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Four hundred and sixtieth eight chapters lure the enemy

 Thirty miles outside Qingshui Fort, the tents stretched to the sky.

In the commander's tent of the Chinese Army, the 12-year-old adopted son Ezhe stood in front of the tent holding a wild goose feather sword, looking at the two stone figurines in the picture in trance.

Liu Chengzong stared at Ezhe in fascination. Although he had many wives in name, he never slept with Ezhe's biological mother, Su Tai, because he knew very well that he and his mother could only have one child.

If you want Su Tai, you have to kill Ezhe. If you want Ezhe, you have to neglect Sutai, otherwise the baby will not be raised well.

In Liu Shizi's memory, there was the regent Zhang Juzheng before him and the regent Dorgon behind him. Neither of these two powerful figures could save the orphans and widows.

Ezhe is different from the emperor, but his meaning in the Marshal's Mansion is similar to that of the Little Emperor. He represents the golden sign of the successor of the Mongolian Khan. Of course, the Marshal's Mansion relies on Liu Chengzong's ability, but the Regent Zhang Juzheng also relies on Zhang Juzheng's personal ability.

After Zhang Juzheng's death, he was given the seal by Wanli, and four generations of imperial edicts were issued to show his guilt to the world. He said that it was time to open the coffin and dissect the body, so he was spared for the time being. This was because he did not care for the orphans and widowed mothers; Dorgon felt that it was not a big problem for single mothers to raise their children.

, even the grave was digged after death.

Liu Chengzong didn't want to challenge what neither of them had accomplished, so he kept Su Tai and kept him at arm's length.

Ezhe turned around and suddenly asked: "Father, why do you want to advance in two directions and let the enemy know?"

Liu Chengzong came back to his senses, smiled, took the Yan Ling Dao from E Zhe, pointed to the location of Gaotai Camel City on the map and asked: "E Zhe, we want to advance to Hexi, and the enemy is stuck in the corridor digging trenches.

The fortress prevents our army from advancing even an inch, what should we do?"

Ezhe held up the Mongolian Little Red Riding Hood and raised his face: "Punch him through!"

"Your courage is commendable." Liu Chengzong encouraged him and continued to ask: "The enemy dug trenches and set up fortresses. This is the premise. A strong attack will cause our army to suffer a lot of unnecessary casualties. What if we can't break through?"

"Can't it be penetrated?"

E Zhe pondered for a moment with a small face, raised his head again and looked at Liu Chengzong, and said the incredible answer: "If you can't penetrate, you will die."

Liu Shishi almost gave a thumbs up. He was indeed the son of Lin Dan Khan. He asked in astonishment: "Have you never learned the art of war before?"

"After studying it, I would say that this is called risking one's life to survive."

Liu Chengzong was speechless, then waved his hands and said: "Don't just learn a word and use it randomly. This is to kill your own army and then rush it."

In fact, he knew that there was nothing wrong with what Ezhe said, because in the last year of the Khan's life, he led the entire Chahar tribe to attack Yulin first, then across Ningxia, and attacked Gansu, taking over Chahar, who had a great family and great business.

You have become a small tribe of only 50,000 men, women, old and young.

And under the conditions at the time, there was nothing wrong with these actions. After passing through the three towns, he was the last great khan; without going through the Ming Dynasty and looting, he couldn't even be the last great khan.

But it was obvious that he was not crossing the front line to plunder food at this time, so he faced Ezhe and said: "There is no fairness in war. Someone must be in an advantageous position. At this moment, if the enemy has high bases and deep ditches, then the high platform will be beneficial to them."


As he spoke, Liu Chengzong raised his finger and pointed at his chest: "The so-called victory first and then battle is the responsibility of the commander. He must obtain a favorable position for the army, and then the soldiers will fight with their lives to win."

When Ezhe nodded in confusion, Liu Chengzong changed the subject: "Going back to your original question, Sun Tzu said in The Art of War that we want to fight. Although the enemy has high bases and deep ditches, those who have to fight me must attack them and save them...

…Simply put, make the enemy do something they don’t want to do.”

