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Chapter 479 Fake

 On Gaotai City, Yang Jiamo’s face turned ugly in a moment.

Because Wang Xingshan's plan to form an array behind the city in the south of the city failed, Liu Chengzong's soldiers and horses were indifferent to them, and looked at them in groups from a distance across the paddy fields, as if they were watching a joke.

Formation behind the city is a conventional tactic used by the Ming army in defending the city. Its logic is simple, safe and efficient. The most important key of this tactic is that there is a city behind it.

War is a game. When a general chooses to defend a city, he must have judged that the current situation is not suitable for a battle. This usually means that the battlefield situation is that the enemy is strong and we are weak.

In the long history, offensive and defensive technology has developed rapidly, and city walls are not consumables. This determines that city defense technology does not always lead siege technology.

The purpose of the siege is to attack the city, and the defender must cause difficulties to the siege army. Whether it is burning the siege equipment or forcing the siege army to be nervous and unable to quickly control the suburbs, the method is to send troops out of the city.

But since defending the city is already a choice when the enemy is strong and we are weak, it will be too easy to send troops out of the city to be annihilated, so forming an array behind the city has become a very good choice.

After all, it is very rare for an army to be defeated from the front in field battles. Even if it is defeated from the front, it is difficult to suffer heavy losses. The most terrifying thing is still to be surrounded by others. Using anvil and hammer tactics to steal the enemy, forming an array behind the city is tantamount to wearing out the army.

He wore a pair of iron trousers to protect his buttocks, so that the two wings and rear of the military formation were covered by the defenders.

At this time, the terrain of the high platform can provide the defenders with maximum advantages in the confrontation. The road here is flat and should be a flat area. However, the city is bordered by the Heihe River to the north, and there are three large channels parallel to the Heihe River to the south, with countless canals in between.

Clear small canals separate large fields.

On this kind of terrain, the superior maneuverability and strength of the Marshal's Army will be offset by the terrain.

The army in Liu Chengzong's hands was not fully confident against the enemies arrayed behind the city, but the battlefield in his eyes and the battlefield in his mind were completely two different things.

The battlefield in front of us is naturally a city, and the military formation is a military formation. Only by defeating the military formation can we attack the city; but in my mind, there are no such things on the battlefield. There are only him and Yang Jiamo, the two of them using their will to pour out soldiers on this land.


So he was not in a hurry at all. He first wrote more than 300 surrender letters in the army, ordered the Chahar cavalry to ride through the ditch, shoot the letter to the enemy position from a distance, and let the Heshuote cavalry disperse in twos and threes along the edge of the canal.


Yang Jiamo expected him to send troops to fight in the field with the Ming army arrayed behind the city, just because there were ditches. The army could not advance quickly and could not retreat quickly, but geographical advantages were never exclusive to one person. The crisscrossing ditches would give Liu Chengzong's army

It brings difficulties in close combat, and it can also bring Wang Xingshan the effect of enclosing the territory and trapping himself.

By accident, Wang Xingshan embarrassed himself.

It is true that this Ganzhou army is new recruits, but they join the army not to eat food. After Wang Zi used the Liyuan Fort formation to kill Ganzhou guerrilla general Li Yun, they were passionate young people who were stimulated by the raw materials of every family in Ganzhou city. They worked together to hate the enemy.

Voluntarily enlisted in the army in the wave of will.

This is the essential difference between them and other armies in their fighting will.

However, the enthusiasm that was stirred up was quickly consumed, and what was needed most was to boost morale. However, Liu Chengzong refused to fight them and only tried to persuade them to surrender.

Letters of persuasion to surrender are still the same, and are basically ineffective against the newly formed Ganzhou Army. These people were not soldiers in the past, and it is difficult to sympathize with them, the old border troops, but at least their unwillingness to be enemies is clearly expressed.

Wang Xingshan saw this and was anxious in his heart, but could not take the initiative to cross the ditch to attack. The entire battlefield fell into a strange calm. The dispersed Heshuo special cavalry team was grazing on the edge of the ditch, and stared at the formations eagerly.

Ganzhou Army.

The Chinese army's Huben camp behind was too much. It used several unburned villages and forts as its base. They set up pots to cook meat and slaughter pigs and sheep on the spot. Rows of cooking smoke rose in the black smoke. Quan pretended not to see Wang.

A good-natured army.

The two sides faced off for the whole afternoon, and it was not until sunset that Yang Jiamo reluctantly signaled for the withdrawal of troops and took the troops into the high platform.

That night, Wei Qian'er brought back several leaders elected by the people of Gaotai, including respected old men and squires with high prestige. Liu Shishi asked people to make milk tea and invited them into the commander's tent for a chat.
The same rice feeds all kinds of people. Several leaders came in and said anything. Some advised Liu Chengzong to withdraw from the army on behalf of the people, while others relied on their old men and hoped that he would not add to the war. Liu Chengzong accepted them all humbly and then kicked them out.

In the end, a leader was left, named Yin Ruyue, who was a martial arts student at Gaotai Confucianism. He was young, understood the situation clearly, and did not talk nonsense.

