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Chapter 588: Having both sides

"Brother Zhang, I'd like to propose a toast to you!"

The Yamen lobby in Yaozhou City was bustling with people.

The generals of the army and the rebel generals were exchanging cups with each other.

Zhang Zhenduan, the bee-tail needle, sat at the top, held up the porcelain wine glass with a smile on his face, and greeted Yang Yanchang at the bottom, smiling: "General Yang is so polite!"

After that, he looked at Yang Yanchang. Sitting on the tea seat over there was a young Ming army officer, wearing a red cloth armor. His alms bowl was placed on the tea table. He neither drank nor drank tea, but just put his hand on the tea table.

On the tea table, resting a wild goose feather knife.

Bee Tail Needle looked at it again and again, drank wine in his throat, turned to Yang Yanchang and said: "It looks like it, it looks so similar."

Yang Yanchang knew what he was talking about. The young officer beside him was named Liu Chengguang.

Yan'an old Liu Jiayao's ancestor Guangzong was one of the eight-member group who were lucky enough to have a prosperous family. He was considered to be Liu Chengzong's distant cousin.

Compared with Liu Shishi, he is a little shorter and thicker, but his face and cheekbones are almost carved from the same mold.

Yang Yanchang sneered in his heart, not only does it look like it to you, but it also feels like it to me.

In the past two years, the Yan'an Battalion was stationed outside and camped on the front line. When special situations occurred in the middle of the night, Yang Yanchang was often awakened from his deep sleep by his subordinates.

Every time Liu Chengguang came, Yang Yanchang was confused and thought that it was Liu Shizi who came to fuck him with a knife and ax.

In fact, this is outrageous. Yang Yanchang has never seen Liu Chengzong carrying a knife and ax.

But the deepest impression he had on Liu Shizi was that his plain clothes were stained with blood and he was carrying a knife and ax.

At that time, Liu Shishi rebelled and invaded the county government. Yang Yanchang only provided ordnance support for the Yan'an Guard. However, due to his status as an officer, he was stationed at the Yan'an Guard's Nanguan siege and did not participate in the war.

This image comes from the fact that after Fushi County was captured, the people in the city said that Liu Chengzong was invincible.

Of course, there are many legends circulating in Yan'an Fucheng.

He, Yang Yanchang, is also on the list. He is a ruthless character like a god of war who can single-handedly kill seven in and seven out of the rebel army. He defeated Liu Chengzong several times and returned home in defeat.

Bee Tail Needle poured another glass of wine, and this time he raised the glass and offered it to Liu Chengguang, but Liu Chengguang refused to drink with him, and Zhang Zhen didn't take it seriously, and drank the wine with a smile.

Then he asked Yang Yanchang: "Where is General Liu and what position does he hold now?"

Liu Chengguang, who had been silent until now, spoke: "General Manager of the Yan'an Camp."

Beetail Needle was startled and looked at Yang Yanchang with wide eyes: "How can you, General Liu, be so talented that you can only be ranked as the commander-in-chief? Why not let him be the staff general and General Yang be the thousand-year-old general."

This was just a joke to Yang Yanchang, but Mi Layin and Ding Guodong, who were sitting silently on the other side of the hall, looked at each other.

They both knew that Zhang Zhen was serious about what he said, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all.

Because bee-tail needles can really do this kind of thing.

On the other hand, Yang Yanchang had a good temper. He spread his hands with a smile and said, "I also want Chengguang to be President Qian, but President Qian is Xiangshan Ye, who is Chengguang's father."

"damn it!"

Zhang Zhen was speaking well, but suddenly he began to curse. He turned to Ding Guodong and said, "I regret it. We three brothers should not have surrendered to the imperial court."

Ding Guodong and Mila Yinxin said, you pretend to be quite similar, isn't this just the commander's tactic to delay the attack?

Just when the battle in the south was about to begin, the officers and soldiers of the fifth battalion on the north road heard that Yaozhou had fallen, and immediately went south from Jinsuoguan to Tongguan County, Yaozhou, then crossed the Ju River and Chenbingsi Valley Plateau to surround the north of Yaozhou.

The officers and troops of the fifth battalion were huge, and Zhang Zhen and Ding Mi, two generals, led the three small battalions of Gansu Province with only a few generals. They immediately retracted their defensive posture and were defeated.

Then they sent envoys to communicate, stating that they were all Gansu frontier troops of the imperial court and wanted to rectify the situation anyway, and asked the government and army to send people into the city to discuss surrender matters.

The two sides hit it off immediately.

It’s not that the generals of the Fifth Battalion immediately agreed with the surrender of the Gansu Third Battalion. In fact, four of the five people didn’t believe it.

However, since three of them have different levels of ulterior motives, and the other two have relatively simple ways of thinking, they have come to highly consistent results.

