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Chapter 491 Seeing is Believing

 Outside Gaotai City, there are two camps for wounded soldiers, where the wounded soldiers howl and moan intermittently.

Liu Chengzong used a curved steel needle to sew up the wound in front of his eyes, washed his hands with hot water, patted Hei Chengyin lying on the hospital bed, grinned and said: "You are really lucky. After three to five months of rest, you are full of life again.

I've asked someone to prepare a sedan for you. Do you want to go back to Suzhou to rest? Or should you follow me for a while and go to Ganzhou to rest?"

Ding Guodong's subordinate General Hei Chengyin was the first person to reach the top of the high platform city. He relied on his armor to fight on the city and received the most severe beatings. The cloth surface of the iron armor was cut into pieces like a mop, and the armor pieces with dome shells were cut.

Thirteen arrows were pierced, seven small lead pancakes were baked, and three iron bars were embedded.

But all that was left were minor external injuries and minor internal injuries. The most serious fatal injury on his body came from his legs. His legs were broken. It is said that the Ming army soldiers who dealt with him found that weapons could not kill him quickly. There was

The strongman stepped forward empty-handed, but Zhou Cang carried a knife and pushed him off the horse path.

Zhou Cang's knife-carrying technique is a technique used in wrestling, also called arm-back thrust or arm-thrust, which is similar to an over-the-shoulder throw.

Hei Chengyin was directly knocked to his face. Fortunately, Ding Guodong's troops climbed to the city quickly, and subsequent troops started fighting on the city. The defenders did not care about this guy who seemed to have been thrown to death under the city. No one was able to hit him, so he picked it up.


Hei Chengyin's head was still buzzing from the fall. After listening to Liu Chengzong's question, he asked: "Your Majesty, how many hundred generals are coming to the city with me?"

The smile on Liu Chengzong's face gradually faded, and he shook his head slightly and said: "It's all gone. There was a man named Huozhe. When he saw you being thrown off the city, he blocked the strongman from the city and helped you take revenge. He also

Among the remaining four, two were killed on the city. The other two were too seriously injured and could not be rescued after being withdrawn."

Hei Chengyin's bearded face was extremely sad, and Liu Chengzong couldn't tell whether he was in pain from his wounds or feeling sad inside. His eyes were filled with tears, but they didn't fall. He just gritted his teeth tightly and sighed after a long time.<


"This is war."

In fact, the death rate of nine out of ten of Ding Guodong's officers above 100 was not a surprise to Liu Chengzong. On the contrary, Liu Chengzong was really surprised when the strong fighting power of this thousand headquarters broke out on Gaotai City.

Because although Ding Guodong was a guerrilla general, the soldiers he led to garrison Jiayuguan were not guerrilla battalions, but garrison troops led by two thousand households of Suzhou Guards.

The Weisuo Banner Army had three soldiers guarding the city and seven soldiers stationed in the fields. Hei Chengyin was originally the hereditary Qianhu of Suzhou Wei. After surrendering to the Marshal's Army, their 800 soldiers were reorganized on the spot into a dissatisfied Qianqian headquarters.
Their advantage is that they had eaten well in the previous three months, but their disadvantage is that the soldiers are not equipped well. Even the small flag officers or even the chief flag officers, the quality of the armor on their bodies is not as good as that of the Milayin battalion soldiers who were born in the former Suzhou Battalion.

In other words, the five hundred generals who came to the city with Hei Chengyin were all Baihu in the past. Under Ding Guodong, only officers of this level generally met the two conditions.

The first is to have high-quality officer armor, and the second is to meet the physical strength and training required to wear armor for combat.

It's just that after this battle, Ding Guodong's direct-controlled officers were almost wiped out.

Liu Chengzong did not sigh, but said: "Under Ding Qian's headquarters, there is a Bai Zong named Chang Hu. I have promoted him to Qian Zong. The nine Bai Zong who died in the battle were all guards, and they all inherited Bai Hu as brothers and nephews.

, and went to Xining Xincheng Academy to study after the war."