Liu Chengzong said: "If I can retreat, why bother to raise troops from Qinghai? Now that I have occupied the high platform, the people are all under my control. I have called you here to discuss how to resettle the population, resume farming, and keep the officials and people in peace.

No need to say more."

Yin Ruyue nodded in agreement, but in his opinion, this matter was not something he could have a say in. People are like swordsmen and I are like fish and meat. He held his hands openly and said: "Since we have surrendered, we can just obey the command of the commander.

Liu Chengzong laughed when he heard this, knowing that his own behavior had frightened the martial artist. He waved his hands and said: "I have nothing to say. I know that the people of Gaotai are not willing to join me, and they do not want to be forcibly removed."


"The top priority is to resettle the people who have no food and clothing. Now that the war is going on, I will temporarily appoint you as the chief craftsman of Camp Qian. You will recruit people to make tools and transport wood and stone. The marshal's office will allocate food and grass to the camp. After the war, the high platform will be established and the people will have equal land.

Divide the land and build houses."

Yin Ruyue is very satisfied with this appointment.

It's not that he was temporarily appointed to a thousand general official position, but that the resettlement policy of the Marshal's Army was much better than the forced relocation of the Ming Army... There are not many people in Gaotai, but there is a lot of land here, including intensively cultivated paddy fields and...

With extensive planting and poor harvests in dry land and abundant products, people's living standards are not bad.

Naturally, no one would be happy to move people away under such circumstances.

The Marshal's Mansion's consistent land distribution policy is even more interesting to Yin Ruyue. Gaotai originally had a population of more than 3,000 people and more than 300,000 acres of land, including military fields.

According to Liu Chengzong, he does not plan to continue to set up a thousand-household office here, but wants to organize households to equalize the people. So how will he divide the more than 300,000 acres of land?

There are only 1,600 people left, no matter how you divide it, you will get points!

The most important thing is that the people who were to be relocated were military households from Gaotai, and the soldiers in Gaotai City were all from Ganzhou.

Because of this, when Yang Jiamo came to the city again the next day, the army outside the city was still the army, but besides the army, there were three siege camps covered with felt tents in the fields.

Leler trucks loaded with wood and stone were rushing all over the ground to transport them to the camp. The highly motivated people of Gaotai made everything lively and they risked their lives to do their part to capture the thousands of households in Gaotai.

Yang Jiamo knew that the backlash of the failure to strengthen the wall and clear the country was coming.

It was also on this day that the messengers from Suzhou arrived at the siege camp outside the city. It was Huang Shengxiao, the general who stayed behind to siege Jiayuguan, who sent a letter.

In his letter, Huang Shengxiao spoke highly of Suzhou General Hu Zhishen. This seemingly incompetent former commander of the Suzhou Guards was really capable of doing something.

Six days ago, Hu Zhishen rode into Jiayuguan alone. Three days later in the early morning, the defenders threw down the flag of Lieutenant General Huang Shengxiao. The guerrilla general Ding Guodong ordered the generals to change flags, and the generals surrendered to accept reorganization. Jiayuguan was declared to have fallen.

Just one day later, Huang Shengxiao's troops had not finished collecting artillery inside and outside the Guanqiang. The Suzhou Battalion, which had reorganized 800 troops to surrender, had already set off under the leadership of the commander Hu Zhishen. In just half a day, they also used the same method to persuade Linshui Post to surrender.

Qian Zongmi Layin surrendered.

The overstretched Suzhou Battalion has already been led by Hu Zhishen to the front line, and it is estimated that it will reach Gaotai in two days.

Huang Shengxiao suggested in his letter that Liu Chengzong let the Suzhou Battalion take the lead. To be precise, he asked Ding Guodong, the guerrilla general under the Suzhou Battalion, to take the lead, with only 800 people.

As for the reason, Huang Shengxiao frankly admitted that it was not a personal grudge, it was just annoying. As the only general in the Marshal's Army who walked into Gansu through the gate of Jiayuguan City, Huang Shengxiao had a clear view of Jiayuguan. These 800 people were a small number in Guancheng.

I didn’t even leave anything to eat.

Huang Shengxiao was extremely envious. When they besieged the city, Ding Guodong ordered people to levy a lot of livestock and grain from the pass. During the siege, there was basically no serious fighting. They only fired a few bursts of cannons at each other. Later, they didn't even bother to fire anymore.

The defenders in the pass were a little wary at first, but later they gradually let themselves go, turning their fighting spirit into appetite, and cooked in the pass every day.

It is said that their original plan was to shut down the grain reserves and work hard to break out of the encirclement. The direction of the breakout was to the west, occupying Hami or being occupied by Hami.

As a result, Hu Zhishen came to persuade him to surrender, but Ding Guodong didn't say anything.

Human thoughts are subject to dynamic changes. In the beginning, they started to eat because they had the will to live and die. It is not too much to eat a few good meals before death.

At this time, Liu Chengzong led his troops to the east, and Liu Chengzu led his troops to the north. The garrison at Guan Guan all realized that Suzhou had fallen and Ganzhou was in danger. It was impossible for friendly forces to come to their aid. They had eaten a lot of good food, not to mention

They can also see that the Marshal Army is no different from them, and they really don’t want to kill them.

