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Chapter 494 There is only one

 In the end, Bai Yiqing did not take away the luck that Liu Chengzong wanted to give him.

He told Liu Chengzong that Ganzhou was not his alone, but he was as terrified as standing on the beach of panic, hoping that Liu Chengzong would allow him to become a Taoist priest in Ganzhou.

Liu Chengzong said to himself that Mr. Bai was quite elegant, and he was following Wen Tianxiang's story.

When the Southern Song Dynasty fell, Wen Tianxiang was captured by Zhang Hongfan. Zhang Hongfan asked him to persuade Zhang Shijie to surrender. Wen Tianxiang said that I can't protect my parents myself, so I want to persuade others to betray their parents. Is this possible?

Zhang Hongfan insisted that he write a letter persuading him to surrender, so Wen Tianxiang wrote to Zhang Hongfan: "Since ancient times, no one has ever died, and his loyalty will be recorded in history to express his will.

Later, Wen Tianxiang was escorted to Yanjing and went on a hunger strike for eight days without dying. Wang Jiweng told Kublai Khan that all ministers in the Southern Song Dynasty were inferior to Wen Tianxiang, so Kublai Khan asked him to persuade Wen Tianxiang to surrender.

Wen Tianxiang refused to serve as an official. He said that my country has been destroyed and my duty is to die. If the emperor is lenient and allows me to return to my hometown as a Taoist priest and serve as a consultant as a foreigner in the future, that is okay; if I immediately

Appointing an official position is not only incompatible with other scholar-bureaucrats who lost their country, but also abandoned all their life ambitions and careers. If I am such a person, what is the point of re-employing me?

Kublai Khan's thinking was reasonable, but at that time, Liu Mengyan, the minister who had lowered the Yuan Dynasty earlier, felt that something was wrong. You are so arrogant. Saying such words puts those of us who took the initiative to lower the Yuan Dynasty and persuaded the old ministers to surrender. Where do you think we should be?

Taoist priest, go to hell!

Liu Mengyan told Kublai Khan, if you let Wen Tianxiang go, he will call for uprising in Jiangnan when he comes home. What will we do then?

Wen Tianxiang was killed in the end.

They are all people who have read books. When Liu Chengzong heard Bai Yiqing's words, he understood what he meant. I can surrender, but the hurdle in my heart has not passed yet. Officialship is not my intention for the time being. If I insist on forcing me to become an official, then I

There is only one way to die; if you are allowed to become a Taoist priest, if you want to know anything, I can be a consultant.

Liu Shizi thought this man was very smart, and with just one sentence, using Wen Tianxiang as an example, he said both good and bad things.

If I can't allow you to become a Taoist priest, wouldn't it mean that you are not as powerful as a foreign ruler like Kublai Khan? Then you can become a Taoist priest.

There are many temples in the city of Ganzhou. The first general to enter the city was Zhang Tianlin. Before Zhang Tianlin became a soldier, several of his brothers worked as tenants in temples. He hated monks the most in his life, so when he saw a Buddhist temple in northern Shaanxi, he sent troops to demolish it and burn it.

A Buddhist temple, don’t even think of leaving any temple behind.

The only option was to cross the Qilian Mountains and snatch the armor and horses of Tahe Zhike, the leader of the five Huangfan tribes in the north of the mountain. Because Tahe Zhike was a friend of Wang Ziyong and had no ill intentions towards the Marshal's Mansion, Zhang Tianlin felt very sorry, so she did this

It was agreed that when the war is over, Tahezhike must be given an explanation.

He wanted to repay others, but he never expected that Tahezhike did not want to have any contact with people like him anymore, so he said that I am a Buddhist and you want to repay him. In the future, General Zhang will be honored as a general and he will sit for me.


Zhang Tianlin thought that a man cannot change his mind. You asked me to build a temple, which is absolutely impossible. I will not demolish the temple until I die. Every temple I see that survives in the world will be counted as your merit.

