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Chapter 554 You call this Marshal's Mansion?

 Chapter 554 of the main volume of The Naughty Thief: You call this the Marshal's Mansion? Wang Ji, the governor of Ningxia, lowered his head and looked at the map.

He looked up at Governor Hong Chengchou and Ding Qirui, and then looked down at the map.

It's not that Wang Ji can't understand maps, he just can't understand the map Hong Chengchou brought.

The name of this map is the Complete Map of Marshal's Mansion. Wang Ji recognized it because the handwriting was written by Hong Chengchou himself.

But this picture is too complicated. It's like finding many maps from different eras and piecing them together, leaving a large blank space.

Each place on the map is marked with place names, personal names, and ministry names. Some even include the origin and history of the tribe, and the territory covered is so large that it is unrealistic.

This complete picture of the Marshal's Mansion, combined with the seriousness on the faces of Hong Chengchou and Ding Qirui, even gave Wang Ji a great sense of humor.

It was as if two serious people suddenly started joking, took out a fantasy map, and said it was real.

In fact, Wang Ji has always had a good impression of Liu Chengzong.

This is related to his experience. As a high official on the imperial court's side, he was an eyewitness and survivor of the Ningyuan Mutiny.

He was a native of Tai'an, Shandong, and studied under Song Tao, one of the three masters of Taishan. He was a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli. He was first appointed as the magistrate of Zhecheng County in Henan Province, and then transferred to Anyi in Shanxi Province. Later he was promoted to the head of the household department and was responsible for military pay in Shanhaiguan.


Catching up with the Ningyuan mutiny, the cabinet ministers and Taoist ministers all died in the mutiny, but he was not affected, so Emperor Chongzhen promoted him to an official position. The reason was that the soldiers who were making noises about pay did not resent him, so he must be very good in office.

Be ethical.

Wang Ji is indeed talented and has integrity, but the Ningyuan Mutiny happened in the first year of Chongzhen. At that time, the intensity of natural disasters and wage riots were relatively low. As a witness to the mutiny, he knew better what the situation was like at that time.<


The situation of the Ningyuan mutiny was not complicated, and it was even very simple to say. At that time, any official in Liaodong knew that a mutiny was definitely going to happen.

Because the imperial court was busy changing emperors, the new emperor succeeded to the throne, cleaned up Wei Zhongxian, reorganized the cabinet, and changed the personnel of the six ministries and seven ministers, and could not take care of Liaodong at all.

At that time, Liaodong itself could not take care of Liaodong. The governor and governor was called Wang Zhichen. He was from Wei Zhongxian. He was in panic all day long. By the time he lost Xingshan, Tashan and Jinzhou, it was already five months since he was dismissed from office by Chongzhen.

Well, the newly appointed governor is called Bi Zisu.

Bi Zisu is the younger brother of Bi Ziyan, the Minister of Household Affairs. He knows that Liaodong cannot owe food and salary.

You can owe food and wages anywhere in Jiubian, why can't you owe money to Liaodong? Because in other places, the soldiers are locals at the younger age, but they are also fellow villagers at the older age. Liu Chengzong's Yuhe Fort, the whole fort has

Everyone is from Shaanxi.

The local soldiers were owed wages, so they could find ways to support themselves from their hometowns. Even if they borrowed money from their fellow villagers, they could always survive longer.

Liaodong is different. Since the establishment of the Guanning Army and the elites from all over the world, people from all over Liaodong have come. A battalion of Sichuan people went to the northeast to fight, and their food and salary arrears were blown up after one month - they had nothing but leadership and salary.


From May to July, two months after taking office, Bi Zisu sent nine reports to the court asking for food and salary, but the court ignored them and delayed them.

Then there was a quarrel over pay. Thirteen battalions mutinied. Only the Liao barracks in Zu Dale did not mutiny. Firstly, the four-month arrears of wages did not have as great an impact on the locals as the guest army. Secondly, the guest army also guarded against these local soldiers.

I won’t drag them along to cause trouble.

Soldiers from Sichuan and Huguang rushed into the shogunate and tied up the governor Bi Zisu, the commander-in-chief Zhu Mei, the judge Zhang Shirong, and the official Su Hanchun and took them to the Drum Tower, demanding that they pay their salaries.

Bi Zisu had only been in office for two months, but the court did not allocate any money to him. He asked the mutinous soldiers to turn his house upside down without even finding a few cents. In the end, he was beaten until his face was covered with blood.

Later, Guo Guang, the military commander, misappropriated the 20,000 silver reward given to Mongolia, borrowed another 50,000 from merchants, and then rebelled and dispersed.

In the end, Bi Ziqing couldn't bear the humiliation, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He went on a hunger strike and then hanged himself, killing himself.

Wang Ji did not die in that incident, firstly because he was not greedy for money, and there was no money for him to be greedy at the time, and secondly because he was a junior official and was not even qualified to be tied to the Drum Tower.

In any case, the mutiny gave Wang Ji experience, helped him get into the eyes of the emperor, and gained a higher official position and power. At the same time, because promotion came too easily, the Ningyuan mutiny was too simple, which made him a bit naive.

