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Chapter 580 Model Troop

Zu Kuan was in trouble that he couldn't express.

The cavalry battalion he led, composed of 3,000 Liao soldiers, was led by Zu Dale, who was a model unit of the Ming army in Liaodong.

In the Ningyuan Mutiny that occurred in the first year of Chongzhen, the Ningcheng Thirteenth Battalion was in arrears with pay for four months. The soldiers, led by officers, sacrificed their blood for the alliance and launched a mutiny. Only the Liao soldiers and horse battalion remained stationary.

Not only were they good at enduring hunger in a state of arrears of pay, but they were also able to maintain strict military discipline. In the battle of Luanzhou and Yongping after the Jisi Revolution, they defeated the enemy in the face of Hou Jin; when they put down Li Jiucheng, the leader of the Wuqiao mutiny, even though they were outnumbered, they almost

After being defeated by the rebels, he retreated slightly and after friendly forces came to help, he was still able to fight and win as a whole team. In the end, Li Jiucheng was surrounded and killed in Dengzhou, and his military exploits were brilliant.

But honor cannot be eaten as food.

From outside the customs to inside the customs, from Hebei to Henan, there is no food everywhere. If there are wars to fight, profits can be harvested in time. If there are no wars to fight and supplies are inconvenient, soldiers will inevitably desert in small numbers, buy and sell by force, steal and even rob.

Looting, burning houses, humiliating women.

Although Zu Kuan was promoted quickly, he came from a rough background and could best share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. He could also feel the same when the soldiers were hungry. He did not treat his soldiers with the official airs that only those generals and nobles had. He was also exposed to it in Liaodong and knew it.

His official power comes entirely from the troops he leads.

Therefore, most of the time, when a soldier conflicts with the local area, he will choose to stick to his neck to protect his shortcomings... The atmosphere of the times is slowly changing. When the country is in crisis, good generals are missed, and the status of warriors is getting higher and higher. Between punishing the law and protecting shortcomings, those who are scholars

The county magistrates and magistrates were no match for Zu Kuan.

The piece of paper that impeached him was nothing compared to their military exploits in an environment where soldiers and supplies were scarce.

Although the reputation of bad military discipline was known, the soldiers of this battalion were even more devoted to Zu Kuan and fought tenaciously during the war.

Until stationed in Yunyang.

The governor of Yunyang was Lu Xiangsheng.

On the surface, this man is a governor who was born as a second-ranked Jinshi. In fact, when he exerts his strength, he can hold a 140-pound sword in his hand and run it like flying. Zu Kuan, who was born as a veteran, is not as strong as him, and even Yunyang's

Five hundred pacesetters are not worthy of protecting the governor at all. On the contrary, they even need the protection of the governor who wields swords and flatters horses on the battlefield.

The situation in Yunyang Mansion is no better than other places.

Before Lu Xiangsheng took office as governor, the previous governor was named Jiang Yunyi. Six counties were captured by bandits. He had no choice but to send a letter to pray for help. The reinforcements came. The eunuchs Chen Dajin and Zuo Liangyu were sent to the army because they had women in the army.

The deputy envoy Xu Jinglin suspected that he was a thief and beat him with a cannon.

Jiang Yunyi was withdrawn, and Lu Xiangsheng took office. The first thing he did after taking office was to ask for reinforcements.

There is always a lag in the imperial court's transfer orders. When Lu Xiangsheng requested reinforcements from the imperial court, Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong were crossing the border from Yunyang to Shaanxi, breaking into cities along the way and looting an unknown amount of goods. At that time, Yunyang's most urgent task was

The need is reinforcements.

But after that, Gao, Li, Zhang and others had already gone into the mountains of the Qinling Mountains to be adjacent to the Marshal's Mansion. Only a small group of thieves were still running around in the Yunyang Mansion. It also suffered a double blow from drought and locust plague, and the most important mission had been removed.

Protecting the country turns to reassuring the people.