….Zhang Tianlin is an honest and trustworthy person. He promised Tahe Zhike not to demolish the temple, but he really refused to demolish it. However, one code was assigned to the other, and the temple could stay. All the temple’s real estate and incense were confiscated.

The monk said, "General, if all the real estate and incense are confiscated, we will not be able to support the monks.

Zhang Tianlin applauds and is very happy. If you can't afford it, you have three options before you: either join the army, return to secular life, or get out.

Liu Chengzong did not have the habit of worshiping Buddha or Taoist temples. After entering the city, he had been wandering around the governor's office, city walls, and streets, and he had never been to a temple.

Understanding what Bai Yiqing meant, he told Zhang Tianlin that Mr. Bai wanted to become a Taoist priest and find a Taoist temple for his family to live in. Zhang Tianlin said that there were no Taoist temples, so would it be okay to have a temple? There are many empty temples in Ganzhou City.

Liu Chengzong was also very happy when he heard this. How could you, an expert at demolishing temples, still leave a temple under Tianxing's nose? He took advantage of the situation and persuaded him, "It's better not to demolish the temple. These things are the wisdom of the ancestors in construction technology. They can be used."

The places of interest left to future generations, since you won’t demolish them

Don’t dismantle it in the future.

He immediately decided: "Okay, then find a temple to put Mr. Bai in, and then build a statue of Emperor Zhenwu later."

Bai Yiqing's family of six were put into the Great Buddha Temple. The Great Buddha Temple in Ganzhou was built in the first year of Yong'an, the reign of Emperor Chongzong of the Western Xia Dynasty. It is very large in scale.

In a normal year, the city would not be too quiet at night, but now that the marshal's army has just arrived in Ganzhou, things have not been sorted out, and the curfew is being enforced. Zhang Tianlin has driven away the monks again. The deep and high wall has not been planted.

There are few trees, and the wind in Ganzhou is very strong. There is a constant rustle at night, and there are many ghosts and ghosts.

Bai Yiqing was so frightened that he did not dare to sleep. Every night, he lit small candles and oil lamps in the temple wing that had not been confiscated by the soldiers. There were two or three candles and eight or nine oil lamps, which illuminated the room brightly. He was filled with regret.

Sit and wait for dawn.

Bai Yiqing said sincerely, if I had known that you were going to throw me into a big Buddhist temple with no hair, I wouldn't have bragging about Wen Tianxiang. It would be great to just live in the city with a second-class residence. I won't look back in this damn place.

It scared me to death young.

In fact, for Bai Yiqing, being a monk or not is just an excuse and is not important.

Wen Tianxiang returned to his hometown and became a monk. If he was willing to do something, he could call for Jiangnan to start a new uprising. If he didn't want to make any more troubles, he could go back to Taoism and not care about worldly affairs. Anyway, the Southern Song Dynasty was already destroyed.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has not yet died, Bai Yiqing does not dare to return to his hometown, let alone return to his hometown, he does not dare to step into the land of the Ming Dynasty again.

It took him so long to figure it out. He wanted to flee Ganzhou in the first place because he was more afraid of the Marshal's Mansion than the imperial court. After all, the Marshal's Mansion was a political power that was a mixture of bandits, rebels, and pirates Beilu. Who could

Do you know how the deceased officials will be treated?

Now that I have met Liu Chengzong, I probably understand his ambition. It can be said that the impression Liu Chengzong gave him is very complicated. On the surface, he is a domineering military leader who believes in the emperor with strong soldiers and horses, but he is not a blind superstition of force.

A reckless man.

In the final analysis, Bai Yiqing believed that Liu Chengzong's external performance was that of a martial artist, but his inner logic was that of a scholar-bureaucrat.

He is not explaining his behavior by saying that I should be the emperor with strong troops and strong horses, otherwise there is no need to restrain myself. Moreover, in his words, he is full of disdain for the current Ming Dynasty, but when talking about Zhu Yuanzhang, he must call him Emperor Taizu.