This experience made him feel that mutiny was not so terrible, and he even always had misconceptions in his heart. He felt that if he had been the governor of Guyuan, Guyuan would not have mutinied; if he had been the governor of Yansui, Liu Chengzong might not have raised an army.

He didn't know that the soldiers' tolerance for arrears of pay was high, but when the tolerance was low, the mutiny was just asking for money, swearing, and finally punching the governor three times until his face was bloody, and then breaking up after getting a little money.


When the tolerance level is high and the bottom line is exceeded, these local soldiers will have no choice but to retreat. Even if they get the money, they will not be able to go back to serve as soldiers, so they will never stop doing one thing or another.

However, even if he had a favorable impression of Liu Chengzong, a rebel who came from the border army, the map Hong Chengchou presented was too outrageous for him.

Wang Ji looked at the expressions of Hong Chengchou and Ding Qirui seriously, trying to find out whether it was a joke, but he could only see seriousness on their faces, and finally asked in disappointment: "Why did the army bring out this map?"

Tell me, the northwest border of the Marshal's Mansion is not Jiayuguan, but Bei Shi Bali?"

When he asked this question, he felt it was outrageous.

Don't miss Bali, which is Tingzhou. Although Wang Ji served as an official in the east in the past, the territory in the west also belongs to the governor's common sense. It is not the northwest border of the Marshal's Mansion, but the territory of the Oara leader and Shuote tribe.

"The Mongolian tribes supported Liu Chengzong as the Great Khan and signed the announcement. The Wara State Division of the Heshuote Tribe ranked third."

As he said that, Hong Chengchou pointed to the northwest position of Tingzhou on the map and said: "The leader of the Wara Junggar tribe who is entrenched here, Batu Hutaiji, ranks fourth."

In fact, there is no need to introduce it in detail, because in front of Wang Ji, Ding Qirui, the military commander, unfolded the sweat announcement after analysis by the three governors' offices. They analyzed every name left on the announcement.

Wang Ji just glanced at it and saw a series of strange names on it. Thanks to the detailed introductions by Hong Chengchou, Ding Qirui and others, he could understand who was who.

However, before he could express his approval for Ding Qirui, Bing Bei Dao, for his intelligence work, he was already dizzy by the strings of "四儿久金" in those people's names.

To the border ministers of the Ming Dynasty, there is nothing special about the surname Bo'er Zijin. The king in our Lord Wang Ji's name also comes from the surname Ji.

But there were too many babies on the list, dozens of them, so many that he almost didn’t recognize the surname.

Starting from the first name at the front, Borjijin Erkongoro Ezhe, heir to the throne of Chahar Khan and Prince Ezhe of the Yuan Dynasty; the second name is Borjijin Chaoketutai

Ji, that is, Zitutaiji of Chahar; the third Boljijin Tulubaihu, the national division commander Khan of the Heshuote Department of Wala.

Then two Choros finally came out, namely Batur Hutaiji of Junggar and Dalaitaiji of Dulbert tribe; but after them, the world was dominated by Boer, namely Guru,

Baoyan and Ramolo chased each other, and the last one was little Lazun.

Then there are the relatives and friends of this group of people, either Bo'erjijin or Choros, each name represents a Mongolian leader, mixed with the powerful generals of the Marshal's Office, and occasionally the names of one or two Tibetan local leaders pop up.
This is not the first time that this list has appeared in Wang Ji's eyes, but it is the first time that it has been carefully and carefully analyzed. What map and population are represented behind each name, which finally created this particularly strange map.

The Marshal's Mansion occupies half as much land as the Ming Dynasty.

Even the look that made Wang Ji look at Hong Chengchou was wrong: "Hong Junmen wouldn't... Do you really think this is the territory of the Marshal's Mansion?"

Hong Chengchou said nothing, but looked at Wang Ji seriously.

The meaning on his face is obvious: I really believe it.

Wang Ji laughed dumbly: "You mean Liu Chengzong ran to the sea for a few years and beat everyone within three thousand miles and outside the Ming Dynasty?"

He looked and found that Lhasa, Beiting, and Chahar were at least three thousand miles away from Xining, and even three thousand miles on the road was far less. Liu Chengzong was at war with Gansu throughout last year, which meant that it only took two years.

, if you can send troops to attack a place and come back alive, it will be a great blessing.

What's more, the imperial court's intelligence stated in black and white that when Liu Chengzong entered Qinghai, he had more than 10,000 troops at his disposal. Why did he undertake such a big undertaking?

This is not the most outrageous thing. In Wang Ji’s opinion, the most outrageous thing is the three brothers from the Huo Luochi family.

Huo Luochi, this person was not ranked high back then and belonged to the Tumut Otok lord who was pushed out to Qinghai. However, this was not because Huo Luochi was incompetent, but because at that time, there were many fights among the gods.