After some discussion among the generals of the fifth battalion, they easily came to the decision to communicate with each other first and report to the court.

First, there was He Renlong, who was Liu Chengzong's commander when he was in the army, and also participated in the Hehuang Battle. He was a general who was relatively familiar with the Marshal's Army.

He would rather believe that pigs can fly than believe that Liu Chengzong's army will take the initiative anyway.

Especially the Gansu Third Battalion, the guest troops brought from Gansu to Guanzhong to fight, it is impossible for them to stop before the imperial court regains Gansu.

What's more, He Yong was sent by He Renlong to inform the Marshal's army.

Because he was a vanguard, and with the overwhelming momentum of the officers and soldiers of the fifth battalion, he hoped to scare away the marshal's army entrenched in Yaozhou.

The outcome of the battlefield ahead was still uncertain. If the situation turned bad, he would have to lead his troops and run away, so he would first try to recover the city.

Unexpectedly, He Yong went there and contacted Zhang Zhen. Instead of being scared away, he actually said he wanted to surrender - He Renlong knew there was a scam inside.

But he doesn't tell others.

He himself felt uneasy before it was too late, fearing that the defenders in the city would use a stratagem to alienate him and tell the other battalion commanders that someone had tipped him off.

As for Cao Bianjiao, he was in a very confident period.

Because the Pingliang army he led was well raised by the King of Han, and they trained very hard on weekdays, so their quality was very high.

So his idea was relatively simple. Regardless of whether he surrendered or not, the army was not ready to attack the city anyway.

When they went south from Qingyang, they walked through mountainous terrain. They did not bring any siege equipment with them, and they did not reach level ground until they entered Yaozhou. At this time, if they attack the city by force, they will inevitably suffer huge losses.

The top priority is to rush to make equipment on the Sigou Plateau.

You can use the excuse of discussing surrender anyway to prevent the defenders from leaving the city to cause trouble. How wonderful!

In just a few days, the equipment was built, and the defenders in the city surrendered if they surrendered. If they didn't surrender, they would all be killed for military exploits. Even better!

Of course, among these five generals, Cao Bianjiao was the more radical, and Yang Yanchang was very opposed to him.

Yang Yanchang had always been at odds with General Guan Ning's army. He and Cao Bianjiao had never quarreled over anything when they first joined hands in Shanxi many years ago.

What's more, Yang Yanchang thinks that it's a good thing if someone is willing. We should accept them, otherwise how can anyone surrender in the future?

Say it again... There is no more words left. Yang Yanchang only dared to whisper in his heart: If they change the situation anyway, then I don’t have to surrender!

But General Ren Quan'er obviously had a different opinion: "What the hell, how could the thieves surrender? It must be a fake surrender. Let them put down their weapons and go out of the city to be reorganized. General Xiao Cao will kill them all. No one will be wronged!"

Cao Bianjiao then introduced Ren Quan'er as his confidant.

Little Cao Xin said: I can't tell, Commander Ren's attitude towards traitors is very similar to my old uncle, he hates evil as much as he hates it!

But Ren Quan'er's thinking direction is the opposite.

If these people were pretending to surrender, they would never lay down their weapons and leave the city.

If they put down their weapons and go out of the city, they will most likely surrender and let Cao Bianjiao kill them. In the future, no one of the commander's subordinates will dare to surrender!

I let Quan'er strategize, and he accomplished a great service for the superior without showing off his merits, which was a great pleasure.

If they put down their weapons and went out of the city to accept reorganization or fake surrender, then they would be considered dead by Cao Bianjiao and have little to do with Ren Quan'er and me.

At most, the commander will lose several thousand men and horses, so there will be no need to resort to false surrender tactics in the future.

Anyway, the result is the same. None of the officers and generals dare to surrender.

A mixed success!

The only person who can treat Zhang Zhen with a normal attitude is Zhang Yingchang.

Zhang Yingchang really didn't think too much about it. He had the highest official position among the five generals and was considered the commander of this battle. Just coordinating the five battalions of generals and soldiers around him was almost exhausting him physically and mentally.

My head is about to explode.

He Renlong was always dissatisfied with him, and Cao Bianjiao had his own set of guest army values, so he appointed Quan'er to let him have some peace of mind. He would always be the boss, the boss would be short, he would smile when he met, and he could bow his head and obey.

The most difficult thing to handle is Yang Yanchang.

This person seems to be a pretty normal person, but his words and deeds are inconsistent with his appearance. He often agrees to something, then turns around and leads the army in the opposite direction. He still has the virtue of responding to requests when we meet again.

The whole person seemed to be suffering from some strange disease that could not control the facial features and limbs.

Zhang Yingchang really felt that he could report to the Gansu Third Battalion to practice state affairs. If these three small camps of 2,000 people were successful, at least he would have an army he could trust.