.... Through contact with Liu Chengzong, Bai Yiqing believed that this person's concept is that the world has changed and the nine states have been divided. The artifact must be returned to someone who has virtue. I have virtue, so I have a strong army and a strong horse.

And what does Liu Chengzong think is virtue?

It is not his display of force that dominates the world, but his ability to restore order, protect the environment and the people, and achieve long-term peace and stability.

Such a marshal's mansion is not scary at all to Bai Yiqing, so what is really scary to him now is the furious Emperor Chongzhen after losing Gansu.

The bad thing is that Yang Jiamo died for his country. If Yang Jiamo was still alive, Master Chongzhen would definitely punish Yang Jiamo and lose his temper. But Yang Jiamo is gone. If Bai Yiqing is alive, what good end will he have when he goes back? It is better to become a Taoist priest in Gansu first.
However, Mr. Bai was too scared to sleep in the Great Buddha Temple for the past few days, so he did not just recite sutras to strengthen his courage. Just as he expressed to Liu Chengzong, he hoped that he could order order in Gansu as a consultant who did not serve as an official in the Marshal's Palace.

Play a role in the reconstruction and do some things.

For four days, Liu Chengzong went to camp in Ganzhou for exercises every day. When he came back, he went into the governor's office to browse the situation in Gansu on paper. He was so happy that he could not extricate himself.

The population of the guards in Ganzhou is very small, with a total of more than 10,000 households. The number of household registrations in the government office is more than 25,000... But this data is frightening to Liu Chengzong. On the basis of this household registration, Yang Jiamo from Ganzhou

Seven thousand two hundred troops were recruited. This is why Ganzhou has a powerful city but cannot stop the rebels.

The reserves of young men and women in this oasis have been drained out of their own battles.

How many people are there in Ganzhou now? Liu Chengzong doesn't know. So far, his army has only counted more than 600 households in the city, with a total of 1,600 people, mostly old, weak, women and children.

He couldn't say how many people there were outside the city. This was not a job that could be completed in a short time, but he estimated, optimistically, that it would be at most 20,000 people.

But in agriculture, Liu Chengzong was very excited just by the official figures.

Zhangye Oasis is the largest oasis in Gansu and has the most complete water conservancy system. There are more than 110 canals irrigating the entire oasis, and the irrigated land reaches 1.17 million acres, with a total of 1.17 million acres of cultivated land.

With more than 500,000 acres, the normal wheat yield per mu can reach 120 kilograms.

Moreover, the technology accumulation of Ganzhou's handicraft industry is also very powerful. There are many craftsmen in the Wei Dynasty, and they have a very strong foundation in textile, shipbuilding, military industry, coal, smelting, and construction industries.

In terms of brick burning alone, in the second year of Wanli, Gansu Province reported to strengthen the Ganzhou defense area. From the second day of March to the end of September, 7.68 million medium bricks and 4.78 million large bricks were burned.

There are more than 9,000 pieces of strips and 75,000 stones of fired lime, covering the east and south walls.

By the end of the second year, almost the same amount of bricks and stones were used to complete the west and north walls.

But these good news on paper also mean a huge problem for Liu Shizi. The situation of Zhangye Oasis at this moment is far from what appears in these official documents.

This couldn't help but remind him of what the deputy envoy of the Western Army's left wing and the Tubo leader in the Song Dynasty said to Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty when he went to Kaifeng to pay tribute:

Households, with a population of 128,192, there are now 300 Han households.

….People, people are everything, so why talk about development if there is no one?

Looking at the official documents on fields, water power, and handicrafts, Liu Chengzong could be happy to the sky; but whenever he thought about the population of Ganzhou, Liu Chengzong was so angry that he wanted to lift the table.

Since entering Jiayuguan, we have captured half of Gansu along the way, and the population gained is one, which is not as many as the soldiers Liu Chengzong leads now!