"The remaining officers and soldiers at all levels will be rewarded according to their military merits, and the number of officers will be filled up, and then the number of soldiers will be replenished."

When Hei Chengyin heard Chang Hu's name, his eyes immediately regained his luster: "He's still alive? That's great!"

In fact, he and Chang Huhu are not close, they just narrowly escaped death. Knowing that the colleagues who used to get along day and night are still alive, it is inevitable to be excited.

Chang Huli was not called this name originally. He was born as a yellow-headed Uighur, and his ancestors had settled in Suzhou in the Yuan Dynasty. His name was Yuan Huli. The name itself is a very Chinese name.

Jade is a ritual vessel used by the Central Plains people to worship the four directions of heaven and earth in ancient times. It is divided into Bi, Cong, Gui, Zhang, Hu and Huang. Bi is used to worship the sky, Cong is used to worship the earth, Gui is used to gift the east, Hu is used to gift the west, and Zhang is used to gift.

Gift the south, use Huang to gift the north.

The white tiger is the main soldier in the West, so amber is carved into the shape of a tiger. The one with holes is called a tiger-shaped jade pendant, and the one without holes is called jade amber. It is also used to send troops, which is the jade tiger talisman.

In any army, if you see this name when registering for military registration, you will know at a glance that he is a guard officer, and it is very likely that his father or grandfather has a high official position and has a certain level of education.

The desire to make achievements in the military and pray for blessings.

But the logic of the Marshal's Army is different.

The person in charge of registering military registration is well-informed about all kinds of gangster accounts. Even when he sees the strangest name, he will not dig into it, but will also develop a strange feeling of closeness.

Break into the fallen sky, shoot the fallen sky, ascend to the sky monkey, Li Laojiao, Wai Liangzi, Liao Huzi, bee tail needle, azalea, what kind of ghosts and snakes have we not seen before?

Chang Hu, what can it mean? It means that this person is a Shaanxi Township Party member, and his behavior is quite cunning, good!

The news that some of his colleagues were still alive comforted Hei Chengyin, who had withdrawn from the battlefield for the first time. He was stunned for a long time, and when he knew that Liu Chengzong had comforted him a few more words and told him to have a good rest, and was about to leave, he suddenly asked with some embarrassment.

Said: "Commander...why are you rebelling?"

Liu Chengzong was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "This is a big question. Six or seven years ago, I would have pulled you and told you carefully why I rebelled and why you should follow me. But today, I can only tell you

Your time has come."

"Instead of me telling you, why don't you use your own eyes to see why the soldiers around you are willing to follow me? Is the life of our land and our people better or worse... When I go to Ganzhou, I leave Ganzhou

I will give you the official position of Commander of the Guard Palm Seal. You can recover from your injuries in the past few months. Many things will have answers."

Hei Chengyin was grateful for the official rewards, but he was also as uneasy as Hu Zhishen when he first took charge of the general.

Liu Chengzong did not delve into this. The generals who were promoted in this siege needed a certain amount of time to accept their changes in status, but he no longer needed to worry about the loyalty of these people.

They have no absolute loyalty at all, but they also have no absolute disloyalty. Gansu's commander-in-chief Yang Jiamo, who went through fire and water, is their certificate of surrender.

Liu Chengzong has more important things to do.

The Battle of Gaotai was extremely brutal, with only one day of close combat. Both armies were seriously injured, with more than 2,000 soldiers killed, more than 1,000 slightly wounded and disabled.

Liu Chengzong's thorough preparation played a huge role in the siege. In the post-war casualty statistics report, although the total proportion of killed and wounded was slightly higher than that of the Ming army, this did not include the raids of Mo and Jing troops led by Luo Junjie.

As a result, in the actual siege operations, the casualties of Suzhou Battalion were slightly lower than those of the Ming Army.

But even so, because the siege troops were concentrated in Suzhou Camp, the actual losses were extremely heavy.

Among the four generals before the war, Hu Zhishen led 800 people, Milayin led more than 900 people, Ding Guodong led 800 people, and Fengweizhen led 500 people, totaling 3,000.

