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Four hundred and fiftieth eight chapters scattered

 In the seventh year of Chongzhen, March 11th, noon.

The strong wind brought the coldness of the night, and then dissipated it with the sunrise. The fierce northwest sun soon became white, turning the Gobi desert into a cage filled with shadows. The soldiers marching in the desert were like a

A steamed bun that is almost cooked.

The army led by Zhao Zhirui has been exposed to rain and sun for days, and even the pace of the horses has become heavy, but the sergeants on the horses are still looking for the enemy in the desert.

The frontier troops have a stubborn mindset. They are familiar with bad weather, so they firmly believe that bad weather is a good friend - the more miserable and exhausted they are, the more vulnerable their enemies will be.

Because God is the fairest on the battlefield, any unbearable environment they encounter will also be imposed on the enemy. They firmly believe that they are tougher warriors than their opponents.

However, even with this pride in their hearts, Zhao Zhirui's soldiers could not help but become discouraged. No matter how they searched in the desert south of the Great Wall, they could not find the infantry camp Zhang Tianlin left behind.

Zhao Zhirui was very discouraged. He wanted to attack Zhang Tianlin's infantry camp not only to win the battle, but actually had a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

Military generals should not start a business. Entrepreneurship means wealth. Military generals themselves have military power. If they control wealth, wouldn't they become warlords? But in the final analysis, this is still a mess.@*~~

The imperial court owed military pay. In other places, military households could be served on empty pay, but in Gansu, especially in Suzhou, the generals were completely powerless to pay empty pay... With the rise of Liu Chengzong in Qinghai, Chuoktu Taiji and Lin Dan

The great Khans came in droves, and the Suzhou soldiers knew that they would have to fight sooner or later.

If the generals want to maintain their combat effectiveness under the condition of limited military pay, they must drink the blood of their soldiers to raise a group of soldiers with better quality.

However, Gansu is quite special as a military town. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. The chief military officer is not only in charge of local military affairs, but also in charge of civil affairs. Mutinies in other places will cause conflicts between soldiers and officers, and the generals will often be killed.

The soldiers, from the pay chief to the soldiers, all stand together, and they usually kill the governor.

The unique geographical location gave birth to a new production method - trade.

Zhao Zhirui's entrepreneurial capital was 30% of the military pay allocated by the imperial court to the Suzhou Battalion. He divided the money into three parts and gave one share to the soldiers first.

There are two remaining portions, one to buy grain and buy military morale during holidays; the last portion is given to caravans to sell goods to Hami, Turpan, and even Yarkand.

It is not that Zhao Zhirui can do this alone. He has a high official position, but his previous positions were in Shaanxi and Shanxi, and his foundation in Gansu is very shallow, so he is only a small shareholder, and his main backer is Chai Shihua, the general of the Gansu General Military Standard Battalion.
Although they are all generals, Chai Shihua is the son of Chai Guozhu. Three of the four men from the two generations of the old Chai family died for the imperial court, leaving only Miaomiao. The generals in Hexi are thinking of the old kindness of General Chai. Who knows

If you don’t give me three points of thin noodles, it’s not something that a poor old man like Zhao Zhirui can compare to.

This Silk Road, belonging to the Gansu border general, did not bring much wealth to Zhao Zhirui, nor could it completely make up for the huge expenditure on military pay, but it did broaden Zhao Zhirui's vision and ideas.

This time he wanted to attack the infantry brigade that Zhang Tianlin was lagging behind. The most important idea was to eat Zhang Tianlin's army rations. Only by eating Zhang Tianlin's army rations could Zhang Tianlin have a stronger robbery ability and they could have more loot.

But Zhang Tianlin's infantry camp could not be found at the moment. Seeing that it was already past afternoon, he became impatient: his business had failed!

Isn't it a failure? He didn't eat Zhang Tianlin's food, and the Second Fort and the First Battalion in his defense area were robbed by Zhang Tianlin. No matter how you calculate it, you will lose money.