Because of this, Bee Tail Needle Zhang Zhen's request to surrender was actually reached an agreement among the five generals who had their own thoughts, and it took only one day for both parties to push forward the matter.

However, Zhang Zhen refused to leave the city until he saw the court's acceptance of the documents, but allowed the Ming army to send a general into the city to interview him.

Ren Quan'er and Cao Bianjiao vehemently refused to be interviewed, believing that the matter was fraudulent.

He Renlong also refused. He also thought it was a fraud, but he had a secret in his heart and did not dare to express his position as fiercely as Ren and Cao.

Zhang Yingchang felt that if he entered the city and was killed, the Ming army would have no hope.

In the end, everyone turned their eyes to Yang Yanchang, who couldn't control himself.

Yang Yanchang was also afraid of being killed when he entered the city, so he brought Liu Chengguang, a non-staff member of the Marshal's Mansion.

However, after entering the city, the security in Yaozhou City was not bad, and Zhang Zhen and others treated him well, not to say respectful, but at least very cordial.

This approach made Yang Yanchang feel more at ease.

It's just that they all have their own agendas and are suspicious of each other, so the issue of recruitment and surrender is stuck here, unable to make any progress.

When he heard that Zhang Zhen said that he regretted it, Yang Yanchang's heart immediately rose to his throat: "Brother Zhang, why did you say this?"

Bee Tail Needle looked normal, shook his head and sighed: "Generals like Yang and Liu are such great heroes, but they are only subordinate to the generals. What kind of official position can Zhang get by leading the troops? The imperial court is ignorant.

The wisdom of man!"

Yang Yanchang let out a breath, leaned back with his straight body, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Brother Zhang, don't worry about this."

"General Zhang outside the city has reported the matter to Lian Futai on flying horse. The official positions he sought for the three generals are a deputy general, a staff general, and a guerrilla. They will never be lower than these official positions.


He comforted Zhang and Zhen for a while, then leaned forward slightly and asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhang, there are no outsiders here. Why don't you tell me the truth, are the three generals really surrendering or are they pretending to surrender?"

"Don't worry, whether it's true or false, I can help you."

After hearing this, Zhang Zhen turned his head and closed his eyes, rolled his eyes, and sighed in his heart: No matter whether it is true or false, he can help. Is the commander-in-chief's relationship in northern Shaanxi so hard?

Then he denied this in his mind and concluded that Yang Yanchang was lying to him.

He clearly remembered that when Liu Chengzong handed over the mission to him, his original words were that Ren Quan'er, He Renlong, and Yang Yanchang had old friendships, but he did not say that they could be trusted.

In other words, the Generalissimo had no idea about the three of them.

Where did Zhang Zhen come from?

He immediately decided not to take the bait, opened his eyes, frowned at Yang Yanchang and asked: "Where did General Yang's words come from? I am now in the Commander's Mansion, and I intend to do whatever it takes; the General is in the court, but he said such words.


After saying that, Zhang Zhen stared at Yang Yanchang's expression seriously: "Then please tell me the truth, General Yang, where are you from?"

Which side?

Yang Yanchang thought: I don’t know either!

I am a fully automatic general, and you ask me which side I belong to... This kind of question is too profound.

In fact, as early as a few years ago during the siege of Yan'an Wei Nanguan, Yang Yanchang had thought about this issue when he saw the fishing rod Ren Quan'er left for him at Fan Gongjing.

He is just greedy.

He was greedy for the power of the guards officers, and was unwilling to follow Liu Shizi in joining the army and becoming a desperado.

He was greedy for the reputation of Yan'an's God of War as a regional fierce general, and was unwilling to completely cut ties with the leader of the rebellious peasant army.

He was greedy for the official position given to him by the Ming Dynasty, the salary given to him, and the imperial edict given to his mother-in-law; he was also greedy for the support Liu family gave him in Yan'an Mansion, including a letter that defeated Liu Chengzong.

Although he is controlled by others, he still covets the comfort of life in Yan'anwei, and is eager to maintain this kind of living situation that has both ends and ends.

When Liu Chengzong only had one lion camp, he could have both sides between Liu Chengzong and the Ming Dynasty. At that time, his road was wide.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But as Liu Chengzong's power expanded like a bubble in urine, the military conflict between the Ming Dynasty and the commander-in-chief became increasingly intensified, and his road became narrower and narrower.

Yang Yanchang already knows that if he continues, there will be no return.

But he had no choice.

"It's okay to tell the truth."

Zhang Zhen's question caused him to fall into deep thought. After thinking for a moment, Yang Yanchang raised his head and said with a complicated smile: "I am a member of the Yan'an Guard. Wherever the Yan'an Guard is, I am on that side."

Zhang Zhen's eyes flashed, confirming that Yang Yanchang was not a handsome man!

However, this person was not firm towards Ming Dynasty and seemed to be just a loser.