Reinforcements came one after another, including the Guan Ning Army led by Zu Kuan, Zu Dale, Li Chongzhen, the Zhenjun Army led by Yang Zhengfang, the Mao soldiers led by Lei Shisheng, and Lu Xiangsheng who set up to maintain the security of the territory.

As the pacesetter, more than 10,000 Wuyang soldiers gathered in Yunyang.

The old problems left by themselves, and new problems came by themselves.

Little Yunyang, where can we get so much food?

Lu Xiangsheng tried his best to formulate the "Ten Discussions and Eight Rules" strategy to protect the country and the people and appease the people.

The ten are to gather together, set up the main army, plan for reconnaissance and defense, plan for construction, establish rural protection, speed up mailing, collect reserves, plan for mutual aid, encourage local bravery, and prepare weapons; the eighth is to endure the delay of conquest and diligently repair and build buildings.

, pass through the mountains and rivers, punish and criticize, forbid corvee service, recruit farmers widely, provide support to the merchants, and strictly enforce the post office.

At the same time, it was necessary to reduce taxes, repair the city, borrow rice from Huguang, and recruit merchants to mine copper and cast coins.

With this set of policies, the people of Yunyang could survive, but the food reserves in Yunyang were also used up, and it was impossible to raise an army.

So Zu Kuan ran out of food on the third day after entering Yunyang. He knew very well that his soldiers were all normal people. If they couldn't eat for a day, they had to go out and rob farmers of bacon. This kind of thing was not uncommon for him, and it had happened long ago.

There is an effective way to deal with local governors: seize the opportunity first.

As soon as he ran out of food, Zu Kuan went to Lu Xiangsheng's yamen to ask for a sermon.

This method was very effective in the past. If the local governor could provide food, the noisy soldiers would naturally stop causing trouble; if he could not provide food, then when the news of the robbery by the soldiers came, the local governor would not have the shame to go to Zu Kuan.

Let him bring justice to the soldiers.

After all, the general environment is like this. If Zu Kuan punishes every soldier who commits petty theft, overt robbery, and covert robbery in accordance with the law, this battalion of troops will probably only have a few brigades left when they reach Yunyang.

This is also Zu Kuan's way to protect himself. He has to let the soldiers know that his existence is meaningful. They are like grasshoppers on a rope. He can find food, take the blame, and take responsibility. Otherwise, the soldiers will never fight with him.

He was the first one to be killed when he started making noise.

He never expected that the tried and tested method would be of no use to Lu Xiangsheng.

Lu Xiangsheng opened the empty warehouse and took out the last rice grains from his government office kitchen to make porridge. He gathered the soldiers to take a bite each, and then lived in the military camp and starved together until the grain and grass borrowed from Huguang arrived three days later.

Several criminal soldiers who looted privately and burned down people's houses were killed.

Even if the arrogant generals of Guan Ning's army have a bad temper, they can't do anything against people like Lu Xiangsheng.

What should we do? You should be hungry. He won't eat anything you haven't eaten. Get angry. It's useless to scare him. The key is not to act recklessly. After all, you can't beat him. Zu Kuan didn't dare to speak loudly in front of Lu Xiangsheng.

We were afraid that there would be an anecdote about the governor beating the general soldier, so we had no choice but to starve together.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng finally got Zu Kuan's help and helped him persuade the soldiers to make Guan Ning's army starve in Yunyang and try not to intrude on the place.

In the past few months when he was stationed in Yunyang, Zu Kuan transformed from a fighting man to a master at painting pancakes. He told the soldiers all day long, "Just wait until the troops are sent out."

, defeated the rebels but did not gain much victory, and said, "It will be fine when we go to Shaanxi."

Now that we have arrived in Shaanxi, the food roads are so poor that it is even worse than in Yunyang.

After all, Lu Xiangsheng was taking care of him in Yunyang Mansion. There was not enough military rations to eat, but Lu Xiangsheng had been trying his best to find food.