Life is unsatisfactory. Zhao Zhirui leads the troops in the direction of Linshui Yi City with a disgraced face. Xunsi goes over to meet Mi Laoyin first. Zhang Tianlin chases after him and hits Zhang Tianlin first. It would be better not to pursue him. They can have a safe meal.


What he was looking for was Wang Ziyong that Zhang Tianlin had thrown outside the side wall. He would definitely not find it if he didn't leave the side wall; but it was relatively easy to find Zhang Tianlin's location.

And it was him that Zhang Tianlin was looking for, and with Suo Kang's tip, this matter was too simple.

Just after noon, Zhang Tianlin's men found the exact location of Zhao Zhirui's troops. Immediately, Feng Dakui, the front commander, returned to Zhang Tianlin and reported: "General, we have found them, but... I see that they are marching in a strict formation.

I’m afraid it won’t be easy to attack by force. Should we look for a better opportunity?”

Zhang Tianlin shook her head slowly, raised her whip and galloped across the military formation towards the sand dunes, looking at the formation of the Suzhou Battalion's frontier troops from a distance.

The three columns were each fifty steps apart, forming a queue less than two miles long at the edge of the desert. Sentinels and cavalry were spread out around them, walking in an orderly manner. There were soldiers without armor, half armor and full armor in each column.

Sergeant, lead your horse and head eastward.

The Suzhou Battalion is marching in a state of war. They are preparing for a surprise attack. It is difficult for such a well-prepared enemy to defeat them in a short time.

Zhang Tianlin twitched the corner of her mouth with a smile on her face. He was able to lead the third-rate peasant army to survive the early melee in the Northern Shaanxi Uprising, and escaped from the guerrilla generals and garrison attacks many times. He relied on his second-rate

Excellent maneuverability and first-class battlefield sense.

He knows what his opponent wants to do and where he wants to go, so that he can lead the team to a safe place and escape from danger.

In fact, in his mind at this moment, the better the performance of Zhao Zhirui's border troops and the more thorough their preparations for a sudden attack, the stronger his determination to attack.

The vast majority of generals who came from the peasant army have a strong gambling mentality. The same military strategy is likely to have completely opposite understandings in the hearts of regular army generals and peasant army generals.

Even if the same fighter opportunity is fleeting, the regular army generals may wait for a better opportunity, while the peasant army generals will most likely have the courage to fight.

This has little to do with Zhang Tianlin's background in the regular army. In his career as a soldier, if he missed an opportunity, there would be no better opportunity.

"The commander-in-chief is outside the pass. Our mission is to hold back the enemy troops inside the pass. The Suzhou camp is divided into two groups. One has entered Linshui Post. The 1,500 cavalry are also moving to Linshui Post City. Gansu in the east is

The state army must be on the way."

Zhang Tianlin raised her whip on the sand dunes and pointed at the battlefield, saying to his subordinates: "If it is difficult to win with 1,500 cavalry, when the enemy joins forces, there will be 2,500 or more enemy troops. This is the best time. First, double the troops."

Destroy this department."

They are all frontier troops, and it is difficult for Zhang Tianlin not to feel sympathy in her heart, but at this moment, the enemy and his men on the battlefield are all at a cost.

Only ending the war as soon as possible is the greatest mercy. The fastest way to end the war is to win a few devastating victories and destroy the resistance of the officers and soldiers, so as to avoid both sides paying a greater price.@·Nothing wrong~~

So what he wants is fear. If he hits the Suzhou camp once, the entire border army in the Suzhou defense area will be afraid of them, and the next war will be much easier.

Feng Dakui and other General Qian clasped their fists to accept the order, waved their flags, and the cavalry with muskets on their shoulders roared out.

Zhao Zhirui's reaction was extremely quick, and his officers were all well-trained. Even though the cavalry suddenly appeared behind them, which was shocking, they immediately corrected their mentality and arranged a standard formation for the cavalry to be attacked.

The entire army consists of three columns of 1,500 cavalry, which are internally divided into nine divisions. Each column is divided into three groups under the general command.