"Advance from the north and south. Don't go with the Beijing brigade to build a dam at Heishui on the north route. Gao Yingden camp on the south route approaches around the foot of the mountain. This is all to lure the enemy."

E Zhe racked his brains to think about the vocabulary he learned in the academy and came up with a sentence: "Feint attack?"

"The baby didn't study in vain."

The word "feint" made Liu Shishi very happy. He thought to himself that E Zhe, this kid, might have a bit of a literate appearance, but if he wanted to have a brain like his own father, who only had one word in his head, then he would lead his troops on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

He will have to enter Bajiao City to be with his father for eternity by February 2nd at the latest.

Being able to say the word "feint" shows that the gentlemen of the Xincheng Academy of the Marshal's Mansion are not freeloaders.

E Zhe is very good at thinking. In fact, it is not so much good at thinking as he is influenced by what he sees and hears. He asked: "What if the enemy doesn't believe it?"

"Don't believe it?"

Liu Chengzong shook his head. Ezhe was still young after all. He neither understood war nor the army in a state of war, nor did he understand what the quantum superposition state was.

"If they don't believe it, it's not a feint attack. Don't build dams with Beijing to block the river. Gao should climb up to cut off the enemy's food route. If you attack the enemy, you will save it."

As Liu Chengzong spoke, he squatted down and looked at the map, pointing with the sheath of the Yanling Sword to the upper reaches of the Heihe River in the north.

His plan was simple: to lure the officers and soldiers away from the carefully built trenches and forts, forcing them to change their strategy of defending themselves and send troops to fight in the field.

For the Ming army, when two armies of 4,000 men appeared in front of them, one composed of Han people and the other composed of Mongolians, if they could only send troops to intercept one, they should choose to deal with the Mongols as soon as possible, and then

Instead, he gathered his forces to deal with the Han soldiers.

Therefore, the real battlefield that Liu Chengzong had in mind was the upper reaches of the Heihe River. There are mountains, Gobi and deserts there, but there are few farmlands and few water channels, which makes it easier for the Marshal's Mansion soldiers who are not familiar with the terrain to display their skills.

As for Gao Yingdeng's army, it was purely to contain the enemy forces to prevent them from sending multiple troops to deal with Mo Yujing. After all, Mo Yujing had 4,000 men under his command, more than 3,000 Mongolians, and only a few hundred frontier veterans.
A feint attack is not about sending someone to death, but rather to lure and contain them. Liu Chengzong was not sure that he would let Mo Yujing deal with an equal number of Ming troops.

After all, although the original Ming Dynasty frontier army was lagging behind in terms of equipment, it was a professional counterpart in beating the Mongolian army, and its efficiency was infinitely higher than that of the Marshal's Mansion.

The targets of the Marshal's Mansion army were frontier troops who were good at garrisoning camps and setting up fortifications, and they also had to attack and destroy forts. Taking into account the relationship between army transportation capacity and marching speed, Liu Chengzong designed small artillery at the brigade level, with a fast rate of fire but a low range.

The slightly lacking three-eyed guns of individual soldiers have been removed.

In other words, Liu Chengzong had difficulty in supplying supplies, and the entire army exuded the aura of poverty when it came to using good steel on the blade.

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His army does not care about continuous firepower, but how many lead pellets and iron balls are fired at one time. No matter whether you wear armor or not, ride a horse or not, and lift a shield or not, if I hit you, you will have to lie down or die.


What is the Ming Dynasty's border army?

A battalion consists of seventy or eighty cannons, large and small, and three-eyed blunderbuss form a rotating firing line. The firepower is airtight, not to mention the direct fire, scattering rockets, lead, iron, and gunpowder that are sprayed out for free.
The workmanship of these things may not be that good, but the productivity gap is there. To put it bluntly, a rocket that has lost salt can shoot farther than a mounted gun.

Against an equal number of nomadic troops, the majestic formation can completely defeat them.

Of course, due to problems with his thinking, Liu Shizi, relying on his rich military experience, could not pretend to be cool in front of his godson for too long. E Zhe said: "What should I do if the army gets lost?" He was stopped by the question.

