the Great Wall in the west section is deserted both inside and outside. Although the terrain is not flat, it is

There are too many sand nests. When the wind outside the pass blows, the sand will often bury a certain section of the Great Wall.

Zhang Tianlin led the army out of the customs without disturbing anyone else. Hundreds of sandbags were spread at the base of the city wall, and even the little lambs could jump up the city wall with men and horses pulling carts.

The person who besieged the fortress outside the Jinta Temple Fort was Guitu Taiji. He was wholehearted and determined to have his own way. He formed a mixed cavalry team of a thousand people. He received the order from Liu Chengzong to rush into Suzhou from the North Road. When he arrived at the Jinta Temple, he was dumbfounded.<


His more than 700 cavalry are composed of 120 mounted cavalry, 240 medium mounted cavalry and 400 light cavalry. They have 1,500 war horses and are extremely capable of collision.

The Mongol Khan's white banner is very rampant outside the customs.

Speaking of which, he was unlucky. He did know the way, but he never got close to the side wall of Jinta Temple.

There are two types of deserts, one is called Gobi, and the other is called Sand Nest. The former is coarse gravel close to a hard road. Cavalry can travel everywhere without any problems. Many places outside Jiayuguan have this kind of road.

The latter sand nest is made of fine sand with soft and undulating terrain, making it difficult for people and horses to walk on top of the sand nest.

The area of ​​seventy or eighty miles facing the northern border wall of Suzhou is the Gobi Desert, but most of the land of thirty or forty miles close to the border wall is sandy nests.

Guitu Taiji's armored cavalry can't charge in this kind of terrain!

There is no other way but to first find a way to attack the Jinta Temple Fort outside the border wall. Guitutaiji has 700 elite soldiers, and there are only 230 frontier troops in the fort, but it has blood suppression in this matter. The Ming Dynasty frontier army is against Mongolia

The cavalry and Mongolian soldiers were psychologically inferior by half.

The defenders of Jinta Temple Fort were not only unfazed, but also a little eager to try.

There are more than 700 Mongolian soldiers and more than 1,500 war horses. Anyway, they are surrounded by sand nests. No one can escape during the fight. What does this mean to the Gansu border troops who are used to living a hard life?

It’s Chinese New Year!

The brothers in the fort all counted with their fingers, fired the cannonballs and used up all the gunpowder. Half of them died in hand-to-hand combat and the other side was completely wiped out. The average number of survivors was six heads and twelve horses.

Before Ruitu Taiji had even approached the fort five miles away, a group of reckless men in the fort responded and expressed their desire to start a business to Li Junen, the garrison of Jinta Temple.

Li Junen was a prudent person, and he was concerned about the fact that the generals behind the buttocks would lead the army to guard the empty border wall, so he stopped his strong soldiers from wanting to carry small cannons out of the city to fight in the field.

Li Junen also has a passion for entrepreneurship. His idea is to lure the Mongolian soldiers to attack the fortress first, and then kill them when they can't capture it. It's safe.

But this makes Ruitutaiji very unhappy.

Not to mention attacking the fort, as soon as I walked two miles outside the fort, I was hit by two small soldiers hiding behind the sand dunes and blasted several mines into the sky. More than a dozen light cavalry chased the two small soldiers, but when I got close to the fort, I was bombarded by Fran machine cannons.


When the army was deployed a mile outside the fort, the soldiers dismounted and tried to fill up the trench. They were bombarded by stone cannons and artillery for a while, which frightened the horses. One soldier was trampled to death.

Guitutaiji gave up and led his troops to withdraw from the siege. He turned to inducements and told the defenders that I had lambs here. Let's surrender and eat them together.

The defenders ignored him, thinking, "I'll kill you little Tartar. What's not ours?"

After being surrounded like this for two days, both sides were worried. What Nututaiji was thinking was that if he didn't come out to fight with me in the field, the military situation would be delayed. In the fort, Li Junen was thinking about whether the general had not returned from the south.

Did something happen inside the border?

At this juncture Zhang Tianlin arrived.

A massive crowd of more than 5,000 people came across the Great Wall, frightening Quututaiji to the point where he wanted to pack up his belongings and run away. The morale of the fortress defenders was greatly boosted, and they all came out to kill them.

Of the two hundred and thirty people, only one janitor remained.

When Li Junen was captured, his face was full of misfortune. Who would have thought that the ones coming out of the Great Wall would actually be enemies?

When Zhu Tutai Ji led the army back, he only saw that the defenders of Jinta Temple Fort were disarmed. Before he was happy, he found that Zhang Tianlin's soldiers not only wanted to disarm the soldiers of the Jinta Temple defenders, but also a group of wolves.

The tiger-like veteran of the Marshal's Mansion also disposed of his troops and weapons.

When Zhang Tianlin opened her arms and hugged him, she couldn't help but sigh: "The Generalissimo is really clever. I knew that the Generalissimo would definitely send someone here to pick me up. I accepted the horses and armor. Tell the Generalissimo, Zhang Tianlin will

Fulfill the mission."

The Han people in Guitutaiji speak very well and their words are well-spoken, but they stutter when they are anxious, and they are possessed by a Wang. When they open their mouths, they say: "Aba Aba."

After a long pause, Guitutaiji said: "No, the commander-in-chief asked me to lead his army into the sand..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Tianlin stared at him with a murderous look. But in just a moment, his expression became soft and tranquil, full of Buddha light. He smiled, shook his head, and walked away: "No, Taiji."

I still need to practice my Chinese. I know Tianxing is a rough guy and I really don’t understand what you are saying."

"Tang Qi was overtaken from behind. I won't accompany you now. I'll treat you to a drink after the battle."

After saying that, Zhang Tianlin turned over and mounted the war horse, and ordered to the left and right: "In the field, the left brigade and the left camp, lead the horses and wear armor!"

Following the military order, in the messy sand nest, more than 3,000 horsemen were wearing other people's armor, holding other people's horses and looking for a place to stand.

Then I heard Zhang Tianlin say: "We have horses, take your spears, and come with me to deal with the ignorant General Suzhou behind you!"

They came and left faster. In the queue that was getting further away, Guitutaiji was outside the Jinta Temple. He looked left and right and saw Wang Ziyong standing next to him. His soldiers were with him.

The soldiers are almost the same, and they don’t have any decent equipment.

"Wang Huishou, this..."

Wang Ziyong sighed, waved his hand and said: "Except for the soldiers, everything in his army has been robbed. Taiji, relax. We will have equipment when he wins. It's okay. We can fight against the stars. Let's kill him."

Just eat the sheep."

Qututaiji took off his helmet, scratched his head in confusion, and asked: "But I see they don't have spears. I still have the spears in my cavalry team, but they didn't take them."

Wang Ziyong paused while looking for a sheep, turned around and looked at the endless desert, shook his head and said: "Here it is, Guo Tianxing said that the musket is his spear, Zhang Yide has a snake spear of eight feet, and Zhang Tianlin has an eighteen feet

Snake Spear."

This chapter has been completed!
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