Faced with Hu Zhishen's persuasion to surrender, no one in Guan Guan was embarrassed to speak the first sentence. Ha, a fireman from Baihu who was used to seeing flying birds, had the courage to ask a question: "General, there is still a lot of food and grass left in Guan Guan. This...

The original intention of the fire person was that the food could last for a while, so why not wait and see, but everyone unanimously suggested that since there is still more food, let's hold a banquet.

It is only right to be a soldier of the Ming Dynasty and eat the food of the Ming Dynasty!

The banquet lasted for three days, and all the edible meat was eaten by eight hundred soldiers. They even drank on the last day, sobered up and quickly surrendered to the city. They opened their mouths and asked Huang Shengxiao for food.<


Huang Shengxiao was so angry that these migrant workers from the Ming Empire had figured out how to eat from the public family. Together with the Marshal's Mansion, they went on an expedition of three thousand miles to improve the lives of the 800 people in Jiayuguan.

Not to mention the Milayin side. Unlike Jiayuguan, the rations there are not as abundant as they are. It is a post station itself. After the siege, the food stockpiles were not enough to feed thousands of people for ten days and a half. The post city has already put leather goods, wood shavings, etc.

Even if Hu Zhishen doesn't try to persuade him to surrender, internal strife is not far away.

Just when Hu Zhishen went to persuade them to surrender, the commander of the Suzhou Guards and the guerrilla generals had surrendered. They had no burden, so they surrendered along the pole and accepted reorganization. After eating a serious meal of military rations, their morale was greatly boosted.

At the same time, Huang Shengxiao also gave a brief report on the weapons casting situation of Chijin Guard and Suzhou Guard. He has cast 600 solid cannonballs, 400 canisters of powder, and made clay molds for 24 thousand-jin cannons. Material collection

It has also been completed, and in one month at least twelve thousand-pound cannons will be ready for use in the war.

This is undoubtedly good news for Liu Chengzong. More additional troops, more cannons and ammunition can better solve the current problem of insufficient troops, and it also makes him more optimistic about the situation on the entire battlefield.

Facing the siege camp built outside the city to make siege equipment, Yang Jiamo once again sent Wang Xingshan to form an array behind the city. Liu Chengzong still ignored Wang Xingshan and just calmly asked people to shoot them another letter to persuade them to surrender. However, the second time

The rhetoric of the letter urging surrender was a little more intense.

Wang Xingshan's threatening army must be removed before attacking the city, but he didn't want to make his attack intention too obvious, so Liu Shishi was holding back his energy.

The craftsman camp is rushing to make wooden curtains, ladders, wooden baskets, planks and support beams for digging tunnels for him. He lists all siege methods as options. It is best to win at a smaller cost. If

No, you can try storming, digging tunnels or even blowing up city walls.

He also made two preparations for Wang Xingshan's army. The craftsman battalion had prepared more than 500 carts of earth and rocks. Just waiting for Wang Xingshan to withdraw into the city this evening, they filled in several roads in the large canal.

Prepare for the next close encounter and try to hold them back.

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There is an optimal relationship between the size of the city and the number of defenders. There cannot be too few defenders in a big city, and too many defenders in a small city may not be a good thing.

Liu Chengzong hoped that the enemy troops would enter the city and defend the city. He would crowd nearly 10,000 defenders into the small city and the tension would double among the troops.

Of course, the enemy may not necessarily listen to him, but after today, even if Wang Xingshan dares to lead his troops out again, it will not be so easy anymore. As long as the canal is filled, the artillery can be transported quickly.

Liu Chengzong has transferred all six thousand-jin cannons to Wei Qian'er's hands. In conjunction with the lion cannon, he will have a chance to penetrate the military formation before a close encounter.

In the evening, Wang Xingshan's bored army stood outside the city for another day, so hungry that their chests pressed to their bellies, and they returned to the city in disgrace.

As soon as the city gate of the high platform was closed, Yang Jiamo at the top of the city saw a large number of carts loaded with soil rushing towards the canal, filling the canal more than ten steps northward in just a moment.

It's just that at this time, Liu Chengzong was more horrified than Yang Jiamo.

Because the Heshuote herdsmen scattered outside captured the Ming army messenger, the messenger carried a letter from Hong Chengchou. The letter stated that the Ming army on the East Route had recovered several fortresses in Songshan, recaptured Zhuanglang City, and began to march towards Hehuang.


Liu Chengzong put down the letter and said with a smile: "Yang Jiamo actually wants to deceive me with a fake letter."

Wei Qian'er said in confusion: "Commander, how can you tell that this letter is fake?"

Liu Chengzong smiled softly, patted Wei Qian'er's shoulder and said, "You will understand after this battle."

Whether this letter is true or false is not important. What is important is military morale. It is important that this letter is false.

Good evening! Xiaoyang people are back with an update. The fever has just gone away today, and no one in the whole family has escaped from it. Fortunately, the children and the elderly only have fevers. Everyone who is not yet Yang must protect themselves. If you can avoid getting sick, don't get sick. It's too uncomfortable to get sick.


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