He never expected that he would be checked and filled by a twelve-year-old kid. Mo Yujing had so many Heshuote troops, and there was also a Chahar horse team with hundreds of people.

Ezhe may not know much about military affairs, but he knows his own army... What does it mean that when three people are together, there must be one of them?

Fortunately, the Ming army did not cause him any trouble. Just when Liu Chengzong was speechless, the Tang flag of the Marshal's Mansion was fluttering in the desert sand. The frontline intelligence flew hundreds of miles along with the military flag, and it only took two seconds to reach the front line from the confrontation.

Qingshui Castle.

The sound of cowhide iron boots stepping on the corridor outside the tent sounded. Liu Chengzong turned his head and heard the sound of the news. The guard clasped his fists and saluted: "Commander, the flag is on the front line, and the enemy troops are sending troops to the south."

"Got it."

Different guards have different responsibilities. Liu Chengzong waved people down to tell the guards to get ready. Then he frowned and paced around the commander's tent, thinking about the current military situation.

He had doubts about the intelligence and couldn't understand why the army chose to go south to attack Gao Yingdeng's troops instead of fighting the weak opponents in the north.

During the war, according to the rules of the Marshal's Mansion, a piece of information was delivered on the battlefield in three ways at the same time, called the Three Victories.

A victory is to transmit simple information to the Chinese army as quickly as possible when the military situation changes. The Tangqi troops who are one mile apart on the Tangqi line send it back by alternately flying flags. The speed is extremely fast. If the Tangqi troops have enough manpower and

Sophisticated, he can travel four hundred miles in one hour.

But the disadvantage is similar to that of beacon fire, in that it cannot convey complex information. The longer the journey, the more people are involved, and the greater the possibility of conveying wrong information by relying solely on semaphores.

The second victory is to shrink the Tangqi. Each Tangqi retreats to the position of the previous Tangqi, and everyone passes the word orally. It also requires more manpower, but the accuracy is higher. It can transmit letters or oral messages, but

The speed is even slower, even at the fastest speed, it is only eighty miles an hour.

The most difficult part of the Three Victories is that the frontline general's trusted soldiers must carry letters to the Chinese army, carrying the most accurate intelligence and the commander's clearest ideas. It's a good thing if he can change horses with Tang Qi along the way, but if he can't change horses, he will run to death.

This requires a high level of quality for the messenger guards, and they are prone to physical accidents of the people and horses. The usual speed is between thirty and sixty miles an hour.

Of course, this is a battlefield where we have the initiative. In a melee, the speed of intelligence cannot be ignored.

In other words, when the battle situation changed on the battlefield a hundred miles away, less than half an hour had passed since Liu Chengzong got rough information about Yijie, and he would have to wait another half an hour before he could get more accurate information.

Liu Chengzong thought for a moment and realized that he currently had four battalions that he could move, namely the Huben battalion led by Zhang Tianlin, Feng Yu, Wei Qian'er and Han Shipan. In view of the inaccuracy of Yijie's intelligence, he sat down at his desk and wrote several letters.

, turned around and walked out of the handsome tent.

Outside the tent, several order guards were helping each other to place the flags symbolizing the order cavalry on the backs of their cotton armor. When they saw Liu Chengzong coming out, they quickly stepped forward to march and receive the order.

Liu Chengzong stepped forward and handed over the letter and talisman, and said in turn: "Zhang Tianlin has been informed that Gaotai has sent troops to the south, and Gaotai is about to engage the enemy. He ordered his troops to set off immediately to rush for reinforcements, and they must arrive early the day after tomorrow to provide support."

"It is said that Feng Yu, Wei Qian'er, and Han Shipan are ready to go, waiting for future orders."

"It is reported to Mo and Jing that Gaotai has sent troops to the south. He is ordered to lead the Heshuote and Chahar Second Battalions to go south tomorrow and attack Gaotai three days later."

When the order was sent, the guards clasped their fists in response. They all got on their horses and rushed to each camp.

