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Chapter 56

 People say that the road to the county government is not smooth.

Liu Chengzong and others pushed a cart to go to the county government office, but they were robbed by the Yanhe River outside the city.

The people who robbed him must be said to be cowardly. Six people dared to rob four of him.

They are all dressed up as poor people. The leader is carrying a tassel, wearing a leather belt, and hanging a bell. Most of them are dismissed postmen.

He said that he only wanted money and not life, so he wanted the things in the car.

Uncle Cai Zhongpan, who looked like a god of war in the official document about sea arrests, reached out and was about to take out a musket from his arms, but Liu Chengzong stopped him.

Road robbery was definitely not a good thing in the past, but in this era of Shaanxi, it is just a way for the poor to make a living.

And I don’t eat people, I don’t kill people, and I don’t say harsh words like I’ll kill you if you don’t give it to me.

What I do is personnel affairs.

He took his uncle and others aside and let the robbers lift the cloth covering the car and take it themselves.

As a result, the six robbers went over and lifted the cloth. When they saw their heads being slapped, five of them were scared away.

The remaining leg was too weak to walk, so I slowly put down the hatchet with a sorry smile, and stood holding the car for a while before slowly retreating.

It’s not a hassle to receive the award at the county government office. The outstanding merit exemption is ten pieces of official paper and five years of free labor. They can build a righteous memorial arch in their hometown, but they can’t afford it.

Ninth-grade crowns and honors are issued to the green uniforms and black gauze hats of ninth-grade officials. They have no official position, but have the social status of ninth-grade officials.

When he was being commended, his uncle went to see Zhang Pan, the office clerk of the household.

When he came out of the Yamen, Cai Zhongpan was already waiting on the street: "Did you get your official uniform?"

Liu Chengzong nodded and asked: "Uncle, what does Zhang Shuban want from you?"

"It's no big deal. The trade route to the south has been opened. The prefect's Yamen recently sold this to raise a lot of money. They want to form a caravan to go to Weibei and transport food back."

The 'this' Cai Zhongpan was referring to was Crowned Rongshen: "He knew that I had protected the caravan in Weibei before, and he asked me some things about the road, so he asked Ruji to follow him to bring your aunt back."

Liu Chengzong nodded, but his attention was focused on the food: "How long will it take to get back after buying food?"

"A round trip of five hundred miles would take half a month at the fastest. Not to mention transporting food. I estimate it will take a month if everything goes smoothly."

Liu Chengzong felt that the portion of this batch of grain could be taken into consideration.

After leaving the city, Liu Chengzong was surrounded only by Guo Zashi, Cai Zhongpan and Cai Zhongpan's brother-in-law Chen Ruji.

One of the three of them is a close confidant whom he took with him in desperation, one is his uncle, and the other is his brother-in-law who fled with his uncle. They are all trustworthy enough.

Moreover, my uncle is still wanted in the south. Neither my father nor my brother are the kind of people who still hold out hope for the imperial court.

There was no one around in the official court, so he asked Cai Zhongpan: "Uncle, the old people in the mountain tribe have discussed it, but in the end they just make a living and find food. I don't have any better way. What do you think?"


"Relax now. You don't have to be as big as you. You will be crushed even if you hold it hard. The boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge."

Cai Zhongpan was much more open-minded than Liu Chengzong imagined, and said with a smile: "Your uncle is a murderer. He can't afford to feed a whole mountain of people. Even if he becomes a killer to avenge himself, he won't let you starve."

It is true that even in a disaster year, if a strong man dares to disregard the law, it will not be a big problem to support his family before he dies.

It just depends on your luck.

"But I want to feed a mountain of people."

Cai Zhongpan smiled, but it was a little bitter: "Don't be stupid, lion doll, what do you do to feed the people in the mountain?"


Cai Zhongpan raised his finger and pointed at Liu Chengzong. Without saying anything, he pushed the empty car forward and continued walking forward. After walking for more than ten steps, he put the car down and said solemnly: "You old Liu family comes from a scholarly and decent family. You would rather starve to death than

Being able to be a thief is one of them."