After the war, there were 700 soldiers from the Hu Zhishen Department, 600 from the Milayin Department, more than 400 from Ding Guodong's Department, and 400 from the Fengwei Needle Department, a total of 2,100. Among them, nearly half were wounded, and ten of Ding Guodong's 100-member generals

Only one person remains.

The tragic war required higher rewards. Therefore, in addition to fulfilling his promise to Suzhou Camp before the war, Liu Chengzong divided the land for all the soldiers of the battalion and rewarded the three first ascenders with horses and livestock from the headquarters. He also temporarily formed a team from Huben Camp.

The Hundred Corps is good at calculation.

They will count, price and divide all the trophies except gold, silver and copper coins seized in the city into four parts. One part will be kept in the Chinese army, one part will be distributed to the Suzhou camp based on military merit, one part will be used as a death pension, and the last part will be used as a special reward.

Rewards are given to officers and soldiers who perform exceptionally well in combat.

The gold, silver and copper coins seized were worth more than 1,400 taels of silver. Liu Chengzong also used this money for rewards. According to the price of one tael of silver per acre of land, he returned to the soldiers who survived the Suzhou camp but did not want to receive land rewards.

Purchase three acres of land per person.

As for the soldiers who died in battle, they sent people to ask their family members who stayed in Suzhou whether they wanted land or silver. The land should be distributed by Song Xian, the commander of the Suzhou Guards, and the silver should also be paid by the Suzhou Guards.

After this battle, although the Suzhou Battalion suffered heavy losses, the surviving soldiers made a qualitative leap in armor. Almost every one of them was assigned armor, and most of the soldiers also had mounts. Liu Chengzong also learned from

Huben Camp transferred two soldiers from the Hundred Corps to serve as low-level officers and completely took control of Suzhou Camp.

What Suzhou Battalion lacks now is just to replenish a group of soldiers and restore it to full strength.

Although there were many prisoners in Gaotai, Liu Chengzong did not make it difficult for these prisoners. After checking their identities, he released 93 officers to Suzhou and asked Kang Liangfu, the commander of Chijin Guard, to send troops to Haibei.

Ordinary soldiers who were injured were treated and given medicine and stitches when necessary. Those who were unable to move were left on the high platform and returned to the temporary craftsman camp Qianzong Yin Ruyue for resettlement.

Yin Ruyue was originally a Confucian martial arts student at the Qianhu Institute in Gaotai. Now that the Marshal's Mansion is suppressing barbarians, the significance of setting up Qianhu Institute in Gaotai and Gaotai has been lost.

Therefore, Liu Chengzong integrated the two places and changed it into Gaotai County. Yin Ruyue became the first magistrate of Gaotai in the Marshal's Office and was responsible for the reconstruction of Gaotai people's residences. Firstly, the autumn harvest could not be delayed. Secondly, even if they dug holes in the ground, they had to complete the residences before the freeze.

Reconstruction work.

As for the uninjured deserters and prisoners, Liu Chengzong asked Han Shipan to ask for their wishes. If they were willing to join the marshal's army, they would first follow the army and wait for distribution. If they were willing to go home, they would be released from their armor and returned to Ganzhou.

In the end, there were more than 200 people who were willing to join the Marshal's Mansion. Liu Chengzong did not organize them into the Suzhou Camp. Instead, he set up a separate Ganzhou Camp and temporarily followed the Huben Camp.

This group of people fought a bloody battle with the Suzhou Battalion in Gaotaicheng, and if they were incorporated into the Suzhou Battalion, they would not end well. The matter of replenishing the Suzhou Battalion fell to Wei Qian'er, who had surrendered the super-strong force in Suzhou earlier. From him

Then 900 people were transferred to Suzhou Camp.

The most chaotic place now is actually Ganzhou.

Gaotai was a small place, and the fighting was fierce, but the war affected a very small area; Ganzhou was a big place, and the fighting was chaotic, and the scope of the war was wider. When Gaotai was fighting, war reports from Ganzhou and Tangbao came from the east.

There have been more than 800 letters, and the situation has gradually become clearer in Liu Shizi's eyes.