Immediately, the whole position was shouting and the horses were neighing, and military music was playing. Each battalion packed up their vehicles and horses, and got ready to break out of camp. A swan bugle sounded, and Zhang Tianlin's troops immediately lined up out of camp, leading their horses and mules into the boundless desert.

The Chinese Army Headquarters packed up the camp, followed closely with the Huben Camp, Feng Yu Camp, and Wei Qian'er Camp, and slowly drove eastward, following Tangqi in the opposite direction, hoping to get accurate information from the front line as soon as possible.

In fact, the original best location for the Chinese military camp should be in an open area fifty or sixty miles away from the front line, and in complex terrain twenty or thirty miles away from the front line. On the one hand, the enemy cannot be seen, and on the other hand, deployment can be made in the shortest time.
But the terrain between Suzhou and Gaotai is ridiculous. A stretch of desert cuts off everything. The Chinese army is camped in the desert. Maybe a wind will come over at night and bury them.

Not long after the army set off, Tangqi of the Chinese army also sent a message about the movements of Gao Yingdeng's troops. The guard reported: "Commander, Tangqi has come to report that General Gao's troops are breaking camp and heading east."

"Break camp?"

This word is very special. In order to distinguish the marching speed, distance and position, camp breaking and marching are two different flags. Moreover, if he had been walking eastward, Ma Xiang, the commander of Tangqi Qian on the front line, would not have asked Tangqi to take this route specifically.

The information is sent back.

At this time, Liu Chengzong was already sure in his mind that Tang Qi's previous intelligence about the enemy troops moving south from Gaotai was correct, but then a second doubt came to his mind - why did Ma Xiang call Gao Yingdeng's troops a camp?<


The enemy troops from Gaotai moved south, which meant that they detected the advancing Gao Yingdeng's troops. But at this time, Tangqi told Liu Chengzong that Gao Yingdeng's troops had just left camp.

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Liu Chengzong can probably guess why the officers and soldiers insisted on beating Gao Yingdeng.

In terms of responsibilities, the missions of Mo Yujing and Gao Yingdeng are to lure the enemy. Obviously, Gao Yingdeng considered that a full battalion of his own would be intimidating, so he chose to divide his troops as a method of luring the enemy, so it appeared that the army in front had been

It was discovered that the troops behind were still in the camp and had not broken out.

The soldiers and horses could not march more than twenty miles. The second victory of Ma Xiang, the general of Tangqi Qian, against the enemy's movements on Gaotai was sent to the Chinese army. The Tang soldiers alternately sent letters from Ma Xiang informing them of the situation on the front line.

As Liu Chengzong speculated, Gao Yingdeng detached a Thousand Headquarters to go ahead and deliberately exposed himself outside the protection of Tangqi. He used standard surprise preparations such as digging toilet pits and collectively solving problems to lure the enemy, and then used more than Thousands of Cavalry to attack

The left wing of the high platform attacked.

After the Ming army on the other side of the high platform sent more than two thousand horses to go south, Gao Yingdeng, who was behind, led the rest of his troops to break out of camp.

Liu Chengzong, who closed the letter and led his army eastward, was full of complicated emotions. He was worried that he asked Gao Yingdeng to lure the enemy because deep down he still felt that Gao Yingdeng was still the fool who plunged into He Huchen's defeated army.


I never expected that after three days of separation, I would be so impressed that this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes would also learn to be mean.

Liu Chengzong was very worried, Gao Yingdeng should not turn luring the enemy into a battle of annihilation, three thousand against two thousand, and wipe out this Ming army.

The Gaotai gang will never go out to fight in the field again. Then they will have to fight a difficult offensive and defensive battle. After all, it is impossible for him to really build a dam and flood the Heihe River Basin... Not to mention whether he can pass it in his conscience.

It's farming season now.

This battle depends on the talent of the enemy's deputy commander.

Liu Chengzong's body rose and fell with the saddle, and he looked towards the endless desert in the distance. He gritted his teeth and ordered the messenger who was following him: "Tell Huang Shengxiao to cast more cannonballs and prepare to send them to the front line!"

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