Although this situation had long been expected by him, it was also the reason why he did not dare to take action against Gansu when he occupied Hehuang in the early years. Gansu was full of soldiers, so it would not be difficult to defeat it, but the difficulty was that there was no one to defeat it.<


With so much good land, we expect the remaining people in Ganzhou to farm it. It’s not a question of whether Liu Shizi will allocate the land. There are 1.5 million acres of land, and only 20,000 people at most can’t move most of it.

How do old men and children under the age of fourteen grow weapons?

The history of farming in Gansu began in the Han Dynasty. This place has rich farming culture and farming experience, but even the farming soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were not given a single piece of 75 acres of land.

During the Tianbao period, the Tang Dynasty attached great importance to farming, and its strategy was to secure Qinlong and Hexi.

Zhangye Tuntian is a household with 70 acres of land. The land is state-owned. The government provides farm tools and cattle. Sixty-three acres of it are grown in grain. The average household yield is 7,800 kilograms of grain. Each household can raise a super soldier like Liu Chengzong.


It was Liu Chengzong's turn, and the strategy had to be reversed. If he wanted to attack Qinlong, he must consolidate Hexi.

But he has no one, so it would be impossible for him to let the soldiers farm the land; he would not dare to do it if he asked the surrendered soldiers to farm the land.

No one is cultivating the land. In the current environment where there are droughts in places without water, floods in places with water, locust plagues in both droughts and floods, and a major epidemic after locust plagues, two million acres of fertile farmland are left uncultivated in the Gansu oasis.

, Liu Chengzong had to slap himself in the middle of the night: I really deserve to die!

Liu Chengzong has no choice. What should he do if he has no choice? Sue his parents.

A letter asking for help was quickly sent to Sunan Liyuan Fort under the instruction of Liu Chengzong and delivered to the hands of Liu Xiangyu, the father of Xining Prefecture.

The first is to report the battle situation and understand the situation of the Hehuang battle. The second is to ask Dad to find someone to find a suitable route. If you can walk in the mountains, take the mountain roads. If you can't walk on the mountain roads, go outside the customs.

Two types of people are needed. One is people with experience in the Kangning and Hehuang Township official work teams. Three hundred people are needed, and each person is equipped with two guards, a total of nine hundred people.

The second type is people who know how to farm. There are less than 10,000 households. As long as it does not affect the farming in Hehuang, they can get as much as they can. Hehuang is in charge of immigration rations and winter rations, and Ganzhou is in charge of resettlement land.

There is only one requirement, be sure to arrive before winter.

This letter should be sent to Xining Mansion very soon, because after Ganzhou was included in the rule, the five Huangfan tribes of Tahezhike were under the rule of the Marshal's Mansion, and the western section of the northern foot of the Qilian Mountains and the southern foot of the Qilian Mountains were connected.

The only consideration is environmental issues. It is difficult for soldiers to walk on those small roads.

But it is not a problem for the messenger.

After all, in previous years when Chen Qindai suppressed bandits in Haibei County, he arrested Gansu deserters who took the mountain road and ran to the Marshal's Mansion.

While Liu Chengzong was concentrating on this matter, Master Bai Yi was detained in the Great Buddha Temple for four days. He was so frightened that he handed over his results to him.

The long letter of more than 9,000 words describes the abuses of the imperial court that Bai Yiqing saw during the three years he was governor of Gansu, from farmland being invaded by generals to waterways being intercepted by officials; from transferring taxes and grains to extra classes; from the imperial court

The government stipulates that land that has been abandoned should never be reclaimed, so the land has already been registered before the seeds are planted in the soil, causing the people who reclaimed the land to flee.

A lot of things were written very seriously, and Liu Chengzong also read them very seriously. After reading them, he looked up with a smile and said: "Mr. Bai, these problems you mentioned existed in the past, but they no longer exist from now on. They do not exist. The Marshal's Mansion only has

A landowner...that's me."


Seizing the Deer Hou

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