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Chapter 514 Chijin Guard

 Aji Khan of Turpan once suspected that his fifth blood brother had really surrendered to Liu Chengzong.

Otherwise, why would you keep deceiving yourself to transport things to the east? I kindly sent 500 horses to support Hami, and a letter came back very quickly, saying that his mother had been robbed by horse bandits.

Aji Khan was wondering, didn't you just say that there was only one horse left in Hami? Where did the horse bandit come from? Could it be that the horse bandit you mentioned was not a horse bandit, but a bandit who specialized in robbing horses?

Then the communication between Turpan and Hami became a one-way channel. Every time Aji Khan wrote to Hami, it seemed as if he had not received it from the Hami direction. Even the person sent to deliver the letter never came back.

On the contrary, in the direction of Hami, Babai Khan's letters came one after another, rushing towards Turpan without any obstruction. He opened the letters, all talking to himself, asking for horses, equipment, and Hami again.

There are many strange people coming outside the city.

He always blamed Aji Khan for not replying to him, and angrily said that the Marshal's Office had sent more troops to Hami, why didn't you send troops over? They all put me under house arrest!

Aji Khan only felt that the strangest thing in this land was that his younger brother Babai seemed to be a person who had been dead for two months. All letters were written while he was alive, and he was indifferent to what happened after death.

After thinking about this problem, Ajihan figured out that most of the letters sent from the east were fake, and his fifth child was probably gone. Whether it was true or not, it would be better for him if the fifth child was gone at this time.


Because his territory is in Turpan, and Turpan is only three hundred miles away from Verum in Oirat, with only a Daban in Bogda Mountain in between.

Daba is Dabaya in the Oara Mongolian dialect. Because Oirat Mongolia has a large population, it is also called Dava in some places. In fact, they both mean the same thing, pass, mountain pass.

In Mongolia, this word means mountain.

This is probably related to the difference in the living environment between the Oara and Mongolia. Monan Mongolia do not need to cross mountains, the mountains are just mountains, just go around them; while the Oara Mongolia live in a densely populated area with high mountains, and they often need to cross passes.

Azi Khan in Turpan has learned that Oirat is raising armaments and has established twenty Otoks, which are Qianhu tribes. The eastern Khan of Yarkant is also preparing for internal strife in the west. All Turpan's energy needs to be focused on guarding

Daban, to prevent Oirat from going south, has no energy to take care of Hami.

After all, from the Flame Mountain to Hami City, there is more than 700 miles of Gobi Desert in between. The rivers coming down from the mountains will be dried out before they can run very far. Only the strongest plants can grow on this land. Even if the Han army wants to come over,

You have to bring your own water, so there is no need to worry.

But on the other side of Hami City, Babai Khan was really angry because Hami City had been occupied by the Chijin Guards from the south.

He Chongan, the Chijin Guard, was very nervous about what he was doing. For a governor like Cao Yao, it was normal for him to give people official positions, but he never imagined that he would threaten him and say that he would be killed if he ignored military discipline.

A whole bunch of bandits.

To Chijinwei, the little bandits restrained by the big bandits are considered their professional counterparts.

He Chong'an understands military discipline, but he doesn't understand the military discipline of the Marshal's Mansion, let alone what Cao Yao's "good job" and "bad job" standards are.

For this reason, he specifically consulted the three hundred marshal soldiers Liu Chengzong left in Chijin Guard to see what kind of military discipline the marshal's mansion had. These people were all from the old Ming army, and there were even several Ningxia fellows among them. It was easy for He Chongan to carry out his work.


But the answer he received did not satisfy him, because there was a mixture of abstraction and straightforwardness. The veteran said that the laws of the Marshal's Mansion basically copied the laws of the Ming Dynasty, and the military laws were also the same as those of the Ming army.

When He Chongan heard this, he frowned and said, "Don't tell me it's useless. Military laws are there. But if you don't give military food and military pay, isn't it unreasonable to just ask for military pay?"

The military laws of the Ming army were strict, but this could only be ensured by sufficient logistics, adequate food management, and adequate salary management. Even if there were a group of horse bandits under his command, He Chongan was confident that he would use money and food to stabilize the minds of most people first, and spend a few

If we kill dozens of people in a month, military discipline can be improved.

But there is nothing you want right now, so what can you do to improve military discipline? If the army doesn’t let go of looting, then there’s no one.

In the beginning, once someone starts, if he doesn't care, everything will go into chaos. This Hami city will be eaten alive by thousands of bandits. If he doesn't care, Liu Chengzong's Chijin Guards may be gone.

Of course, whether Chijin Guard is still there at that time has nothing to do with He Chongan. If a mutiny is triggered, he will be the first person the horse bandits want to kill.