If the Huben camp digging large pits and building cemeteries for more than 2,000 soldiers from both sides who died in the high platform made Liu Shishi feel depressed, then the increasingly clear war situation in Ganzhou is rare news that can make Liu Chengzong happy.

There were almost no tough battles there. The local troops in Ganzhou were all eliminated by Liu Chengzong's high platform. Most of the Liangzhou soldiers followed the deputy commander Li Hongsi and fled to Liangzhou. The rest in Ganzhou... how should I put it, are all Shaanxi people.


Li Hongsi's troops were all Shaanxi soldiers, and they didn't even have a single army horse from Gansu Town; Zhang Tianlin and Gao Yingdeng were also led by Shaanxi soldiers, and there were only a few generals such as Tang Mingshi on the battlefield, who led Gansu soldiers.


The structures on the battlefield were completely in disarray, with various units fighting independently. They were already on the verge of collapse, but because the battle line was heading east, even if they collapsed, the state of collapse of the two armies was different.

The Ming army was in disarray, killing each other, fleeing in all directions, falling on the wind, robbing everywhere, and even a guard riding a horse to kill Mr. Qian.

Zhang Tianlin and Gao Yingdeng's subordinates lost their way, fled in the opposite direction, fell behind, fell behind and were captured, and then instigated the rebellion of the entire team. They did not want to fight and pretended to be common people to spread revolutionary ideas. They infiltrated into the territory of the foreign people and became disseminators of advanced technology. They even

There are also ways to capture a commander and occupy the castle until the weather changes.

The entire battlefield was a blur. More than 20 castles on the Zhangye Oasis were connected to each other after the marshal flag was erected in Ganzhou City. However, the organization of the two battalions was very chaotic.

The military in the Marshal's Office has a strong sense of autonomy. It has been out of command many times in the past, and Liu Chengzong has never blamed or punished anyone for generals or officers acting beyond their authority.

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But this time on the Zhangye battlefield, the marshal's army used the power of a great victory in the Eastern Expedition. When the Shaanxi people saw the Shaanxi people, they were able to recruit and surrender the collapsed army with a little beating, forming small and large groups that could win the battle, severely reducing the general's military strength.

In order to maintain the organizational structure, over-staffed people have chosen to send people to deliver messages to high-ranking officials, appoint themselves to lower-level and equal-level official positions, and self-appoint themselves to higher-level official positions.

Gao Yingdeng is very courageous. There are currently five thousand generals in the camp, two of whom he has appointed temporary acting generals. Zhang Tianlin is said to be very courageous, but because she had robbed the Guitu Taiji war horse earlier, she was afraid of the war.

Liu Shishi was punished for several crimes. There were still three Yingqianzongs, but there were ten chiefs. Three of them were self-proclaimed by Mr. Bai, and one was captured by Mr. Bai Yingshanhong for him.

The two battalions plus one, Liu Chengzong roughly estimated, there were 11,000 or even 12,000 men... With this kind of force composition, it is already difficult to maintain military discipline.

Therefore, the main force of the Marshal's Army must march into Ganzhou as soon as possible, otherwise Zhang Tianlin and Gao Yingdeng's two battalions will inevitably cause big troubles.

This is like the siege of Gaotai. Yang Jiamo's Ganzhou battalion had more soldiers than Suzhou battalion. Both sides fought one to one on the city wall. More than half of Suzhou battalion's two main forces, the headquarters, were killed and wounded, but Yang Jiamo's army collapsed.
Just because the Huben Camp, the Mongolian Brigade, and the Wei Qian'er Camp were stationed nearby, the general situation suppressed people's hearts. The Suzhou Camp was as stable as Mount Tai, and the Ganzhou Camp was defeated.

With a funeral ceremony completed, the marshal's army battalions advanced into Ganzhou, Liu Chengzong conquered the high platform, and the news of Yang Jiamo's self-immolation and death also spread throughout Shandan with the deserters, and the Yongchang guards... until they reached the last fortress in Gansu.

A solid fortress with food, Liangzhou City.

Good evening!

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