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Chapter five hundred and first move camp

 Gu Tianshou discovered that Liu Chengzong’s army was all insane.

At the first watch of the day, that is, between the hours of Xu and Hai, the troops outside the city were not in a hurry to return to camp. They lit fires in the fields and were busy cultivating like professional farmers.

At the second watch, it was dark outside. They went back to the camp to eat. They ate until the third watch and even until midnight. They also sang, so the ghost soldiers in the city who were preparing for the night attack were so sleepy that they fell asleep.

I was woken up again by the rough guy outside the city singing and howling.

At the fourth watch, the troops outside the city seemed to be asleep. The fire pots in the camp were flickering. It was a good time when the night was dark and the wind was high. But the ghost soldiers couldn't stand it anymore, and they fell asleep at the base of the city wall one by one.

, I barely slept, and my eyelids were fighting... With such virtue, how can I still go out and cause trouble?

On the first night when the city was besieged, almost all the soldiers and civilians in Liangzhou City did not sleep. They lit lamps and boiled wax for a night of useless work.

Li Hongsi felt the most uncomfortable.

He had been with the ghost soldiers who had been selected in advance. He was planning to go into battle at midnight. Li Hongsi had plenty of combat experience and came over to boost their morale.

He never expected that Liu Chengzong's besieging troops would not sleep. He had tried his best to tell the ghost soldiers what he thought of about the chariot four times. He really didn't know what to say.

The effect cannot be said to be non-existent. Although the morale is indeed not boosted, the sleep aid effect is excellent. Basically, if he says two sentences, one soldier will yawn out of boredom, and then one soldier will infect two, and two will infect four.

Directly covering the entire army.

You can tell whoever took advantage of Mr. Li’s lecture to fall asleep at a glance.

Don't look at Li Hongsi standing at the gate of the city with his helmet on his head and his sword in his hand. He looks majestic, but in fact he is so embarrassed that his toes are almost like a Forbidden City in his military boots, and he is rubbing his hands behind his back.

Oh, rub it.

Behind him is guard Liu Shaozong.

He took Li Hongsi's face into consideration and did not dare to interrupt.

They are all generals, and there are different levels of official positions, but unless you are very unlucky and get killed directly on the battlefield, everyone will have this experience when they lose the battle and lose their armor.

As a colleague, you must not provoke him. Even if you don't mean anything bad, the speaker has no intention and the listener has intention. What should you do if people think you are adding insult to injury and looking down on others, so they hate you? So Liu Shaozong stood aside and bowed his head silently.<


At this moment, he heard Li Hongsi tell the ghost soldiers what to pay attention to for the fourth time. He felt that maybe he should help General Li to relieve the siege, so he stepped forward and pointed at the dark blue city wall, and discussed:

"Commander, if it doesn't work, let's forget it today. We will send the ghost soldiers out of the city tomorrow night. I thought it would be abnormal for us to eat in the middle of the night, but I didn't expect them to sing in the middle of the night."

Li Hongsi was not so happy when he escaped from Ganzhou City. He almost slapped his thigh with joy. He said to himself, Grandpa, you have just said something. I have been hinting to you for a long time.

Don’t pick up the fight!

He immediately waved his hand and said: "General Liu is right, let's go to bed today. It doesn't matter if the enemy's movements are abnormal. They like to farm, so let's let them farm. The land will be planted one day, and then they will be normal."

, let’s attack the camp again!”

The order was passed to the fourth gate, and the defenders and ghost soldiers were relieved and fell asleep with a relaxed mind, but by this time it was already the fifth watch.

Suddenly Liu Chengzong's cavalry was outside holding torches from far to near, and soon dispersed near the city. They shouted at the top of their lungs, urging the soldiers farming outside the city to change their defenses, and told them to go to the back and sleep.

The iron horse glaciers fell into a dream. Not even a quarter of an hour after Li Hongsi fell asleep in the West Street government office, he dreamed back to his youth. He was fighting with the Northern invaders in a large formation, and the guns and cannons were firing, and people were shouting horses. The hoofs of the horses

It’s all in the face.

I suddenly woke up and returned to this body with white temples. Before I could recover from the fear of the big horse's hooves trampling my face, I heard the toothless old man who lived in the government office room beating the gong: "Beat."

Hit, hit, hit!"

There was indeed some commotion in the city, but Li Hongsi heard the sound and it didn't sound like he was starting to attack the city. Moreover, Li Hongsi had seen Liu Chengzong's army before. He was the most courageous in fighting. The cavalry invaded fiercely, and they were definitely not stupid.

Who the hell is attacking the city before dawn?

When Li Hongsi went out, he pulled the old man's gong and gave an order to all the people in the city who had musical instruments at home to hand them over to the Yamen.

"Lest there be no chaos in the world!"