Let’s not talk about it now. Even when Wanli came to Korea, North Korea said it had prepared military rations. It was agreed that the Ming Dynasty would send troops to fight and they would be in charge of the military rations. However, as a result, the heavenly soldiers came and found nothing. The whole country was as clean as if it had been licked by a dog.


Who has just gone out to war and is not a son of a good family? In the past, people were chewing dough from pine leaves and beating up the Japanese. The domestic supplies could not be supplied, and the foreign vassals still hid military supplies and weapons. What can we do?

Naturally, they raised money on the spot, and the enraged soldiers beat the officials of the foreign vassal, and the Tibetan military supplies were treated as collaborating with the enemy. They should be killed and taken.

Now we have to maintain military discipline, and we don't have enough money. He Chongan is also facing the same problem. Chijin Guard is a powder keg, he is sitting on the powder keg, and this powder keg is entirely caused by the Marshal's Mansion's policy towards them.<


He Chongan believes that the best strategy for Chijin Guards to implement at the moment is not to station troops in Hami, but to send troops to the west. Since the mission is to prevent a bird from flying over from the west, then go west and kill all the birds.

In the early days of the Republic of China, when Emperor Taizu was crossing the Yangtze River, he was also faced with the situation of not having enough food to eat, so he gave an order to the army: whenever entering the enemy's territory, he should only give him a small amount of food. If he attacked a city and the enemy resisted, he should be allowed to be inspected by the soldiers and treated as his own property.

If you surrender, you will be able to bring peace to the people and gain nothing.

This means that when you enter enemy territory, you will carry out an organized and disciplined requisition of grain. If the enemy city surrenders directly, you will calm the people. You will requisition grain in an organized and disciplined manner without looting. If it is conquered without surrender, you will order an organized and disciplined requisition.

Robbery means inspection and looting.

The veteran was happy when he heard his idea. The governor did not give you any salary, but he gave you an official position. You used to be a team leader. To put it bluntly, you were almost the same as a hundred households. How many levels were you promoted at once? You were directly promoted to the fourth grade.

Directing people to do things is a test of your talents.

Opportunities are given to you. If you are capable, do it. If you are not capable, just give it up and leave. But if you choose to do it and you don't do it well, then you will have no choice but to die.

He smiled and said: "The commander-in-chief must like your idea of ​​killing birds, but Governor Cao is in charge of Gansu and will not support the war to the west. The commander-in-chief has his own order to provide grain, but it is not for the people, but for the people.


"Whether the governor says you can do a good job depends on whether you can manage the army's food supply."

After receiving such a reminder, He Chongan was relieved. He first reorganized the Chijin Guards outside the city, and placed veterans of the Marshal's Army in each of the hundreds of households, and agreed on military discipline and law.

Of course, their military discipline and law are different from the normal army's agreement.

He Chongan has always been following the trend, whether he was a captain in the Ming army, a soldier in Chahar, or a captain in Gansu, he never thought about what he should do or what he would do in this life.

Long-term plans.

He rarely uses his brain. Being in the framework of the Ming army, his life as a warrior does not require the use of his brain.

No matter what problems arise in life, under the head-level gong system, as long as you chop off a few other people's brains, everything will be fine.

But as an independent young leader, living in the Gobi requires a lot of thinking. At this time, He Chongan was not only a grassroots officer who was familiar with the mentality of low-level soldiers, but also an experienced horse bandit leader.

He knew very well that using the army's method of reading out military laws and regulations was of no use to these bandits.

The army's military laws deal with new recruits, and what they want is to establish the supreme prestige of the generals, so in many cases, they don't say anything or explain, and they just have to obey.

But these bandits have military experience, and they are all veterans from various armies; without military experience, they are all practical players with rich experience in looting in the Gobi Desert. It is a fantasy to expect them to obey like new recruits.


He had to compare his feelings and tell the entire Chijin Guard that even if Hami was robbed and the city was massacred, the things in the city would not be enough to support their garrison for a long time, so their long-term meal ticket would still have to come from the Marshal's Mansion - in the future, there would be big


For the big job in the future, this time we will first rob the nobles in the city. We must be organized when doing so.

No one can hide his or her secrets. Only by being disciplined and not hiding their secrets can the entire Chijin Guard be well fed. If anyone wants to hide their secrets, don’t be blamed for turning their backs on others.

They all made an appointment and signed the agreement with various words and circles, and He Chongan began to prepare to enter the city... He was not stupid enough to talk about integrity with a group of gangsters. With the population base of Chijinwei, there were dozens of bad guys.

Gangsters who promise to be taken seriously are normal.

He made the promise to kill people just to gain righteousness.

The righteousness means that even if people temporarily disagree with it because of their inner selfish desires, they dare not understand the moral high ground for raising objections.

For Chijinwei, keeping everyone fed is the absolute moral high ground.