Fortunately, now, the food from Huguang cannot be transported. Their soldiers and horses have arrived at the Weihe River. The Huguang Qing Lisi Langzhong of the Ministry of War who is responsible for the food has just entered Yunyang Mansion, and Grandma Zukuan's legs and feet are not as agile as those in the aisles.

The Shaanxi Qing Li Department of the Ministry of Revenue was even more outrageous. He asked Xi'an Prefecture for grain, but the officials sent from Xi'an Prefecture told him that the grain had been transported to Tongguan.

Zu Kuan was quite happy at first, thinking that the household department was quite reliable. He knew that we were coming to Shaanxi and specially transported grain from Henan.

After asking around later, I found out that, well...the military rations were transported from Xi'an Prefecture to Tongguan. There was no military rations prepared for them at all. They were even afraid that Liu Chengzong would steal the food and grass in Xi'an City, so they spent all the money and food.

Send to Tongguan.

Zu Kuan, the boss, counted with his fingers. He was only a stone's throw away from Liu Chengzong's Tangqi, but he was three hundred and fifty miles away from his dinner.

As for the supply of food in Xi'an, that's even more impossible. Liu Chengzong's massive army was stationed in Maoling, and he was whispering to Liu Che, the same clan, about the customs and customs of Xi'an.

The Marshal's Army is only sixty miles away from the city of Xi'an. The city is counting on them to confront Liu Chengzong along the Wei River, but they dare not let them into the city. At this time, the city is transporting food to them, but even if it arrives, it will be the day after tomorrow.


Obviously, Zu Kuan was destined not to have this dinner.

But Guan Ning's army couldn't wait any longer. Zu Kuan had painted too many big cakes for them. If they didn't realize it, they might have to jump off the city wall like Deng Qi, the former chief military officer of the aid and suppression campaign. Today, the soldiers must be fed. The south bank of the Wei River is

They maintain the final boundaries of military discipline.

Therefore, Zu Kuan could only push the boat along the current and go to collect food as soon as he crossed the river.

As for the punishment and blaming by the court afterwards, no one could care so much. At most, it was a misunderstanding: according to reliable information obtained by Guan Ningjun, thieves had been surrendered in the counties on the north bank.

They had to surrender the thieves, but they surrendered even if they didn't.

However, the plundering by Zu Kuan's soldiers was a disaster for Yang Zhengfang, who led the Zhenjun soldiers.

Yang Zhengfang was born into a wealthy family in western Hunan. Her ancestor was Yang Han, the marshal of the Chenzhou Rebel Army in the late Yuan Dynasty. He had the hereditary official position of commanding the Yuanzhou Guards in Chenzhou Prefecture. His father, the commander of Yang Guozhu, was killed in an ambush in the Battle of Pingbo.

In the fourth year of the Apocalypse, Yang Zhengfang was twenty years old and inherited the position of commanding the Qianshi. Later, during the She'an Rebellion, he made military exploits with the Zhenjun Army under his command. At the age of thirty this year, he obtained the official position of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army in Huguang.

A strong general.

At first, Yang Zhengfang was not afraid of Liu Chengzong who invaded Guanzhong. He had fought against Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong in Huguang. The Yunyang mountainous area with dense rivers and dense forests was also the home ground of the suppressing troops. Anyone in such a place would be beaten by them.

Looking for teeth everywhere.

But when the Liao soldiers crossed the river and followed Zukuan in search of food, Yang Zhengfang felt a little confused.

Because both the Zhenjun soldiers and the Mao Gourd soldiers are mountain infantry who are good at searching mountains and valleys, and traveling across mountains and rivers. As two battalions formed with special arms, although they do have the ability to fight independently, there are only a small number of cavalry in the establishment.

As reconnaissance cavalry, even the Tang soldiers were infantry.

The north bank of the Weihe River is a vast plateau, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no danger to defend.

Within a fifty-mile radius of their garrison, the only place that could be called a "mountain" was the tomb of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

What's even more terrifying is that the only "mountain" is occupied by Liu Chengzong, who is whispering to his ancestors there and asking about the local customs of Guanzhong.

