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Chapter 517: Defeat

 The mountain valley road of Gulang Gorge is full of soldiers running all over the mountains and fields.

Bai Guangen's army was repulsed by Zhang Tianlin's rockets. The first place the soldiers thought of to retreat was Yingpan Ridge by the Gurang River where Ding Shaoyin was stationed.

Ding Shaoyin, the commander of the Liangzhou Guards, really felt that the battlefield was changing rapidly in one day.

Liu Chengzong selected the brave warriors in the army and scolded him for three days at the foot of the mountain. Ding Shaoyin's soldiers were still speechless on the mountain. Finally, Ding Shaoyin was scolded so much that he almost lost control of the army. The soldiers all angrily asked to go down the mountain to beat these old men.


Ding Shaoyin said in his heart that if he really wants you to come down from the mountain, wouldn't that fall into Liu Chengzong's favor? He can only abandon his personal honor and disgrace and hold on to the soldiers for his life to be scolded.

It happened that at noon on the third day of July, Bai Guangen sent news that the native people reported that enemy troops were found in the eastern section of Huangyangchuan River. He was going to intercept this enemy army and then return to attack Liu Chengzong.

Ding Shaoyin's anxious heart finally relaxed, because he saw Liu Chengzong's backhand. As long as this backhand was removed, the problem of defending Yingpanling would not be big.

Who would have dared to think that just one hour after Bai Guangen sent the message, another urgent message from the east was delivered to Ding Shaoyin. It was Bai Guangen again. He said that he was defeated and was gathering his troops to move to Yingpanling.
Holding this document, Ding Shaoyin felt as if his head had been struck by lightning, and he was stunned for a long time without regaining consciousness.

He thought about it for a long time before he realized that at this time and at this speed, including sending messages to advance and retreat, it can no longer be said that he is unable to fight. This damn thing is going to collapse at the first touch!

Before Ding Shaoyin could react, all the horns, gongs and drums on the mountain suddenly sounded, and there was a chaos in the camp. Officers ran around the camp, asking the soldiers who scolded Liu Chengzong what they were scolding, and why they did not attack for several days.

,Suddenly this will launch an attack?

Liu Chengzong stood in the camp at the foot of the mountain. He didn't care at all that the soldiers on the mountain scolded him. It was only because the Tang soldiers at the fork of the Gulang River and Huangyang River in the east reported that the Ming army over there was fleeing, that he ordered the Huben camp and Gansu

The second battalion attacks the mountain stronghold.

He used the teams from the Huben Camp as the offensive force, carrying Yongzhu Milu and other light cannons to advance towards the mountainside. Teams of teams advanced overlapping along the mountain road to attack and defend each other, using well-trained teams to clear the way for the following troops.

Then the Qianjin artillery teams from various artillery positions down the mountain launched bombardments at the earthen fortresses, archery towers, and camp fences in the mountains. Amidst the roar of the artillery, the Ganzhou battalion soldiers stepped forward one by one, firing barrages with bird blunderbuss and three-eyed blunderbuss, and moved upwards layer by layer.


For this attack, Liu Chengzong's army had been preparing for three days. All the troops were familiar with the shooting targets. There was almost no need for senior generals to direct them. The lower-level officers led the soldiers to do their own thing and defeated Ding Shaoyin's army on Yingpan Ridge.

, can’t lift my head.

Liu Chengzong has become very familiar with the terrain of Yingpanling in the past few days. He knows in his heart that it is difficult to easily capture the mountain where the Ming army is stationed. But the more this happens, the more he wants to eat this army... because he has no idea.

The energy is slowly chipping away at one stronghold after another.

After capturing this Ming army, other Ming troops stationed in Yingpanling, whose geographical location is not as good as Yingpanling, will flee when they see him.

It's just that his main tactics against Yingpanling is to encircle, and the current fierce attack is just a feint attack. To be precise, it is to show the retreating Ming army at Huangyangchuan in the east.