Soon, Liu Shaozong, who also had dark circles under his eyes and a tired look on his face, came over to meet Li Hongsi and said in a very helpless tone: "Liu Chengzong's cavalry is running like crazy outside the city. There is a night guard in the west city who has never fought before.

, he fired the cannon when he was nervous; an artilleryman at the south gate was awakened, thinking that the order was given, and fired the cannon."

When the first ray of sunshine penetrated the darkness on May 29, two cannons were fired from the west and south city walls of Liangzhou, announcing the failure of the entire Liangzhou City to fall asleep.

Li Hongsi licked his dry lips with a bitter look on his face: "Did anyone shoot to death?"

"I don't know." Liu Shaozong shook his head: "I don't think we can hit him. In the past five years, Liu Chengzong has taken turns fighting with the imperial court, pirates, Xifan, and Wala. He is also a veteran. The cavalry must be very scattered. With just two shots, I guess we can hit him.

Not enough people."


Li Hongsi was not much disappointed. It was just as expected. The two cannons hit or missed under tension had no impact on the battle situation. He looked at the white sky and sighed: "The price of these two cannons is terrible."

It was so big that the whole city woke up."

Liu Shaozong also sighed, looked at Li Hongsi who was neatly dressed, and asked thoughtfully: "How about the commander-in-chief go back to sleep for a while?"

"How can I sleep now? It's already dawn. Liu Erhan has been holding it in all night long. How can he let us sleep during the day?"

Li Hongsi said angrily. He thought that even if he thought about it with his toes, he knew that Liu Chengzong's tormenting them had just begun, so he said to Liu Shaozong: "It's better for the general to go to bed. It's my turn in the evening...we can't sleep."

Well, they can’t sleep well either.”

Originally, Liu Chengzong's farming outside the city was quite irritating, but to be honest, this irritating effect was not successful for the army. They just farmed as they liked, just planting some beans and corn.

It is a crop that matures in three months.

In fact, this incident will only make the people of Liangzhou gnash their teeth at Hong Chengchou, and the defenders on the city will not think anything of it.

After all, farming is a very long-term activity. There is no rule of thumb that whoever sows crops must reap it.

Just because you plant today does not mean that you will still be alive to harvest food three months later.

But the ghost soldiers were too sleepy to open their eyes and could not go out to attack at night. They really made the generals and soldiers on the city very angry... They all felt that Liu Chengzong was so bad, and everything was stuck in their way.

In fact, Liu Chengzong didn't have so many bad intentions. He slept soundly at Fengle Castle, fifty miles west of Liangzhou City, throughout the night.

The army in the west of Liangzhou City is the Suzhou Battalion led by Ding Guodong, and the Ganzhou Battalion led by Fengweizhen is in the northwest. Behind them is Gao Yingdeng's camp.

Liu Chengzong actually had no experience in defending a city. In the past five years, he had fought a lot in the field and not attacked many cities. As for defending a city, he had never done so.

Before the Battle of Liangzhou began, he had no idea what the defenders would do when they were besieged.

However, Hong Chengchou arranged the plan to defend the city of Liangzhou in every detail, and the Sanjie Society handed over Hong Chengchou's city defense manual, and things developed in an interesting direction.

The defenders in Liangzhou City eat three meals a day and the time of each meal. What sounds do the defenders on the four walls use to convey warning signs? How many sounds do they use to signal the alarm? What are the normal times between the four gate defenders and the reserve team?

Where will they be stationed in the city, when will they leave the city, and what tactics will they use when leaving the city?

Marshal Jun can memorize it with his eyes closed.

Still want to sleep? Still want to be attacked by ghost soldiers at night?

Early the next morning, when the sky was bright and the sun was not so hurtful, the sergeant outside the city went to work again carrying farm tools.

In order to prevent the Ximen garrison from leaving the city, they sent people to the city gate to read out the message of their general, vigorously denounced Hong Chengchou's evil deeds of destroying fields, and asked the garrison to tell the people in the city that the marshal's army had not followed the Liangzhou army and the people.

The idea of ​​​​being enemies, we have been attached to the army and the people all the way, and it has won the hearts of the people, so why don't you surrender?

As soon as he finished speaking, the defenders on the city politely released a Hundred Tigers Running.

Bee Tail Needle was very angry, but he did not take any action at that time until the sun became hot and some soldiers came back with farm tools, so they set up cannons in the second mile west of the city.

A group of artillery officers gathered in the camp and looked at their homemade defense map of Liangzhou. Finally, they determined a rough location and asked the soldiers to fire three artillery pieces as a counterattack.

The location they circled is called Yushou, which means the intersection of the east-west street and the north-south street. This place is usually where the market is when the market is open.

There are three east-west streets and three north-south streets in Liangzhou City, with a total of nine corners. They are targeting the three corners closest to the west gate.

According to the manual, the defender's reserve team will usually stay near the corner, waiting for the call to assemble.