Zu Kuan led the troops away from the front, and Yang Zhengfang made two preparations behind the scenes. On the one hand, he ordered the soldiers to dig trenches and set up horse pits on the spot. On the other hand, the thunder on the south bank of the Wei River was heard. Don't rush to let the soldiers cross the river.

Send Juma Zha over.

In addition, he also asked Lei Shisheng to report to Lu Xiangsheng who was urging troops in Shangluo Road. According to the current situation, he requested to stop the advance and return to the south bank of the Wei River.

But this was obviously too late, because Liu Chengzong's camp was closer to the front line.

About the Liao soldiers arriving on the battlefield with their front legs and then running to rob them with their back legs.

Both Liu Chengzong and Zhang Tianlin were greatly shocked.

In fact, Zhang Tianlin has never had much sense of belonging to the official position of Marshal's Office. Although he usually carries flags, holds trumpets and shouts as a benign soldier, in his subconscious mind, he has never felt that he has returned to the army as an officer.


In comparison, he felt that he was more like the boss of the big boss Liu Chengzong, nicknamed "Generalissimo", and the "General of the Camp", nicknamed "General of the Camp".

Because whether it was a joint venture with Liu Chengzong during the Lion Camp, or later into Qinghai with the Yuzi Camp, until they became the Generalissimo's Mansion... Zhang Tianlin was the leader of the joint camp in the early stage, and later became a camp general directly subordinate to Liu Chengzong, and was used to being organized.

I'm used to robbing wealthy families.

Therefore, he still felt that he was a bandit leader. The biggest change brought about by joining Liu Chengzong was that his subordinates became well-trained bandits.

As a result, the fake manager met the real soldiers and bandits.

He thought to himself: My camp of 5,000 people is only half an hour's walk away from you, why did you just go and rob it?

This is not treating me as a person at all!

Zhang Tianlin fell into deep self-doubt: Am I too kind-hearted?

Liu Chengzong was even more confused by the news. He thought to himself: Xingping and Xianyang haven't surrendered to me yet. These people are totally not following the rules!

It was not that he was not mentally prepared for the Ming army to plunder the place. In fact, he knew that as long as the Ming army reached Fengxiang Mansion, they would definitely plunder the place. After all, Fengxiang Mansion had surrendered to the Marshal's Mansion, and the people in the countryside had also been registered.

The people were the targets of the Ming army's plundering and no psychological burden.

But when the Liao soldiers crossed the river, they didn't even care about Zhang Tianlin, who was just around the corner. They ran away and ran to the outskirts of the county under the rule of Ming Dynasty to plunder villages. This not only exceeded their imagination, but the key point was that it was illogical.


Aren't they afraid of being punished for doing this?

Liu Chengzong once believed that this was a tactic used by the Liao generals to lure the enemy. The purpose was to lure Zhang Tianlin's brigade to separate, and then use the equipment advantages of the Liaodong cavalry to divide them and annihilate them.

However, war is a process of tactical game between the two sides. Liu Shishi cannot restrain himself because of uncertain guesses. Regardless of whether it is true or false, he must fight first. He just prepares an extra countermeasure.

Therefore, his order to Zhang Tianlin was to ignore the Liao military camps divided into two groups, and first concentrate on annihilating most of the Ming army that had crossed the Wei River, leaving Zhang Tianlin to wait for the opportunity. He led the two large battalions to arrive at the battlefield within two hours.

Zhang Tianlin was also unambiguous. After receiving the order, she wondered why she was waiting for an opportunity. Two battalions of infantry were standing there. Isn't that the virtue of being beaten anytime and anywhere?

The camp immediately dispatched troops. Zhang Tianlin ordered his deputy Zhao Zhirui to lead two thousand horsemen to attack the enemy's formation. The Isaac Star Formation surrounded the enemy's army. He personally led the Chinese army's three thousand infantry cavalry and thirteen large and small artillery pieces to slowly press forward.

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