People of his generation who can influence the situation of the world are like Anda Khan and Zhang Juzheng; there are even more people who can cooperate with these people to establish the pattern of the world, such as Qi Jiguang, Li Chengliang, Ma Fang, Zhang Chen, Huang Taiji, Tumen Khan, etc.

Chaohua, any one of these people is a ruthless character who can make a place peaceful or chaotic for decades.

Many people are super talents.

For example, the Lord of Ordos cut off Huang Taiji and only did a few things in his life.

Culturally, he is proficient in Mongolian, Chinese, Uighur and Tibetan, and personally wrote the thank you form for being granted the title of King Shunyi; military, he led the army to conquer Oara and conquered the Torgut tribe, and conquered Kazakhstan and defeated Akko in Suiye City.

Sar Khan; economy, contributed to the tributary relationship between Anda Khan and the Ming Dynasty; politics, as a representative of the right wing, became one of the five ruling powers of Mongolia.

In that era of shining stars, Huo Luochi was like an unlucky guy who had left his hometown.

Because his tribe is Duolun Tumut, one of the twelve Tumuts under the jurisdiction of Otok, one of the twelve Tumuts under the jurisdiction of the right-wing Tumut Wanhu tribe, and their pastureland is in Fengzhoutan.

When he was stationed in Kaiping, it was the territory of the Huo Luochi family. At that time, his father had a good relationship with the Ming Dynasty, and they traded with each other all the year round.

However, as Tumote moved westward, Huo Luochi's father could not afford to offend An Da, so he had to lead his tribe to the outside of Gansu to continue trading with each other. By the time Huo Luochi took charge of the tribe, An Da Khan had become a phenomenon.

Merte went to Tibet to worship the Buddha, and Huo Luochi also opened the way to the south, so he simply stayed in Qinghai.

However, Huo Luochi was also very powerful. After occupying Qinghai, he attacked Oara in the north, Kham in the south, and the Ming Dynasty in the east. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty decreed that the blockade of city rewards should be abolished for thirty years. He was so angry that he even ran away to worship the rebels.

Go to Ningxia and give it a try.

Known as Xiao Liu Chengzong.

But with such a serious problem in the western frontier of the Ming Dynasty, the remaining three sons seemed to recognize their ancestors and return to the old Liu family at once.

Ever since Liu Chengzong entered Qinghai, Huo Luochi's three eldest sons had never fought a single battle with this land grabber, and they even offered help.

When Liu Chengzong wanted to conquer the south, the three brothers sent troops to help; when the Mongolian nobles from Mobei attacked the generalissimo's backyard, the three brothers simply gave up their family fortune to Liu Chengzong and went to Uzang to find another way to make a living.

In order to help Liu Chengzong, even his hometown was abandoned. Is he so kind?

Even after entering Tibet, there are still rumors from the snowy mountains that affect the entire Mongolian grassland, saying that the Daiqing Khitan Khan of Duntaulus is the reincarnation of Genghis Khan and should inherit the throne of the Yuan Dynasty.

Wang Ji doubted from the bottom of his heart whether those three were the sons of Huo Luochi or Liu Chengzong.

So filial!

Wang Ji shook his head and put the strange thoughts behind him, and then asked Hong Chengchou seriously: "Hong Junmen, if this is really the case, this map must be sent to the palace as soon as possible. The Marshal's Mansion will start a war brazenly before summer."
After saying this, he felt relaxed.

Whether you can figure out the territory, population, military strength, and financial resources of the Marshal's Mansion is critical to the war.

But on the other hand, a Marshal's Mansion that can defeat the five-town coalition with a small force in Hehuang is obviously not on the same level as a Marshal's Mansion that can defeat the five-town coalition with a territory half the size of the Ming Dynasty.

At least after seeing this picture, Wang Ji knew what the Marshal's Mansion wanted to do most - enter Guanzhong.

Because except Guanzhong, there is no place where Liu Chengzong can afford to support so many people.

Of course, Ningxia is also very dangerous, but attacking Ningxia has the same meaning as attacking Gansu. They both create favorable conditions for entering Guanzhong, and the ultimate goal is to enter Guanzhong.

When Hong Chengchou heard this, he knew that Wang Ji had gone to the same place with him, and immediately replied: "Half an hour before Brother Wang saw this map, I had already sent someone to the capital. In addition,

, I will send a copy to Chen Junmen later to practice Futai. This is definitely not a war that one town can handle alone."

"Five provinces and three towns must work together."

A great battle was clearly displayed in front of Wang Ji and Hong Chengchou. In their eyes, this battle was, to a certain extent, the first time that the Ming army and the Marshal's Mansion were on the same level, and both had to be coerced by the army.

Let's have a fight.

The Ming army's food and grass supply was completely out of supply, and the Marshal's Mansion was not much better. Even if the three brothers Huo Luochi of Wala Tarzi and Uzang were both sons of Liu Chengzong, it was impossible to give him 50,000 sheep every year.


It's just that everyone is working together. Hong Chengchou held his fists and his eyes were bright, but what he was thinking in his heart was: You want to enter Guanzhong, and I want to take over Gansu!

This chapter has been completed!
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