At this moment, Liu Chengzong did not know that the Ming army coming from Huangyangchuan was Bai Guangen's tribe. He made two preparations. If it was Cao Wenzhao coming from the east, he would encircle the area for reinforcements and use Suzhou, which had stronger combat effectiveness.

The camp held back Cao Wenzhao.

If it were someone else, they would probably ignore Ding Shaoyin and let them flee into the Zhuanglang River first. When Zhang Tianlin came from the east, Gulang Gorge announced that it had changed hands. After the Ming army on the mountain was deprived of food, it only took a little time to escape.

It will destroy itself without attacking.

On the other side of Huangyang River, Bai Guangen, who was running away in embarrassment, was almost going crazy.

He didn't understand how he could run from Ganzhou to Huangyangchuan and still meet this rocket guy.

Bai Guangen was very convinced that the general of the Marshal's Army who used rockets against him twice was the same person.

Because the reaction after releasing the rocket twice was carved out of the same mold, just one word, quick.

Hundreds of large rockets were bombarding the position, and the smoke was still there

Before they dispersed, the fast horses rushed out of the gunpowder smoke with wild goose feather knives raised, slashing at anyone they saw, rushing through the smoke-filled battlefield in the shortest time, and stampeding on the troops who were blocking their sight.

This light cavalry fighting method has a strong personal style. Bai Guangen was bombed twice in five months, and he has completely understood it.

How should I put it? This is a cavalry or servant team of fifty to one hundred people, enlarged to three to five thousand people.

In this era, military technology has advanced. It can be said that it is difficult to see pure troops on the battlefield with thousands of troops anymore. They are all fancy troops. A fancy troop consists of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, and the weapons used by each arm are also different.

It's different, it has a stronger division of labor.

For example, Bai Guangen's army is a flower army, and they have the ability to fight independently, while Zhang Tianlin's army is basically a pure army, and their tactics are the same.

Under normal circumstances, the cavalry can only play a decisive role in the three stages of surprise attack, harassment, and formation breaking. If the enemy forces form a majestic formation, they will have to encircle it. The cost of forcibly charging into the formation with artillery is too high.

However, Zhang Tianlin used a large number of rockets to cause a large amount of damage in a short period of time. The smoke obscured the sight and cut off the enemy's command. In fact, she used props to replace the duties of the infantry and artillery in the cavalry. After the rockets destroyed the cavalry, she directly entered the formation-breaking pursuit stage.

Bai Guangen felt that he was being targeted.

Your Liu Chengzong has been fighting in Gansu for half a year. Your army didn’t fight anyone, so you caught me and fought me twice. How much hatred?

He especially wanted to ask the enemy general, did I steal your millet?

However, Bai Guangen traveled all the way to the fork of the Gulang River, and when he heard the booming cannons and loud shouts on the Yingpan Ridge to the west, he realized that he was not the only one being targeted. Ding Shaoyin on the Yingpan Ridge was even worse off than him.

At least he could still run. The officers in the army were all survivors of the first rocket attack. They all reacted very quickly this time. Many people immediately ran back, although the army could not run as fast as the rockets.

, but after all, I didn’t stand there and act stupid like I did when I was bombed for the first time.

However, they were so frightened that they even fled all the way here and did not dare to form a formation. Even the soldiers under the guard did not dare to stand shoulder to shoulder for fear of being blown up by rockets released from some mountain top.<


Galloping along the Huangyang River to the fork of the Gurang River, the majestic war horse was so tired that it foamed at the mouth and collapsed to the ground the moment Bai Guangen reined in the reins.

Bai Guangen, who rolled off his horse, climbed up from the ground, picked up the fallen bowl, and stared blankly in the direction of Yingpan Ridge.

In the afterglow, thick lead clouds pressed towards the top of the mountain, and the roar of cannons on the other side of the mountain was like thunder rolling from the horizon. The sound made the beard on his cheeks stand up.

Such a burst of gunfire made Bai Guangen, who was frightened by the rockets, wake up.