The first batch was a small number of elite soldiers wearing armor and stomachs during the march. They immediately mounted their horses and surrounded the military formation to meet the oncoming Marshal's Mansion cavalry to disperse and block.

The second group was the unarmored cavalry on the march. They were blindfolded and drove their horses around the formation to form a flesh-and-blood bunker. They were armed with bows, arrows and muskets, ready to snipe at the small number of enemy cavalry who broke through the blockade, and deployed small cannons carried by the army.
The third group is the soldiers who are marching with only half armor on. Some of them only wear iron armbands, and some of them only wear mail armor or lined with cotton clothes. They are protected in the formation and take this opportunity to wear armor and stomach.
The entire army was calm and orderly during this process, which made Zhao Zhirui very satisfied.

He is a general who has fought on the Xuanda Defense Line. Generally speaking, when the Mongolian army encounters this situation and sees their tight formation, they are already considering retreat and must find a better opportunity to attack.

After all, the strength, weakness, status and environment of an army are not constant. People who are good at using the art of war mean to attack them by surprise.

But at this moment, the person commanding their attack was Zhang Tianlin. The marshal's cavalry had no intention of giving up. They left one thousand troops near Zhang Tianlin to protect the commander. The remaining two cavalry teams composed of one thousand troops rolled up the flying sand and marched according to rank.

Gradually disperse.

The two thousand commanders were dispersed into four commanders, the four commanders were dispersed into twenty hundred commanders, and finally they were dispersed into forty team leaders.

The cavalry was in the shape of a large fan, with a large width, and rushed towards the cavalry galloping out of Suzhou Camp with overwhelming momentum.

The first ones to engage were several squads in the middle of the battlefield. Since both sides were cavalry and there were military formations behind them, no one chose the traditional circling cavalry and shooting method of using cavalry to control the movement. Instead, they all adopted the courageous approach of rushing forward to kill.


They all rushed very quickly. During the assault and attack, they first fired with muskets, then galloped with bows and arrows. Then they straightened up their lances, drew out their sabers, lifted up their flails and gourds, and fought hard.

Rushing to kill means confronting and pressing the enemy's cavalry head-on. When encountering a strong enemy, the purpose is to kill them and retreat. When encountering a weak enemy, it is easy to create a reverse rolling bead curtain.

However, this method of combat is actually very limited in terms of damage to two heavily armored medium cavalry.

The cavalry of the Marshal's Mansion have strong cavalry and shooting abilities, and they are also good at using electric muskets on horseback. Using muskets on horseback is also an ancestral battle method of the Ming Army cavalry. Yongle was doing this in his time, and he is very skilled.

However, the best stage for the musketeers to operate is to break up the melee and shoot in rounds. Even the most experienced cavalrymen have difficulty in firing accurately. If it is too far away, people will generally just fire a musket, and that's it.

He took out his bow and arrow and shot, so the killing efficiency was very low.

As for bows and arrows, they are just like that, they all wear standard cloth-covered armor, and even the armor-piercing awl can only damage the flesh.

The melee weapons have been updated, the saber is just a sound, and the flail and golden melon are difficult to swing a person off the horse at once, and both sides can almost break through the formation.

However, in the eyes of the two commanders, Zhang Tianlin and Zhao Zhirui, they were both satisfied with their performance in killing their subordinates.

Judging from the results of the battle, the Shuaifu cavalry, equipped with nearly a thousand electric muskets, had the advantage and killed dozens of war horses; and from the perspective of the battle line, the Suzhou battalion had the advantage. After all, they had Pearl Cannons in their own formation.

After a few cannon fires, even if the Marshal's cavalry broke through the front line, they still had to turn their horses and run back.

The purpose of the two was also different. Zhang Tianlin's purpose was to have the cavalry charge in a fan shape to wrap up the formation of the Suzhou battalion, while Zhao Zhirui's purpose was to create time for the soldiers to put on their armor, and both of them won.