"Secondly, look at the loess around here, who are you going to rob, those six thieves? This is not what we will get today, just a rusty hatchet."

Liu Chengzong was also very serious: "I have thought about it for a long time. The decision I made is right and good everywhere, but it cannot save people."

"The son of a coffin maker died. When he saw thieves in his field, he went crazy. He rushed to chase them away and was stabbed three times. Why? Because he trained for two days in total and didn't know that military law can protect his life.


"Why did it take so long to practice for two days? Because of the busy farming schedule, the queue regulations and two subjects in the morning were stopped."

"There are one hundred and ten households in Xingping. Four households fled first, then six. Dozens of people who walked out either starved to death or were killed. If thieves come again, the clan members will still die."

Liu Chengzong didn't want to see his relatives who didn't get out of the fifth server die again.

He scratched his neck and said: "I have read books, and I know that a scholar must have a noble and upright mind, strive for progress in life, be loyal to the emperor and serve the country without fear of death."

"But people want to eat and live. I went to be a soldier. I am a good soldier. The court does not give me military pay, so I can't eat this bowl of rice. I come back to be a commoner. I don't commit crimes and commit crimes. I rely on the hundred acres of land given by the clan.

If you can’t support your family, and you spend all your money to buy land, you still won’t be able to put food into your mouth.”

"It's not that I was born rebellious and ignorant of loyalty. It's not that I haven't tried it. My martial arts skills are top-notch. Why should I live like this as a soldier with no pay and no food?"

Cai Zhongpan didn’t know what to say, and he really had nothing to say.

Because he is the same, he has a strong sense of agency and is already very angry.

He also served as a soldier. He had no military pay and went home to be a commoner. He didn't ask for much.

As long as the mother-in-law and the baby live a good life, and can occasionally eat white noodles, three ounces of soy milk in the morning, and two ounces of wine in the evening, they will be satisfied and can do whatever the court asks them to do.

You fucking bastard wants to be the God of War on the sea fishing documents.

Wang Zuogao allowed thieves to plunder Sanyuan, and the defense of the northern city was insufficient. The gentry led the uprising, defended the countryside, and joined the army to recruit soldiers. They fought bloody battles with the thieves for three months. As long as the court took care of the children, they were not afraid of death.

But in the end, the militiamen who fought together asked the officers and soldiers to kill the thief because they killed the thief. How can a man tolerate this?

Finally ended up on the run.

"It shouldn't be like this."

Liu Chengzong shook his head, patted his hand gently on the cart that still had lime, and said: "Now I have thought about it. I can only rob, but not the poor. The poor will not be able to grab food. It is not worth killing people's lives in vain. If you want to rob,

If you rob, just rob the big ones, the kind of big ones who can get thousands of shi of grain in one robbery."

"They are either in the city or have a fence outside the city, so they can't besiege like hungry people. They have to pick a fence far away from the city. Prepare gunpowder carts first, and find a few caves five or six miles apart that can store food along the way.


"Go at night, mask your face, and give each other a false name. If you can climb in, it's best. If you can't climb in, it will explode. No need to kill more people. Take half of the money and food, and the rest will be divided among the poor people around you. If he is a good person, the people will let him go. If he is a good person, the people will let him go.

The people will not spare a bad person."

Liu Chengzong raised his hand and stretched out a finger: "Just do it once, just once, the people of the Heilongshan tribe can survive without leaving their fields and doing anything."

"Lion, no matter how careful your plan is, what if, what if everything leaks out?"

Mentioning this, Liu Chengzong recalled the incident of being extorted from Zhang Qianhu for 1,500 meals.

He said fiercely: "Two hundred rural soldiers in Heilongshan have been training for three months. The guards dared to come and wiped them out. They didn't dare to fight thieves, but it's a pity that they would become bandits. Uncle, are you willing to help me?"


Cai Zhongpan nodded slowly and looked at Chen Ruji: "It is expected that the food will be pushed into Heilong Mountain, but it is a done deal. My brother-in-law will not say anything - we still have to make careful preparations!"

This chapter has been completed!
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