At this moment, seeing him fall off his horse, Mr. Qian Bai Chaozai quickly got off his horse, led the horse forward and said: "General, ride my horse, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Bai Guangen did not accept Bai Chaozai's kindness. He stared nervously, opened his mouth slightly, shook his head slowly and said: "We can't run south, Liu Chengzong is attacking Ding Shaoyin."

Bai Chaozai couldn't understand: "What does General Ding care about now? Let's go to Zhuanglangwei first."

Bai Guangen still shook his head. He didn't care about Ding Shaoyin's life or death, but he wanted to wake up after the disaster and let his clever IQ occupy the high ground again, realizing that they had fallen into a dead situation.

Bai Guangen did not fight many tough battles, but he was experienced in hundreds of battles. He was pursued and fiercely fought by the army on the battlefields of Shaanxi and Shanxi, which were thousands of miles deep, and he also acted as a senior general of the army and the army in coordinated operations on the battlefield.
He is very familiar with the combat methods of heavily armed groups.

At this time, the battlefield situation in Gulangxia sent him a very dangerous signal: Liu Chengzong, who was attacking Ding Shaoyin, and the marshal's army who defeated him were fighting in coordination.

Liu Chengzong blocked the north, and Zhang Tianlin drove him from the east to the west. Bai Guangen was fully confident that the enemy's purpose was to have the two of them meet up at Heisongyi.

What's more, it was obvious that he and Ding Shaoyin were caught in the middle. It was impossible for the two enemy armies to communicate tactics through Tang soldiers, reconnaissance cavalry, and messengers. This meant that Liu Chengzong had premeditated this battle at the beginning.

Falling into a trap planned by the enemy, Bai Guangen believed that it would not be too much to think about the worst possible outcome of the war.

In Bai Guangen's mind, the answer was already clear. On the battlefield of Gulang Gorge, at least one legion under Liu Chengzong's command had not yet reached the combat position.

This location should be to the south of them, most likely at Chakou Mayi in the south.

Now that the people in the north are blocking, and the people in the east are chasing out, and they are blocked after driving out, what is waiting for them next? They are all demon kings killed from the sea of ​​bones in Shaanxi Corpse Mountain, and Liu Chengzong is not a kind person, so he spent a lot of time to get rid of them.

To allow them to escape from the south?


"We are surrounded."

Bai Guang'en spoke with certainty, glanced in the direction of Yingpan Ridge, shook his head and said: "Ding Shaoyin won't survive, but we can still survive. We can run south across Yingpan Ridge, and then run for ten miles without flags, ambush them, and kill them."

Then I returned to Huangyangchuan and ran from Shixiaguan to Ningxia."

For Bai Guangen's subordinates, as long as the general reveals this plan, it doesn't matter whether there is an ambush or siege by the Marshal's Army in the south.

Because compared to Zhuang Langwei, who was only guarded by Lu Yunchang's thousand troops, escaping to Ningxia was the only plan that could find a way out.

Even if they escape to the south, it is only a matter of time before Zhuang Langwei falls.

Soon, Bai Guangen's less than two thousand troops took full stance, gathered the troops, saluted in the direction of Yingpan Ridge, and then ran south without looking back.

Zhang Tianlin was very careful in his pursuit, focusing on driving rather than killing. His mission in this battle was to drive the enemy westward to Black Pine Forest Horse Station. As long as they reached the fork of the Gulang River, the two enemy armies did not merge.

, his mission was accomplished.

The fork of the Gulang River is like a signal. The defeated troops did not join up with Ding Shaoyin here, nor did they plan to attack Liu Chengzong, which means that they have been frightened and have no fighting spirit or threat.

After all, according to common sense, they had the opportunity to combine two thousand troops with three thousand to become five thousand, but they gave up; they didn't even have the courage to become five thousand and fight to the death. What big thing could two thousand people do?
Zhang Tianlin believed that the time had come, and ordered the army to pursue and kill them. They could not run a few miles south when they ran into several groups of slow-running Ming troops. The outpost soldiers immediately stepped forward to fight with them, and the regular soldiers behind them also successively supported them.