The reason why Bee Tail Needle has to wait for the sun to get hotter is because at this time, the defenders cannot hide at the base of the west city wall to shade themselves from the sun. They will definitely rest in the houses, houses and shops near the corner.

After all, their cannons are aimed indirectly. It is difficult to accurately hit the corner, and the probability of spreading to the neighboring houses is very high, so they have to wait for the vicious sun to drive people into the house, so that they can kill two birds with one stone by bombarding them.

If it hits the corner but doesn't hit anyone, it's okay. It's very accurate and the intimidation effect is achieved. If it doesn't hit the corner but hits a few pieces of rubble, it happens that there are troops nearby, and the purpose is achieved.

These three cannons did not kill anyone, but they did frighten the defenders gathered in three places in the west city. In addition, they also panicked the defenders on the east city wall.

The defenders of Xicheng were afraid because they actually saw cannonballs falling nearby. A seven-pound iron ball crossed the city wall and landed near where they were stationing troops. One cannonball could be said to be a coincidence, but three of them landed at the intersection of three streets.

This is where they station troops, how can you not be afraid?

The defenders of Dongcheng were panicked because in Hong Chengchou's manual, the alarms on the four walls were different sound signals to prevent the reserves from rioting, and also to avoid the risk of support being mobilized by enemy forces outside the city.

In case of emergency in the south of the city, beat the big drum; in case of emergency in the west of the city, ring the big bell; in case of emergency in the north of the city, sound the gongs; in case of emergency in the east of the city... fire three cannons.

The reserves gathered in the east of the city had not had a good night's rest. From the soldiers to the generals, they were all in a very bad state of mind. They were staring in confusion and nervousness. Suddenly they heard three gunshots. They didn't even have time to distinguish the direction, so they gathered in a chaotic manner.

Line up and rush towards the city wall.

Rushing to the city, the defenders of the East City were dumbfounded: "There is no one outside the city, what are you doing here in such a hurry?"

There is really no one outside the east city wall. The encirclement arranged by Liu Chengzong is a large encirclement. The nearest marshal's army to the east of the city is Wei Qian'er's camp. This guy is occupying the side wall forty miles to the southeast.

Moreover, the east city wall of Liangzhou City is difficult to attack. The west city wall is even more difficult to attack. There is a moon city outside and an urn city inside. The east city wall is even more extreme. Building a gate city directly outside the city is equivalent to giving the entire east city outside the city

Guan built the city wall and connected it into one.

Wei Qian'er saw that there was nothing to surround here, so he left some Tangqi outside the city and went directly to the southeast.

After three shells, Bee Tail Needle was convinced that he could communicate well with the garrison on the city, but before he could send someone to communicate again, Mr. Ding Guodong from Suzhou Camp snatched the microphone that afternoon.

The two battalions sleep in rotation. Their main tasks outside the city are to farm and persuade the enemy. Other than that, their potential orders are to lure the enemy. Liu Chengzong has no intention of letting them attack the city.

It would be best if the defenders could be lured out and beaten. If not, just farm the land.

So what they discussed was that the Ganzhou camp would be responsible for planting before noon in the fourth and fifth watches; the Suzhou camp would wake up in the afternoon and be responsible for planting in the evening. After all, it was a dog day, and no one could bear the sun during the midday farming.
If you can really draw the enemy out, as long as they are not defeated within half an hour, it will be considered a great achievement.

Gao Yingdeng's camp, who was farming behind them, was the main force to deal with the troops leaving the city. In fact, Gao Yingdeng's troops were impatient for a long time. Those people were unwilling to farm, so they had no choice but to push the plow and sow.

, the reasons why they are unwilling to farm are also different from others.

There was a Qianzong in this battalion, Tang Tong. When Tang Tong fought with the Zhenyi guerrilla Tang Mingshi, he removed the preloaded shotshells from the artillery and asked the firearms soldiers to stuff the shotguns into heavy guns. The effect was very good.

Now their entire battalion's firearms soldiers use this charging method of one large bullet and three small bullets. They are just waiting to shoot against someone, and the effect will be reported to Liu Chengzong.

However, the Liangzhou defenders really didn’t dare to leave the city.

They were waiting for the camp outside the city to finish sowing the fields, and their work and rest schedules were normal.

For three days in a row, the Ganzhou Camp and Suzhou Camp of the Marshal's Army worked day and night to torture the defenders and prevent them from sleeping. The defenders also watched every day, almost watching the changes in the Marshal's Army's farm tools.

At first they were sowing by hand, and the next day someone pushed a newly made three-legged cart down to the ground to sow. Using this thing, the efficiency increased slowly, more than ten times faster than manual sowing, and it was not easy to catch

The besieging army planted corn and soybeans in the surrounding fields, and the defenders were eager to get started, feeling that the ghost soldiers finally had a place to use.

The marshal's army has moved its camp.

They changed to a piece of land that was not planted.

Good evening!

This chapter has been completed!
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