Holding onto the weapon of righteousness, as long as someone breaks the law, he can kill and establish his authority.

After that, He Chongan made a plan to bring the army to the city, select several hundreds of households to block Hami City, and prohibit entry and exit. He requisitioned more than a dozen private houses and put all the nobles under house arrest.

Immediately afterwards, people were sent to seize the noble residences and manors inside and outside the city. All materials, regardless of whether they were useful or not, were recorded and requisitioned.

In the end, he didn't get much food, but he did confiscate a lot of utensils and property. He Chongan didn't kill all the soldiers who hid the property, but only beheaded six heads and chopped off four hands.

As for the penalty for hiding, He Chongan carefully calculated the amount of execution, and saved most of the people who had no backers, and those who had backers but had little influence. Of the six people killed, four had powerful backers, and they needed to be reduced.

Prestige; the other two have no backers but have large amounts of money in their pockets.

After the other people handed over their private belongings, they all came out and formed a team of 100 people to advance first, asking them to make meritorious deeds.

However, He Chongan's actual thinking is that having a backer can weaken his wings, but it is better not to have a backer, which can create opportunities for him to show favor.

After such a process, he finally asked the Chijin Banner Guards to divide the limited wine, meat, and grain. Morale increased greatly, and it started to look like an army.

As for the goods, Kang Liangfu sent someone to contact Song Xian of Suzhou Guard to discuss whether they could be sold in Suzhou.

Song Xian smiled happily at the news, but he was worried. The situation in Suzhou was different from that in Hehuang. Not only did the land allocation have little effect here, but the Marshal's Office's equalization of land and buying taxes could not be implemented here.

This is because, firstly, Suzhou does not have that much money to buy grain, and secondly, with the existing money of the Suzhou Guard, it is impossible to buy grain and grass to supply the army of the Marshal's Mansion.

The Generalissimo asked Song Xian to collect grain in Suzhou to supply military supplies. After much thought, he finally decided to use the Wei Station system in Suzhou, that is, half of the food grown was collected by the Wei Station.

Even if there are no good guards anywhere in the world, its land policy is still the best policy in Hexi, because the guard system in Hexi was not implemented in the early Ming Dynasty. It was implemented in the Han Dynasty, but it was called Jun at that time.


In fact, it means the same thing: the land is state-owned, and each soldier is given fifty acres to each household. They pay half of the grain they grow, and the remaining half is their own.

This policy will be used in the frontiers every dynasty and every generation, because the frontiers have fewer people and more land. However, as the intensity of wars escalates with the change of dynasties, the broken inland has become an environment with fewer people and more land.

By the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Han people, who had already been essentially divided into two ethnic groups, Southerners and Northerners, merged and reshaped themselves in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin. Under the leadership of Zhu Yuanzhang, they launched a furious campaign to reconquer the lands of Yanyun, Guanshan, Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangxi.

Make the whole world full of guardhouses.

This itself is the product of the specific historical environment of that era when there were a total of four million people living in North Zhili and Henan.

The population of the Ming Dynasty was multiplying, and policies conformed to the society and also transformed the society. At this time, Song Xian seemed to have done nothing but moved out the ancestral guard system, and Suzhou Guards immediately provided enough supplies.<


Just because of the internal strife in Suzhou when Liu Chengzong entered the customs, a number of people died, and the remaining Suzhou was like a piece of white paper, which was particularly useful when it was put on the system of the guards.

Now that the soldiers and civilians of Suzhou have handed over the grain, each family still has a large amount of surplus grain. Song Xian cannot recruit more, and the soldiers and civilians can't eat it all, and they can't sell it. Just when they were worried, Chijin Wei suddenly got a batch of goods.

, made Song Xian extremely happy.

Within just a few days, a batch of grain and grass was transported to Jiayuguan Pass, and Chijin Guard was asked to send someone to take it away. He slowly sold the rest, and sold it.

Give as much as you want.

Immediately the urgent needs of both sides were solved, and the military households in Suzhou even reported to Song Xian that the goods they were most in need of were actually manure.

Suzhou is implementing Liu Chengzong's Farming Law. This year, the people have tasted the benefits of the Farming Law. They urgently need more fertilizer to fertilize other areas to fertilize the land.

However, just as he was mobilizing manpower to build the first fertilizer kiln outside Jiayuguan, the beacon fire from the east broke the tranquility of Suzhou. Although the beacon fire could not convey accurate military information, the Suzhou Guards, who lacked soldiers, entered immediately.

In a state of alert, be prepared to defend against enemies or transport baggage to the east.

Later, Cao Yao's letter was delivered to the Suzhou Guard, and the Yongchang Guard's defense line was breached. It was Cao Wenzhao!

This chapter has been completed!
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