After a single charge, Zhang Tianlin's cavalry of more than 2,000 people had occupied the entire periphery of the battlefield, separated by half a mile, and surrounded the Suzhou camp. Zhao Zhirui's men were also wearing armor, which was the most dangerous for him.

The time has passed.

The experience of the experienced generals came to mind again, and Zhao Zhirui quickly calculated that his cavalry was less than that of the enemy, so it would be difficult to achieve greater results by continuing to attack.

The commander's cavalry seemed to be afraid of artillery. He took it for granted that this was a common problem among the peasant army. It seemed that the peasant army was frightened by the artillery fire of the official army in the early years, so he decided to remain unchanged in response to all changes and recalled all the cavalry under his command to the formation.

, the soldiers dismounted, used their horses as temporary bunkers, used artillery, muskets, bows and arrows to form a rotational firing formation, and at the same time began to dig trenches.

When Zhang Tianlin on the sand dune saw the enemy's reaction, she couldn't help but nodded approvingly and said to her left and right: "The enemy general reacts quickly and is experienced. His ability is no worse than the three old men around the commander. If there is a chance, he will be killed."

Captured, I want this man to be my lieutenant general."

There is nothing wrong with Zhao Zhirui's reaction. Time is on the side of the army. Reinforcements from the east will arrive in half a day at most.

The one who should be worried now is Zhang Tianlin. His horsemen are surrounded on all sides. Under the mounted fire from bows, arrows and muskets, the density of firepower is not as high as that of the dismounted infantry. And if they form a formation, they will not be able to surround Zhao Zhirui.

Of course, he can also choose to attack with artillery, but both sides are not good at each other. They will neither dare to rush up because they are holding the artillery, nor will they be scared away because the enemy dares to attack with the artillery.

The result will inevitably be a large number of casualties. Once the attack fails, our own morale will be damaged, and we will have to drag the corpses back.

You might even get beaten during the retreat.

But Zhang Tianlin's face did not show the frustration of being in a dilemma at all. On the contrary, he was very happy to see the officers and soldiers forming formations to fight on foot.

Zhao Zhirui was waiting in full formation when he heard the cavalry galloping in all directions loudly trying to persuade us to surrender. The shouts were like a tsunami. The soldiers in the formation were very surprised and laughed at each other... What is this? Surrounding us is like trying to persuade us to surrender?

Then people saw the enemy's central army's command flags waving, and the cavalry from all directions suddenly rushed to retreat, leaving Monk Zhanger confused.

Immediately following, a dark shadow appeared from the army in the Shuai Mansion.

Trailing flames, it soared into the sky and landed on the edge of their position. It exploded with a loud bang and smoke. Iron pellets flew, injuring two soldiers and knocking them over. It also scared a dozen war horses outside and galloped in all directions.

On the silent battlefield, there was only the sound of the hooves of the fleeing horses trampling on the Gobi desert.

After a moment of pause, two black shadows rose up again from the commander's position and fell in the formation. After a moment, there were four.

The sound of horse hooves became more and more chaotic, the cries became more and more intense, eight black shadows rose into the sky, the military formation could no longer hold up, and more than ten soldiers were driving their horses away from the position, trying to escape from the formation through the gap, but were stopped by the officers

Stop drinking.

Sixteen black shadows fell on the formation, and at the same time as the explosion sounded, dozens of soldiers on two fronts mounted their horses and circled around.

When Zhang Tianlin in Sand Dune waved her hand again, thirty-two rockets soared into the sky, and the military formation not far away suddenly dispersed. Soldiers from all departments ran towards the center of the encirclement on foot or on horseback like flies with their heads covered.

At this moment, Zhang Tianlin snatched the battle flag from the soldiers beside him and waved it. The eight cavalrymen who had dispersed a mile away from the enemy formation suddenly received the order. They jumped on their horses and raised their swords and trampled away the scattered packages in the formation.
The formation is broken up..@·Nothing wrong~~

This chapter has been completed!
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