, launched a fierce pursuit.

The Ming army fought and retreated, and ran two miles southward while drawing their bows and firing. The Ming army's squads who had rested at the foot of various mountain roads regrouped and merged into the ranks of those fleeing south.

Zhang Tianlin's cavalry went on a rampage, rushing straight into the ambush circle near Heisongyi along the river bank. For a moment, the sound of three-eyed muskets sounded from various mountain ridges, and four groups of ambush troops started from the mountain road.

Separate lanes to intercept and kill the pursuers.

The scattered cavalry were pursuing happily, when suddenly several trumpets fired, and ambushes appeared from three sides, catching Zhang Tianlin's cavalry by surprise. In the panic, some people fell off their horses everywhere, and the scattered cavalry also reluctantly gathered during the charge.

Zhang Tianlin was furious.

He did underestimate the enemy, very much, but the reason for his anger was not that he underestimated the enemy, but that he became angry out of shame.

In fact, he was fortunate to have underestimated the enemy this time, because if he had not underestimated the enemy, as a commander with a background of rebels, he would have been at the forefront of the front line, and his head would have probably been dismembered in the ambush.

It was precisely because he underestimated the enemy and did not expect that his subordinates who were chasing the enemy from the front would be ambushed that he fell behind and reflected on his own tactics. He was able to escape and reorganized his forces in the relatively safe rear for a counterattack.

Originally, Zhang Tianlin was very satisfied with her new tactics. With rockets and cavalry, even without the assistance of infantry and artillery, she could defeat the enemy, twice!

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There are many officers and soldiers in the world who feel that this is the case. With this momentum, when the battle of Gansu is over, we will have to fight for the five tiger generals of the commander-in-chief.

He even planned to suggest Liu Chengzong to promote his tactics to the entire army. As long as the rocket tubes were enough, they would blitz all the way to Guanzhong.

However, during the pursuit, the captured Ming army had already revealed that the commander of this defeated battalion, like the previous defeated battalion, was named Bai Guangen.

A bolt from the blue!

A simple name makes Zhang Tianlin

I'm so angry.

Let's face it, Bai Guangen never provoked him, but this person was defeated twice, which made Zhang Tianlin very angry - the world's military officers and soldiers are only like this, and his mother Bai Guangen is only like this, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

How many times.

What kind of dirty thing is Bai Guangen? Even if she defeats Bai Guangen ten thousand times, Zhang Tianlin will not feel any sense of accomplishment. But just when she was angry, she was ambushed by Bai Guangen.

Zhang Tianlin thought to herself that I haven't even reached Pingyang yet. I just took a nap after eating, and then I was bullied by a dog?

Full of rage, Zhang Tianlin reorganized her formation, observed the battlefield, and gave orders to her generals to retreat and defeat them.

Suddenly, as the horn sounded, Zhang Tianlin's cavalry, who were fighting fiercely with the ambush at the front, abandoned the enemy in front of them, turned their horses back, and shot back with their bows and arrows.

In an instant, the situation on the battlefield reversed. Seeing that the ambush was successful, Bai Guangen's 2,000 soldiers became more and more courageous as they fought. All the generals rushed with their lives, and the charge became more urgent.

During the speeding retreat, Zhang Tianlin turned back while running and reorganized her team to observe the enemy's situation.

Seeing the enemy's pursuit changing their formations and losing touch with their infantry and cavalry, our own cavalry was also ready to return to their horses and fight to the death. Suddenly, a loud shout came from the mouth. For a moment, the cavalry raised their hooves and stood up. One by one, the experienced cavalrymen stepped out and reined in the enemy.

Holding on to the reins and raising the wild goose feather sword, he stepped on it and stepped on it, turning around and charging into the enemy's formation with a wild cry.

This chapter has been completed!
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