At this moment, an officer from the Liangzhou camp quickly walked into the yamen, cupped his fists and reported: "General, there are two groups of messengers knocking at the south gate. One is the messenger from General Yang's camp. He is here in a hurry, and the other..."

The officer glanced at Yang Yanchang, walked up to the hall, and whispered to Zhang Zhen: "The other one was sent by the commander-in-chief. The two groups collided outside the south gate."

Zhang Zhen nodded slowly: "Let everyone in."

When Yang Yanchang heard that a messenger was coming from outside, he waited anxiously for a moment. When two messenger cavalrymen with similar uniforms entered the hall, he quickly took the letter from his soldiers and read it.

Zhang Zhen was also reading the letter, and his brows relaxed greatly after reading it. The letter was sent by someone sent by Liu Chengzong, telling him that the Huguang Allied Forces in the south had been defeated, and the main force was heading north at this time.

When Yang Yanchang saw the letter, he was obviously surprised, causing Zhang Zhen to ask: "I wonder what news the general has received. Can you tell us?"

"Heh, that's good news." Yang Yanchang forced himself to calm down and laughed, and said: "Report from the west. General Cao led the Ningxia army to join forces with Zuo Shuai, recaptured the Qinzhou Guard, and led the army to attack Fengxiang Mansion."

"The Sichuan Marquis General in the southwest also sent troops to march into Fengxiang, Long Zaitian. Now they have conquered Dashan Pass. Anyway, it is a great opportunity for the general."

Zhang Zhen put away the letter in his hand and said with a smile: "Sure enough, the court has also learned the news. I said here that the rebel general Luo Rucai has been defeated and fled to Fengxiang Prefecture to rule the city... General, this is?"

He was still here pretending to be relaxed and joking, but he saw that Yang Yanchang had already stood up and left the table. He clasped his fists and said goodbye: "There is an emergency in the camp and I am asked to leave the city. I would also like to ask General Zhang to order someone to open the city gate."


Before Zhang Zhen could speak, Ding Guodong, who was sitting next to him, had already stood up and looked at Yang Yanchang and said, "The general is in such a hurry to leave. Is it true that the imperial court's victory is false, and that the army's preparations to storm the city are true?"

These words made Yang Yanchang so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, and he denied it repeatedly. Liu Chengguang beside him grasped the handle of his knife and stood up. Looking at his posture, he was ready to force his way out of the city.

Zhang Zhen stretched out his hand to stop Ding Guodong: "General Ding, in front of General Liu, you must not make any mistakes... I believe that Brother Yang is a man who must not have the army to attack the city, right?"

Yang Yanchang nodded quickly, cast a grateful look at Zhang Zhen, and said, "There really is something going on in the camp."

"Then don't worry, General, when you go back to handle military affairs, someone will open the city gate."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Yanchang turned around and walked quickly outside the Yamen. Liu Chengguang followed suit and walked to the door of the Yamen. He turned around and saluted Zhang Zhen, who had always respected him, with a fist in his hand, and then left.

At this moment, Mi Laoyin also stood up, walked to Zhang Zhen and said: "Brother Feng is trying to avoid the rat, but I think this boy and the commander-in-chief are not of the same mind. If he is really killed in the city, the commander-in-chief will not blame him even if he comes."


"You have the final say?"

Bee Tail Needle gave a bitter smile and said to Mi Layin: "The three of us are the retainers who work for the handsome master. The boy you call is the handsome master's family."

"Even if he doesn't have the same heart as the handsome master, he deserves to die among thousands of armies because of his brain damage, and he can't die at the hands of the three of us... Don't worry."

After saying this, Bee Tail Needle said with a relaxed smile: "The handsome man has already won the battle in the south. I see that Yang Yanchang is walking in such a hurry. It seems that he is not attacking the city outside the city. Let's go to the city to take a look first."

"Even if they want to attack the city, we can still defend it until the handsome man comes to help."

Outside, after leaving the Yamen, he got on his horse and galloped towards Yang Yanchang at the north gate.

Liu Chengguang saw the city gate with his own eyes, and then asked Yang Yanchang: "General, isn't it written that we will win by the west, so why are we moving in such a hurry?"

"Is this still urgent?"

Yang Yanchang stared at Liu Chengguang: "I have no choice, damn Ren Quan'er!"

"What's wrong with Ren Quan'er?"

Yang Yanchang raised his hand and pointed to the south: "The letter says that the west will win, but when Ren Quan'er received the news of the west's victory, he led the Yan'an guards to break camp and run south to join Liu Chengzong! Come on, come on, we have to go back to the camp and chase him.


"It doesn't matter if he lets Quan'er run away. Our family members in Yan'an are still in his hands. Now it's better. The West might as well lose!" If you like naughty thieves, please collect it: (www.sodu777.net) Naughty

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